MacBook Air :: Apple Logo Color Change On Air?
Sep 6, 2008Has anyone attempted to remove the LCD? If I get the Air I like to do this to the Apple logo. I did it on my MacBook and I love it.
View 13 RepliesHas anyone attempted to remove the LCD? If I get the Air I like to do this to the Apple logo. I did it on my MacBook and I love it.
View 13 Repliesi really want to customize my macbook. i want to change the color logo to apple classic color. (but not for a while) the main thing i want to do is something like this [URL] the second picture to last. the guy with a suit and a hat, being covered with the apple logo. i want something like that, only not that image. you get the idea though. where can i get something like this? are they stickers as well? or are they laser engraved? i do not want it permanent on my macbook, since i get easily bored with the same look
View 3 Replies View RelatedI did a search on this topic, but no results.
Has anyone here tried/done this to their MacBook? The site that sells it say it is extremely difficult. MacBook Pro is easier. I like to hear your input if you've attempted this.
Can i do this? Is there a sticker i can buy or do i have to open the case?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThis is silly.... is there a program which helps you change the color of the apple?
It is white right now as I have the lid of my MacBook open.
I'd like to change the color of the apple logo in the menu bar. I got Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.7 and this is how it looks like:
You see: standard leopard style... But I'd like to change the black apple logo in to a blue one. Like in Mac OS X Tiger:
I know there are some useful programs but they don't work in 10.5.7!
You all know these....
classic menue
Has anyone got a solution?! !
Does anyone know of a way to JUST change the apple logo in the menubar?
I want to change it to this image:
I'm on Snow Leopard and have SnowTunes Noir installed, and I'm not a big fan of the Apple.
Does anyone know how to change the apple logo in the top left corner to a photoshoped image? I have been looking everywhere.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe top left logo in the menu bar. I tried going in to System Preferences > Appearance but no luck. Is there a program required?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello everyone. No I AM NOT looking to mod the apple logo in my menu bar. My question is this: Why does my apple logo change color from time to time? I have seen it Red/Orange, blue, white/grey, and traditional black. Why is it doing this? I have never seen it before. No I haven't changed backgrounds/themes. It isn't all the time, infact I am not sure if it is related to any specific user intervention. I am just curious as to why it may be doing this. I've googled and only founds ways to hack it. NO I am not on hallucinogens. I thought it was related to the Apple Software update, indicating I had new updates, but this was disproven today when it was Red and I checked for updates.
View 14 Replies View RelatedToday just woke up and turned on my iMac. It started with apple logo then I saw a cancel logo which shocked me..
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just purchased a new 15" MBP... have been searching for some color profiles, and downloaded a few found here.
However, when I go into my display file and switch between profiles, nothing changes. Also, when I click on different profiles, I get that "bong" sound when I hit the mouse.
my first night with my new Macbook was last night! All is great so far, just one questions though. When I was in the bed las night, the apple logo was so darn bright in the bedroom it woke the wife up once! Can I turn that sucker down a little for night time use, or should I position the pillow to cover the back up?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes the Apple logo still light up on the MacBook Air whenever the screen is on? Like this:
View 13 Replies View Relatedis there any possible way to make the apple logo on the lid of my macbook to glow after music? or just to make it randomly glow? i think i'll look really cool.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I start up my MacBook Pro I get the apple logo but for the past few days when starting up the apple logo now goes pink, does this mean that there is a problem ?
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)
Just got a new white MacBook yesterday (MB403LL/A) and have noticed, that depending on a slight change in viewing angle, pastel colors can get really distorted, even appearing as other colors, e.g., light green->gray and light orange to pink. One example would be Google calendar when editing an event. Looking at the screen in a normal position, the background appears gray, but when slumped down in my chair it looks green (the actual color). Is this a normal problem with MacBooks or could my display be defective? I took a couple snaps with iPhone that didn't turn out to hot but illustrate the point:
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to set up my signatures for my emails. My font changes, however, the color of the font does not. I have a Macbook Pro with Lion OS.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I know this is kind of off topic and the logo does not make the product any different but I found it a little odd that Apple decided to not to put their logo on the remote. It's made out of aluminum and has enough space on the back for a logo to be present. Apple put's their logo on everything that has enough space for one. The old remote had it, mouse, keyboard, MacBook/MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mini, Mac Pro, iPod's, iPhone, docks, and gift cards all have it. Their earphones don't have it because they are to small to put a logo without making them look stupid. I wonder what Jonathan Ive and Jobs were thinking when they decided to not put the logo. The back of the remote almost seems bare without it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDisk Utility in OS X gave me a Invalid key length after checking Catalog file, so I restarted to OS X Install DVD. It did the same thing on the OS X Install DVD. I went to Startup Disk, changed it back to the Mac OS X on Macintosh HD option - so I could go in and back my stuff up. It just goes to apple logo, does the spin thing at the bottom, and goes black. I can't even boot from DVD anymore.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo this morning i turned on my alu macbook (2.0ghz, 2gb ram) and i'm stuck on the apple logo and spinny thing at the bottom, i've searched here and the apple site but can't find a solution.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a major problem with my first Generation MacBook Pro. It won't boot anymore: it just turns on and gets stuck at the Apple logo. There is no spinning wheel and nothing else happens. Pressing 'C' for booting from CD or pressing ALT and choosing the CD as an alternative boot source does not work either: it just does exactly the same, gets stuck at the apple logo. I already tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM, as well as the SMC. This also did not change anything. CMD+V mode starts up then stops at the line "ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)"
What can I do? I really need to save my Mac, there is some really important stuff on there
So I just bought a Seagate momentus XT HDD for my 2010 i7 15" MBP. I clonded the drive using Super Duper from the old drive (500GB Toshiba) to the new drive using a USB SATA enclosure.
I now have the new drive installed. Once the Apple logo shows up it boots very fast, but it takes like 30 seconds for the logo to show up almost as if it is having trouble finding the boot drive.
I have run Onyx's full automated service whihc verified startup disk, verified and repaired permissions, emptied caches, etc.
My MacBook Pro started Experiencing this today... for the first time it completely crashed, and the screen got filled with green lines... I restarted it and when the Apple logo came up, it had some stripes in it, and won't start the system due to "System Failure" or something like that... I managed to get through it, but then it happened again and now it's for good. I can start the system, but when it comes to passing the Apple logo it just crashes and the screen is filled with green stripes. I wish I could screen shot it, but it mysteriously disappeared on my last attempt to turn the system on... and when it happens it just freezes the system.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI noticed today that my apple logo is showing through my screen. Whenever I am on a white background or app, I see it. It is an outline of a backwards apple logo. There is a disk around it. It is located in the sampe place as my external logo.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
My computer starts up with grey screen,apple logo, rotating cirlce, and then it shuts off. Is there anything i could do before i take it to the apple store for help?
It is getting stuck on the Apple Logo in white page with spinning gear. The apple logo keep disappearing and come again endlessly.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x), Actually I only know it is OS X.
Mac book pro grey screen apple logo
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.1.1, Mac book pro opening with grscreen
I was working on a project in xcode that an error poped saying it can't save the file, after that mac os just hanged, so I restarted it, but it couldn't get pass the apple logo, so I booted the recovery partition and tried the disk utility and it said there was a problem with the startup partition, so I tried the repair volume, but it didn't work, saying there was a write problem, so I tried to reformat it and then restore it to time machine backup, but it didn't work, so I removed the hard from my laptop and used a sata to usb enclosure and insert it to another mac and I formated the hard and reinstalled mac on it. when the hard is connected to usb I can boot from it and use it, but when I put it in the macbook it just can't boot from it. I figure there's a write problem with the serial-ATA.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My daughter's 3 year old MacBook Pro will not boot up. The grey screen with Apple logo comes up and it looks and sounds like it is going to boot up but after 30 seconds it goes black and turns off.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.0.1