MacBook Air :: Design Flaw Aluminum Bathtub, Single Motherboard?
Nov 27, 2010
First of all, I understand I committed an error and the consequences are my fault.I bought a MacBook Air for $999. Because of the all-aluminum frame and the no-moving-parts hard drive, I expected it to be durable. Unfortunately, while moving a coffee cup to my lips, I spilled a drop or two of coffee on my brand-new MacBook Air. It shut down in about 30 seconds forever, a total loss. All my data is 100% gone forever. $700 to repair.Of course, I am responsible for my own mistake. Yet, when you start to google: " 'MacBook Air' water", you see legions of customers who have encountered this problem. Couple drops of water in the top--total loss. Why? The aluminum housing acts like a bath tub.
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Nov 14, 2010
What would you guys recommend the best External DVD drive for MBA to keep ? The apple slim drive for MBA has very poor feedback on apple site, $79 its somewhat of a steep price to pay for a device WITHOUT emergency eject, esp. if it gets stuck on an airport while travelling (say I shut my comp. down and tossed it in the case in a hurry along with the drive and CD/DVD runngin in it), I hear that the jam is perm. and cant get the disk out since it has no emergency eject. Any other brands that ppl have used ? Good price, but MORE importantly thin profile and relative nicer look to go with the air.
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Apr 24, 2012
The line just get ripped or teared even when carefully wrapped around the plastic corners. Apple won't replace it for it is considered "physical" issue. Yeah, you got it right, Apple. It is a physical design flaw! No wonder so many websites selling third-party Adapters. I know Apple's products are nice and beautiful, but they should not be encased in glass container to be admired! They are supposed to be used in the REAL WORLD! Come on, Apple. Fix your badly designed products, already!
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 7, 2012
The option to 'play stereo audio as mono' that comes with OSX 10.6 does not work as I expected.When I enable this option it sounds like only one of the two channels becomes mono, while the other one does not sound mono to me.It's hard to notice this, because the total sound does change to 'less' stereo. I've done some testing with different soundcards and testing signals, and found out that when the option is enabled, the mono signals are routed incorrect.While the right channel becomes mono, the left channel seems to be something else; I'm not sure if it's the original left channel of the stereo signal, though. I have reason to believe that the resulting mono sound on the right channel correctly is the 'monofied original sound', but that from the left channel.The resulting mono sound on the left channel sounds like the original left channel of the stereo sound, maybe added with the mono sound of the right channel.Â
Why do I think so? When using a sound card with more than two outputs, I can clearly see that sound is being sent to the second and the THIRD output, instead of the first and the second output, immediately after I enable mono. Resulting in output on THREE channels:original leftmonofied (left) monofied (right)Â On my soundcard I can disable the extra outputs, and than I hear:original left + maybe monofied rightmonofied (left)Â I think the programmer of this great feature made an 'off-by-one error', consequently sending the monified output to the wrong channels;to channel[1] + channel[2] instead of channel[0] + channel[1]Â I don't know what happens to sound that is sent to channel[2] (the third channel) on a two channel soundcard.It could be mapped to the the first channel, but that of course is speculation. Could be tested though, with the right audio signal.Â
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 17, 2009
I'm trying to find a nice mouse pad to match my mother's new iMac for christmas and through these boards I have come across the Macpadd, the Cupertino Mouse Pad, and the Steelseries, among other brands.However, while searching I just came across the iRest Aluminum from Rain Design, the same company who creates the awesome mStand for Macbooks.A link to the company's product page: I cannot find a way to trace to this page from the home page. I found this through google. Anyway, it has a pretty cool looking aluminum mouse pad that matches with your Mac, though from the picture I fear it might be a bit small.
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Jun 21, 2012
Looking at the 2012 13" model with 2.5Gzh I5 chip and 4GB RAM, any one know if this will work ok for designing on using the latest Adobe CS6 design standard suite? ALso can the 13" be connected to a standard DVI monitor using an adapter for the thunderbolt port.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 9, 2010
I recently accidentally clicked the "minus" button on the "Login Items" screen under preferences, and even though I realized the mistake instantly, I had no way of getting the deleted line back. What make it worse, is that I have no idea what the line was that I deleted. "Undo" obviously didn't work, and because OS X applies changes as you make them, I couldn't simply hit "Cancel" like you can in Windows. This made me realize that Apple design approach to such dialogs, and the decision to apply changes as you go without providing OK or Cancel buttons is a fairly significant usability flaw. It's ironic that they go to extreme safety measures when it comes to file deletions in Finder (requiring a key combination; plus it goes to trash anyway after that), yes it many other areas of the operating system, they've made it way too easy to accidentally delete something.
I'm just wondering if anyone has had the same thought? I pretty much bought my Mac solely for the supposed better use experience, but Apple have me doubting that the user interface is really that much better than Windows (specially now that Windows 7's taken advantage of a lot of OS X features).
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Dec 22, 2007
Strange problem since I got my MB back from the apple store (got a new hd). Now, every so often, the cursor will jump to a different part of the screen, often when I'm typing. You can imagine how frustrating that can be!
Was the case put back together wrong? Hiccup with the motherboard?
First gen white Macbook 1.83 with 2 GB, running 10.4.11
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Jul 26, 2010
I've been experiencing a variety of problems with my peripheral devices. At first it started with my monitor and I thought it was going out... it was having lines (darker lines, like flickering) all over the screen... but then I realized this happened when I plugged something into my computer... so for example if my external monitor is on, and I plug in my firewire soundcard it starts to flickr...
Then it started to do it when I would plug in my printer... now if I plug in my firewire soundcard my monitor turns on and off... and I'm having sync issues with my soundcard.
I wiped my computer, reset the SMC and the PRAM and NVRAM. How do I test if my mother board is crapping out?
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May 6, 2012
What is the best was to diagnose possible motherboard faults on a Mac? I'm having various problems which appear to be hardware related (i.e. re-formatting, re-loading OSX, etc don't seem to fix them and the problems appear at different times running different processes) so want to check the motherboard out.Typical problems are a USB hard drive suddening going off-line, the DVD burner suddenly resetting itself for no reason, screen not redrawing properly etc. and all these only happen occasionally. The only test I can find is a RAM test (various programs allow this including Tech Tool Pro 6) but is there a way to test other components?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 18, 2010
Im fixing up a macbook, and there was problems with the battery connector. So I pulled it out. But on the LB there were only 9 holes (6 on one side, 3 on the other) and no hole where the 7th ones should be. And on the connector in those spots it was the same thing, but what is even weirder, is that it doesnt even look like the pins were broken off, just that there was nothing there, and on the top it doesnt have any solder on those points. Any ideas what to do and how to do it??? And if you want i can post pictures.
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Jul 30, 2009
I want to update the motherboard drivers on my late 08 15" MBP, but arent 100% what chipset it uses... i thought it was the nforce 7series, but 7 what? or what is the actual chipset? CPUID wont give me any info
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Apr 22, 2010
I sent in my MBA for repair last week to a repair depot, and they say that there is corrosion on the motherboard from liquid damage. The problem with me is that the computer has never had any contact with liquids, especially in the area where the motherboard is. Can anyone show me where the corrosion is on this?
(attached photo is from repair depot)
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Jan 8, 2011
Trying to decide which laptop to get for work. This will be my primary computer, and I'll be hooking it up to a 27" cinema display at home. I currently have an iMac 24" 2.8 core duo 4gb, but I need the portability of a laptop to work on at the office, and I don't want to keep the iMac and sync with the new laptop, I just want one machine to work on. Don't really want to spend over $1500 on the laptop, unless it is a significant upgrade. For work, I use some adobe cs5 apps, mostly photoshop, and every once in a while I use premiere to edit video off my canon t2i. The kicker is, I need to get something within 2 weeks. Like everyone, I'm anxious to see what the new MBP's are all about, but I have a feeling they'll definitely be more than $1500, considering the new air's are more than that when beefed up to 4gb, 256gb. I already ordered a cinema display as they are on sale, so figured might as well get that component. Here is what I'm thinking for choices.
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Oct 20, 2009
One of my absolute biggest pet peeves with the Mighty Mouse (aside from the input lag), was that you had to LIFT your middle finger off the right side of the mouse for the left click to register. You simply cannot rest your right-clicking finger on the mouse and left click with your pointer finger.
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Jan 19, 2009
My grand daughter has a class in Website design and they are telling her that she must use a PC format in the course. She has a MacBook with Leopard. If she installs MS XP, what else will she need in terms of software and is Parallels necessary? I also wonder why she cannot use the Mac as a Web design platform?
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Dec 14, 2009
I recently found my old 12" powerbook g4 and I was considering a project to install a new Intel logicboard.motherboard in it to bring it up to todays standards for cheaper then buying a new 15" MBP to replace my dieing 2.2 ghz Santa Rosa model. If I remember correctly my PB only has a bad logicboard and hdd which I will hopefully replace with an sdd if possable.
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Apr 14, 2010
the processor in the new macbooks was user replaceable or is it soldered to the motherboard?
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May 6, 2010
I got my motherboard replaced a few months back and i am now just noticing that my backlit keyboard is no longer working. Is there away for me to connect it as i no longer have warranty.
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Jul 27, 2010
So a co-worker has a black MacBook that his family managed to spill some liquid on. It no longer works properly, of course. He just wants to get a new computer, so he's giving it to me. I'll get all of his data off the HDD for him and then I can keep the MacBook. It's definitely a big step up from my PowerBook in terms of speed and performance (I'll miss the dedicated card and FW800, though).
I figure it can't hurt to try to clean the motherboard/logic board in the computer to see if I can get it running. Worse comes to worst, I can buy a new logic board for the computer and put it in and be set. Some questions:- What's the best way to clean a motherboard? I've seen everything from isopropyl alcohol to distilled water to just a gentle detergent and warm tap water.
- What's a good way to tell what model the computer is from the serial number? I will get the actual computer tomorrow, but my co-worker can't remember which model it is.From my research it could be anywhere between the 2 GHz and the 2.4 GHz, though he bought it refurbished from Apple last year so I'm guessing it's the 2.4 GHz model.- If the logic board is shot, and it's not the 2.4 GHz model, does anyone know if the 2.4 GHz board can be put in a non-2.4 GHz machine?
It's not every day one comes across a free Mac, so it's definitely something to put some effort into. Once I max out the RAM and put a new drive in (maybe even an SSD in an optibay) the computer should be quite capable.
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Aug 13, 2009
I purchased my Macbook in September of 2007. I was born and raised on Macs so I am familiar with the products.
1) They keys are leaving severe imprints on the screen. I have researched that they now sell products to prevent this - but I was not *warned of this at the purchace time. I presume that this is a design flaw as a $1400+ computer should not damage the screen - I guess that there not there is not enough space between the top and bottom. I do not slam cover when I close nor do I carry it around in a backpack full of book squishing the computer. Please advise.
2) The outside of the white cover (of which I purchaced and used religiously the $60 plastic protective piece) is changing colour and there are 'scratch' like marking all over the top and bottom.
3) The bottom of the keypad keep chipping off, I have had to replace this twice and am looking at a third time. Fortunetly Mac acknowledeges this defect and cover the service fee.
I have genuinly enjoyed all the macs I have had over the years, but am downright frustreated with this Laptop!
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Apr 30, 2010
I am planning to buy the base new 15" MBP. I am going to use it for graphic and web design work along with doing other stuff like browsing, email, music, watching movies, etc. The programs I plan to use are:
- Adobe CS4/5 (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash)
- Coda + Transmit
- iMovie and GarageBand (slight movie and sound editing, nothing too large)
- Windows XP under Parallels Desktop for testing pages on IE
I am also planning on getting the 24" ACD to hook it to the MBP. This will also be my main and only computer.
Would the base model be enough for this? I currently have an 20" iMac Intel Core 2ghz and while it feels kinda slow when working on comps and large files in Photoshop it pulls through, so I am thinking that the base new 15" MBP would very much smoke my current iMac.
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Dec 27, 2010
I'm considering buying the MBAir 13" - I'm a graphic designer and was wondering if it'll be able to handle programs such as Photoshop and InDesign? I'll probably have two of Adobe's programs open at once as well as my web browser, I'm worried that it'll lag the laptop. I'd get the MBP but I bring my laptop with me in between classes and it's pretty heavy.
EDIT: just to clarify, I already have a 15" MBP but I had to get it fixed a few weeks back and it hasn't been the same since. It's laggy and I have to restart it a lot, every once in a while it even turns it self off without warning. I thought I'd rather spend more money on a new one rather than getting it fixed again.
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Mar 24, 2009
i was just wondering i am planning on get a macbook but a refurbished one. Im planning on getting the lower end model but I am just getting started on web design. The question i have is it going to be sufficient enough with the task Im going to be doing. Meaning Multi-Tasking
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Jul 7, 2009
I was planning on getting a macbook NEXT fall, not this one, but I was thinking about just getting the new macbook pros, the screen is bigger, and I get the mileage on the gfx card, as well as Graphic Design if I get interested in.. ( i could see this happening)I heard that the BUS or watever it is is being reduced tho, exponentially minimizing SSD effectiveness?Wat do u think about my buying choice? I hate to wait, i could use 4 school if I move and dont take the imac use for the Community College i go to until next fall
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Aug 21, 2010
I am finally buying my first Mac (as well as my first laptop) and need some advice as to what I truly need (as opposed to what I covet) - not just for school but for professional internships as well.
I will be using Adobe Creative Suite (CS5), with Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop and Illustrator, but I am also an interior designer and use drafting and modeling progams such as AutoCAD and Revit or similar.
I have settled on a 15" Macbook Pro because I wish to be an ambidextrous platform user, but here are a few things I am undecided about:
-Intel Core i5 or i7 processor?
(I believe the i5 is packaged with NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics processor with 256MB GDDR3 memory and the i7 with 512MB GDDR3 memory)
-4GB of RAM or 8GB?
(should I start with 4 and add modules later if I need them?)
-500GB Hard Drive: 5400rpm or 7200rpm?
-the standard 1440 x 900 display or the Hi-Res 1680 x 1050?
(after reading other posts here, it seems that the gloss screen will be better for me than the anti-glare)
Anything else I should be considering?
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Sep 14, 2010
I'm a graphic designer looking for a new home office computer. I work in print media mainly, using CS5 (Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign), and have been considering the Macbook Pro 13" for its combination of performance and portability; a 24" monitor will be connected to the MBP. I could go for the Macbook Pro 15" for better performance but I really like the portability factor. So my true question is: Is the Macbook Pro 13" suitable for this type of work?
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May 30, 2009
How well does carbon fiber handle it? I wouldnt want to see a laptop made from the same material as the iPhone 3G. Could this be solved with an external anntena but that would sorta kill the concept.
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Oct 1, 2009
I just got my first Apple product, a 13.3" MacBook Pro, and have been loving every minute of it. I'm using it mainly for work (systems development and graphics design).
1) Salesperson from Apple shop strongly advised against keyboard protectors citing it causes overheating; he recommended regular vacuuming and blowing with compressed air instead. Is this true?
2) Will I see a noticeable performance increase with a 7200rpm HDD? Will a larger capacity and faster spinning speed of 7200rpm degrade battery life? How about heat issues?
3) I'm thinking of getting a matte screen protector to reduce glare and reflection. Will the matte screen degrade image quality and brightness. I seen several sellers (from HongKong) selling cheap ones at US$6 to US$9 with shipping on eBay, are they safe to use?
Here is one such example [URL]
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Mar 7, 2012
I was writing an email in Russian when I had to leave my computer - so I locked it. When i came back, I tried to log back in. A shocking surprise: Mac was using a Russian layout and I have found no way to switch back to English to type my username and password (which are in English). I tried:Â
- resetting the PRAM (booting while holding option+Command+R+P)
- booting in single user mode and adding an admin user with empty username/password
- booting in single user mode and messing around with /var/log/CDIS/.custom (turned out it was set to "English" anyway)Â
I booted in a normal mode and started trying all random key combinations in hopes to switch to English. I frustration, I typed my password in the password box -- while using the Russian layout -- and voila - I was logged in. What happened was: when I added another layout, I had no idea that I needed to check a box to "Show input method on login screen" in a menu that is completely different from "Languages and Input" menu (in the Accounts-> Login Options). So when computer got locked, it wanted me to use the language I used last to login without providing an option of switching. I argue this is not user-friendly.Â
When I did select that box to show languages at login, I discovered something else: the username box wants you to use the language you used last by default (i.e. Russian), but the password box wants you to use English (that's why I was abke to login at all). Also: when focus is on the password field (and the language box show an American flag), when I go to switch the language, it shows a list of three Russian layouts of which only one is enabled -- and no English at all!Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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