Somebody bought me a Macbook Air for the holidays, the SSD 128GB version, I use it mainly for Itunes and to convert video using handbrake, it seems sluggish compared to an Imac, I am curious I saw the new Macbooks the 2.0 version, do you think I will have better results using handbrake on the Macbook Aluminum 2.0 to convert video than with the Macbook Air, I really don't want to go for the 2.4 Macbook unless its really going to make that much of a difference.
I am currently using Vuze to stream movies on my MBP i7 to my Xbox 360. Well, lately its been creating rebuffing and etc making the video experience a bit dreadful. I am looking for a decent solution in converting my videos so I can throw them all on a drive and directly connect with my Xbox 360.
I just wanna convert my .3pg videos from my phone to .avi or .mpg so i can upload them to my blog. I'm looking for a free application (not a trial with their watermark on the video) to make the conversion.
I have a some movies in mp4 format the I would like to convert to a format for the IPadAir. I have used Visual Hub but that software is no longer functional. Is there software suitable to do this now?
I downloaded a YouTube video via Evom and converted it into MP4, which is supported on my cellphone (Samsung S5603 Touchscreen). However, when I sent it to my phone via bluetooth it said it was an unsupported resolution. How can I change the resolution of the MP4 video to a common phone res so it'll work on my phone?
I want to know if there is way to take Video TS files and convert them straight into a .DV file so they can be edited in iMovie.
My situation is that I use a program like Mac the Ripper to extract a DVD into the Audio and Video TS folders. My step 2 is to use Handbrake to convert it to MPEG and then MPEG-Streamclip to convert it to .DV
The problem I am having is that while this process works, the final product video quality is slightly off. I know that the loss is either in Handbrake or the MPEG-Streamclip program. How can I go straight to DV, either through a program or straight from the DVD?
I'm not a computer tech person, but I want to be able to watch videos on my iPod that I currently have on my computer in the flv format.The video plays perfectly using VLC. I tried using VLC to export the flv files as mp4 or mov, but when I play the file on Quicktime, only the audio works. When I export the file to iTunes, the file goes to Music, not Movies, and only audio plays. How can I fix this without having to download anything new?
I have a number of files that are .avi, .xvid, and mp4 that I would like to convert to dvd format, not just burn it to a disk, but burn it to a dvd-r that will play in my dvd player rather than my computer. Does anyone know of any software that can do this that is easy to use and either free or inexpensive? I have tried ffmpegx (way to complicated for me!), the trial of aimersoft - couldn't get it to convert anything, and toast. (With that I tried to burn someone that was already in dvd format but it turned it into mp4...) I have only had a mac for about three months, so I am not terribly familiar with it's workings yet... I am on OS X 10.6.5 Snow leopard I think?
Still trying to convert VHS video to digital to my mac. I am using a PYRO A/V Link Converter API-557. If my mac can read this device or its to old. I have tried every thing and my Mac can not see the PYRO converter via Firewire.
My Panasonic GH4 camera records UHD in either .Mov or MP4. I choose .Mov.
The newer Pansonic FX1000 camera only records UHD in MP4. I use Mpeg Streamclip and Toast Titanium, neither of which will recognise a MP4 file from the GH4.
Any file converter that will convert MP4 4K/UHD to .Mov 4K/UHD.
(I know FCPX will handle both "formats" but I need to convert outside of a main editing program)
What FREE Mac Application should I use to convert .MP4 video files to .SWF video files? I doesn't matter to me if they are good quality in the end because all of the videos are going to be on my MP3 player's screen.
So basically, I know how to convert a youtube video to a playable mpg for a keynote/powerpoint. I was wondering if there was any way i convert the clips from the Daily Show website to mpg or another playable on keynote format.[URL]
Does anyone know of an app that will do this? I'm struggling getting iMovie 8 to work right. Apple no longer provides a free download of iMovie HD 6 (*sob*) on their website. QuickTime Pro is no longer available. What can I use to process a long list of image stills into a movie file?
I've captured several demos to my HD using macripper and wanted to convert them to quicktime to use them in a CD. There is a way of converting those video-ts files to quicktime?
I need a free converter that will convert a WMV file into a file that iMovie will recognize. Also, an application that won't leave a watermark on the video.
burning movies on my mac using Burn application.The file is in AVI... however when it converts to mpg...the file then changes into .iso (which should be as a dmg)... and i see the folder containing the video as .Before i used to burn movies onto DVD discs... it would simply convert from AVI into MPG and then that was it...the file completed successfully... but now i get the .VOB extension... and a separate Audio and Video folder
I've got a bunch of 1080p video files that I want to convert to 720 before I start working on them in iMovie. Does anyone have any suggestions for software that can do this?
I have made a movie on imovie, and I am trying to burn it onto a DVD, but I need to convert it to a Video TS-File before roxio popcorn can burn it. Is there a program for a mac which can convert it for me.
every time I download a video file and convert it over to DVD format and burn in onto to a DVD-R disc it doesn't read in any dvd player. Right now I'm using YU-Burner and Burn to try this. I was wondering if there is a better program I could be using or what Im lost.
I am the owner of a shiny new iMac , aluminum and all. I am ready to do more heavy duty resource demanding things that my trusty but aged G4 Powerbook can't handle too well. One of them is video conversion. I have a huge database and collection of avi files that I need to convert to iPod format (I think that's MP4?). Can someone recommend a good program? Freeware, Shareware, Retail, anything to get my job done!
I have handbrake, but want something that will allow me to convert any of my video files to avi or mpeg-2, these seem to stream a bit better and want to convert all to mainly avi, but something with a bit more options would be better. Mac only no windows apps!
how do you convert the video file that screen flow produces to a usable format? is there some software or something? and dont say put it in imovie because you cant put that format into imovie.