Mac Pro :: Setting Internal Hdd Options?

Apr 29, 2008

I understand that this question has been asked a million times but I'm just going to be honest and admitt that I really dont understand all the "lingo".

eSATA, RAID 0, 5, or 10?

What does all this mean to me?

Since I'm starting fresh any advice on the best way for me to build internal storage so that I dont waste my money (spent $6K last night).

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Power Mac G5 :: Setting Up Sata Hdd Options

Oct 31, 2007

I have a power mac g5. I have been having problems with applications running REALY, REALLY slow. Shutting down and rebooting took upwards of 10 minutes each. I've reinstalled the OS (twice) and it still takes 8 minutes to boot up and applications still run slow. Not as slow as before, but slow none the less. I'm thinking it might be a "going bad" HD and I want to get another one. Do I have to buy a Mac HD or can I buy one from say [URL]? Ive noticed that HD's on the Mac site are about twice as much as buying from a online store like Newegg or tigerdirect. My existing HD is a Maxtor Serial-ATA (thats the same as SATA right?). As long as I get the same SATA drive, will my mac handle it?

Duel G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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Mac Pro :: Setting Graphics Card Options

Oct 8, 2008

I want to ask about spec-ing a Pro with a decent graphics card for games. While it's not the only thing I will use the computer for, it will be one of it's main uses. Is it better to get one with the default 2600 and then buy a more recent Windows graphics card like an ATI 4870 and use boot camp? If I do this can I buy any PC/Windows card and keep both in so that Vista will use the PC one and OSX will use the 2600? I don't want to have to switch things around internally every time I boot to a different OS. Or should I just BTO the Nvidia 8800GT and keep things simple? As far as I can tell the 8800GT should give decent performance, at least for another few months..

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OS X :: Apple LED Display Setting Up Options

May 19, 2010

I want to upgrade to a apple LED 24" Display or if apple invents a 27" LED one and I want to hook it up to both my MacBookPro 13" And my gaming PC. I know i'll need a KVM but need assurance it will work with all the converters. Can the 3 Apple cables be split up, video, Power ,and usb as I will use Power and USB on the Laptop, I'll need to go from display port to dvi, then dvi to to the KVM video switch box (Whats the TREDNET TK207K KVM switch like) Then from one of then dvi to dvi on my gaming pc and on the other dvi port all the way upto my macbook pro mini display port. Can it be done because I know too many converters will not work

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Mac Pro :: Setting Hdd Rearrangement And File Transfer Options?

Dec 5, 2009

recently purchased two Intel X-25M 80GB G2 drives. One will be used as a boot drive for Snow Leopard and the other for Windows 7. I also will have a RAID array of one WD 640GB Caviar Black (on order) and one Hitachi 640GB (stock HDD from Apple) on which I will place my files. In the past I have used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone one HDD onto another. However, this time I have to approach things a bit differently.

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Mac Pro :: Manually Mount Internal HDD, Software Options?

Sep 21, 2009

I have filled the 4 bays of my MP with 30GB SSD's in RAID 0 and have a 1TB traditional HDD in the optical bay. In an effort to keep the machine as speedy as possible I was hoping to keep the traditional 1TB unmounted until it use is needed (wont be that often).

I am familiar with how to unmount/eject a drive once the computer is running, but is there a way for the machine to start up without it trying to access the drive thus slowing the boot time?

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Power Mac G5 :: Setting Up RAID On Internal Hd / Mirror My Drive With Apps And System?

Oct 19, 2007

I have 2ea 250GB internal HD. One with my apps and system on it and the other with no data. How do I mirror my drive with the apps and system? Or is that possible?

Dual 2.3ghz PowerPC G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
8 GB ram / 2ea. 250 GB internal HD

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Software :: Mac Book Pro Sound Options - Internal Speakers Over The Output Jack?

Apr 13, 2009

A headphone jack got stuck in my macbook pro as it fell down in a plane going thru turbulences (lucky me!).So that now it thinks there are headphones connected while there is nothing...I wont be anywhere near an apple store for the next month so I was just wondering if it was possible to force the use of the internal speakers over the output jack?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What Is The Default Setting For "show View Options/desktop" Icon Size And Grid Spacing

Jun 16, 2012

What is the deafult setting, original setting? for the desktop..i changed it around don't like how it looks..  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27" Intel Core i7 3.4GHz 4GB RAM

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Hardware :: Internal Hard Disk Does Not Show In Startup Disk Options

Jan 1, 2008

I have 2 internal Serial-ATA disks:

Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.

PowerMac G5 / OS X (V.10.4.11)
3GB memory

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MacBook Pro :: External HDD Dock Options - Internal HDD For External Use

Jul 16, 2009

A few months ago I bought the NewerTech USB 2.0 Universal Drive adapter. I was going to purchase my first laptop and knew there would be drives I could take from my G4. This was my first real experience with USB 2.0 and boy do I hate it. I do mostly video editing and I very regularly transfer huge amounts of data from drive to drive. USB 2.0 waaaaay too slow compared to what I was used to. Hours to transfer 40Gbs. I now regret not getting a FireWire enclosure.How does everyone feel about those HDD docks that take SATA drives? To me it seems very economical. I understand a smaller bus powered drive would be good for travel because a dock or larger drive needs a power source.

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Software :: Setting Primary DNS In A Internet Key Setting?

Nov 11, 2009

I've an Internet key (settings requested: phone number/web address/primary DNS): I put only the first 2 because with the third one (needed to speed up the connection) it doesn't works. I put the primary DNS requested on MACUSBmodem (DNS page, on the left).

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Power Mac G5 :: Want To Use Second Internal HD As An Internal Back Up Drive?

Nov 10, 2007

I want to keep my applications etc on one internal HD and use my second internal HD as a back up.I am a graphic designer, and i have been backing up to an external LACIE Porche 160 Gig firewire HD. This has worked fine, but...My second internal HD (112 gig?) is still loaded with 10.3 and has adobe CS2 on it along with some other crap that I no longer need.I have loaded Adobe CS3 on my primary drive and have all the files I need on that one...What is the best way to set up my second HD as a "slave" drive to improve the performance of my G5 dual 2 Ghz??Will there be any issues now that I loaded Leopard on the primary HD?

Power PC G5 Tower 2 Ghz dual processor (2004?) with two internal hard drives
Mac OS X (10.5)

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MacBook Pro :: CarbonCopy From Internal To External HDD Then To Internal SSD

Jun 29, 2014

I recently purchased a new SSD and would like to input that into my MBP 2012. If I have a partition on my external HDD that contains the carbon copy of my MBP, am I able to clone it into my SSD after I have installed it in the MBP through the USB? 

Internal HDD --> External HDD
Place internal HDD into optibay, and place SSD into the harddisk slot
Connect External HDD via USB to MBP
CarbonCopy to new SSD via USB from External HDD
Format Internal HDD 

Will this work?

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MacBook :: Logic Express 8 Missing Options / Options Missing Under Master Tab

Mar 4, 2010

I have seen a few videos about mastering and gave it a try myself. It can be done by clicking the master tab, then going to the Input 1-2 column setting and then clicking setting - mastering, etc.When I first did this a few weeks ago, there were many options such as hip hop mastering, electronic mastering, etc.Now, when I do so, I have different - much less enticing options and have no idea where the good ones went.

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Intel Mac :: How To Transfer All Data From Old Internal Hard Drive To A New Internal Hard Drive?

Feb 10, 2012

How do I transfer all data from my old internal hard drive to a new internal hard drive? I have an iMac with a 320gb internal HD that is full and I am replacing it with a 2tb internal drive. I have several external drives; 1 tb, 2tb and 3 tb. The 2 tb is being used for Time Machine. Do I have to buy an enclosure? If so, where would I get an inexpensive one? I also want to partition the new internal drive for Windows, and I'm not sure how much space to use for that. I plan to use Windows to check my work in PowerPoint created on my Mac for clients on PCs.

iPod shuffle, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Setting Up My New MBP When I Already Have A SSD?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm pretty Mac savvy but I started thinking about what I'm gonna do when I get my new MBP in a few days and I have a question.

I currently have an older MB that I recently put a 256 SSD in (knowing that I would soon transfer it to a new machine)... I have no need for a fresh start or anything, I would like to keep all my software/plug-ins authorized and my prefs the same and all that. So I think that I could just transfer my SSD into the MBP before I even turn it on, right? ... But my issue is this... If I do just put my current drive in the new MBP will it recognize that it's a new machine and know to go through all the registration process? Or, should I start it up out of the box for registration and warranty purposes, then install the SSD?

I'm sorry if i'm not making any sense... wasn't really sure how to phrase this question...

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OS X :: Setting Up My HP All-in-one?

May 31, 2010

so after doing some searching on here I'm not really finding anything specific enough.

I basically need a dummy walk-through on this. I have an older HP 5510v all-in-one. It is connected to my HP desktop in another room. I would like to install it on my Macbook and iMac wirelessly. I do not have the installation disc, though i did go to HP's site and downloaded and installed the OS X 10.6 driver on my iMac.

This is where my lack of intelligence on the matter shines through... what the heck do i do now? lol

I have a wireless network in my house, though I've never printed wirelessly and don't think my printer is on the network... I really have never set a printer up for anything like that. I really like my old 5510 though been a great printer.

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IMac :: Setting Up My SSD?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm going to install a 120gb SSD in my 27" iMac core i7. Currently I have a 2TB Hitatchi drive installed. I would like to install OSX as well as all my apps on the SSD and then keep all my user files on the 2TB drive. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get this set up once I install the SSD.

Right now I have all data, apps and OSX on the 2TB drive. Here's what I'd like to do. Once I install my SSD I'm going to do a fresh install of OSX and my apps. Then I'd like to remove OSX and apps from my 2TB drive and only keep my user files on it. My questions are ...

1. What's the best way to remove OSX from my 2TB drive? Do I have to erase the disc and then load all my user files once its been erased.

2. Also, is it ok if I keep OSX and all my apps on the 2B drive as well as my user files but still boot from the SSD? I would only be accessing my user files on the 2TB drive but wonder if I can still keep the OS and apps installed at the same time. Assuming I could but it would kind of be a waste of space, right?

3. Once I get both SSD and 2TB drive set up how I want them, I need to regularly back both of them up using CCC. I have a 3TB external drive that I backup to. Will I need to create 2 partitions on it, one for the SSD and one for the 2TB? I would like the SSD partition to be bootable incase the drive ever fails I wont miss a beat. I'm assuming to back both of them up I would need to create separate partitions on my external drive, one for the SSD and one for the 2TB.

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OS X :: Setting Up New Mac - Transferring From Old To New

Oct 10, 2010

when setting up a new mac it gives the option to transfer from another mac, Do you recommend this? Can this be done after set up?

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Mac Pro :: Setting HDD Config...

Mar 7, 2008

I know...I know, I could try to do a search to see what others are doing but give an ol boy a break. I need advice...I have 2 F1 750s (just arrived), XP 64, and Fusion software setting in front of me. I also have the stock 320 HD already in my beast. What would be the best set up using all three HDs and loading XP/Fusion.

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OS X :: Setting Up A Mac Network?

Apr 13, 2009

I'm a bit new to the whole Mac scene. I'm trying to figure out how to set up a network for my office, and I have a few questions.

1. Can I have my modem plug into a Time Capsule and use that as a router, or do I need an airport? This relates to question 2.

2. I want to have a server to store all of my data. 1TB will be plenty. Do I need to buy an XServe, or can I just buy a 1TB Time Capsule?

Basically, I want to know if I can use a Time Capsule as both a router and a server. I will have 6 computers in my office using this wireless internet. Would I be better off buying an Airport Extreme and an Xserve? What does an Xserve offer that a Time Capsule does not?

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OS X :: Setting Up Mac Pro G4 As Server

Dec 3, 2009

I have an old 2x 1Ghz G4 Mac Pro. I'd like to set it up as a server, if that is even worth the time. But, before I do that, I have a couple of questions:

1) Would it be superior in any way to my linux box running netatalk?
2) Would it allow me to do networked Time Machine backups?
3) Can I do it with my family pack of Lepoard or Tiger?

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OS X :: Setting Up Mail On MBP?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a few questions about mail on my MBP and setting it up...

First of all, it has automatically selected POP3, how does this work? If I delete an e-mail on my MBP, will it delete it from the server (I am using hotmail)

Can I have more than one account on Mail and will I be able to switch between accounts easily?

I am getting an iPhone 4, on which I will also be setting up mail, will this cause any conflict?

Also, what is better, POP3 or IMAP?

How often does it sync?

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MacBook Pro :: Setting Up An SSD On A MBP?

Aug 5, 2010

I changed the 7200rpm hard drive in my MBP for an SSD drive, but I don't think that the computer or the OS is initially accessing it correctly.

The time between turning on the power button and seeing the apple logo is about 15 seconds, which is worse than it was with the old drive in. That was about 5 seconds.

Initially, the time with the SSD was 45 seconds, but after doing a reset pram and the SMC and that helped to cut it down to 15 seconds.
These fixes lead me to think that there is something at the basic bios or OS level that may be interfering with the quick startup.

Everything after that point is a lot faster with the SSD, including the rest of the startup and the loading of applications, but there is something going on at the initial startup that causes the process to delay.

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Hardware :: Setting Up AEBS And QOS?

Oct 9, 2010

I'm in the market for another wireless router. Does anyone know i would be able to set up the "quality of service" for both the Extreme or Express base stations?

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MacBook Pro :: Setting Up Bootcamp?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm just wondering how difficult it is to set up bootcamp. I'm above average when it comes to computers. What all will I need and is it worth it to do it on my own rather than taking it to apple.

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OS X :: Setting Up My System As Temporary FTP

Dec 21, 2010

I have a large set of files I need to have transferred to me (about 7GB) and I need them before I leave for the holidays, so posting a high-density DVD won't work. I would like to set up my computer as a temporary FTP that my colleague could transfer the data to.I've set everything up according to most of the files I can find online. It's pretty straightforward, but my colleague still cannot connect to my machine.

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MacBook :: Using Default Cd/dvd-rom Setting?

Jan 3, 2011

Does anyone know how to change the default cd/dvd-rom from the internal drive to an external drive on a Macbook OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger)? If not permanently, then for the time my computer is on (e.g., a button at start up)

My internal drive does not work and I want to install Windows XP on Parallels but it keeps looking for the cd on the internal drive. I tried making an .iso image of it and telling it where it is, but it still keeps looking for the internal cd drive.

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OS X :: Setting Up Users For First Time?

Nov 6, 2008

I am setting up a new iMac for my parents and since I'm a noob to macs myself (had one for only a few months now) I was wondering what's the best way to set up user accounts. I need to create two accounts so ma/pa can log in and access their own settings, look and feel etc. They are moving from windows XP where they had their own user profiles (dad would leave his desktop littered with icons while mom kept hers nice and clean) so I need to keep two profiles otherwise this would confuse them. I guess my most important questions are:

1. Should I create a separate admin account first when setting up the iMac then create the addition two accounts, or just create two with one of them being an admin. I intend to put something like LogMeIn on there so I can remote in to do any maintenance for them, install apps etc.

2. Dad uses AOL mail and Mom uses Yahoo. I would like to setup Mail so that they can access their emails without using the web mail apps. Question: When the mail accounts are setup are they only seen when logged in under each user profile? In other words, will Dad only see his email in Mail then when Mom logs in she'll see her email etc. or will they both see each other's mail?

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