MacBook Air :: What Is The Difference In Speed Of Opening Apps
Oct 24, 2010What is the difference in speed of opening apps?
View 7 RepliesWhat is the difference in speed of opening apps?
View 7 RepliesI'm finding my MBA rev b to be quite slow opening apps, I bought the 1.6 ghz 120gb model.
It seems like everything's rather slow to open. I have 30gb free on the hard drive, iTunes, Safari (5 tabs) TextWrangler and mail open all day.
If I ever need to go into Firefox it takes a fair while to get up and running. I ran some xbench scores and it seems very slow on the random reads, oddly it was much quicker writing to the disk than reading.
Is their anyone in the know who can confirm that this is normal? Or if not, is there anything I can do to give it a boost?
i have a 1.5 Mbps AT&T DSL connection, and multiple speed tests show a download speed of 1.2 Mbps (and 200 Kbps upload). when i download files, such as software updates from Apple, various podcasts, and even Silverlight from Microshaft, the speed is always between 140 - 160 Kbps. i contacted AT&T, and the rep said it was because of buffering by the servers i was receiving the files from. is this a reasonable explanation? is this an accurate use of the term "buffering"?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow much speed difference is there? Battery I take it is almost double in real life, actually using the MBA. I get barely 3 hours with moderate use on my Rev B and I take it most people get close to 7 with similar usage?
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust wondering what the speed difference would be if i upgraded from 5400 to 7200 RPM? Is it worth it or perhaps is an external drive the way to go?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know this topic has been gone over several times, but I'm still having trouble deciding on which to get in a new 15", 2.8Ghz MBP - 5400/500GB, or 7200rpm/320GB (or 500, really). I'll be using the machine largely for graphic design, but also for various other tasks as my main computer. I've heard the faster drive IS a noticeable difference, but it also drains battery life and runs hot. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this anywhere. Is the 7200 worth it?
View 19 Replies View RelatedIs it worth the extra cash to go up to the 2.13? I know it's a small amount, but that could be a new mouse, or a super drive. I've seen tests that indicate the rev b 1.86 is actually faster than the new 2.13. This will be my only personal mac. I'm a graphic designer (adobe cs4) but I don't do much design work on my personal computer (I have a nice iMac at work). The usual facebook, email, web browsing, YouTube
View 22 Replies View RelatedI currently have a early macbook 2008, 2.1GHz, 1GB ram. and im wondering if the base imac is A LOT quicker?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently had the 2.8Ghz 24inch imac with 2Gb memore and 320Gb hard drive with the ati graphics but had a display problem so returned it but my current pc is so slow i need a new computer now so i'm looking at the 24inch 2.66Ghz model but what sped difference will i see in sped from 2.8-2.66 and will the nvidia graphics be better, worse or the same as the recent ATI graphics and is the memore a bigger improvement with now 4Gb ddr3
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to decide whether to buy the express or the extreme.
I will only be using it for web surfing with my macbook pro.
But in the near future I might buy a wifi skype phone (which is g).
If I'm using the express, that means my macbook pro connection will change from n to g (because it is not simultaneous as in the extreme) when the wifi phone connects.
Will shifting from n to g change drastically my internet speeds in my macbook pro?
If my download speed is 300 Kb/s and my upload is 30 Kb/s with "n"; how much will that change when shifting to "g"?
I'm looking to replace my current external drive with a newer, larger drive. My current drive is connected via Firewire and houses my iTunes library, plus movie files, documents, etc. I'm trying to decide between a portable drive (the Western Digital Passport, for example), and another desktop drive (like say, this one [URL:..]Questions I have:
- Is there any reason to be concerned about longevity when using a portable drive?
- Does a desktop drive typically perform better than a desktop drive?
- Is there a noticeable speed difference between USB 2.0 and Firewire?
Some apps like VLC, Skype etc. won't open. They show up in the dock and starts to bounce, but all they do is keep on bouncing for 1-2 minutes. I started up my Mac in SafeMode and then the applications worked just fine! So i think its some thirdparty application that messes with my apps.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i have a 1.5 Mbps AT&T DSL connection, and multiple speed tests show a download speed of 1.2 Mbps (and 200 Kbps upload). when i download files, such as software updates from Apple, various podcasts, and even Silverlight from Microshaft, the speed is always between 140 - 160 Kbps. i contacted AT&T, and the rep said it was because of buffering by the servers i was receiving the files from.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I got my first laptop and decided to splurge and got a mac. Now it's great, works great, took me a while to get used to the OS but love my mac now. I use it predominantly for surfing and just basic but am also doing filmmaking. My friend has a macbook pro with 4gb ram and better proccessor, and we used that for film editing, but want to make upgrade mine into one as well (filmmaking laptop). I also may want to use it for gaming (starcraft), photoshop and just a whole bunch of apps and programs. Should I upgrade the ram, get it upgraded for me (get someone to put in the ram) should I even buy ram, is there anything I can do to make a faster processor? Also, my internet is kinda slow, anything I can do to speed it up? Finally, my mac sometimes lags when there's a lot off apps open so I was thinking of upgrading it. I don't have much of a budget (probably not even a 100) so I need something cheap, but don't want shotty second hand stuff. How much can I add, and what else can I do? On another note, Ive been using firefox as my default browser and have added a whole bunch off addons, any other programs I should get for firefox OR any programs I should get for my mac?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have been having a very odd problem with my MacBook lately. It takes a while for it to turn on, and when it turns on, it is for the most part frozen for a few minutes. I can move the mouse around and such, but no applications will open. My only application that opens on startup automatically is iChat, but now when it tries to open it has a pop up that says "Lost Connection with (my username)" Now, after a few minutes, I am able to open up certain applications like iChat, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Word, Safari, and several others, but they freeze up a whole lot with the colorful wheel. I quit the application after it thinks for a few minutes and once I quit it a pop up says "(application I was using) Quit While Being Irresponsive" with links to send the problem to Mac. Now there are several other applications that will not open altogether. I have Final Cut Express, and when I try to open it, it has the arrow under the icon on the dock as if it were opening, but it never does, and quits automatically after a few minutes. Then after my computer is on for a while or if I let an application run long enough being frozen, my screen goes grey and has a box with a message saying I need to restart my computer. I have no idea what the problem with my computer is
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy 100G space came up as full last night so I freed up about 15g. space, but now today I notice it is going way slow, taking forever to open or show data in files - eg if I click on the master application folder - the names of indiv. folders show but file content on right doesn't come up until about 30 secs, and the computer itself is making all sorts of whirring/clicking type sounds which i called "thinking" but it's as if the memory is still full and is operating at half it's speed.
I have a 2.16 GHz intel core duo processor, and memory is 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.
Get info shows: Capacity of 99.69GB, avail is 14.11 GB
Any tips on what has happened since last night to today? I thought it would be running faster and accessing files really easily.
I just got a pop up saying: Your iDisk is unavailable. Make sure you are logged in to your MObile ME acct, then try again to access your iDisk.
COuld this be the problem? I've never seen this before. What is my iDisk, and what does it do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Does anyone know if apple let's the 17" Gpu run faster since it probably has better cooling than a 15"?
I remember Mr. Jobs saying that when they put the 9400m into the MacBook Air they had to slow it down due to cooling issues with the Airs smaller case ( something like 4x faster than the previous intel gma vs. 5x in the 13")
Made me wonder if the same is true in reverse when they have better cooler and more space to play with.
Any links or MHz speed on this would be awesome.
For almost the last year I have been using an Airport Extreme on 2.4b/g and and Airport express in my room to extend my wireless network. I also have a usb hdd configured to back up my macbook using time machine. Well I have a new roommate moving in and he has his own extreme and two expresses.
I have some questions on what would be the best way to consolidate our networking devices. I considered us selling our extremes and getting the new time capsule so both of our macs can use 5ghz while my girlfriends dell uses the 2.4.
Is there a noticeable speed difference between time capsule backup vs hard drive to extreme connected via usb?
I started video ages ago but the monumental moment was the switch to mac. I started with a 20" Al. iMac with 4 gigs of ram. Started off okay as I was still doing standard definition. Then I went hi-def and I fall asleep during rendering times. It's time to go pro. I will be getting a 8 core 2.8ghz mac pro with 32 gigs ram and 512 video card (NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB). What I am asking you guys is what hard drive set up (Solid state and Normal Hard drive) will help accelerate the rendering time?
Here's what I think:
Drive 1: SSD 80gig
used for OS & Apps
Drive 2: SSD 250gig
Used for CURRENT project of the week. Used to read info.
Drive 3: 10k RPM drive 500-1000gig
Scratch Disk for writing/rendering projects
Drive 4: Storage
Keep in mind that I also use shake, quake, logic 8, PS3, and crunch a lot of DVD's to video.
I have a problem with my MacBook with applications 'bouncing' in the dock and not opening. I took the macbook into the genius store and they said it wasn't a permissions issue they thought it was some 3rd party programme I have loaded.
I have loaded Snow Leopard onto both my iMac and Macbook, the same apps work fine on the iMac but on my MacBook i am having to reinstall nearly all my apps to get them to work.The problem started a few weeks ago with leopard and I was hoping that with Snow Leopard it would sort it but as I used Time Machine to import all my data after upgrading I seem to have brought the problem into Snow Leopard.
The only thing I have done around the time this started happening that I can think of is that I downloaded one of those programmes that help free up space on the mac by deleting all unnecessary languages (I just need British English) . could taking languages off interfere with so many apps?
Up graded to Lion last week. Everything fine until today. Opening apps takes 30 to 45 secs. Clicking anything on menu bar takes the same time. Everything is so slow I can't hardly use the machine. This happened to me about 10 days ago when I was running 10.6.8 which is why I formatted a new boot disc & installed Lion. Now it's happening again after a week of using Lion. Can I supply any logs to help an expert diagnose my problem & if so which ones? Meanwhile I will try safe boot & another account & report back.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having a bit of an issue with my 13 MBP. With absolutely no rhyme or reason as to frequency, I have been having issues where all of a sudden:
I can't create folders on the desktop (Error code -50)
iTunes won't open (error code 13014)
Spotlight won't search (returns dictionary definitions)
Firefox won't open (A copy is already running...)
Thunderbird won't open (A copy is already running...)
and probably other problems I can't recall right off.
The machine is slow to restart when I do; one time I couldn't get past the gray screen for an hour. Once it gets through a restart however everything is fine for some amount of time before the problem happens again. I have received two kernel panics in the past week. Both came off the back of waking the laptop from sleep. As far as I can tell (or remember), I haven't installed anything that would cause the system to go nuts. I have TM backups, would prefer to use one of those versus a complete wipe as I have Parallels installed and don't want to have to redo that, plus Windows, plus all my Windows programs, etc. I do have a lost+found and Damaged Files folders in my Macintosh HD directory. Not sure where they came from, can't really determine by looking. More info, when I try to save something from online, it says there is not enough disk space. Also, it appears as though dmg's will not mount.
I have an iMacDV/400. About a week ago this iMac has been locking up after having a few apps open. Even when I quit all the apps it still locks the mouse. I've tried force quitting but that doesn't work. The only way to is to use the reset button under the phone port to reboot. Also possibly at second problem is the remote access. Same thing as above. When I'm running some apps,then done and quite the apps. I fire up remote access and a freeze again.
What I have done so far:
Dumped the prefs of some of the apps to create new ones.
Dumped the RMA prefs and reset the control panel etc.
Also the usual maintenance: finder pref, rebuild the desktop with either TTP or Conflict Catcher, run TTP,Norton, check DiskWarrior etc.
For awhile I thought it *might* be bad ram but checked that also and replaced the sticks with new backups just in case. You would think it was an extension conflict although CC says no and the others can't come up with anything either.
on OSX 10.9.13 how do i stop things automatically opening e.g.. mail, messenger when I log in?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
So I updated to Yosemite and everything was going fine, I had my FaceTime, Messages and Contacts apps working away fine with my iPhone, was having no problems but in the last week or so the three apps refuse to open, I've tried restarting and even holding down alt-cmd-p-r after turning on but no good.
I've also just noticed that when I click on 'About this Mac' from the apple menu on the top left of the screen the window that usually comes up refuses to come up. Which I find quite weird and not sure if this is linked with the problem of the apps not opening.
Using a MacBook Aluminum with an iPhone 4s
Macbook Aluminum, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have an iMac and it is about 4 years old. For some reason it is very slow starting up, takes about 90 seconds. Opening even a normal app like Firefox takes sometimes 2 minutes.
I had the harddrive replaced as part of one of the recall programmes form Apple as the OEM drive was malfunctioning, that made it slightly better, but soon after the old poor performance was back.
This causes a delay to open, etc. of 10-15 seconds
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.1
How do you alter the default option of Lion opening software apps at login?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSorry for the title but I couldn't think of anything better. Hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem. I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...).
I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.