Mac Pro :: Plopping Sound Through Line-Out?
Sep 26, 2010
I've two problems with my new Mac Pro.The one that's discussed here.and an intermittent "plopping" sound through my Line-Out even when the muted (e.g. while playing a game with headphones).It sounds like connecting and disconnecting an audio cable.I've connected my amp via a klinke cable to the line-out of my Mac Pro.
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Aug 2, 2009
I've had this problem since Friday with my Mac Pro (March 2009) and haven't been able to solve it.
On Friday my speakers suddenly stopped working. After first having confirmed that the speakers were working with another source, I tried headphones both in frontal headphone slot and with the analog line out in the back, both without success. There's a red light in the optical audio out, indicating that it's on for some reason, although I have selected different audio out source. The internal speaker works just fine, only the normal audio out doesn't give me anything.
I found a thread in the MBP section similar to this problem, but solutions for MBP didn't work.
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Aug 18, 2009
Power PC 17" Powerbook, 1.67 speed, 1GB Ram, 9GB available, stay up with all updates...all of a sudden only Internal Microphone and Digital In appear. Did Permissions before and after update, tested with plugs in and plugs out of line in and line out, so Whassup?
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Jan 31, 2012
Alright, this is really annoying. I've been trying to record myself playing music on imovie to show people, but my line in won't pick up any sound! I've tried system prefrences>sound>line in and turning it all the way up and I've tried Utilities>Audio MIDI>Line In and turning that all the way up. I've tried everything I could think of and NOTHING is happening!
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May 8, 2012
2009 iMac, external speakers connected to analog audio out. No longer work. System Preferences - Sound - Sound Output only shows built-in speakers. Tried zapping PRAM, tried deleting from /Library/Preferences. Doesn't show in Audio MIDI Setup either.
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Jun 29, 2012
I'm trying to plug in and use an external microphone to record a screen capture. Sound gets through the headphones great but, looking at Input Sound in the Sys Pref, the Line In device does not pick up any sound when I speak into the mic. If I switch it back to the Built-In Internal Microphone device it picks up my voice fine. In the Audio MIDI Setup, the Built-in Input device is selected as the device to be used for sound input.There is a switch on my headset to mute or unmute the mic and I've tried it in both positions. There is a volume dial on my headset (presumably for the headphones) and I've fiddled with that too. I've moved the Input volume for the Line In Audio Line-in port device all the way up and still it hasn't picked up a thing. I have a Mac os x Lion on a Macbook Pro and using a 3.5 mm mini-jack headset with two cables, one for the headphones and one for the microphone.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 5, 2014
My 2008 Mac Pro recently stopped producing any sound.
The startup chime is silent. No sound comes from the speakers at all and the line out/in options in system sound preferences are missing, although it still lists my Logitech webcam microphone and the volume meter for it responds to sound changes.
Could the sound chip on the logic board have stopped working?
Could it be a virus or a software conflict? I haven't updated the system recently or installed new software, but Skype has been acting erratically and has crashed a few times.
The missing line in/out devices in the sound preferences seems like it might be a hardware problem.
I have tried all of the normal things like checking cables and resetting pram but no change.
I have the same condition whether I boot into my primary drive or into the clone (made before the sound stopped working) on a separate drive or into Windows through Bootcamp.
If the logic board integrated sound is broken, can I add a sound card to take over the audio for everything (startup chime, audio from software and audiovisual sources, Skype, etc.)?
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Sep 6, 2009
Double poll here. There are two questions:
How much DATA do you have Oo-line?
This is data and not total capacity. This includes all your on-line data: music, images, video, the OS, all of it. It doesn't include back-up data even if it's on-line like Time Machine tho. Just active data.
And of the on-line storage devices used for that DATA totally, what % are they filled to?
For example if you had two 500 GB drives and about 400 GB of data you would answer:
"I have < 500 GB of DATA on-line." and,"My on-line storage is between 25% and 50% full.".
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Jan 7, 2010
i'm having some issues recording in garage band which should hopefully be easy to clear up. i record an instrumental track into garage band through the line-in jack in the back. the track shows up in garage band just fine and plays, but i'm running into trouble recording while that track is playing. i plug my headphones in so i can try to hear the track while i am recording vocals, but i am unable to hear the track. i checked the inputs/outputs in system preferences and output is set to headphones, microphone is set to line in. so i'm not too sure what it could be.
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Feb 29, 2012
Seems like it should be a straight forward deal, but it's not obvious how to make this happen. I can tell the audio is coming in, as the input levels are reflected under System Pref's. But I can't hear the audio on the line-out speakers and there doesn't seem to be an option to explicitly route the audio.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 23, 2009
I have a 2nd monitor and hooked up my xbox 360 to it. I have it connected through HDMI and then have a regular audio jack going from the monitor to my Mac Pro. When I open up my sound preferences and select: Line In - Audio Line In the "Input Level" bar goes up and down meaning it is registering or hears the sound coming from my xbox.
For some reason though, the sound will not output from my Mac Pro. My speakers which are connected to Line Out: Built In Line Output still outputs sound coming from my mac pro but it won't output the sound from my 360. Is there a remedy for this?
So quickly again.
Line In - Audio Line In is "hearing" the sound from my xbox 360 as the "Input Level" bar goes up and down.
Line Out - Built In Line Output still outputs sound from my Mac Pro but not the 360.
Is there a way to fix this?
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Dec 9, 2009
My line out port on my late 2007 white macbook recently died and I no longer have AppleCare. I never use the line in port on my computer and use the line out quite alot. I have tried all kinds of fixes to fix the problem but nothing works. I would like to use the line in port as a line out port. I am not sure if this is possible so I thought I would ask here if anyone knew of a way.
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Dec 13, 2009
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
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Sep 5, 2010
I currently have some good headphones and use the front jack. How do I hook up the three speakers? Do they all plug into one jack in the back? And what about the subwoofer, does it need a special jack.Final question: is there something I could purchase to improve the sound that wouldn't be too expensive? I.e. is there some USB extension or sound jack item that I can buy, which will improve sound performance, and plug the speakers into that?
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Jun 13, 2009
When surfing the net (like right now) or just letting it idle, my hard drive makes a slight "clunk" sound like the HD arm is hitting the edge of the case (or maybe starting up and shutting down?). There seems to be no loss of performance. I did a disk verify and everything is OK. Should I be concerned?
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Feb 9, 2009
I just bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz Dual Core, 2Gb RAM, 320 HDD. This nice iMac has been with me only 2 days and the problems already started. I don't know why when I play a song either in iTunes or in web(audio streaming) the audio suddenly changes. It's as if you applied an EQ and removed all the low frecuencies and after a few seconds the sounds returned just as normal. When this "auto EQ" happens, the sound becomes "brighter" (I hope you understand what I am trying to say) but just as I said, after a few seconds, the sound is played normaly. I am running Mac OS X v 10.5.2.
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Apr 30, 2012
What is the best sound conversion software for making apple sound files?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a person that sent along this video and it concerns me that a hard drive would make such a noise. It's unlike anything I've heard in a drive. He claims the original owner installed a new Seagate 7200rpm in the book, and that it mostly happens when loading a web-page on Safari.
Every time I look up "hard drive click" I get the SMS triggered "tink" but this notebook is not in motion and instead makes a "ca-chink".
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Jul 24, 2008
I'm pretty new here, though I posted over a year ago here with a few questions as a beginning switcher. My switch completed in Christmas of 2005 with a late '05 Power Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HDD. I decided to get another monitor and it is a Sony 19" LCD one. I also didn't get any speakers since I used headphones a lot at the time. I recently decided to start using speakers. So temporarily, I am using the Altec Lansing BX1120 2.0 Stereo speakers from Walmart for only $15. They sound great but I would like 5.1 surround sound to watch my DVDs (and to soon upgrade to BluRay & SACD/DVD-A; but that's for another thread later on). Before I go on, I would like to ask questions and provide facts with what my 'puter has. My specific products I'm looking for is at the bottom of this message.
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Nov 13, 2010
I'm currently using a macbook pro 17" 10.5.8 / Unlike windows os, it alerts you in many occasion, for example: low battery, usb device inserted, etc. and you can change the alert sound for everyting in the control panel, sound, option.
so basically,
how do I do the same thing on mac?
do i need to install additional software? if yes.. any suggestion?
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Aug 12, 2006
For some odd reason, I have been experiencing some creaking when I move the display of my Unibody 15.5" Macbook Pro. At all. It just is very annoying, as it has a distinct plastiky sound to it, and it was not there to begin with. I don't know if this matters, but I have a Speck clear case that I used, but then I took it off because it seemed to be twisting the display a bit. Is this creaking a known issue with the Unibodies, or is it just because of the Speck case? I have never dropped my computer, and it has never been mistreated. It just leads its life on my desk or in my laptop bag. Any ideas?
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Dec 12, 2009
Every once in a while my Mac Mini will start to chirp/squeak. It almost sounds like crickets. It started doing it again about 5-10 minutes ago and just stopped as I began typing this post. Does that sound like it could be the fan making the noise or the hard drive? I would think that if it were the drive I would here it MUCH more often.
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May 1, 2008
I have a 24" aluminum iMac G5. I have never had a problem with sound before, and feel like this problem is isolated to a certain DVD but the DVD works on EVERY other player I own. Everything pretty much plays DVDs, so that's many!
So here's my problem: There's parts of this movie that have very high pitched sounds, like electronic sounds that are just sound effects in the movie. Whenever I get to those parts in this movie (maybe even other movies for all I know, I don't play many) and the sound goes quiet, like the speakers can't handle that high pitched sound.
I feel there must be something I can do about it, right? I just use the regular default DVD player application that pops up when I put a DVD in. I tried playing with that equalizer but nothing changed. Any ideas...?
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May 28, 2008
i have a JVC Everio camcorder and when ever i try and upload a movie into imovie 08 the picture is there but the sound is not.
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Apr 8, 2012
mac book pro Mac OS X 10.6.8 processor 2.2 intel Core i7 Memory 4gb 1333 Vyz DDR3 Can't use sound - No device found says in Sound preferences pane?
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Jun 23, 2012
Macbook Pro suddenly has no sound output. The menu for sound is greyed out. System preferences/sound doesn't alow me to set volume or mute.
MacBook Pro 2.2, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB
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Apr 3, 2009
I have a 19" and a 17"
both have the dell sound bar underneath the screens (purchased separately)
1 is hooked up, but i would like to hook up both,
any info on how i could do this with my mac pro 2008 model?
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Oct 12, 2008
ibookG4 1.3 mhz 1 ram 10.4.11
I'm looking for something like Sony Sound Forge, for mac...
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Oct 26, 2008
Is it possible to turn of the sound of one safari window and keep the sound on in another? If it is, how do i do it?
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Sep 26, 2010
For reasons unknown the internal sound option has disappeared from my MBA. The little speaker icon on the menu bar is grayed out and nothing comes from the jack. Internal speakers don't even show up as an option under sound output. I do use an Airport Express for external speakers but it's been playing happily with the internal speakers for months.
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