Mac Pro :: Firewire Ports Stopped Working / Resetting PRAM And NVRAM
Sep 3, 2010
I have a 2006 Mac Pro and recently my firewire ports stopped working (front and back). I did a little searching around found a suggestion to try resetting the Mac's PRAM and NVRAM by holding the Cmd-Option-P-R keys down while booting. I have tried this numerous times and it doesn't seem to do anything (i.e. the Mac just loads OS X and doesn't re-boot like the instructions say). I'm using a MS Wireless Comfort Keyboard for Mac. Can you reset using a wireless keyboard?
Since I wasn't making any progress with that, I was toying with bringing in the Mac to a genius bar. Never having used the genius bar before - how does it work? Do I bring the computer in and leave it with them? Do they work on it while I'm there? I don't have an extended warranty so do they charge time and materials? I'm wondering if that might get awfully expensive and if I ought to just buy a PCI-X firewire card instead.
I have a mid-2011 iMac (with Mavericks OS), and am doing a clean install before giving my computer to a relative. I performed a secure erase of my entire harddrive (using disk utility), reset the NVRAM / PRAM (but it only chimes once even after I tried several times), and now I get the grey screen even when I try to boot from CD, safe boot, or any other commands. I can't even get back into the disk utility.
On a side note, I have the install DVD in the DVD drive and I can't get that out.
I had my 2008 Mac Pro unpugged for a few days. When I turned it back on the USB ports weren't functioning. I can't reset the PRAM as my keyboard is not working.
I have a 2006 Mac Pro and recently my firewire ports stopped working (front and back). I did a little searching around found a suggestion to try resetting the Mac's PRAM and NVRAM by holding the Cmd-Option-P-R keys down while booting. I have tried this numerous times and it doesn't seem to do anything (i.e. the Mac just loads OS X and doesn't re-boot like the instructions say). I'm using a MS Wireless Comfort Keyboard for Mac. Can you reset using a wireless keyboard?
Since I wasn't making any progress with that, I was toying with bringing in the Mac to a genius bar. Never having used the genius bar before - how does it work? Do I bring the computer in and leave it with them? Do they work on it while I'm there? I don't have an extended warranty so do they charge time and materials? I'm wondering if that might get awfully expensive and if I ought to just buy a PCI-X firewire card instead.
I have already covered these steps:1. I have tried a safe boot. 2. I have tried to reset the NVRAM and the PRAM.3. I have tried to reinstall OSX from the Install Disk.4. I have tried to repair the HD and tried to repair permissions using the Disk Utility. he issue started out as the flashing Apple/Question Mark Folder/"No" sign. I attempted to follow the steps on the Mac Support Forums (ones listed above) and the issue developed into the picture shown.
3 times in the last week, my 400 & 800 firewire ports are not working. I am using a firewire hub with several external drives. I unplug everything, reboot and then they work. anyone know what is going on?
Both my firewire ports are not working. No signal or connection with external hard drive or video camera. Firewire does not appear under Network Status and is grayed out under Network Port Configurations.
I have a aluminum iMac, which has been working fine until now. A couple of hours ago I restarted it and went and did something else for a couple of hours. I then came back to find my keyboard and mouse not working, I double checked and they were both plugged in fine (I use the aluminum apple keyboard and a kensington mouse). I restarted my computer but it still did not fix the problem (I was still stuck at the login screen). I thought it might be the USB, so I plugged my iPod in, and it did not charge. While my iPod was still connected to my computer I restarted it again and as soon as the screen turned grey my iPod started charging and my mouse worked (the light turned on), but only until the grey apple logo appeared and it then stopped working again. I have tried every USB slot and none of them work. I'm pretty sure my computer was completely updated as well.
My front firewire 400 and 800 ports abruptly quit working. THe backs work fine. I've tried two different video cameras and an external hard drive and according to system profiler none are recognized and none are accessible.
recently had a small USB issue, so I reset my PRAM which fixed it.Now every time I boot the PRAM will reset itself. This particularly annoying because:1) It takes longer to boot as it restarts again and again (sometimes 3-4 times).2) I have the boot volume set to 0 and when the PRAM is reset it will go back to default which isn't fun [and it loud].
3) I have verbose mode on and a PRAM reset removes that as well, so I need to do the 2-finger combo [which on the bluetooth keyboard doesn't work half the time].I can't seem to fix it. I've done all the usual things (ie: manual PRAM reset with 4-finger combo, SMC reset, reseating hardware, disconnection hardware) and I've also gone ahead and installed OS X on a new volume for testing. Nothing is working and this getting a little frustrating.I try not to restart my computer, but recently I've needed to it a couple times. Apple Support doesn't know what to do and they're reluctant to send a on-site tech because they're not sure what the issue is. They want me to take my computer to the Apple Store, but (1) I don't have a car, (2) it's windy and snowing like crazy outside so there is no way I'm walking a mile to the Apple Store carrying the Mac Pro by hand, and (3) even if it was sunny outside my computer weighs a lot.Anyone know what's going on here? The computer passes all hardware tests and disk scans reveal no bad sectors.
The Firewire port on my MacBook has stopped working. Nothing responds and when you look in System Profiler with anything connected the Firewire section shows the spinning indicator for a few minutes before claiming it is unable to list devices. I have also tried all the usual troubleshooting steps including resetting the SMC. But, if I put my thumb under the connected Firewire plug and gently press upwards the port works. It shows in System Profiler and drives mount. I have, of course, tried with different cables to rule that out too.
It clearly seems to be a physical problem with the port somehow. Does anyone have any ideas of exactly what the problem might be, and how easy it is to fix? Maybe a pin just needs bending outwards, or the port loose and can a clip needs pushing back in. If it is likely to be something relatively simple I am comfortable with fixing it myself, but the laptop is a few years old and not covered by AppleCare so I am wearing of an expensive repair bill.
I have a February 2008 MBP and am having issues with keeping it asleep. I currently have it set up as a desktop connected to an external monitor, keyboard and Magic Mouse (along with a variety of other peripherals) and I've recently noticed this issue. I'm running 10.6.1, I have tried everything from resetting the PRAM, SMC and repairing disk permissions to even installing a clean copy of Snow Leopard and restoring from Time Machine backup.
For power management, I have it set to never sleep, since I manually set it to sleep and don't want it sleeping on me when in use. I also have Wake on LAN activity disabled. Yet when I set it to sleep, at approximately noon the next day it wakes up by itself. I've even turned off the Magic Mouse to make sure it wasn't being moved by vibration and waking up the Mac. I'm completely stumped!
For troubleshooting purposes, I've installed a clean copy of SL without restoring TM backup to see if it's a program that's causing this issue or if it's a problem with a peripheral. I've yet to check back on it as I'm at work, but I'm hoping it's just software related. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
I used to reset the PRAM by restarting and holding alt+command+p+r My new iMac came with a wireless keyboard and this way of resetting is not working. Apparently the Mac starts before it hooks with the keyboard.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Basically, all the general information about it.. I've been reading people's problems and I see this all the time, and I'm totally confused on what it.
Man, what's up with this? Shut down on my early 2008 MacPro (10.5.7) takes forever! I've tried resetting the PRAM and it did this with earlier versions of Leopard as well. I've reinstalled the OS twice, changed hard drives and wish I could fix this.
I've recently purchased a broken 1GHz Alum PowerBook G4 12", and the display isn't working. I have a total of two 12" PowerBook displays, and I've tested both. They've worked perfectly fine. Then I've tried reseting the PMU and PRAM, no luck, but they've attempted to work. Tried the Mini-DVI to VGA adapter with my display, still no luck. The keyboard, optical drive, and hard drive works as if it was booting, and there was always a clear chime, even when I've reset the PRAM and PMU (the beep sound when PRAM also attempted). I've inserted a Leopard install disk, and it sounded like it was working perfectly fine. Hopefully it's not a motherboard issue
I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...
Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...
Just wondering why does apple supply firewire ports on all their comps including laptops, because these days I can't find anything that has firewire ports that I will use everyday i.e. flash disc, HD, mouse etc. I know there's somewhere a 2.5" HD firewire case available but I already have a USB case for an external, and it would probably be more expensive to get it. What do you guys use firewire ports for?
I have a 15" MBP and am now having trouble discovering my printer on it. I have the printer connected to my iomega powered hard drive which in turn connects to my MBP via firewire 800. Earlier the printer was working fine when the iomega was connected via a USB port. BUt im short on USB ports (one goes to my Companion 5 speakers and the second to a 2nd display besides the mini DVI display) hence need to connect via firewire.
About to take the plunge and buy my first laptop (currently have a G5 PPC imac.) I'm planning on using Logic 9, Garageband and Sibelius, and recording live instruments. It will be my main computer, and will be moved about a fair bit. I'm going for a Macbook Pro since Apple decided to remove the Firewire ports from the Macbooks. Any thoughts on minimum spec? I can't decide whether to go for 13" or 15" - and would appreciate any ideas on what extras are really worth the additional cash (I haven't got an unlimited budget.)
I am not a huge Mac guy, but have to use them at work? Our Mac Pro lacks enough firewire ports for the configuration I need to do. So I guess I need to get a firewire 800 card and it will only be used in conjunction with out AJA unit (HD video production), so if it has one or four ports it doesn't really matter. Anyone have a brand or specific card they prefer?
I've been thinking about getting a Harddrive Dock. I had a Seagate External USB 2.0 drive but in windows, I didn't get more than 40MB/s which is slow. The Macbook Pro's have Firewire 800 which I think is significantly faster than USB 2.0. I also found some HD docks with firewire ports. So, what kind of speeds can I expect with firewire ports? On another note, I wish the macbook pro had an esata port!
I have a new iMac and an older MacBook. I wanna transfer about 70 gigs of info to the macbook from the iMac. Only problem is the iMac has a newer firewire port and the macbook has an older firewire port. Transferring wirelessly through aim will take way too long. Can I connect through the ethernet ports or maybe usb ports?
My powermac G5 has been off for a week while I was moving apartments. When I plugged it in again the external harddrives (four in all) that were daisy chained through the two firewire ports aren't being recognized anymore. I thought it was a bad cord or insufficient power but nothing worked. When I finally got around to looking at the System Profiler and check Firewire it said, "Unable to list firewire devices". I admit that I'm at a loss and I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.