MacBook Air :: What Sort Of Delays Would I Be Seeing In The Streaming Process
Jan 27, 2009
I reviewed the guide about saving your media on a external drive and accessing it via the Internet and successfully set that up. I have about 700 GBs of space available on that all setup through my AEBS. Would it be possible to store my media (music/movies) on that and stream them from there when I am remotely (i.e. at work, starbucks, etc...). What sort of delays would I be seeing in the streaming process? My connection at home is roughly 7 down and 1.5 upload.
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Oct 16, 2010
When running large keynote files (with some embedded videos) my Keynote pauses sometimes for 30 seconds or so to swap. I figured I'd just add memory, but now I have 2gig and the Activity Monitor shows that keynote is only using about 200 meg. The keynote data file is about one gig, so there is plenty of room to move it all in before I start my presentation. Any way I can make keynote run load all at once and run directly from memory? Obviously it works better for me if all the delay is at startup time when my audience is still out of the room .
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May 21, 2012
There appears to be a rather serious (IMHO) design oversight in OS X's file system routines, as concerns the handling of external drives with power-save features. I've never bothered mentioning this online before, as I've always expected it to be resolved, "in the next update". But I've been waiting now since 10.4 Tiger and nothing yet. So I figured I'd raise the issue in here, at least to see what others might have to say about it.
I keep an external (Seagate) USB drive connected to my personal iMac, for use mostly by Time Machine. I'm sure I'm by no means alone in this practice. :-D The drive is, of course, modern and nice enough to power down when not in use (well, "spin down" at least.) The trouble is, even though OS X's disk caching system really ought to know (IMHO) that the drive has not been unplugged or accessed by anything else since OS X itself last did so -- alas, for the likes of Save As ... dialog boxes, we still get a several-second Finder UI "lock up" -- usually accompanied by "the spinning beach-ball of death" -- while the OS merely waits for the external USB drive to spin up and say, "Yup. Still here. Nothing has changed and all is well. Carry on!", before finally presenting the list of places I might want to save my file at.
This happens in all applications, apparently any and every time the OS wants to refresh the list of available storage devices. So it's obviously an OS X cache/driver issue, as opposed to anything in user-land. Wouldn't you agreed?
I guess my first question would have to be, "Is there something I've not been able to find, which I can in fact already do to fix this problem?"
I know it's not just me, actually, because we have five (5) Macs in and about the home office, which all exhibit this highly frustrating behavior. Two use Seagate USB drives (one is 5.25", the other 3.5") while two others use Western Digital drives and the final has two Samsung drives, in custom enclosures. In fact, that last machine -- with an second drive solely for additional mass storage -- has us waiting while both drives spin up, in turn, which is frankly just terrible.
Indeed, the retired TV producer gentleman who owns this particular machine, swears that his iMac is, "the worse Mac I've ever owned", solely because of this problem of, "... constant $@#% delays ...", as he puts it.
Meanwhile, I've been trying to convince the old fellow that doing a full system re-install is highly unlikely to fix his problem. He harkens back to the days of OS 7?P.S: While I remember it -- there's another problem you might have come across, whereby if an external display is connected but turned off, the UI (mouse pointer etc) continuously pauses about even second or so, forcing me to either unplug the external (DVI) display or leave it turned on, even when I'm not using it for hours on end. This one is not nearly such a biggie as the USB drive one, in my view. But a curiosity, none the less.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 16GB RAM
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a Mac Pro with several raid array and single drives attached (1x Wiebetech RTX600 Raid 5 through SCSI; 1x CalDigit HDElement Raid 5 through miniSAS; 4x internal drives).Unfortunately, due to various reasons (electricity outtage and software crashes), I'm experiencing system crashes and need to hard re-start the system. Upon restart, I am able to boot back into Mac OS X, but sometimes one, or both of the raid arrays will not mount.However, after a period of 0.5 - 2 hours, the array would magically re-appear again. Sometimes this might even happen to internal drives that I had mounted inside the chassis of the Mac Pro.
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Feb 26, 2010
I am wondering if anyone knows of a good osx based alternative to Process Explorer on windows - what I'd like to be able to do is graph CPU and memory for a specific process and ideally see what network connections a specific process has open. atMonitor seems to do this pretty well generally, but not for specific processes (this is for monitoring a multiplayer flash game).
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Mar 14, 2012
I'm using Mac mail. I have a hotmail acct that I use MBOX mail as a go-between between it and Mac Mail so I can use IMAP and get me hotmail folders etc. It's working great escept for the fact that sometimes there are long delays where I don't receive emails that are coming in. Sometime not even when I click "get mail." I have to right click on the account and click "get info." That will start showing all the data on the account and usually bring in the new emails that have been sitting there for a while.
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Jul 11, 2008
This was a big selling point of the service -- being able to send direct links to people via email to allow them to download files from your iDisk (like [URL]). Not only is it not there, but according to a thread on Apple Support, Apple has removed the video presentation of the feature from the web site.
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Jul 20, 2009
I have an Ibook g3 700mhz 384 MB and having dificulty watching streaming video for ex. or any other. I can watch movies on flash drive and dvds no probs or from harddrive but streaming is very choppy. I know connection is not the issue (I have broadband) and streaming works fine on sony desktop running xp 1ghz with 256 mb ram. What gives?
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Mar 31, 2012
When looking in 'About this mac', then 'More info',then 'Storage', I have a very long yellow line. What sort of data causes this and how do I reduce it?
imac pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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May 22, 2008
I've had my MacBook for around two months now, and I've noticed this problem ever since I got it. The screen looks sort of washed out, similar to issue the iPod touch had when it first came out. Blacks don't appear black enough. It looks fine if you're looking up at the screen, but if you look down to it, dark colors are too light. I've tried the color calibration, and it has helped a little, but the problem still exists. Is there a way I can get rid of this? I've posted some pics below. They were taken with my iMac's camera, so they aren't that good.
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May 6, 2010
I remember reading somewhere that a new updated was released a few days after the MBP's that everybody should download if you bought one.
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Apr 29, 2012
I was wondering how I can sort by file type? I have a bunch of .moi and .mod files in a directory and want yo delete the .moi files. If I could sort by type, then it would just be a matter of highlighting those and deleting. I tried sorting by kind, but since they are seen as Unix Executable files by the OS, it sorts them but not by .moi or .mod.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 26, 2009
I have an eMachines PS/2 keyboard that I have hooked up to my MacBook Pro with a PS/2 to USB adapter. The keyboard initially receives power I know because the three lights for numlock, caps lock and scroll lock all light up when I plug it in. However, I am not able to use the keyboard at all... is there anyway I would be able to use it with a download or something?
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Apr 25, 2010
I have a unibody MBP with Snow Leopard on it. I haven't put a disk in it in a long time but tonight when I did, it slowly spins, etc and then ejects it in about 15 seconds. It doesn't show up in finder at all.
I first put in my snow leopard disk, then a dvd, then a music cd... nothing.
I went to the finder preferences and made sure everything looked ok, but no joy.
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Nov 16, 2010
Everything was ok until last night when I noticed this. I'm sure I didn't change anything manually in the network settings, but now I can't keep a connection for more than 10 mins. To get it back again I have to shut the airport connection (checking the diagnostics, I get a red light on the ISP circle,yellow on Internet and server) and that lasts me another 10 mins
so far I've tried sending pings, deleting this network entry and adding it back,changing the router position, but no luck. I'm able to check the router settings (tp link), but not sure what I should be looking for
the laptop works fine at my sister's place. It's just this network at home I'm having troubles with. the same thing happened all of a sudden with my imac,so I left the Ethernet cable connected to that, as it's right next to the router and it works fine.
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May 30, 2010
It's a 15" 2.66 i7
And when I try to empty the trash this is the message I get.
Even though the trash is empty, the icon won't change
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Sep 6, 2014
All of a sudden my computer just stopped playing any videos from any website like youtube and facebook etc.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Mar 31, 2012
There is a process, "PocketCloudService" that I cannot finish even from terminal (kill PID), the response is "Operation not permitted". I did the same of killing proceses from terminal and it worked, but it doesn't with this process. It belonged to a program that I unistalled, "Pocket Cloud". I reinstalled that program and unistalled again, but the process continues running, even if I restart the mac. It's annoying because sometimes it spends about 80% CPU, warming my mac (and my patience!), therefore I finish the process "PocketCloudService" from Activity Monitor, but it restarts few seconds after. I just want to delete or block the source that launches that process and not have to stop it manually anymore.From activity monitor when I check the process, the main process is "launchd (1)", user: root (0)
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 9, 2009
I've recently bought the stock 17" MBP and am loving it! However just a quick question to all those who have used it. I have noticed that when I pick it up, the bottom panel underneath sort of bends slightly when my fingers press against it. It feels like the alu is bending slightly only in certain places on the base. I may just be another paranoid mac freak but has anyone else found this? I had an old 15" MBP and didn't have any similar issues with that. Loving the computer tho, the screen is fantastic!
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Dec 1, 2014
I'm using macbook pro 2009 15'' certain layers of display have a green black matrix sort of effect...
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Nov 14, 2010
How does your MBA 11 or 13 do streaming netflix, and what are your brightness settings and battery times like?
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Oct 20, 2009
Hi so I just got a new macbook pro the other day and am having some trouble. My school has streaming lectures I need to access but they are in wmv format. I have downloaded both flip4mac and vlc but neither seem to work. Quicktime will either tell me that it cannot open urls that begin with "mms" or give me "osstatus error-19160". VLC media player gives me an error message saying your input can't be opened. The url begins with mms and ends with a .wmv. I don't want to have to use windows through bootcamp to stream the lectures if I can help it. To access the website and each individual video I need to enter in my username and password on the website and then into windows media player on a pc, I'm not sure if this makes any difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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Jul 31, 2010
If so, why the hell does it go to sleep causing my Apple TV to suddenly go back to the menu screen.
Some things about Apple are really very crap.
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Jun 30, 2012
Yesterday, I bought an hdm cord and adapter so it would fit into my MacBook Air. I also bought a separate speaker system. When I set it up, it worked perfectly. I had to disconnect my MacBook and when I set everything up, it did not work. I could see my MacBook's background colors on the TV, but the video would not stream. I could see it on my computer, but not on the TV.
iPhone 4S
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May 14, 2010
How long does it usually take to burn a movie (approx 700mb - 1GB lasting roughly 2hours) on a new macbook pro 13" ? My friend has an macbook alu and she said it took her 6 hours to burn a movie. We have a hunk a junk PC with a DVD burner and took 2 hours to burn a DVD. Anyway I can speed things up?
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Jun 4, 2014
Ive just started to download a data analysis program on my Mac, but have since changed my mind and no longer want the program on my Mac .
I have paused it, but it was about 3 minutes into a 10 minute download.
Does this mean that I have stopped the download and there will be no change to my computer?
Also, do I need to remove it?
MacBook Air
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Oct 24, 2010
I stream movies alot so I'm very interested in the new MBA's netflix streaming performance. Please state which model you are using, as I don't know which one I want yet.
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Dec 22, 2008
So, at the moment I'm torn between the Rev B 1.86 SSD MBA and a fully loaded (2.4/4GB/128 SSD) MB to replace my aging MBP. As a student, my usage is light, with the caveat that I watch an awful lot of streaming video in Safari - sites like Channelsurfing, Megavideo and especially ESPN360. Am I likely to run into major fan/heat issues with this kind of usage profile, or have the revisions Apple has made to Rev B made a big enough difference to assuage my worries?
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May 4, 2010
I just got a macbook. I love it with the exception that when I stream sports, the picture and sound are clear but the picture's streaming speed isn't steady.
For instance, a watching hockey, it looks like the players are speeding up and slowing down the entire time.
Does anyone know of a driver that I can run to stop this? Maybe a different browser. I have tried firefox and safari and the problem is the same on both.
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May 25, 2012
I like to watch a lot of video live streaming, but on my mac book pro, i can't seem to watch any live streaming, is there something I need to download in order to watch live streaming.
MacBook Pro
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