MacBook Air :: Anyone Try Coolbook For The Fans?

Mar 12, 2008

I saw a single post somewhere on these boards about something called "coolbook" which is a utility that undervoltages (is that even a word?) the chip to make it run cooler.

It's $10 to give it a try. Wonder if anyone with fan issues would give this a try to see if it changes the heat/fans much?

Google coolbook and you will find it.

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Suddenly Making Wierd Noises / Fans Are Hitting Something?

Jul 27, 2009

the other day i wake up and open my macbook pro and immediately heard the fan making noises ive never heard it make before. i checked istat pro. the fans were going at 2000rpm. this is when i started to get concerned since i would never hear the fans at that speed before. the difference was day and night. it sounds like the one or both of the fans are hitting something. i always hear the noise when i start up or wake up from sleep and after a while (30 minutes to an hour) it usually goes away but has come back once without me turning off or putting the computer to sleep. its a refurbished less than a little more than a month ago. im hoping its just some dirt that made it through keyboard and will eventually go away because i dont want to send my machine in to get manhandled by apple repair. has anyone had something like this happen before?

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MacBook Air :: CoolBook With Rev B?

Jun 3, 2009

I have read a few isolated postings about people with Rev B using CoolBook.

If you do that what is the extra battery time you get from your MBA Rev B with CoolBook installed?

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MacBook Air :: Coolbook Has No Effect?

Sep 11, 2008

Now I have these settings with coolbook:

But there is just no difference in temperature or fan speed. Now iTunes, Firefox, Adium and Coolbook are open but as soon as I start to load some Webpages (Engadget,, etc...) the fan runs a lot faster and thy CPU has about 55�C.

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MacBook Air :: Software Update And Coolbook

Aug 23, 2008

So, software update today addressing the core shutdown issue.

I turned off Coolbook (uncheck "Coolbook Active"), rebooted, installed the update, rebooted, turned Coolbook back on and rebooted. By now, my machine was pretty warm, so I put it to sleep for a couple minutes.

Then I ran 10 minutes of Youtube videos. My max temp was 66 degrees. My fans stayed low for the first couple of videos, then slowly crept up to 4500 RPM over the course of the third video. I think they would eventually reach max fans, but it looked like another 10 minutes or so to get there.

Compared to before, the fans definitely came up much more slowly, so that's good. Otherwise, everything seemed to run normally for me.

Environmentally, the ambient temperature in the room is about 75 and I have the machine on my lap (so some of the vents are blocked).

In my opinion, the update looks good. Despite the warning in the update, Coolbook still works fine and still provides a superior heat management technique (by generating less heat in the first place).

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Use Coolbook After Update 10.5.5

Sep 16, 2008

i have a very big problem after update tp 10.5.5 in my macbook air.

i do the update with coolbook active.... and when restart... the system dont pass over 800mhz at 50�C and all the system go very slow.

i tried to active again coolbook, restart, but coolbook dont work....

so now i have that problem.... my 1,8 macbook air dont pass over 800 mhz...

what can i do??

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MacBook Air :: Do I Need Coolbook To Reset The Sysetm

Dec 17, 2008

I've just installed coolbook and fiddled around withe the settings etc, and restarted.Do I need to open coolbook every time I restart the MBA?Do I need to have the application running all the time, or do I just leave itclosed? (i guess if the answer the question 1 is no, then the answer to this is no as well!)Finally, is there a way of keeping the icon in the menu bar without having the actualy application open (assuming you don't need it open all the time)? I like seeing what temp it's currently at

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MacBook :: Best Setting For FanControl Or CoolBook?

Mar 2, 2009

I have a Macbook 2ghz core duo (non core 2duo) and the fan works loud. What is the best setting when I use the app "fan Control" or "coolbook"? I don't know which app is better?

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MacBook :: CoolBook Settings For 2.2Ghz?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm asking good settings for my MacBook 2,2Ghz Core Duo & 4Gb RAM.

How many different speed i should use?

I mean like this,


800 mhz at .9V

1200 mhz at .9V

1400 mhz at .9V

1600 mhz at .95

Many different settings, or just 2, etc?

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MacBook Air :: Finding Coolbook On 2010 13"?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm just wondering if the coolbook work well with new macbook air 13".

has someone the working beta version? and can someone send me?

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MacBook Air :: CoolBook Temp 92 Degrees Celsius

Oct 26, 2008

I run 2 instances of yes > /dev/null in the terminal windows and the coolbook temperature rises to 100 degrees Celsius. In istat pro its 105 degrees Celsius for the cpu? And of course its downclocking to 1200mhz. If I use the lowest voltage in coolbook the temperature will reach 92 degrees celcius, still really high. I'm only stressing the CPU, wonder what happens when I also stress the GPU. It seems the air is really not capable of this 'high-end' processor and gpu, I wonder if the rev2 of the air will be any better.

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MacBook :: Optimal Coolbook Settings For 2GHz C2D?

Sep 15, 2009

I just bought coolbook for my two and a half year old White Macbook. What would be the best settings/courses of action to keep my book from overheating and be able to comfortably play streaming vid. on a 23" monitor?
Don't know if that last part really makes a huge difference.

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MacBook Air :: Coolbook Keeps Resetting After Computer Reset?

Dec 7, 2009

i have an issue with coolbook. I have setting for coolbook, but every time i restart my computer coolbook isnt active again unless I manually open up and click save.

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OS X :: Mac OS X 10.6.3 With Coolbook 2.16?

Mar 30, 2010

Does anyone know if Coolbook 2.16 still work with Mac OS X 10.6.3 update?

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OS X :: Coolbook After 10.6.2 Update - Can't Uninstall

Nov 9, 2009

Coolbook doesn't work after updating from 10.6.1 to 10.6.2. When I open it, it says "This update requires a reboot" no matter how many times I reboot. I can't use it, and I also can't uninstall the driver to reinstall it and see if that corrects it. When I try to uninstall it through the preferences pane, it says "failed to uninstall Coolbook."

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Always At 4k?

Mar 17, 2010

So lately I've noticed my Macbook Pro to be quite noisy. According to iStat menus, the fans seems to always be running at 4,000 RPM, even if I am just staring at my desktop, with nothing open.

They speed up normally when the CPU is under load, but they never go lower than 4k.

I tried using SMCFancontrol to restore the default settings, but they still run fast. I even reset the SMC the other day hoping that would fix it, but it didn't.

I've checked activity monitor and used a few terminal commands to check for any processes that are causing high cpu load or anything weird, but I haven't found anything.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Clean Fans

Apr 13, 2008

I've been advised to clean my MBP fan's out with compressed air, since I've owned it for 6 months now. So my question is, where would I actually spray the compressed air without opening the chassis? I'm scared to use it on the keyboard because I've heard keys popping off that way, and wondering if I spray into the vent below the screen, I would just blow the dust deeper into the computer...

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Fans Never Slow Down / Fix It?

Aug 22, 2009

My Unibody 17" MacBook Pro (10.5.8) Is having a few issues that I cant figure out how to deal with.
I got this laptop I think in April. And a few weeks ago I noticed the a loud humming noise that wasnt there before. It seems, after finially looking into this problem, that my fans are running at full speed from the second I hit the power button, right until the machine shuts off. I installed istat and it says the fans are running at about 5700 rpm. I guess the good news is that It doesnt ever get warm. Although this fan noise is kinda annoying and Im worried it will burn out the fans before their time.

Also some time later I realized that the backlight on the keyboard didn't work and I couldn't get it to turn on manually. As well as the auto brightness adjust for the screen stopped working.
I have installed labtick and the keys do light up with that program (although I liked it when apple did it auto for me)

I read some threads here and really thought I had it with the reset the SMC. But to no avail. I also tried resetting the PRAM, which also didn't help.
I'm not sure If any of these problems are related or If this is just the most bunk MacBook Ive ever bought.

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Won't Go Under 3500 Rpm Even With SMC

Oct 6, 2009

I have the new unibody 17 MBP 3.06. The unit doesn't get hot and I love it, but my fans run at a constant 3300-3500 rpm (istat and SMC fan control). The lowest setting on SMC is 1000 rpm I wanted it to run around 2000, but when I set it up the fans rev down then 1 second after revving down to the slower speed run right back to 3500 area. Is this normal? I thought SMC was to override the apple settings. Just 2700 rpm's makes a sound difference on my MBP. I was in a rush and forgot to mention that I just added SMC. I have had the computer for a month now and istat pro had it at 3500 rpm since I have gotten it and that is just surfing the net and at an idle. Since installing SMC Fan control didn't fix it I am wondering if I should take it in to an apple store or not?

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MacBook :: CPU Fans Don't Turn On?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a late 2009 Macbook Unibody that get extremely hot. From using SMCFanControl it tells me it's at 80-90 degrees celcius which to me is extremely hot. The fans also do not kick in at all when it gets at this level. When using skype, it skyrockets over 100 degrees celcius which causes my computer to slow down.

Is anyone else having this issue? Do you think it's a hardware malfunction?

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MacBook Pro :: Interchangeable Fans In 15'' And 17''?

Nov 14, 2009

I realize this probably wouldn't work due to the different smc controllers, but I'm wondering if the nice quieter 17'' mbp cooling fans would fit in the 15'' mbp's. Does anyone know if the fan sizes are the same? I know that the model #'s are only one letter off. The 17' mbp fans are quieter than the 15 due to having fewer blades(?) or a different design, and I think they actually spin at a lower speed. This would probably be super dangerous as the 17'' fans might not be compatible with or do a good enough job of cooling the 15'' mbp effectively, but it would be a cool mod. Anyone have info on the feasibility?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Control Fans On G5

Dec 1, 2009

I have an older PowerPC G5 with dual 1.8 GHz. Recently I replaced the Power Supply and now the two fans on the back run at high speed all the time. There is no heat problem anywhere. In fact after an hour or two of running I opened the case and everything was cool to the touch. Not even warm! Is there a way I can get the fans to slow down?

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Have Been Going Non Stop

Jun 6, 2010

I love my MBP half to death but for the past few days my fans have been going non stop. They are currently at 4965 rpm doing just web browsing. Should I get this checked out?

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Never Spin Up?

Jun 17, 2012

I noticed that on my macbook pro retina, i never heard the fans spin up. 

I tried Prime95 to stress the CPU, temperature went up to 98°c and the fans stayed at about 2000rpm...  I immediately stopped to avoid damages.   

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: What Applications Triggers Fans

Nov 8, 2010

I'm pretty big on silent pc's (need dead silent, love my curr ssd), wondering what apps gets the fan going?

Apps I need dead silence:
word '11
all the above multitasked, does the fan come on?

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Never Spin Up While Under Stress

Dec 2, 2010

I was noticing a lot of slow-down while playing computer games on my MBP. My computer far exceeds the minimum requirements for everything, so I reckoned it must have been something other than a slow processor (2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo), low ram (4 GB) or a completely inadequate graphics card (Nvidia 9400M). The games range from 'Day of Defeat: Source' to the 8 year-old 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'. After a bit of research, I came to realise that my exhaust fan is never speeding up past 2005 RPM no matter WHAT the load on the CPU is. To test this, I downloaded smcFanControl and ran CPUTest. As the CPU went from 50*C to 95*C, there was hardly any change in the fan's speed. The variation went between 1995 and 2005 RPM.

In order to keep the computer relatively cool when playing games or doing anything that is CPU-heavy, I have to manually increase the fan's RPM in smcFanControl. I find that setting the fans to the maximum, 6000 RPM, keeps the computer cool enough to process these games. This program works wonders and I've not had any slow-down in games as a result. However, I am worried that there might be something wrong with my Mac. Why does it not automatically increase fan speed when reaching higher temperatures? I've even reset my SMC (SHIFT-CONTROL-OPTION-Power) on start-up just to be sure I've tried everything. Any suggestions as to why my fan seems stuck at 2000 RPM?

MBP, 13-inch, 4GB RAM, 2.53 GHz

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MacBook Pro :: Why Fans Running So High?

Dec 25, 2010

Both of my fans are running at the max 6200 RPM and have been for well over an hour. My CPU is over 65% idle, and none of my processes are over 20%. My HD Temp is 38 degrees and my CPU temp is 72 degrees. I don't think my fans should be running this high considering the computer is doing so little work.

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MacBook Air :: Fans Run Even When Cpu Temp Has Lowered To 50C?

Apr 2, 2008

using Ichat the other day running a full screen chat, and I saw the temp of the CPU rise to about 65C and the fans started spinning up 6200.... That was understandable as the CPU was under load... but after I closed the ichat down, the CPU temp dropped down to about 50C but the fans stayed at 6200 for a long period of time. probably about 10 minutes or so... then they slowly crepted down to 2500.

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MacBook Air :: Fans Does Not Work And Stays At 0 RPM

Apr 24, 2008

My MBA is 1.6/80. The fan does not work suddenly and stays at 0 rpm (istat pro, smcfancontrol), no matter how many times I've restarted it. I've been using coolbook to adjust voltage and smcfancontrol to adjust the max fan speed, but do not think it is really the culprit as there are other reported cases online. I've run the hardware test and there was an error shown: "4MOT/1/40000002:Exhaust-0". Also it shows in the activity monitor the UserEventAgent(117) is not responding.

The weather in the UK now is around 13 and the temp of my MBA is hovering between 62-70 C (istat-pro) in-door all the time, just surfing the net! I've been loving this machine up till the moment the fan stopped. It is really frustrating as this is my first intel mac, and the fact that i'm relying on it for preparing notes for the approaching exams makes it even worse. I really doubt its reliability at the moment.

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MacBook :: Fans Stuck At 6200 Rpm?

Jan 7, 2009

My fans are stuck at 6200 rpm. I downloaded SMC Fan control and have my minimum speed set at 1500 rpm. I checked my activity monitor and there is nothing taking up a large amount of my cpu. My temp is around 60c-70c on average, which is normal.

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