MacBook Air :: Cannot Watch YouTube - This Video Is Unavailable With Safety Mode Enabled
Aug 24, 2014
Why i cant watch youtube as youtube inform this "This video is unavailable with safety Mode enabled. To view this video, to need to disable safety mode" how can i turn off safety mode
Why i cant watch youtube as youtube inform this "This video is unavailable with safety Mode enabled. To view this video, to need to disable safety mode" how can i turn off safety mode
I was trying to watch a show on and it kept telling me that my JavaScript wasn't enabled and I was unable to watch the video. a few days before I was able to use the site perfectly, but after downloading the new Java update it wont work. When I go into my preferences on safari, it says that java-scrip is in fact enabled, so I'm not sure why the website isn't recognizing that it is enabled.
I'm using a macbook pro with Lion. I used youtube to listen to songs and watch videos till about a week ago. But now The site opens, but when I click on a video to play, they say that 'An error has occurred'. How can I make it work again?
It must be some ad blocker or something, but I can't view videos. I can't seem to find what's causing it. I can go to YouTube and watch a video, but when someone posts a link, I am unable to make it play. I'll get a site with a black rectangle where the video is supposed to be. Happens on links from tweets too. Safari and Firefox both. I tried the Flash uninstall/reinstall/disc permission/restart routine twice.
I just bought the New Macbook Pro 15" with Retna display and when I go to Youtube, most of the video's will not play and I see a message that reads: "this video is currently unavailable". Â
Is this a Mac issue with my settings or does the new Mac Book Pro not support video content from Youtube?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Issues viewing content on Youtube
One day I had to look for a web page that only supporst firefox or explorer, I do not like other browser but safari, so I had to install that **** firefox, once I checcked that page, (an official page for governement) I uninstalled firefox, I do not like it and I rather my safari, suddenly I cannot watch video on youtube using my safari browser, some videos I can watch and a lot of them I cannot, videos that I have watched before, I checked my other mac wich is like a twin of mine only less ram and It works perfect on youtube.
Is it just my macbook air that is slow gets really hot fans start blowing and it stutters during any kind of videos i already had the logic board switched out and it is still tripping out i want to throw it against the wall !!!!!
I have a MacBook Pro from 2010 and I can't even watch a youtube video, it stops and stops. Video has become impossible so annoying that I have to avoid it. Not the experience I expected when buying a mac. I spent a lot of money on this for a machine to be unable to play any video.
I can't see my buddy on iChat, after he/she accepts my request for video chat. What could be the issue? I just started using iChat for the first time and now have the issue of not being able to see my buddy on video chat. My buddy states the same thing, not being able to see me. I check the "Video" tab on the tool bar, ensuring that all items (microphone, camera, etc.) were enabled, and they all were.
I thought I fixed it with a wireless-n router and it worked perfectly till now. I was loading videos on youtube in seconds with no buffering and fully loaded, and could stream even 1080hd videos on there and other sites no problem. Now the MBP is going slow again, like there's this lag when browsing, and I can't even watch youtube videos anymore unless their 240p as anything else buffers every couple of seconds.
It's not the internet, as like I've said before I have an pc in another room across the condo on the wireless network and its blazing fast browsing and watching/streaming videos. I've seen other post about this lately and really leading me to believe these $ MBP just suck on wireless networks, b/c I can be right next to my router and no changes... and my girlfriends cheap netbook can stream videos faster with no buffering then my expensive piece of aluminum.
I saw someone else say enter this for DNS and I had already done that, so is something screwed up here?: and Search Domains next to that says: domain
I just bought my first Mac this past week and absolutely love it. I went with the 13" 2.26. I am extremely happy with my purchase but I have one question...How realistic is you claimed 7 hour battery life? I expect the battery to last longer and shorter depending on how you are using you Mac but sometimes I feel like it isn't performing as it should. As I'm typing this I have 88% left on the battery and 5:50 till empty (25% brightness and backlight off). I have itunes on but not playing.The problem is when I try to watch youtube or anything else similar, the time till empty goes down a few hours. (from 6 down to 3 hours left till empty).
I have the Open Firmware Password enabled, which prevents my machine from booting into Safe Mode when I hold the shift key at startup (as expected). As a result, if I want to use Safe Mode I have to boot up from my install DVD, disable the password and then reboot. Very time consuming! I just read about a way to boot into Safe Mode:
(at [URL=""]Apple Support[/URL)] by entering the following terminal command: sudo nvram boot-args="-x"
I'm a little hesitant to test it out in case I run into some sort of Open Firmware/Safe Mode conflict.
Why visited pages, e.g facebook, are shown in history even though I have private browsing mode enabled?, why pages, e.g facebook are shown in history even though I have private browsing mode enabled?
I'm not sure how to fix this problem guys... I tried this in three different browsers (Safari 3, Firefox 3, Camino). When watching a video on Youtube, it always defaults to standard quality. When I click on high quality, it gives me an error message saying the video is no longer available. I sent my friend a link who opened it in his Safari and it shows the high quality one. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?
I can't seem to watch video of any duration, now. Downloaded tv show and slowed to freeze, stills, with audio going forward. I used to be able to. Watching streaming video is also similar, though have the variable of the wireless to factor in. I have one of the original airs with regular hard drive. I turn off virtually every application, but still doesn't work!