I recently purchased my first mac. Which is the MAC PRO. I do not use apple keyboard or mouse. I cannot find a way to turn on Num locks with it, I need it on because I bind everything through my mouse via the number pad and keys like INS,HOME,Page UP, ETC.
I have Keychain's status displayed on the menu bar with its lock icon. When I select Lock Screen it shuts off my display. I don't want that. I want it to go straight to the screen saver when I select Lock Screen.
I have a belgian azerty keyboard and OS X in english on my white macbook. Is it possible to change the caps lock key's function to shift lock so that it affects the whole keyboard rather than just the letters? I'd like to be able to type numbers without holding shift.
it was possible to find the exact date in which I first turn my MacBook on? In other words the day that the MacBook was turned on and my administrator account was created?
I tend to just leave my new Mac Pro on all the time so I don't have to re-open apps and get all my windows back into their proper Spaces, but I wonder if there's an easy way to disable the internet while I'm not using it, short of disconnecting the ethernet cable. I've looked through System Prefs and can't seem to find that option.
When I turn on my Imac it can not find my wireless network automacally, I have to seclect it manually. Apple support has not been apple to find the problem. I also have an MacBook Pro and have no problem with this laptop finding my network everytime.
I have problems to approve my Mac from another device. There is a request for the Security Code to turn on the iCloud key chain. Where do I find the security code? I do not recall being issued one or making up a code.
I recently bought a replacement keyboard on ebay for my MBP and just installed it. It's been about a week, and just today, I noticed the capslock key doesn't work.. I'm not sure if it has been this way, or if it recently just stopped. The light doesn't come on at all.
I was curious if this was a common problem? If not, is their anything I can do as a substitute for caps lock? Another key perhaps? Or, a button on the task bar or something?
Had (used) iBook G4 several months now & thoroughly enjoy it, even tho' I live in the sticks where there's no hi-speed/wireless available; I connect to internet & power, which is fine.
This weekend I went to turn off my iBook & it wouldn't turn off. It's now permanently on, with opening info barely visible (like I need to click on F2 to brighten up, except nothing happens).
Currently using my "back up" computer, my iMac Grape, which is pretty much an antique by now.
But I can turn it off, if I choose "Share my internet connection for other units". (I don't know, if this is the right text in english, because my OSX is in german)
2) Now Bluetooth is OFF:
But I can't turn it on, because the checkbox "ON" is inactive.
It turns only on, if I choose "New Unit"(?). Then there is a new window, that says, that this is only possible if Bluetooth turns on. If I say OK, bluetooth turns ON.
Back to 1)
What's the problem. Why is this f* checkbox for turning bluetooth on and off inactive?
This is not a hardware problem, because I can have stable bluetooth connections.
I did a smc and am pram reset. But it doesn't help.
I was playing around with my mac g4 logic board... ( yes, i know... ) anyways, i press the power, the light turns on, and the fan spinns up then everything just turns off... http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=95035 ^ my tower, (agp graphics, ftw)
I keep finding my self draging icons off the dock ruining my perfect order so I was wondering if there is any option to lock the dock? I've been looking through the prefs but can't find any.
I've been feeling paranoid lately after reading a number of articles on how vulnerable my data is. I wanted to make my MBP more secure. I realize that with cold boot attacks, nothing is ever truly secure, but I do want my data more safely protect than with just an EFI and user password. I don't have any particular files on my computer that is pressingly sensitive, so I found truecrypt to be not very useful. I want my computer to generally well protected.
Yesterday, I had to re-format my external hard drive so that it could be "recordable" within Pro Tools, which wasn't a major issue, I just had to move everything from my Lacie drive to another drive, do the format, and then throw it all back on. It took a little while but this also included moving my nearly 60gb itunes library. Now that it is on the newly formatted hard drive, itunes doesn't seem to be able to find the majority of the songs any more. I've tried changing the music folder and a few other things, and there is no way I'm going through and doing the "cant find music - click here to find it" palava. Is anyone aware of a way that you can "mass find" all of the music in any way other than starting the library again and adding all the music (I don't really want to lose all of my play counts and ratings if possible!)
I tried to GTFA but could not find a solution to this anywhere and I guess there is no solution. how to lock the items that appear on the Finder's sidebar?
We put a network folder in the sidebar for students to submit their work and kids keep removing it.
It is "unlocked". Every time I click it, it just stays unlocked and won't actually lock. For example, I can't lock it on the "Energy Saver" prefpane, but I can lock/unlock on the Accounts prefpane...
Does anyone know if there's a way to lock my desktop icons (so my curious kids don't mistakenly - or not so mistakenly - move stuff around or into trash). My desktop is kept fairly simple (icons for the various HDs and folders for homework). We've also had the issue of items going *poof* from the dock - which is an easily fixable issue - but a little bit of a nuisance to have to retrieve from time to time.
I have parallels and sometimes boot into windows. I was wondering if there was any way to f-lock on a MacBook keyboard. If I need to change a setting through the control panel or take this to another panel then let me know.
I have the white G5 keyboard (Model A1048) and there is no num lock or scroll lock key. My 2-year old got a hold of my keyboard and pushed a whole bunch of everything. Both scroll lock and num lock are now on. How do I change change them back? I'm just about ready to call him back and have at it!
I just bought my first mac. IMac 20" 4gb ram "aso". I am trying to install Combined Mac os X - update. 10.5.6. (Thats atleast the name for it Directly transformed from norwegian to english) and when i try to run the update it ask me to reboot. I press reboot and it closes all of my programs and the update starts installing , but the progress bar stops when its like 20% finished, I've been waiting for 12 hours and still no progress.
such as iphoto, my mailbox and imovie? by lock i mean set it so that i have to type a password in to open it. i would like to be able to do this because i have to hand in my computer for a day so that programs can be installed and i have a lot of private stuff on my mac. any suggestions?
since i formatted my MBP and have it fresh now, i used to have a lock key on the menu bar which would lock my MBP. I am currently using the HotCorner to activate my screensaver and then it lock my MBP. anyway i can get that lock sign on the menu bar back?