Mac Mini :: Using Mm With Attached External HDD And Time Machine - Making Backup?
Sep 16, 2010
I checked other post and MROOGLE but didn't find an answer to this question. I am interested in purchasing a Mac Mini, but due to the small size of the internal HDD I would have to have an External HDD attached for iTunes Media. Will Time Machine allow me to backup my internal HDD and External HDD to an additional External HDD...?
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Mar 11, 2009
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
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Mar 19, 2012
I have a hard drive which is attached to my iMac 24*7. I plan to move all my movies & pictures over to it. Would the Time Machine backup (through a different hard drive) backup my Hard drive?
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 12, 2009
I have a linksys wrt610n wireless router that isn't set up yet. You can attach USB drives to the router to use as a nas. I can't find if time machine will use it or let me use a drive attached to the router for my backups.
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Apr 2, 2009
I want to wirelessly time machine backup to my time machine hard drive already attached to my iMac.
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Aug 24, 2009
I'm going to be replacing the hard drive in my MacBook at around the same time that I'll be upgrading to Snow Leopard. I'm not exactly sure what the best way to do this would be.
Would it be possible to back up my computer in its current (Leopard) state and then restore that backup onto the new hard drive after I install Snow Leopard?
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Nov 17, 2010
I have a late 2008 aluminum unibody MacBook. I recently bought a 500 gb harddrive to replace the stock 160 gb and reinstalled OS X.
I'm at the step that asks you to choose to setup as new or from a backup. I want to backup from my Time Capsule's latest backup using time machine. However, after entering my acct and password to access my time capsule, it's been stuck at the "Checking Time Machine backup..." popup with the spinning beachball. It's been like this for the past hour and half.
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May 28, 2012
Is it possible to have Time Machine overwrite an existing backup instead of making excessive new backups? If not, is there a way to control when Time Machine preforms its backup task so as to not make excessive backups?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 30, 2012
I have a external HD which has always worked fine under snow leopard. Since upgrading to lion I keep getting the following message The identity of the backup disk has changed since the previous backup.The disk may have been replaced or erased, or someone may be trying to trick your computer into backing up to the wrong disk. And after this the drive disappears from the desktop appearing agian only after restart. What can I do do rectify this? Delete and re-intialise the drive?
MacProQuad2.6 4gbRam, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Nov 22, 2009
I'm just about to receive my new Core i7 iMac with a 2Tb Hard Drive and was just wondering whether I could use my old 1Tb Hard Drive for Time Machine Backups.
As far as I know the requirement for a Time Machine Backup Drive is that the drive is at least the same size in terms of capacity as the internal HD of the system you're planning to back up.
I would really like to use my old drive as 2Tb external drives with FireWire 800 are in the 200+ region on Amazon and I'm not sure I would like to spend that much at the moment.
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Oct 31, 2010
I have a Mac Mini and two mac notebooks that run Snow Leopard. I've been backing these machines up to a 300 GB drive that is now full. Today I brought home a 2TB drive so that I can use Time Machine to backup the desktop Mac Mini. Can I use the same hard drive to use Time Machine for the two notebooks, as well? What about storing other backups on that drive as well? I'm just trying to map the most logical approach to having safe backups.
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Nov 30, 2008
I have a 320GB internal drive and 1TB (MyBook) external drive. I recently bought a second 1TB external drive (MyVault)to use with Time Machine. I have removed the exclusion of MyBook so that Time Machine backs it up but so far it has refused to do so. It is happily backing up the internal drive. I have looked in the Mac OSX Leopard Missing Manual but still have no clue as to what I am missing. The initial setup (and backup) did not include MyBook until I discovered that I would have to remove it from the exclusions.
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Mar 10, 2009
So right now I have 2 external hard drives, a 2TB MyBook Mirror edition, set at RAID 0 so its a full 2TB, and a 1TB MyBook Home Edition. I also have three LaCie 1TB drives to back up the MyBook drives.
How I back up is basically copy the contents over to the backups once a month. The problem is, using USB (my only option) takes about 24 hours per TB. Backing up 3 days a month? Not fun.
Can Time Machine do this better? I still have Tiger, so can't test it yet but it seems tedious to do things my way. I would rather be able to plug them in and sync every few weeks and not have to replace every file, just the ones that changed or were added. Can this be done?
I don't keep the drives connected 24/7 so it would have to be manual, and also can Time Machine back up a 2TB drive to 2 1TB drives? The are stuck in enclosures so i have to connect the 2 separately through USB, can't use RAID.
If Time Machine is not the answer, is there some third party program the would not require me to re-copy every file? It would be great if I could save some time doing this.
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Mar 15, 2009
So I've run into a Mac issue I'm not sure how to handle. I've got a Mac Pro running Leopard. I've got 3 internal Harddrives: 1.) 250 GB (runs my OS and applications), 2.) 500 GB (where I store all my source files for my business), 3.) 750 GB (serves as the backup for Time Machine for all the files on Harddrives 1 and 2.). So I began thinking the other day. What would happen if somehow all 3 harddrives were destroyed (theft, fire, power surge, flood damage, etc.)? I would lose years worth of source files from my business (graphic and web design files mostly).
So I went and bought a 1 TB external drive today. Ideally I would like to put the external drive in another location and bring it out maybe once a week to backup the 3rd harddrive from above (the one being used for Time Machine). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to backup this harddrive...some type of program that essentially acts like Time Machine? I just basically need it to mirror my Time Machine Harddrive. I found a program named Super Duper ( not sure if anyone has had experience with it or not. I'm open to any suggestions on how to use the external harddrive to back up my Time Machine harddrive.
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Aug 4, 2009
How can TM take backups of external drives that are connected?
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May 28, 2010
I have a seagate 320 gb external hard drive(with usb). Currently I am using a hackintosh and I will switch to Mac in a month. In my external HDD I have 200gb of pictures-movies-tv shows-documents. It is formatted with NTFS so I use it with Macfuse and NTFS 3G. When I get a macbook pro 15" i5 with 320gb hdd I will transfer all 200gb to my MBP, format the HDD to Mac os journaled instead of ntfs and use the hard drive for time machine.
After that I will still have some space. I want to use that space for carrying around documents for example to carry my presentation with me to the school. Can I use it like that? Also computers at school uses Windows, can windows read and write Mac OS Journaled format? Additional quick question: In windows if HDD is full pc gets slower, do macs get slower when hard drive is near full?
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Jun 2, 2010
We just came back from vacation 2 days ago; I checked time machine. It says latest backup is delayed; then latest backup failed; next backup when disk is connected. I have a WD external hard drive. I check to see that it is connected to my IMac and is plugged in for electricity. Restarted my imac - same problem. There is no lite on the WD; does it mean it died? Or what can I try? It is less than 2 yrs old.
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Jun 17, 2012
This is the second time it has happened, the first was with a powered USB Hard Disk, this time with a WD Elements HD. The first time, it crashed and popped up an alert saying the machine needed to be restarted.After restarting it continued, then around half way through it crashed again.It then would not boot as it said the Mac Mini's HD was corrupted.Tried to repair using the recovery mode, with no joy.Reformatted Hard Disk, went to recover using online recovery, got a 6002F error and it wouldn't reinstallTook to apple service centre, they wanted to charge to reinstall the OS (put them straight on that ).
Now it looks like it's doing it again, this time after the first crash I'm just copying the files I need manually to the external Hard Disk, which so far is OK.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 1, 2010
I want to plug in my computer into my USB dock, automatically mount my external HD, have TimeMachine do its thing automatically (so far, so good), but then immediately after the backup finishes, I want the computer to automatically unmount the HD. This will allow me to close the laptop and go somewhere without having to constantly eject the HD everytime I unplug the computer.
So - what I need is a program / script / etc that will tell the computer to eject the drive as soon as TimeMachine is done backing up.
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Mar 29, 2009
I was thinking of getting an external hard drive for use with Time Machine. On Amazon I found a Seagate 1.5 TB unit for $129. However there is a similar model "for the mac" for $192. I am wondering if the cheaper unit would work, or if the one for 50% has some indispensable feature.
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Jun 28, 2009
i was backing up my macbook nightly up until a few months ago but then stopped.
i want to wipe the external drive im using and start all over with fresh back ups. can anyone explain to me how i can do all this? i completely cant remember how i did it first time around!
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Nov 14, 2009
Okay I've had it with VMware Fusion 3, tried Parallels. The graphics capabilities are poor for my standard of work (we use 3DS Max and Maya for intensive modelling during studies). I know my graphics card is quite outdated (ATI X1600) but a lot of the graphics-intensive apps on the Mac side run very smooth.
So I'm going down the Boot Camp route since graphics-wise, it'll use the actual X1600 instead of some virtual one. It's telling me that I need to reformat into Mac OS Journaled or something, and some basic research tells me the only way to achieve this is a fresh install.
My question is, if I perform a Time machine backup onto my external drive, will it restore the applications/settings/files completely how they were, after I reinstall OS X?
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Jan 13, 2010
I am using Time Machine with my external drive. And since my external hard disk does not have too much capacity, from the time machine options I excluded some folders like movies, music etc. So in time machine preferences it seems it needs 42gb for backup. And it was working like this, backing up 42gb and everyday just backing up changes like 100mb. So in hard drive more or less 50gb was used..70gb free. Until last week.
Suddenly it appeared an error like this "This backup is too large for the backup disk. The backup requires 128 GB but only 97 GB are available". I do not have any idea how this can happen since my backup size seems like 42gb still in options. How it can require 128GB suddenly? Also how can I have 97GB available? I had 70GB last week? I tried to include everything in backup options and exclude again but it does not work. Still I see there 42gb needed for backup but when I connect the drive I am still getting the same error!
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Jun 12, 2010
I have a MacBook that I'm trying to backup because my husband wants to sell my computer and buy an iPad. I have a WD external hard drive with an iPhoto library currently on it, chronicling the first 28 months of my first child's life; needless to say it's important! The problem is that Time Machine won't back up to the external drive without erasing everything on it! Is there any way around this?
I will probably also need tips on how to put the iPhoto library (28 months to present time, about 2,200 pictures!) on my MacBook onto the hard drive (does that automatically happen upon backup?). Obviously I've done it once, because there is a library currently on the hard drive, but I can't remember how I did it.
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Mar 17, 2012
I need to deploy multi iMac for my company with exact same setup.I am able to do this with the Time Machine without problem.But I would like to know is there a way to backup the "Time Machine" USB HDD I have created, just incase my USB HDD is corrupted or I need to distribut the Time Machines to other office for deployment? Can I create a dmg file with my existing Time Machine USB HDD. so that I can make multi copy of USB HDD with the same dmg by restoring the dmg?
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Dec 6, 2014
I am trying to organize my external storage for a new iMac with an 500G SSD drive. I have a new thunderbolt G-Raid drive and an aging Airport Time Capsule. I was thinking of storing music and pictures, as well as a Time Machine backup of the SSD, and storing a Time Machine backup of my music and pictures on the Time Capsule. Will I need to partition the G-Raid?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), SSD drive
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Aug 13, 2009
I'm trying to use Time Machine to backup 44G used to an External Hard Drive with 76.5G available. The backup process always fails. I thought I might have to use Disk Utility to "zero" out data on the external hard drive but the message pops up with an estimated 24 hours to "zero" out all data on the external Hard drive. I have an iMac G5 with 10.5.8
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Nov 15, 2008
How do you set up, step by step, Time Machine? I want to create a partition on my external HDD (40GB in size, 120GB capacity) and have it back up to that partition. Is it possible? I only use around <30GB so I figure 10GB extra space is more than enough.
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Dec 27, 2008
I have an external hard drive that I use with my MBP at work. I'd like to buy another external hard drive to keep at home an also use with Time Machine to backup when at home. Will this work with 10.5.6? What I mean is, will Time Machine work if I plug in another hard drive at home, and still work when I plug in my other drive at work?
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Mar 14, 2009
I'm having trouble backing up with Time Machine. Here's the setup:
1. Three, 1TB external hard drives in a concatenated software RAID. This means that they are treated as one large drive. There is no mirroring, no increased data rate, blah blah blah. It's just three hard drives in the place of one. I am aware that this means my backup is three times as likely to fail with the hardware, but that's OK.
2. These three are connected to a USB hub.
3. This hub is connected to a G5 tower. The G5 tower can back up to the concatenated drives (I'll call them just a RAID from here on), and also all additional external hard drives that I connect to the G5 tower have been backing up to the RAID no problem. This is great.
Here's the problem:
I'm trying to get two more computers to back up to the RAID wirelessly. I read a lot online about how this didn't used to be a supported feature (backing up to an external hard drive over a network with time machine), but that Apple has recently upgraded Time Machine to support this functionality.
The first computer I started with to try to backup over the network was a Macbook Pro, trying to get it to backup to this RAID. It can see the RAID over the network, mount it, copy files to it/read it, but CANNOT time machine backup to it. I select the network RAID as the backup device, hit "back up now," then get this message:
"The external volume cannot be mounted."
This is really bizzare, considering that it is mounted, and that I can copy to it. Just for your information, I have an airport extreme wireless network that has been working beautifully, no Keychain access issues, no 3rd party firewall, nothing. I've run through Applecare on this issue: the MacBook Pro has never done ANY time machine backup on the RAID, not even a partial one, so there's no dangling sparse bundle or backup folder or anything like that. All network permissions check out, etc. I've tried repairing the RAID with disk utility, as well as repairing permissions (although I have not done either of these things to the MacBookPro).
The latest thing I tried was plugging the RAID directly into the Macbook Pro. Here's where I got the first clue (at least I think so)...Plugged DIRECTLY into the MacBook Pro, the RAID will mount, but the MacBook Pro WILL NOT backup to the RAID. It gives me the same message: the selected volume cannot be mounted. Again, this is strange considering that, just like when I am viewing the RAID over the network, plugged directly into the MacBook Pro the RAID will mount, I can read it, copy files to it, etc.
I have considered plugging the RAID into the Airport extreme directly, but first of all this would mean much slower transfer speeds with the G5 tower, which is a big issue considering the files I am backing up every day, and two, since it seems that the RAID won't be recognized by the MacBook Pro even when plugged in directly, I'm thinking that this is a more fundamental issue.
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