MacBook :: 13" Backlight Off When Fully Open?
Oct 26, 2009
I have a 2.2Ghz MacBook recently out of warranty, and now the backlight turns off when the lid is fully open. it's fine till about 55-60 degs but i can't open it more than that, backlight goes off. at a certain angle i can wiggle the screen and watch the backlight flicker on-and-off. if it opens too far, closing it to about 35-40 degs turns the backlight on again. then i can nudge it up to 60 deg again. the working angle also seems to be more acute when the mb has just been woken up, the backlight turns off at around 40 deg. but after it's been awake for a while i can open it up a bit further.
so anyway, i read this issue is quite common with the rev.d macbooks due to an inferior display cable used so i opened it up, using the guides, hoping to see something obvious i could fix but everything looked ok. i stopped short of removing the LCD from the top cover, but had a look at the inverter board. since there's nothing i can see with the naked eye, the only way to troubleshoot now is to start replacing parts one-by-one and seeing which one solves the problem.
i don't think it's the LCD as the display is fine when the backlight is on, and i can still make out the picture when it's off. so that's one expensive component i'm hoping to avoid replacing.
it might be a cable needs replacing but which one? the one that slots into the right hinge looked alright but i thought it might be getting pinched as the lid opens? maybe an internal break in the wire? is there another cable behind the LCD screen i should check also?
i know if the LCD was off all the time then it's probably a faulty inverter board and would just change that but could it also cause the problem i'm having? it seems strange that a circuit board would choose some arbitrary angle to work and not work. this seems more like a mechanical fault than a logic-based one?
and lastly, the worst thing would be a logic board problem but again, i don't see how this could be? any repair gurus care to advise?
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Apr 19, 2009
my backlight decided it only wants to light up intermittently. and only for a little bit at a time. screen seems to still work, but when i open from sleep, sometimes it will flicker on the right side (like a fluorscent bulb) and go out again, or light up completely like it is supposed to, or do nothing at all. Machine is over 2 years old, and has gotten a lot of use. What are the chances this is a relatively cheap (1-200) fix? The machine is in good shape otherwise except for palmrest cracking which i havent gotten fixed due to the fact there is no apple store within 100 miles...
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Aug 31, 2010
I was talking on skype. I attempted to open microsoft messenger for mac. It froze up the video on skype, but I could still hear the person I was talking to. Microsoft messenger failed to open, so I clicked okay on the error box.
A few minutes later skype froze up and I could no longer hear or see the person I was talking to. My mac was unresponsive and I could not get anything to close so I held the power button and shut it down. I waited for a few minutes and tried to re-boot. It took a few minutes and was still trying to boot, so I went and took a shower. I came back and it was fully booted, yet running very slow. Every application I tried to open would not open fully, I had to force quit anything I tried to open. Even "Finder" wasn't responding and had to be re-launched. As it stands now, I can't stand to try to even use my Mac because it runs so slow, and will not open any applications.
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Apr 23, 2010
is battery calibration as simple as fully charging and then draining battery ,or is there more steps?
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Apr 8, 2012
fully back up and return to factory settings so I can set up again in Lion (from Leopard).
MacBook Pro
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I recently downloaded adobe reader. Now I deleted but I can't open pdf in safari. It's fully loaded but can't be opened. How can I change safari pdf reader back to preview as default?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 5, 2009
My co-worker needs help with his iBook.
I switched when the Mac Mini came out, so seeing this iBook from 2001 is pretty interesting.
Anyways, he's having problems with the LCD that when he opens it all the way the LCD turns off. Any ideas for DIY fix? He also wants to know if he can add Wi-Fi?
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 23, 2012
I am unable to fully access an application or even open a folder. If I press F10, I can see the folder for example but I cannot click on it. I have shut the system off and restarted and still no change.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 15, 2010
I kept my macbook (late 2008) turned on overnight on lowest brightness and when I tried turning the brightness back on this morning, the backlight flashed on for less than a second and then turned off again. Somehow I managed to get it to work, but whenever I move my macbook even slightly the problem reoccurs. I've done some research on my problem and I suspect that it's hardware related (maybe the inverter or the inverter cable?), but maybe the LCD itself is broken? Does anyone else have any experience with this?
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Jan 22, 2009
I have a 2.2 Santa Rosa 15" MBP, and an odd thing happened last night. I wasn't running any unusual applications, and had a few things open and was browsing in Firefox. All of a sudden my screen went black, and wouldn't come back up.
The computer is still running just fine, and it didn't go to sleep. The LED backlight is fine, as the Apple logo is lit up and if I change the brightness I can see the backlight changing (the "black" screen gets less "black", if that makes sense), however the actual display panel isn't projecting any picture at all.
I've restarted a dozen times, reset PRAM, and did the unplug battery and hold power button trick, all to no avail. There's no flicker of a picture or anything... it's as if the monitor is completely dead (aside from the backlight being fine).
If I plug in an external monitor, I can use the computer just fine. So it's not like the video card is dead all the way.
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Feb 8, 2009
I know that the base 2.0GHz MacBooks do not feature the backlit keyboards of the higher-end models, but I was wondering if the actual backlight is physically in these lower-end models and just disabled in firmware or software? Or is it missing entirely?
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Mar 17, 2012
the light on my 15" display has grown dimmer; is that something that is correctable?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 12, 2012
After the system update why won't my keyboard backlight wont shut down.
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Dec 1, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro (Newest gen.) and sometimes the keyboard backlight wont turn on. I suspect it to happen when I have had the Macbook on standby, but I don't know for sure if that is what does it.
Then i press the backlight-adjust buttons on the keyboard, this OSD-symbol turns up:
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Dec 8, 2010
The backlight on my MacBook went out suddenly today, no idea why. Is there some way to replace it without having to replace the entire display assembly? It is very difficult to get the assembly apart, but I will be on break from school and will have plenty of free time to fix it if it will save me a few hundred bucks. So is it possible to replace the backlight only, or is it a part of the lcd panel?
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Dec 11, 2010
I read on the internet that this is probably caused by lightbult or inverter board, but that information was on macbook or macbook pro, i couldn't find any information if its the same issue with macbook airs.. Has somebody had similar situation? How have you solved this issue?
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Dec 26, 2010
I have a 2008 White body model Macbook with 2 gigs of ram and 2.1 core duo processor. My problem is that the screen won't turn on...when I start up my computer it lights up for a second, but turns off before the apple sign shows up. If I look really close I can see everything. Oddly enough, if I press the brightness button so to decrease the brightness to the very last bar and then hit the f2 button to turn up the brightness by one, the light will turn on for a few seconds, if i continually go back and forth, I can sort of use it enough to do something with it (thank god because I had all my work for school on it). I have included a link with this thread so you can see what I mean.
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Apr 4, 2008
Is there any fix to the keyboard backlight problem? My keyboard work only setting manually on. It won`t set keyboard lights on when it`s at the darkroom etc. Is there any fix for this problem?
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Feb 21, 2009
At full brightness the flickering is barely noticeable unless you really tried to look hard for it but you can also see it on website backgrounds with lots of lines, such as the left sidebar on [URL] Also, when the backlight dims after being left alone, the backlight flickers for a couple of minutes and then disappears. I have had this macbook for a bit more than 2 weeks. Should I send it in for a repair/replacement?
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a macbook pro and the keyboard backlight turns on and off when i press the f,g,and v keys when I am in a dark room.
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May 26, 2010
Does anyone know how much battery the backlight drains on the MBP?
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May 30, 2010
In regards to a 2010 13" macbook pro's illuminated keyboard.
1.) Is there a way you can make the keyboard's backlight become brighter in low light situations?
2.) Is there a way for the backlit keyboard to turn off in lit rooms and turn on in dark rooms?
For some reason the backlit keyboard becomes dimmer in low light situations. I'm finding it really irritating. I have a feeling this is the way it is suppose to be so that the keyboard doesn't blind you. Any programs to hack the light sensor?
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Jun 7, 2010
I have had my Macbook for almost three years now, and for the last month, the backlight for my screen has gone off. However, when I put the brightness down to 0 when the light is off, and put it up by 1 it sometimes turns on for a couple minutes/seconds/hours. Any help? By the way, I am using Boot Camp, I do not know if this happens on my Mac Side, because it comes up with a "stop" sign when I try to boot it up.
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Aug 18, 2010
When I try to turn up the backlight of my keyboard, it keeps giving me the "zero" symbol that looks like a O with a / through it. I have not spilled anything and haven't tampered with anything. Will it refuse to light up if I'm in a lit enough area?
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Feb 26, 2012
Macbook Air 11inch 1.6Ghz Model
I have tried a SMC reset 3 times, I have tried deleted the plist file and I have tried the finger over the isight lens and nothing is working.
The buttons work fine and it increases and decreases on the screen, it is just there is NO LIGHT whatsoever!
I don't know what else to do and don't want to send my laptop off to get fixed if it is just a simple thing I can do.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 29, 2012
My Macbook pro keyboard backlight not working since the first day I bought. F5 & F6 keys are working but the light didn't turn on... Is there any setting to change or?
Mac Pro, iOS 5.1
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Apr 2, 2012
For the first time last night, I was using my new 13" MBA ultimate and noticed the keyboard back light was not working. Is the some way it has been turned off, and if so how do I turn it back on?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 5, 2012
I was surfing the web when my keyboard backlight started to fade on and offat somewhat regular intervals. After about a mintue or two of this, the backlight just went off all together. Now, when I press the F5 or F6 key to brighten or dim the keyboard, the keyboard backlight does not respond. The usual screen pop-up that shows how bright or dim the keys are no longer increases or decreases but shows the symbol of O with a slash through (like the no smoking symbol).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inch, Early 2011
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Feb 22, 2010
Basically. I have my 15" saying that it is charged with the MagSafe light green. Although, the battery percentage is 96%. Ehh.. Is it supposed to be like that?
Like, not charge if it has only a little bit left to charge? Or is something wrong with my battery or MagSafe?
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