Mac Pro :: Squealing And Hard Drive Noise Via Line Out Port

Jun 11, 2008

I just bought a Mac Pro. I immediately installed 2 GB of RAM and four large hard drives without even booting the computer while it was stock. Anyway, the machine is connected to JBL Creature speakers via the (analog) line-out port. However, unless I also have the headphone port connected to the speakers with a splitter, I get a really high pitched squeeling regardless of volume level. And yes, my sound preferences are set to the analog line-out setting.

Also, when I have both ports connected to the speakers and the squeeling is gone, I get hard drive read and write noise through the speakers. It's most apparent in Final Cut Pro and Motion. I'm hoping that, if it needs to be repaired, Apple will go through my local Apple-certified shop (not an actual Apple Store) instead of having to send it in.

Mac Pro 2.8 GHz Quad
Mac OS X (10.5.3)

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MacBook :: PISMO G3 Squealing Noise - Noise Coming From Under The Keyboard

Jul 14, 2008

Has anyone else had problems with an old G3 Pismo making an annoying squealing noise when plugged into a charger? There's a lot of noises mentioned in mac/apple forums but none of them relate to this one. Here's what it is not:

It's not coming from the screen or the fan or the speakers (it's under the keyboard). It's not low or slightly annoying (it is a loud squeal). It happens only when the power adaptor is plugged into the laptop.(it used to cease after I unplugged the power adaptor and plugged it back in three times; now that solution doesn't stop the noise anymore). It charges ok, and runs ok, scream or no-scream. It's quiet right now, but if I move the adaptor to another plug it will start again.

I was going to live with this, but today after an hour of operating quietly it just started again, and I hate to leave the house with this going.(it will scream whether the laptop is on or off. I have a really old battery and cannot replace it (I am currently staying in Mexico for the summer). Battery life is 45 min. I haven't tried pulling the battery out. That would be too easy.

This all started when I bought a replacement power adaptor (generic),after the original one melted down, but I could stop the screaming by unplugging/plugging it in again once or twice. Then I bought an expensive iGo adaptor, and it does the same thing.

I Did the PRAM and PMU reset.I can hear it over music or the tv. It grew lower in pitch today after squealing for a half hour. I'd normally not let it go on that long, but i was
in the other room.Is my PISMO dying?

(400 mhz pismo G3 500 sdram, osx-10.39, no os-9 or Classic, new 80g HD)

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Noise Or Hard Drive Noise?

Oct 25, 2008

I just got my macbook pro yesterday and ran it all yesterday not hearing anything. Today when I woke it from sleep I could clearly hear the fan or hard drive going. I was in a quiet room and it's quite annoying.

istat says its at 2000 rpm so thats when I started thinking it may be the hard disk. It does pulse every now and then but thats even while it's just sitting idle.

I guess I could live with it but its just annoying. Anyone else having this?

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Spins And Super Drive Make Noise - No Boot Up

Jan 7, 2010

My friend gave me his old Apple cube G4 + 15" Cinema display in like 1000 pieces. Its completely teared apart. I tried a lot, but it doesn't work. The original IDE cable wasn't included, so I bought one for 2 cents. It should work or not? Maybe the powersupply. I'm not sure. I don't believe actually that the hardware itself, like the motherboard is broken. When everything is into place and I connect the cube to the powersupply it boots immediately. I don't have to do anything. Harddrive spins and the superdrive makes some noise as well. This repeats itself every 5 seconds. The screen is connected and gets power through DVI, but no display. Both the cube and display have touch enabled buttons to switch it on, but they do not respond (I guess).. Motherboard gives 2 light. DS1 is green, DS2 is red.

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro Buzzing Fan And Hard Drive Noise?

Sep 1, 2006

I received my nice new Mac Pro yesterday. 2.66GHz With one 160gb drive and one 500gb drive and some other customisations which, for the purpose of this are not relivent.

My first and most serious problem is a rhythmic clicking, which according to technical support is a known issue and is to do with my hard disk drive. The noise comes from the top front side of the machine and clicks at around 200bpm at all times. It is very audible and unnexceptable and for this reason Apple are replacing my machine.

The second problem which I believe to be more of a design flaw is noisy fans. I obviously know fans make noise but this is an intermitent buzz, at a constant frequency. It sounds like a bee is flying about in my machine and varies according to the angle of the machine and wheither the superdrive bay is open.

As you will understand I am very dissatisfied. My machine took 3 weeks to arrive and is riddled with problems.

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Mac Pro :: SATA Hard Drive Noise?

Nov 3, 2007

I just bought a 500gig WD Caviar SATA hard drive for my Mac Pro. When it is being written to it creates noise in my speakers. I've had this problem with external hard drives before (Seagate) and thought I'd be avoiding this by going with an internal drive.

Could I have installed it incorrectly? Is there anything I can do, or should return it and see if I have better luck with a new one?

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MacBook Pro :: New 15.4 MBP I7 Noise Came From Hard Drive?

Jun 7, 2010

Bought this $2K baby on the first day of BTS promo on May 25th, so Tue is my last day for return period.

I just noticed this noise from my right side of computer. I think it's my hard drive noise. Came out when running a slightly heavy program such as VMWare Fusion. You guys see this as a reason to get this exchange???

I recorded this noise using my blackberry bold 9700.

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IMac PPC :: Thin Red Line Running Down Display After Taken Apart To Replace Hard Drive

Mar 13, 2012

took to shop to get hard drive replaced and noticed when home that there is a thin red line running down the display. shop had a hard time putting the 2 halves together again? 

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MacBook Pro :: Clicking Noise In My Hard Drive?

Aug 30, 2010

I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro about 2 weeks ago. I'd say about a week ago I notice a clicking noise when I pick up the macbook or move it at all coming from the hard drive.

I finally took to the internet to find out what was going on, and got mixed results. Some said that it was normal for a Macbook Pro and that it was securing the hard drive so it didn't break while I moved it, and a vast majority said that the hard drive's failure was imminent. So what is it?

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MacBook Pro :: Vibration And Noise From Hard Drive

Sep 14, 2010

its a 500gb @ 7200rpm just installed it and runs great some ppl complained of vibration and noise from the HD but i have NONE of those complains its super fast and quiet the installation was very easy and after installation i put in the SL dvd and restored from previous backup on my time machine, and it was like i never switched HDs.

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OS X ::macbook Pro Hard Drive Clicking Noise - How To Fix It

Jan 16, 2010

I bought a 13" macbook pro only weeks ago and since the day I bought it I noticed any sudden movement causes a "clicking" noise from the hard drive. At first I assumed that apple have included some sort of safety anti shock casing built around the hard drive in case of acidentally dropping the macbook.

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MacBook Pro :: Any Noise From Hard Drive Or Loud Fan?

Apr 14, 2010

For lucky 15" i5/i7 owners: how silent are they? Does the fan come on at all? If so, after how much load? Any other noises? Hard drive?

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IMac :: 24' Hard Drive Fan Buzzing Noise?

May 25, 2010

I've owned my iMac for a little over a year and I started having a weird buzzing noise coming from a hard drive fan. Downloaded iStat, everything runs at idle speeds (hard drive fan at 1200rpm), so the speed is not an issue. Sounds like a mechanical problem. Also downloaded FanControl, and once I increase the fan's speed to 2500rpm, the buzzing noise goes away, but now I can hear the fan It kind of defeats the purpose of having the expensive computer, that used to be virtually silent. I am in remote location in Alaska, where we don't have Apple store and the only way to fix is to ship it to mainland. Apple warranty is over, but I still get additional 1 year of coverage from Amex credit card, but I would much rather prefer to to fix it myself. Any suggestions on possibly replacing the fan myself? I am really debating whether I should ship it to Apple and trying to go through American Express with warranty. That would be complicated and I would end up without a computer for a few weeks.

Late 2008 iMac 24'. 3.06 GHz, 2GB RAM, 500GB Hard Drive, NVidia GeForce 8800GS.

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IMac :: Hard Drive Noise On My 27-inch?

Aug 20, 2010

I bought an iMac in 2009 from the Apple Store (core 2 duo). Ever since the first time I turned it on, I have been hearing a rattling noise from what seems to be the hard drive. It is a constant rattling sound, and you can really hear it when you click something or open something. It is only noticeable when the room is dead silent - when the air conditioner is on, I can't hear it.

Is this normal? Should I have it replaced/looked at? Should I upgrade to a Solid State Drive for a quieter experience? The model of my hard drive is: ST31000528ASQ

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Software :: Powerbook G4 Hard Drive Or Fan Noise?

Oct 31, 2009

I have a Powerbook G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.11

Its about 4-5 years old now.

Recently the hard drive or fan (I think) has started to get louder. The noise is coming from the top left hand side of powerbook. Every so often it makes a loud churning sound for a bit, then it will slow down and stop.

1. Is this the hard drive or fan?

2. Can this be fixed?

3. Is this the end of my Powerbook?

4. What should I do?

Hardware Overview:

Machine Name:PowerBook G4 15"
Machine Model:PowerBook5,8
CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (1.5)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1.67 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:167 MHz
Boot ROM Version:4.9.6f0

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MacBook Pro :: Fixing Hard Drive Clicking Noise?

Nov 7, 2007

I've recently been getting a clicking noise from my hard drive, and when it happens 90% of the time my mac crashes for about 10 seconds. First thing I did was verify my disk in disk utility and I got a response I'm not entirely clear of the meaning so I've attached a screenshot of what my response is. I'm going to try some other 3rd party app to see whats up with my hard drive such as techtool pro...I'm on a 2.33 ghz 15" macbook pro with leopard.

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MacBook Pro :: Clicking And Beeping Noise - Hard Drive?

Aug 16, 2009

Got a new MBP 17" 500GB 7200rpm about 2 months ago. Recently It's starting to make this weird clicking and beeping noise more and more. It used to do it every once in a while and I didn't think too much of it, but recently it's started doing it more, quite a bit actually. Is this something I need to be worried about? I'm thinking it is the Hard Drive, is that true? if so, then what? I am also getting the spinning beach ball a lot more often, for a good minute at a time. I am currently on the latest build of SL, the one right before release.

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IMac :: Excessive Hard Drive Noise Even With No Activity

Nov 16, 2009

I am getting HD noise like every 20 seconds. Even with no activity. Per the suggestions of another user, I typed this in terminal: iostat -w 1 disk0
And the sound seems to coincide with the output whenever the first column has a value other than 0. So it seems there is activity, it's just not user initiated. Is this some kind of energy saving feature that apple is doing or is it a logging application? Is anyone else having the same issues? Even if you're not, could you run the program and check for 1 or 2 minutes (without any other apps open or doing anything) to see if you also get a value other than 0 in the first column every so often and an associated sound?


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OS X :: Clicking Noise Heard And Hard Drive Crashed

Jan 2, 2010

Background Info: Earlier today, I experienced a what I am 99.9% sure was a hard drive crash on my white MacBook (about 36 months old). Everything stopped responding, and I heard a clicking noise coming from where the the hard drive is located. I forced a shutdown by holding down the power button, and tried to reboot, only to be greeted by the little question mark folder and the clicking sound. Fortunately, I had just backed it up the previous night, so I knew I hadn't lost anything of value. Then, about an hour ago, a made another attempted to start it up again, and to my surprise, was greeted by no clicking and an logo.

Actual Questions:
I am guessing this is not a one time occurrence, and that the noise and another crash will be back, am I correct? If so, does anyone have any guess on how long until it does return, and ultimately, how long can I put off my trip to the genius bar?

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IMac :: Hard Drive Noise Caused By Partitioning?

Aug 14, 2010

My drives for all 3 imacs i have gone through so far were dead silent until I Partitioned them, then they made the classic stomach growl noises. I was just wondering if others with the noise problem had a partition or not, ause it seems making a partition should not effect the noise. Say I am crazy cause to me it sounds crazy but I swear the first two imacs were fine till I partitioned them. I am now afraid to partition this new one I have cause its quiet and I do not want to go back to the store again! Anyway others who have had this issue did you have a partition?

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MacBook Pro :: 'Crunching / Grinding' Noise Is It Fan / Hard Drive?

May 23, 2012

I posted a YouTube video so you could hear the noise my MacBook Pro 15 inch laptop is making. Here is the link as well as the copy/pasted description I used on YouTube (too lazy to re-write) url...Two weeks ago my MacBook Pro started getting really hot on the back left hand side of the keyboard area -- to the point that I couldn't have it resting on my legs.It is now making a crunching noise from the same area. Sometimes it doesn't crouch and other times it's so loud it sounds like an expiring bomb. It doesn't have to do with how many programs I'm using. I just watched a full movie and it was silent on the crunch noise ... Other times nothing is running and it's just sitting there crunching away. Not sure if this is a fan or hard drive issue -- I've YouTubed other videos but my noise seems to be completely different from everything I've found.Heading into Apple tomorrow but I'm worried it'll stop making the noise when I go in, like the car whose breaks squeak until you take it to the mechanic type of thing.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Use Front USB Port For External Hard Drive

Jun 1, 2012

I have had some problems for about the past year with the front USB port on my 2009 13in Macbook Pro 5.5.

As you know, there are 2 USB ports on the left side on a 13inch Macbook pro.  The one closest to me (the front one) works fine when I use it with a flash drive.  But when I connect my external 7200RPM external drive to it, after about a minute, it ejects then re-recognizes the disk. 

I video edit with FCP and use the external as one of my scratch disks. 

At first I thought maybe it was the cord or the drive that was messed up.  But then I connected my other external drive to this port and the same thing happened. But when I connected it to the back USB port, everything works fine. I haven't had any trouble.  So i make sure it's connected to that port when using the external.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Final Cut Studio 3

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 Hard Drive Making Noise In Sequence

Apr 22, 2007

I have an iBook G3 700 Combo Drive 648 megs of RAM and a 20 GB hard drive. Every now and then specifically when I'm running high processor tasks, the hard drive makes this wierd noise, which is a sequence that repeats over and over again. I can't tell if it is writing to the disk or reading from the disk. It makes 3 short noises, and then a long noise:

(short - short - short - long)

Try to imaging that noise. It is just the sound of the hard drive working. This will repeat itself over and over. Sometimes If I have lots of tabs open at once in safari and i open them at the same time that will happened. But after like a minute it will stop. But other times it will keep repeating that noise over and over for ever so I have to manually restart the computer forcefully. (Holding down the power button). The computer also freezes and I get that spinning color wheel.

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MacBook Air :: Loud Ticking Noise In Keyboard / Hard Drive Trying To Think?

Sep 15, 2008

every once and a while, when I am working on my MBA, i get a loud "ticking noise" in the upper right of my keyboard.It sounds like the harddrive is trying to think or something, but it only happens for about 5 seconds and it occurs even at idle if i dont do anything that requires the computer to use memory or access the cache, etc...

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OS X :: External Hard Drive Makes Buzzing Noise/ Not Reconized By Mac?

Mar 8, 2010

I've got a serious issue that needs to be solved, one way or another. I have a Seagate FreeAgent 1.5 TB External Hard Drive with two partitions on it: one for Time Machine, and one for extra storage. Yesterday, I tried to plug the drive in and nothing happened. It didn't light up; it wasn't recognized by my Mac. Just a strange buzzing noise that occurs every 2-3 seconds. So, I left it alone overnight. Woke up this morning, plugged it in, and same results.

I'm extremely upset and concerned over this. Losing this data is not an option, as there are more than just backups on this. It should be noted that the day before this started, it took a short tumble off my desk, and when trying to eject it yesterday, the drives would not eject so I had to pull it out. Please, if you know of any way to get it working again or to salvage the data on this thing, please help. I've attached an audio clip of what the drive sounds like when plugged in.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Makes Clicking Noise From The Hard Drive?

Jun 8, 2010

So my macbook pro makes semi-constant clicking noise from the hard drive when web surfing or anything.. is this normal? they are very slight, but noticable. base 13" 2010 model

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Power Mac :: Hard Drive Makes A Beeping Noise And Won't Mount

Feb 7, 2012

hard drive makes a beeping noise and won't mount.  Also has the word purged stamped on it

PowerMac, No OS on computer

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MacBook Pro :: How Much Noise Should The Hard Drive Make On Early 2011

Mar 22, 2012

Had since May/June last year i5 13" and only since I applied all updates few weeks ago it seems to be louder than it was before? 

It sounds like a fan but isn't... obviously. Right hand side of track pad, and covering it, in fact just touching it dampens it to barely audible. Is that normal or has something gone a bit weird? A constant fan noise, which isn't the fan is now there permanently.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Hard Drive Making Clicking Noise / Fan Is Pretty Loud?

Sep 26, 2010

I am so upset right now, this is my 2nd macbook with this problem. I just got this macbook yesterday and the hard drive is making a clicking noise, but it isn't a like a lot of people have had, it's actually more of a quick series of clicks every few seconds, almost like the hard drive is shaking. It goes away for a bit when I am typing, like right now, but after I stop it comes right back.

Also the fan is pretty loud, considering I haven't put anything on the computer yet.. I've already been to the genius bar and all they did was give me a new, worse macbook, so there is no way I'm going back. Are there any fixes for a noisy hard drive aside from voiding my warranty and putting my own in? If it is normal, I might just invest in a good pair on noise cancelling head phones... Thanks!

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Vibrates And Makes Noise / Works Very Fast?

Dec 25, 2010

I've got a seagate 7200.4 500gb hdd, although it is fast. It vibrates a lot in my mbp. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm thinking of swapping to a 640gb 5400rpm hdd.

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