MacBook :: 91% Battery Life After 30 Charge Cycles?
Mar 18, 2010
I noticed that my MacBook doesn't run as long as it used to before I have to charge it again. I downloaded CoconutBattery, and it tells me that my battery is down to 91% of its original capacity after only 30 charge cycles. It's 5 months old according to CB, and I bought it new on Dec. 24th. (It's a Unibody White...) Is this normal, or should I take it into the Apple Store for a replacement?
I've never full drained the battery below "50%" 61 times so I don't know why it says I've had 61 cycles. I always leave my laptop attached to the AC adapter. Is 61 Cycles with 99% battery life good for a 5 month old laptop?
I received a Black 2.4GHz MacBook that I bought on eBay a few days ago to add to my collection. The battery reports 828 charge cycles, and has about 82% of it's original charge capacity, and still lasts a good 2.5 hours. What I want to know is, is it unsafe to use it like this? Apple Battery FAQ doesn't not really say when to replace the battery, besides when it doesn't hold that good of a charge anymore. Should I be worried?
I was just looking at the battery info for my PB which is about 1.5 years old. It says that my cycle count is 59. I was wondering how many cycles the average battery will do with a reasonable charge time? My absolute max capacity is 4400. I found the information with the following command: ioreg -l -w 0 | grep IOBatteryInfo
I have been reading posts about charge techniques and usage to preserve the battery life but its often inconclusive and comes with different opinion. Even Apple do not have a proper usage/charge guide to maintain battery lifespan. Therefore, I have decided to conduct this study and perhaps produce a certain conclusion on what is the best charge technique to maintain the battery life of our Macs. Please fill in the following template and a final conclusion will be produced once we've received enough inputs. Use software like Coconut Battery to retrieve the relevant information required by this study.
MacBook Model (type,year,unibody): Charge Cycle: Age of your Mac: Battery capacity (current-original): Health in %:...........................
Just bought a new 15 inch retina MBP. My question is...should I immediately charge the battery or let it run to zero first and then charge it? Does it even matter?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2, Retina, 15 Inch
My Macbook's battery has done 902 cycles and is on 92% health.
I was just wondering - even though I know it's impossible to predict the life-span of a computer battery - a) how accurate that reading is (I use the iStat Pro widget) and b) ignoring the health reading, is it time to buy a new battery when it hits 1000 cycles?
The health has gone down from 100% to 92% in the space of about 3 months? Maybe more. Is that a sign that I should change it?
Ok, so I have a 2009 uMB 2.4 with 4GB/500GB and my battery cycle count with coconut Battery states it is at 418 Cycles and the Life states 96%, my question is?Is that good
How many cycles should I get out of the battery
This is the unibody MacBook the one they are calling the Classic uMB and I have had this since it was new, I bought this around February 2009, so just under 2 years old.
The MacBook Pro is a 13' unit. it was replaced with a SSD drive. The battery has 327 charging cycles on it. Sometimes when using battery only the machine will start to boot up, will get the logo then immediately shut down, screen goes black then the process continues, once I connect the AC power the Macbook boots correctly. Should also mention that the circuit board that controls the charging of the battery was also replaced (outside of warranty period) several months ago as well.
Info: imac g5, Mac Mini, MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
My AppleCare expires on Monday September 6th, and I am wondering if my 87% capacity at 51 battery cycles suggests I should visit an Apple Store this weekend? The closest store is around 25 miles away, so if I would be wasting my time, I would rather not take the trip. My concern is mostly based on my warranty ending. This is a 2009 13" MBP.
Hello people, I was just wondering if my Macbook Pro 13' (2010) battery is currently healthy? It has the health of 95% and 95 cycles. I purchased it 2 months ago
Just wondering, but how rare is it to have a battery that lasts 3 times longer than the "rated cycle amount"? Apparently this battery should have been dead 600 cycles ago... I am finally now noticing a slight loss in overall battery life.
I have used this MacBook 100% of the time since the day I have gotten it over two years ago. Is this why it has lived so long?
My macbook battery broke 500 cycles, and the battery life was at about half what it used to be so I ordered what was described as a brand new battery from Westronics, through Amazon. I put the new battery in the machine and checked System Profiler, and it is telling me that the battery has 15 cycles on it already. iStat Nano says the same thing. Is this normal for a new battery to have cycles on it already? Or did I not get a new battery? I just want to make sure I got what I paid for.
I get ready for the next disappointment tomorrow (maybe no MBP update) and looking out for a MBP at eBay. I've found a good one (August 2009) 2.53 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 500GB HDD etc. for round about 900� (1.200$) (in Germany we pay 1533� for this model so round about 2088$). The guy sent me a screenshot of the battery capacity which is 87% (4762mAh) after 56 loadcycles. Is that acceptable? IMO it's a bit too low - what do you think? Maybe I'm going to buy a AppleCare Protection Plan afterwards ... would the battery be covered?
i just ordered a late 2008 macbook pro 15 with the dual GPUs (9400m and 9600m GT) and I'm a little worried about the battery life.
-What can I expect if just doing normal every day stuff (web surfing mostly?)
-does watching a movie off of the hard disk use less battery than watching it off a DVD? Is there a big difference?
I'm not a big gamer but would like to have the horsepower to play a game should one come out that I want. I'm also not a big traveler so battery times are only of average importance.
Basically, I'm asking if I made a good purchase considering I have only average concerns for both battery and game performance. They had the new 7 hour battery 15" macbook pro for the same price but it doesn't have the dual GPUs.
I noticed this in my previous Rev. A. After 100 cycles, my health dropped from 98% -> 92-94%. Now on my Rev. C, I'm at 136 cycles and my health dropped from 99% -> 92%.
I calibrated my battery already, but is the MBA's battery just purposely dropping health after a certain cycle count or what?
I know that my Macbook batter is expected to be at 80% health by the time 1000 cycles have passed [URL] however im on 90% after just 82! the macbook is still under apple care, do you think that this excessive drop in health is enough for the battery to be replaced by apple?
Info: MacBook, 2.4Ghz, 8192Mb, 250Gb, Mac OS X (10.7)