MacBook Air :: Microsoft Word 2008 Slow - Typing Shows Up Split Second After Type?
Feb 11, 2008
I just installed microsoft is a little slow...i.e. the typing shows up a split second after i type, instead of instantaneous...I think because of the spelling/grammar checking. anyone else witness this?
How to type Pashto in Microsoft Office Word in Macbook Pro? Though I have added Pashto Language, but when typing Pashto, It types something non-sense. The writing method of Pashto is the same like Arabic. I mean from Right to Left.
When I open up a new word doc (doc 1) and start typing randomly with loads of spelling errors the little red line does not appear under the mis-spelled word. When I Manually select spell check it tells me that there are no mistakes even though there blatantly are. If I open up a new blank doc (doc 2) and begin typing away again the same mis-spelled words, the red lines appears as it normally should. This is where it gets weird.......In doc 2 if I go into preferences>spelling and grammar, The boxes, "check spelling as you type" and "always suggest corrections" are ticked under both the spelling and grammr sections. If I then go into the same preferences for doc 1 the same boxes are ticked under the spelling and grammar sections however the grammar section is greyed out so I can't change the settings.
I am currently typing my thesis so having a wacky spell check is driving me insane. What I have been doing is opening a new doc then opening another new doc (doc 2) and typing in that however I have also noticed that the spell check doesn't always seem to work.
Does anyone else find it incredibly annoying that you cannot open an MS Word doc in one space and then go to another space to try to open another doc there without being flipped back to the first space? This seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to want to do - I use Spaces with separate projects not applications.
I've spoken to Apple support and they say it's something I need to take up with MS. I am well aware that these companies have in the past blamed each other for previous incompatibility issues. Do anyone have any insight on these problems before I do contact MS?
I used a standard resume template in Word 2008 Mac that is not displaying properly in Windows. Here is a brief description: On my Mac: The document is perfectly formatted and displayed on 2 pages. On my PC: With ".doc" format, my name doesn't appear. In its place, I have yellow text that reads "address blocked". Additionally, the text spills onto a third page, even though the font, font size, spacing, etc. is all the same.
I then tried saving the document in ".rtf" format, and while my name did appear, the text still spills onto a third page. I cannot fit all the text (in a Windows environment) without cutting out important content. I'm so thoroughly pissed off with this. There should be no compatibility issues in this case because I'm using a STANDARD resume template that came with Word '08. When I saved the document, I made sure to select the "windows friendly" option.
How Can I save a document in microsoft office word 2008 into a specific subfolder within my documents. When I try to save the doc to my documents it does not show subfolders within documents.
I like to write a personal newsletter, then paste it into emails and send. It's easier for me to work on it in Word first. I can't figure out a format that I can use in Word so that when I copy and paste it in Apple Mail email, it keeps the same format. So far, it changes format when I paste it. what was in bold, is no longer (or the whole thing is in bold), line spacing changes, bullet points change. I tried saving it as pdf file first and the font became microscopic when I pasted it into the email...
I use MacBook Pro, OS X, 10.6.4; Mail Version 4.3 (1081); Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac, Version 12.2.6 (100708)
By default, I save all my word documents in rich text format (.rtf). After I installed Snow Leopard, these files now open by default with Text Edit.
Since I want these files to open by default in Microsoft Word 2008, I right clicked on the file, chose "other", selected "Word 2008", and then checked "always open with". However, the files still open by default in Text Edit...
I am having a very troubling issue on two different computers. Both run the latest Snow Leopard and Microsoft Word 2008. The problem is the following: Every single time I save a .doc file I end up with a corrupt doc: I can open it only with the computer that created it, and only with Word. No other software (even QL on the same computer) can open it. I have to re-open the doc with Word, SAVE AS, do a compatibility check, ignore all the issues or fix them, then save it with a different name. Then it works. The only difference between the two computers is that with Word 2008 at times I cannot even save it with the workaround I explained above: I have to save as DOCX with compatibility check in order for it to work. This is getting really annoying, as every time I have to send a .doc for work reasons (several times a day), I end up having to triple check it and save it.
After opening a MSfile the Leopard top menu when using Microsoft Word 2008 has been changed to Chinese. This issue only happen with this product and not with the rest of the Microsoft tools that I have installed in my MacBook (example: Powerpoint). I'm including a print screen (as you can see only the iOS menu is changed to Chinese and not the software menu). I extremely need to change it back to English!
just working a powerpoint with 5-7 slides slows text typing down to a crawl even on a computer with 4 GB of RAM. Text still lags in Microsoft Word, why can't Microsoft do anything right? The performance of these applications have been completely shoddy
Microsoft Word Mail Merge launches a file converter when using Excel files as the data source. Nothing new about that. However, when using Mail Merge in Word 2008 and an Excel xlsx file as data source under OS X 10.6, the file converter will not recognize the file unless the extension .xlsx is actually appended to the file name. The file converter used by Word 2008 still recognizes xls files with or without the extension appended, as did the file converter used by Word X.
All of a sudden Word and Excel won't open any more. I just get a message that says "Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
I am trying to recovery a file created in Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. The file was lost after a power outage. In an attempt to recover the file, my first thought was to check for the file in the Microsoft AutoRecovery 2008 folder within my hardrive. However, the folder only contains a total of four files! Why? If my Microsoft Word is set up to auto save a document every 10 minutes...then how is it possible the folder could only contain 4 files? I am at a loss of how else to recover this file. I am currently attempting to do so with a free trial of Data Recovery Software to see if the file I lost even still exists, with no success so far.
Macbook Pro (2014) when I work with Microsoft office, Word, and use the "command v" keys the entire Word doc freezes and I need to reboot entire computer. What is this?
I accidentally trashed two of my icons on my icon bar I didn't put them in the trash but when I clicked them they turned into wads of trash. I don't know how to find them now?
A while ago, my MacBook Pro started to randomly open launchpad in "Slow motion" when I am typing. Ever since then, my computer has been acting quite sluggish, and once my iTunes library disappeared. (Luckily I keep a backup, but that seems to have resolved itself.) I do not think that the opening launchpad thing is a hardware issue, mainly because of all of the other symptoms. One thing that I'm worried about is it might be the Flashback trojan, but I have not downloaded anything that would appear to be an Adobe update, and I did get the Java update. I am just curious about what it sounds like.
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 i am working on Word 2008 for Mac, version 12.0.1 (080305).
My problem, i created one text box in a document, somehow 2 more appeared. I made the mistake of thinking that to delete the extra text boxes, i simply highlight them and delete them. Silly stupid me, nothing that simple exists and i have wasted an hour trying to figure it out. The help button does squat, barely gives you any info on a text box much less trying to delete it. Does anyone know how to delete a text box in a word document?
i'm looking at moving over to the Mac in a couple days and i just need to know the best free Word Processor that can open .doc files. 99% of my docs made in Word are of the 97-2003 variety and not 2007's .docx.
Perhaps this has been answered before but nothing turned up in my search. I'm a Mac convert switching from MS XP, where I was using Word 2007. Over time, I compiled several special dictionaries. If I switch to Office 2008 for Mac will I be able to transfer these from Word 2007?
I understand that Word for Mac does not ahve VBA support, therefore no macros like in Word 2007. Does office 2008 (Word) have some sort of macro capability.
Mail basically is running alright, but when I type in the body of a message, it takes forever. Typing is fine in other programs, so I am at a loss for figuring this out. Since I only have been back in the Mac environment for a bit over a month, I am struggling to relearn the ins and outs of maintaining my iMac.
I just purchased a 15" MacBookPro (July 2010). I am not used to laptop keyboards so I was able to purchase a bluetooth Apple Keyboard with the Numeric keys. This bluetooth external keyboard was made by Apple and a local company had these brand new for $60. I was told they were the model that came with iMacs. Apple support told me that they should work fine but did not offer an effective solution. So at any rate about 70% of the time this Bluetooth keyboard works great.
But sometimes when you go to type something it starts repeating whatever key you hit so it you were to type and "a" an example the MacBookPro displays "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". Sometime just a few of the same character and sometimes it does not stop. I correct this by turning the power switch off on the Apple Bluetooth keyboard and then turn it back on and all is fine, for a while. Sometimes for a week or so then it will do it a lot for a while or just intermittently. The keyboard built into MacBookPro does not do this. I think it may be the Apple Bluetooth keyboard not the MacBookPro or its OS.
How do I open a small window on my screen that allows me to type in a word, and that word is then highlighted every time it appears in the text on the page I'm in? I've seen it done before. It makes searching an internet wall much easier when your looking for something particular.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm running an experiment that will give me a spreadsheet in Excel with 20 participants names, addresses, email addresses, and profits (from the experiment). My goal is to take this data and create individual receipts in Word that have all the above information and can be printed out and handed to the individuals (20 receipts). I have access to Office 2004 (Mac) or 2007 (Windows).
I'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.