Mac Pro :: Drive Disappearing Suddenly / Drive Not Recognized

Apr 13, 2010

I have a Western Digital Green 2 TB drive attached to on of the two extra SATA II ports on my 2006 Mac Pro. No problems for over three years using several drives on this port. Today the drive suddenly would not mount and I received a "Drive Not Recognized" warning. In Disk Utility the drive is completely empty without any volume. I also now have a 32-GB "phantom" volume which used my user name - but does not exist. I turned off the computer and put the drive in an external enclosure, which it mounted without difficulty. I am now updating my backup of the drive and ordered a new 2 TB WD Black drive.

Only a few days ago I had the similar problem with a SD card - missing volume contents, a "phantom" 32 GB volume. I actually reformted and erased the SD drive, ran Disk Utility to check it, and put it in another computer - using the same SD card reader - and all the files were there!! Nothing was erased at all. Very strange.

Anyone have any idea WTF is going on? It seems like my motherboard drive controllers are getting flaky. Any way to test it? I have all the usual test programs, but nothing has shown up.

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Mac Pro :: Disappearing Drive Not Mounting / Drive Not Recognized Warning

Jan 28, 2010

I have a Western Digital Green 2 TB drive attached to on of the two extra SATA II ports on my 2006 Mac Pro. No problems for over three years using several drives on this port. Today the drive suddenly would not mount and I received a "Drive Not Recognized" warning. In Disk Utility the drive is completely empty without any volume. I also now have a 32-GB "phantom" volume which used my user name - but does not exist. I turned off the computer and put the drive in an external enclosure, which it mounted without difficulty. I am now updating my backup of the drive and ordered a new 2 TB WD Black drive.

Only a few days ago I had the similar problem with a SD card - missing volume contents, a "phantom" 32 GB volume. I actually reformted and erased the SD drive, ran Disk Utility to check it, and put it in another computer - using the same SD card reader - and all the files were there!! Nothing was erased at all. Very strange.

Anyone have any idea WTF is going on? It seems like my motherboard drive controllers are getting flaky. Any way to test it? I have all the usual test programs, but nothing has shown up

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OS X :: WD Hard Drive Suddenly Not Recognized?

May 8, 2010

Just a few seconds ago, my WD Mybook external HD wasn't recognised. The sign came up saying that you should eject your drives before disconnecting them (although I didn't disconnect it). So I unplug it and try to plug it back in and it isn't recognised. The hard drive is powered (I can hear it spinning), I tried switching firewire cables, I tried it with another computer, and it isn't recognised

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OS X :: Disappearing Memory From Hard Drive / Reduces Drive Space While Watching Movie

Jul 20, 2010

I have been running out of hard drive space and have deleted a whole bunch of files... even deleted all the languages i didn't need from all my applications... about a week ago i freed up around 2GB.... but without saving and downloading anything my free space is now 70MB!! All I have been doing is watching streamed videos and I notice this reduces the drive space as I'm watching it!! Even opening firefox and some websites drops my memory by 0.1MB. I can't find anywhere where temporary files might be so i can delete them.

I never used to have this problem but I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I now use wireless internet through a phone provider and a USB modem rather than my previous WiFi via cable broadband. Can anybody shed some light on what is stealing my memory when browsing?

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OS X :: Why Hard Drive Memory Disappearing

Feb 15, 2010

I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has disappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Space Disappearing?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a mbp and a 500 (439)gb hard drive, i used diskwave to check my hard drive and this is what it came up with:   Mac.. HD      Capacity: 439GBUsed: 392.92GB  Users: 186.53GBApplications: 19.94GBLibrary: 7.11GBSystem: 3.89GB  

You do the math.. that should be around 210GB!! where is the rest going? THE TRASH IS EMPTY FOR CERTAIN!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Available Space On Hard Drive Is Slowly Disappearing

Apr 1, 2012

Today when I tried to use my computer, I got an error message saying that my startup disk was almost full. This was weird because just a week before when I checked it, I had almost half of my 500 GB hard drive available. I went and deleted a bunch of stuff I didn't need, and restarted the computer, and I got my hard drive space back up to 221 GB of free space. Only a few minutes later, I looked at it again and I only had 211 GB. Throughout the day, my available space has slowly been going away. The nights almost over and now I only have 186 GB left.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: File Disappearing / No Icon On FAT32 External Drive?

Dec 29, 2008

While using my MacBook to access an external drive which is formatted Fat32, I attempted to slightly alter the name of a file with a particularly long file name. Once I changed the name, the file extension was cropped, and the file became inaccessible. Now I can see that the file is there (with no extension at the end of the name), but if I click on it or highlight it, it just disappears, and when visible, in place of the file icon there is just a dashed line box. The file is also visible with Terminal, but if I try to take any action Terminal reports that there is "no such file or directory."

I tried DiskUtility, DiskWarrior and File Buddy but apparently they don't work too well with the Fat32 format. I also tried repairing permissions, restarting the computer, disconnecting and reconnecting the hard drive, and also rebuilding the desktop (?) using alt-command on startup...all to no avail. It's clear what happened: I screwed up - I should have reformatted the drive before I put any files on it, right? But now, I just want my file back. I know it's there. I can see it, and I'm afraid to alter the drive in any way until I can access this file.

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OS X :: Hard Drive Not Recognized By System - Hard Drive Not Formatted

Jul 20, 2009

I've just got a new external HD, but it's not being recognised by Mac OS X (10.5.7). I assumed it was because it was in a Windows format, so booted Windows, but it then turned out it wasn't formatted at all. What is the easiest way to make this an HFS+ (the Mac OS extended format), and how do I do it as I can't see it anywhere on the Mac (including Disk Utility)?

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Space Disappearing - Turn Off Time Machine?

Apr 18, 2012

When I send files to trash the disc space is not freed up. I've looked on the forums and some people have had success with turning off time machine. I didn't set time machine up because I back up to a portable hard drive only the space is disappearing on that too!

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Dock Disappearing Suddenly / Activity Monitor Flashes And Then Disappears

Dec 24, 2007

Very suddenly my dock has disappeared, (and occasionally reappears), and is now completely non-useable. Why..?

I have created other accounts on my computer previously and the dock on those is fine...I have looked in Activity monitor and it flashes on and then disappears in there. I tried using terminal to 'killall Dock', but this did nothing...Am using Leopard on Alu iMac.

Any ideas what's going on?

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Mac Pro :: Flash Drive Not Recognized

May 28, 2012

I am a new MacBookPro user and I really don't know what I am doing . I am having problems with the flash drive. It appears that it is not being recognized.


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MacBook :: PNY USB Drive Not Recognized?

Jun 18, 2012

I tried doing a few Google searches to find a resolution to this problem, but nothing that came up seemed to work, so I'm throwing this question out there. I recently bought a 16GB PNY metal attache for my  2011 MacBook Pro (OS X). That computer fails to recognize the drive. Here are a few notes: 

1. I tested the drive on a windows vista computer, and that computer recognizes the drive. I can read/write from it on that computer.

2. Neither USB port on my apple is faulty; other USB devices function fine via both ports.

3. I have tried several solutions including:

a) Restarting

b) Powering off, unplugging the power cord, waiting 15 seconds, replugging the cord, and booting up the computer

c) Restarting WITH the drive in the port

d) Leaving the drive in for a while to see if it would eventually recognize it (no results)

e) Reformatting the drive to FAT32 to make sure it's possible for my mac to read/write from it 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook :: USB Drive Not Being Recognized At Boot Up

Dec 17, 2010

So I expanded a bootable .iso image of openSUSEx64 11.3 onto my 16GB USB thumb drive following the steps I found on a website. When I restarted the MacBook with the option key pressed, the USB drive did not appear. Why the USB drive's not being recognized at boot-up? Here is the website I used (option 4): URL

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Hardware :: USB External Drive Not Recognized

Dec 27, 2006

I'm having some troubles with an external enclosure and my sister's new imac. The enclosure I'm using is a Tao Tec 2500 (2.5" drive) IDE --> USB device with the Y-cable. The drive has been formatted to NTFS and has some files on it. As far as I can tell though the version of OSX the new imac is running should support read capability with the file system though. The computer is a latest generation imac (purchased about 12/20/2006) and running a new revision of OSX (about I believe). My problem seems to be the computer simply does not recognize the drive. Disk utility doesn't see it nor the usb manager in system tools. The LED indicator on the drive indicates that it's receiving power and I've tried swapping the usb ports around just to be sure I don't have a bumed port. It simply seems like OSX just doesn't know the drive's there.

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PowerPC :: New Internal Drive Not Recognized?

Mar 10, 2008

I recently went through the very arduous process of replacing the harddrive in my aluminum G4 12" PowerBook. The process was a complete pain in the rear, and I ended up ripping a socket off the motherboard.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Not Recognized?

Apr 16, 2009

I have tried troubleshooting, searching this forum, & googling to no avail. I'm hoping someone smarter than me can figure this out.

Short Version:

Purchased this hard drive:


and purchased this external enclosure:


when I plug it into my macbook, PC, or a powerbook, the disk is not recgonized, I can not get Disk Utility to even recognize that the hard drive exists. I thought it may be a bad drive, so I sent it in to Seagate Warrenty, they sent me a new one and I'm still having the same problem. Does anyone know how I can format the drive or any way I can get it to be recognized?

Longer Version:

My powerbook crashed, so I purchased this HD to replace it. I installed the 1st seagate and when i went to install OSX and said select destination drive, there was none there to select. I was able to repair the original HD so I reinstalled it and went to install OSX and it DID show the drive to install it on, so I don't think that it is the computer/motherboard. Then I sent in for the 2nd seagate, tried getting it to work with the external enclosure and installing internally in the powerbook, etc. nothing seemed to work.

I am wanting to install the new drive in the powerbook as the old drive is on its last leg (but currently works). Every thread i have searched for that was similar, there was no solution that I could use.

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OS X :: Hard Drive Not Recognized By Computer

Dec 28, 2009

I plugged in my hard drive into my Macbook Pro and it wouldn't show up on the desktop. Opened the finder, and it wasn't there either. I went into the disk utility and it was there. So then I thought maybe rebooting the computer would help. Then I plugged it into my friend's Macbook and it showed up no problem. The last time I used it I remember that error appearing where it forces you to shut off the computer. Does that have anything to do with it? I do photography and I have my entire collection on this hard drive, so restoring it is not an option. Like I said, the device was recognized and worked fine on my friend's laptop, just not on mine.

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OS X :: 1TB Hard Drive Stopped Being Recognized

Mar 20, 2010

I've had a 1TB external drive (Samsung Story) working wonderfully as a Time Machine backup for the last month. It had been unplugged for the last couple days, but I plugged it in today to do a back-up. Unfortunately, it wasn't recognized. It stills lights up and makes noises so I don't think it's dead, but no matter which USB port I put I use or how many times I restart, my MacBook won't recognize it anymore.

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MacBook Pro :: New Hard Drive Still Won't Be Recognized

Mar 8, 2012

I've been having several problems with my mid-2009 MacBook Pro; 2 minute beachballs and failure to startup. So I've purchased a new new WD Scorpio Black thinking it was a HD issue, but after replacing my old HD with the WD, Disk Utility wouldn't recognize the new drive. So I searched around and found out that Hard Drive Cable failure is an issue on this certain MacBook. So I ordered a new Hard Drive cable and just replaced that today, thinking that my new HD would be recognized. However after going into Disk Utility via the OS X Install DVD, my new Hard Drive was still not recognized.


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MacBook Pro :: New Hard Drive Not Recognized

May 27, 2012

Have a mid 2009 13" 2.26 dual core. Started getting flashing folder with question mark icon and found hard drive failed. Tried two different drives, WD Scorpio Black 750GB 3GB/s 7200rpm and Seagate 500GB 3GB/s 7200rpm. Neither is recognized by the computer. What next? And yes I have the updated firmware.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Power Mac G5 :: External Hard Drive Not Recognized

Oct 9, 2007

I am a photographer. I use 4 X 1TB LaCie external hard drives to store my digital images. 2 as masters for different business segments and 2 as their back-ups. They are daisy-chained using Firewire 800. Recently my G5 has stopped recognizing one of the drives. Is there any way to get my machine to re-recognize the missing drive? I have rewired the four drives to see if there was a problem with the cabling, but this does not appear to be the case. I am coming up to the 1 year warranty period on this drive and need to get it back to LaCie if there is no other solution.

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MacBook :: External Hard Drive Not Recognized

Nov 1, 2008

I've got an external hard drive. It's a "My BooK" Western Digital 500 Gb that uses both USB and Firewire. I've used it many times successfully with my MacBook but today, my Macbook will not recognize it.

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MacBook :: Trying To Install New Hard Drive - Not Recognized

Jul 7, 2009

I have a first gen white macbook core duo. I am trying to install a new 320GB Seagate HDD in my laptop to replace the 60Gb drive. I installed it but I can't get the OS to recognize the Hard disk when it is installed in the computer. I have no problems when it is installed in an external case. I have booted off the Leopard disk but it does not show a drive available to format, I booted off the original drive in the external case and the disk utilities does not show another drive attached. If I put the 320GB drive in the external enclosure, disk utilities recognizes it right away. I have formatted it with GUID format but it doesn't work when installed directly in the macbook.

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MacBook :: CD / DVD Drive Spins But Disc Not Recognized

Dec 21, 2009

Here is what is going on with my MacBook:
-If I insert a music CD, the CD drive spins it and makes noise. It does not open iTunes or even show it on the desktop. It is not recognized. Then the computer ejects the disc.
-My iDVD software seems to have taken a crap. I am prompted every time the computer boots up that iDVD has quit unexpectedly and gives the options of "relaunch" "cancel" or "report to Apple".
-This is the weird part: I was going to reinstall Leopard OSX from the disc. The computer reads the discs and the "X" screen pops up. I then try to go through to reinstall the software as it tells me that it will restart.

It restarts and then ejects the disc when the Apple logo pops up. Therefore I cannot reinstall the software. Does this sound like a software or hardware problem? Can the fact that iDVD is not working mean that my CD's would not play? Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do here? I am desperate and would like to know what other approach I should take before I put a new drive in.

White MacBook, 2yrs old. 500gbhd, 4g RAM.

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OS X :: Mac Crashed Repeatedly / Hard Drive Not Recognized

Dec 30, 2009

I have a 2007/2008 MBP 2.4Ghz running 10.6.2. I was having repeated hard crashes
due, I think, to some stupid firefox mods I made a few days ago. Every 1-3 hours, the system would freeze, make that crackly thinking really hard noise, spin the beach ball, and wait for me to hard restart. This happens 3 or 4 times today, and on the last crash, the system hangs on restart. Grey screen, spinning grey circle of circles for 10 or so minutes. I can't wait any longer, so I hard restart again, and again the system hangs indefinitely. Now I start to get a bit worried. I boot from the Snow Leopard install disk and open disk utility. From there, I attempted to verify permissions, but the process hangs with one minute remaining for at least 20 minutes. A crash while trying to repair a crash. Great.

So I hard restart AGAIN, and open disk utility, this time selecting repair disk. The utility detects a few errors, supposedly corrects them, then hangs for about 2 minutes, finally culminating in the hard drive disappearing act. The bar looks complete, but the hard drive is gone from the list! GONE! I can't select it from the sidebar in Disk Utility. It doesn't show up in the Startup Disk menu. The only drive I can access is the dvd drive with the Leopard disk. I opened System Profiler and looked under Serial-ATA, and found the only entry was for an Intel ICH8-M ACHI. I don't remember that being there. It used to be a Matsushita drive. Can't find anything on google, and I want to do whatever I can before giving up hope on all my data. Haven't made a backup in a while.

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OS X :: Formatted USB Drive As Free Space - Not Recognized

Jun 30, 2010

I've been having difficulties using my USB stick on windows computers, even though I formatted it as FAT (ed. I realized I had to use the Windows partition scheme and have resolved this issue). I've tried lots of things and admit that I got fed up and saw a new option today "format as free space" in disk utility.

Now the drive isn't recognized as being present at all in Disk Utility, /Volumes, and is not showing up with "diskutil list" in Terminal. I mainly want to know if it's possible to get the system to recognize that a drive is plugged in so I can reformat it with ANY filesystem. I'm pretty green to the underworkings of the mac.

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Hardware :: IBook Hard Drive Not Recognized?

Dec 16, 2007

I recently installed 10.5 onto my iBook G4 (933Hz 640MB) using target mode from my Mac Mini. I couldn't use the Leopard DVD install disc as it has got stuck in the Disc drive of the iBook, even though the laptop was working fine with 10.4.

When I restart it I now get a flashing question mark, i.e. the iBook can't find the hard drive. I can't use Disk Warrior as I can't use the internal disc drive.

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Software :: Firewire External Drive Not Recognized?

Apr 24, 2008

After one of the security updates to OSX 10.3 my OWC Neptune firewire external harddrive quit showing up on the desktop and I can't find a way to access it.

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MacBook Pro :: External Hard Drive Is Not Recognized?

Apr 9, 2012

my new MacBook Pro not recognizing my hard drives. Yes, thats two hard drives I have that don't seem to work on this computer but both work on my older MacBook and many other computers.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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