MacBook Air :: New 2012 11 Inch Fans Remain On While In Sleep
Jul 5, 2012
i purchased my new macbook air about two weeks ago and last night, i put my computer to sleep and noticed that the fans remained on. since then, ive reset the pram and the smc but it still keeps the fans on. i'm not sure if it should do this and i just didn't notice or if it's actually supposed to do that.
I just recently bought the 2.6GHz 15 inch macbook pro. Since I have bought it, it has begun to restart itself every now and then without warning. Does anybody know of a probable cause of this? Here is the error report if that helps. Interval Since Last Panic Report: 45462 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1 Anonymous UUID: 1F1A8363-736A-4E4F-AC32-7A5B4935FCD7 Tue Jun 26 17:08:35 2012 panic(cpu 6 caller 0xffffff80002c4794): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f81e4912f, type 14=page fault, registers: CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0x0000000000000020, CR3: 0x0000000000100000, CR4: 0x00000000001606e0
I have booted the macbook pro using my desktop computer but I want to know if I can go in and transfer files over. Currently I am on the OS X Utilities page and I can't get any further (I don't know what to do from here). I have tried to repair the disk but it says that it can't repair the I out of luck for my unsaved files or is there anyway to get them?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
With OSX 10.6.4 my 2.66 GHz iMac will not stay asleep. It will wake up even though the Wake for Network Access box is NOT checked in System Preferences. Why is this? This happens every night.
I have an early 2010 MBP (13 inch) whose RAM I upgraded to 8GB and the hard drive I upgraded to 750GB.Ever since I installed OSX Lion it takes ages to boot up (far slower than Snow Leopard which booted up almost instantly from turn on).Furthermore, when running, it gets very hot when running Windows virtualisation software inside OSX (VMWare Fusion 4/Parallels Desktop 6/7 - same results) and the fans turn on and become noticeabley loud.The machine is still under Applecare Warranty, is there anything I can do myself to resolve this, especially the heat/noisy fans?Is it due to having to work harder to virtualise Windows inside OSX and so run both systems concurrently, thus requiring more resources?
just came home from Apple Store today with new computer and superdrive, which is not showing up when plugged in. When I put a CD in it reads it for a few seconds then spits it out. I am on the road so getting to an Apple Store will not be easy for the next week.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've bought a brand new MPB 15'' about 2 days ago.
Every time I put it in sleep mode (by closing lid, or manually choose Sleep from menu) it goes to sleep (I check it by front indicator), but FANS STARTING TO ROTATE AT MAX SPEED (Sorry for CAPS)
I've already reseted the PRAM, reseted the SMC. Turn off any sharing. But that did not help.
Specs: Mid-2012 13'' Macbook ProOS X Mavericks GHz Intel Core i54GB of RAM (never changed it from when I bought it)240GB SSD Crucial M500Intel HD Graphics 4000 So whenever I awake my macbook from sleep, it makes the same noise as when I boot it up or restart the machine. Is this something I should be worried about? I thought that SSDs isn't mechanical as a traditional HDD so I reckon the sound must be something else but I cannot pinpoint what it is.
My MacBook Pro 15 inch mid 2010 model i7 processor is having problems when I close the lid and the computer goes to sleep. Heres how my problem is occouring. I close my macbook pro lid. After waiting about 10 min (my macbook sleep time) I lift the lid. Once I do this i see the screen.... for about 2 seconds and it suddenly goes black. I fix it by turning my brightness down 1 bar then turning it back up 1 bar. I dont remeber this happening on snow leopard it seems to be a lion issue and a lot of other users are having it.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 15 Inch i7 processor Mid 2010 model
I have a G5 that is about 5 years old. For some reason it will not sleep or shutdown. When I try to do either one of those actions it does simi-sleep/shut down, but not completely. By that I mean it sounds like the hard drive spins down but then fans still are running. After about two minutes the fans spin way up and the Mac won't start back up. I have to pull the power on my battery backup. I took it to the shop (Not an apple store) and they reinstalled the OS for me and put some new ram in. Supposedly they "Fixed' the problem.
This problem just started happening on my 2005 Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3Ghz Processors.
I activate sleep, and it refuses to wake up again. Then after a few minutes the fans slowly increase in speed until the computer begins to sound like an aeroplane taking off, at which point I'm forced to perform a forced shutdown.
I've resetted the PMU and it doesn't seem to have worked. It is fully up-to-date in Software Update and is running the latest version of OS X Leopard.
I have a MacPro 2.66 quad-core intel. 4gb ram. I have a hard-drive from my old Powermac that i upgraded to 10.5.5 for this computer. Everytime I put my computer to sleep, and then wake it back up. The fans spin up to maximum speed and all the fans are running really loud and then after about a minute all spin to normal speed.
I don't have any other flaws except for this. Why could this be?
I have a 24" mid-2009 iMac, bought in June. It's behaving oddly over the past week or so. It fails to wake on sleep on the first attempt, but always succeeds on the second. When I say fails though, I mean that it *does* wake up, but goes back to sleep again after a few seconds. The other issue happened today, when I woke it up, in a cold room, the fans started up at full speed (I assume). It sounded terrifying to me as my iMac has never got that loud - not even playing games. I restarted it and it was the same, but died down after a while.
I just bought a new dual 2.0 ghz power mac G5 about 2 weeks ago. I set everything up and dowloaded all the updates for everything, and then about a week into using it the problem started. I left for work and when I got home that evening after the computer had been asleep all day, it sounded like the computer was taking off from a runway. It would not respond at all to the keyboard or mouse so I had to shut it down by holding the power button on the front of the unit and then start it back up. I called tech support but they had me turn the option off that puts the harddrive to sleep when possible and then turn off my screensaver. Well it was fine again for about a week and then it happened agin yesterday, not once but twice. I looked on apple discussion boards and there is alot of this happening. Well I took one guy's advice that seemed to know what he was talking about. I restarted holding the command-option-o-f keys down, then prompted the computer to reset the v-ram, and two other things he suggested to reset that I cannot remember. Then I restarted, trashed the energy saver prefs and ran a repair disk permissions task inside OSX. Well that is where I am now, and it has not done it again, but I am still trying to find out what exactly is going on here. I just spent $2000 on a machine and it appears messed up and Mac has no answer.
I've been searching for a solution for months and saw a thread with a similar issue suggesting taking out the external speakers. Unfortunately, I've never used external speakers and this was not my issue. The problem I seem to be having is if I leave my iMac alone and let it put itself to sleep when it wakes up (using the magic mouse to wake it up) trying to put in my password with the Bluetooth apple keyboard won't work. Its completely frozen.
I tried to bypass this by setting it to not require a password after sleep but once I actually get into Windows 7 then nothing works. I see my suspended Windows 7 state but everything is frozen, the Ethernet just shows a never ending loading bar and my Keyboard doesn't type at all. The only solution I've been able to use is holding the power button until it turns off (Which is quite a painful process I might add, it takes a while to shut it down this way). And then after I hear it finally power off hold the power button until I hear the fans kick in again, at which point it starts from the same state as if sleep worked normally.
I'm using windows 7 64 bit on a December 2009 iMac with all the most recent EFI/SMC firmware updates as well as the Boot Camp 3.1 drivers. I've tried and read nearly everything but I'm totally stumped. Does anybody have any idea what might be wrong?
the other day i wake up and open my macbook pro and immediately heard the fan making noises ive never heard it make before. i checked istat pro. the fans were going at 2000rpm. this is when i started to get concerned since i would never hear the fans at that speed before. the difference was day and night. it sounds like the one or both of the fans are hitting something. i always hear the noise when i start up or wake up from sleep and after a while (30 minutes to an hour) it usually goes away but has come back once without me turning off or putting the computer to sleep. its a refurbished less than a little more than a month ago. im hoping its just some dirt that made it through keyboard and will eventually go away because i dont want to send my machine in to get manhandled by apple repair. has anyone had something like this happen before?
i just bought the imac 21.5 inch with ati radeon 4670 and the base spec. after few hours of playing with this new toy. i realise that when you press the shutdown button, it will put the imac to sleep instead of showing the shutdown/restart option that i have on my macbook. Is there any way to make it work like a macbook power button. secondly, whenever my imac wake up after sleeping, the fan will run faster and automatically went to sleep again. this issue just keep repeating itself. i have no choice but to shutdown the imac and boot up again. Thirdly, i try the machine on WoW and i realise that the sound is rather choppy
I had a 11 inch air 1.4GHz/4GB/128GB for two weeks. I usually set the brightness to 75% and for consistent web browsing (no heavy flash) I can get about 5h15min battery life. I noticed someone here claiming 8+ hours battery on 13 inch so I decided to give it a shot.
I got a new 13 air with 1.86GHz/4GB/128GB yesterday and start to run on battery immediately. I was disappointed. The brightness was also set to 75% and I start to count the time from 25% while browsing And it only took 1h38m for battery descending from 25% to 0%. Again, pure web browsing and no heavy flash.
So here is my conclusion: On 75% brightness, 11 inch air's battery performs beyond advertised 5 hours and 13 inch's battery performs fair and normally should give you around 6h30m~7h.
I don't have equipments for measuring the noise, but while copying the same 10GB files from external drive to the machine, the fan noise from 13 inch is much louder than 11 inch.
Now I like my 11 inch more in general, although I really hate the 1366 x 768 screen. I don't know if I should sell the 13 inch or 11inch...
On my 11 inch air: battery capacity 4664
On my 13 inch air: battery capacity 6634
I will do another test to see how long exactly my 13 inch can last after a full charge
To those contemplating on picking up the 11-inch MacBook Air or the 13-inch MacBook Air, I thought it would be helpful to list the differences between the two.
Below is what I've compiled so far (in no particular order):
1) SD Card Slot is on the 13" MacBook Air, not present on the 11"
2) Higher clock speed configurations on the 13" (1.4 GHz/1.6 GHz vs. 1.86 GHz/2.13 GHz)
3) 6MB of shared L2 Cache on the 13" vs. the 3MB on the 11"
4) 1066 MHz frontside bus on the 13" vs. the 800 MHz on the 11"
5) Larger capacity battery and an extra 2 hours of battery life on the 13" (7 hour 50-watt-hour battery on the 13" vs. 5 hour 35-watt-hour battery on the 11")
6) Slightly larger trackpad and more room for your palms while typing (hey, it's true!)
7) 16:10 1440 x 900 13.3" Display vs. 16:9 1366 x 768 11.6" Display
8) The 13" model weighs in at 2.9 pounds while the 11" weighs in at 2.3 pounds. .5 pound weight difference
If you have anymore differences between the two models, post below and I will add them to the list!
I am trying to use my HD Sansui 32 inch LCD TV as a monitor for my Macbook. I can't work out how to set it up properly. My macbook is running OS X 10.5.8. My TV supports 1920 * 1080 HDMI 60Htz NTSC and various other resolutions. I am using a mini DVI to DVI adapter and then a HDMI lead to the tv. Problem one is that when I switch the Macbook on and close the lid nothing comes up on the TV screen (meaning it is supposed to only driving one screen, the TV). If I do this with the VGA connection it will. Momentarily the apple symbol will come up and the little circle below it but then my TV says signal not supported.
If I have the Macbook lid open when I switch the computer on both screens will work and I can select 1080P, however it is very grainy and not pleasant to read text. I think it looks better using the VGA. I have heard of people getting nice crisp display with HDMI so I am wondering if I am missing something? Is there any other software that can be used to get better results? Which text smoothing settings should I use? Are there other settings? I am using it on my desk so I guess it is about 2 foot from me. I will post my display details in a minute but my computer details are the following:
I erased my entire computer and did a fresh install on my macbook air. After completion 1st thing i did was check my storage. Nearly 7 Gigs of other remain.
The desktop on my Macbook remains white no matter what I have it set to. I can see the color of the background up at the top of the desktop on the translucent menu bar, and also when the computer is booting up and shutting down. Why is this?
I'm getting one for school and i'm going to have to carrying it aroound quite a bit, so the 11-inch seemed appeling at first, but then i noticed that there is a few pros to the 13-inch than the 11 inch: There's an SD card slot on the 13 inch, which i could care less about, the screen has higher resoulotion, which i don't really care about eiether, but the one difference was that the 13 inch has two hours more battery life, which kinda got me thinking towards the 13-inch. So what do you guys think, is it impossible to work on the 11.6 inch and should i go for the 13 inch, or should i go with the ultra-portability of the 11-inch?
My computer has a problem on the screen. After half an hour of use strange white glare that remain in the bottom begins to appear. When disconnecting the unit from one day to the next, but these glosses disappear within a half hour of use reappear. Why does it happen? Will it be a failure of manufacture? The device is 2013 What should I do
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)