Mac Pro :: LED Cinema Display - Audio Output Switching Between Monitor & Optical?
Mar 20, 2009
Ideally I'd like to use both the ACD for day to day audio output, then turn on the external amp while watching movies and playing music, being fed by the optical out.Is this possible, or will connecting the optical cable stop all sound from coming through the ACD?
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Nov 11, 2009
My friend is looking into buying the new 27" iMac Core i7 to replace his PC desktop. The only thing holding him back is that he has an analog surround sound system he uses for his speakers. I am having a hard time myself finding a converter that can make his speakers work in the iMac's optical digital output port. Any products out there that will do that?
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Apr 22, 2012
I would like to connect my Macbook Pro to my hometheatre via HDMI. Normally no problem with the mini display port and an HDMI adapter, but the port is already used for the 27" cinema display... Is there another adapter available that let`s me connect both, an HDMI device and the cinema display to my Macbook? I only care about the sound - I want to get digital sound to my receiver. (I am not interested in the solution via airport express and then connect via analogue audio cable - I am looking to get a digital sound signal all the way through...) about Macobook Pro: mid 2010, 17", Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5, Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 25, 2009
I recently bought a 2009 Mac Pro. Now, I'm trying to setup a small bedroom home theater. And sound is still my main problem here. I used my Mac Pro mainly for doing graphic works, listening to music, watching movie, and gaming sometimes.
Here is what I currently have.
8-Core Mac Pro
40" 1080p LCD TV for Movie
24" LCD for doing graphic work
Harman Kardon Sound sticks (trying to get rid of this and replace it with a 5.1 or 7.1 system)
And here is what I'm buying
5.1 or 7.1 Receiver
My plan is to get audio out through the optical output. But according to several articles I read online, optical output does not transmit audio when I play music on iTunes or play games (in BootCamp), is it true? So far, I couldn't find any sound card (internal or external) which work for mac pro that has 3 analog 5.1 signal output which I can use with standard 5.1 speakers. The only things I found is the Creative DDTS-100 and the FireWire which were all discontinued. What other options do I have?
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Jan 19, 2010
I have purchased a optical audio cable to hook up my 15" mbp to my LCD.One end is the toslink and the other end is the toslink adapter, when I put both end into its place. The speaker icon turns gray and I cannot adjust the sound level and the music stops from the laptop speaker.Also, the optical digital audio out option is not showing up in audio preference.
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May 4, 2009
I just picked up a new 1.83 core 2 duo at a price I couldn't pass up. I am going to use it as a HTPC so I have my hdmi cable, etc. All hooked up and ready to go. Last bit is the audio but I am having a bit of trouble. I bought a standard miniplug cable and assumed it would plug in just like my macbook. The problem is that the miniplug doesn't fit in the jack on the mini. I understand that the jack on the mini is a combo analog/optical jack but as you see below, it seems as though a standard miniplug y cable should work.
From the Apple support website:
The headphone / line output jack accommodates digital optical audio output, analog audio output with a 24-bit, 44.1-192 kHz D/A converter, digital audio output up to 24-bit stereo and 44.1-192 kHz sampling rate and supporting encoded digital audio output (AC3 and DTS). For analog headphone / line output a standard audio cable with 3.5mm metal plug should be used.
For digital audio, a standard toslink cable with a toslink mini-plug adapter can be used.I have done my research and some reading and can go out and buy an optical cable plus a miniplug/optical adapter but would rather go the analog route (I understand the quality difference) because I already have the cables and don't have a receiver or speakers, just my tv speakers.
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Jun 11, 2012
My sound card seems to be meesing up. It switches back an forth from "Internal Speakers" or "Headpohones" to "Digital Output". For some reason the optical source keeps getting flipped on and is really annoying. I tried blowing out dust to see if that was causeing the comptuer's confusion, but that didn't work. Until I can make time to go to the apple store, is there anyway for me to turn off that certain connection through terminal commands or something?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 25, 2009
How do you tell the MacBook Pro to output to the Apple Cinema Display when the lid is closed rather than go to sleep? I know you can use the ACD as a secondary screen OR as the only screen with the MBP lid closed. Is there a setting somewhere for this?
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Jul 11, 2009
I would like to write an iTunes visualizer plugin using Java. Is there a site for getting information on how to interface with iTunes via Java and how to monitor the audio output from iTunes?
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Feb 28, 2008
MacPro 8 core Nvidia 8800, RAID card - arrived 2/25. Tried second monitor; monitor is blank (and turned on, and says "digital signal" when unplugging display connector from the machine, so it's recognizing the connection, monitor is fine on old G5). RMA'd for a new 8800, rec'd that on 2/28 - same result, so it's probably not the card. Tried 8800 card in different slots, so probably not a slot. Ram lights flash, HD spins, power light is on, so likely not power supply. Motherboard or RAM is only other thing I can think of, or maybe some kind of incompatibility with the 8800. Also, the fans on both 8800's run at what seems like full power when turning the machine on - is that typical for the 8800? Maybe that's a symptom of the problem; it's a lot louder than I would prefer.
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Jun 23, 2012
I have a 13" mid 2011 MacBook Air and a new ViewSonic VX2453 monitor. I used the Monoprice mini display port to HDMI converter with audio and connected the monitor to my computer's thunderbolt port. The video works perfectly, but the sound isn't working at all. I set my computer's sound output in settings to VX2453 series (type: HDMI), and I set my monitor's audio input to HDMI. Nothing. I also tried changing the frequency in Audio MIDI Setup, which someone recommended on amazon for the monoprice adapter, but that didn't work either.
I tested the monitor's sound by switching audio input instead to "audio in" and connected to my headphone jack, and that worked so the monitor's sound is fine.
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 21, 2012
my question is about the display port and optical audio. This both devices has the same quality? if not, why the MACs doesn't have the optical audio?
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Jun 19, 2012
My sound keeps turning off. When I check the settings, the output device switches randomly between Internal and Digital output. I have no idea where the Digitial Output is coming from and this started about a month again. It switches randomly and then I loose all sound for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens once then stops for a few days, other times it switches back and forth for 5 min. No idea!!!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2010
My LED Cinema Display 24 inch Monitor gets very hot after working on it for more than 3 hours. It radiates so much heat that it is uncomfortable sitting in front of it. It is very hot to touch. But it does not seem to have any negative visual effects. Anyone else have this problem? Is there a way to measure the temp. of the monitor?
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Oct 25, 2009
Alright so I go the new 21.5 inch and love it but I was wondering if the Mini-Display Port does audio for the HDMI output. Because if it did, that would be wonderful.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a new 15" MBP attached to a 24" ACD. If any sort of audio is playing through the display's speakers while the display (just the display, not the whole computer) is asleep and I wake it up, the audio gets all choppy/static-y until I pause and restart whatever the audio source is (e.g. iTunes).
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Dec 31, 2010
I've been using my black macbook for several years with both my Apple Cinema Display and Panasonic TV with the Apple mini-dvi to dvi adapter, but today when I tried to hook my macbook up with the tv it didn't work. The Tv just showed a black picture and nothing happend when I un- and replugged the cable. I tried it on my ACD as well and the colors wasn't right on it. Some colors wasn't showing, eg red. Green and blue was OK. I'm suspecting the adapter to be the problem, 'cause I've tried everything (also in preferences) and been using this method for years! Any thoughts on the problem? Should I buy a new adapter or try something else?
Connection methods;
TV = mini-dvi to dvi, and dvi to hdmi
ACD = mini-dvi to dvi and dvi directly to the ACD
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Jan 20, 2009
I just got a new MacBook Pro and 24-inch LED Cinema Display. I was planning on using one of the USB ports on the back of the display to connect a 1 Tb WD My Book drive as Time Machine backup. I've managed the first backup and everything seemed to be working fine, but occasionally when I wake the computer from sleeping I get an error saying that I disconnected my drive without ejecting it. Nothing has been disconnected, so I'm worried that the USB ports don't stay powered on when monitor/computer sleep, or that there is some other issue using a USB peripheral that is for all intents and purposes plugged into another USB peripheral. Has anyone else had these issues? I'd rather keep things connected the way they are right now- I have 4-5 other external drives I need to access on a regular basis, so going directly into the USB on my MacBook isn't an appealing option.
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Jan 10, 2010
I am looking for a monitor similar to the apple cinema display, that has good picture, HDMI, DVI, and USB inputs. My budget is more or less around $200 USD.
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Feb 21, 2012
I recently purchased a brand new 15" MacBook Pro to replace my old one. I was told when ordering it that I would be able to hook up two external monitors to it using the Matrox DualHead2Go hardware. So, I also bought a 27" Cinema Display (non-Thunderbolt since it wouldn't work with the DH2Go). However, when I contacted Matrox they said their products don't support screens as large as the 27" ACD. how I can hookup a 27" Apple Cinema Display at 2560x1440 and a Acer 22" monitor at 1685x1050 (or, anything less really) to my new MacBook Pro? I've looked around and haven't been able to find a good answer.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 18, 2010
I'm going to get a Mac Pro in the new year and a Cinema Display to go with it. Do the 27" Cinema Display's use audio output from the USB port of the Mac Pro or do they use the new 1.1a Mini Displayport standard to pass from the Pro to the Cinema Display?I will need extension cables to get from the Mac Pro under my desk to the Cinema Display. If they use USB for the audio thats no problem, but all the Mini Displayport extension cables I can find online are only 1.1 compliant and state that they can't pass through audio.
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Aug 25, 2008
My friend has a PowerBook G4 and he wants to connect it with an external 20" Apple Cinema display. His friend told him it was not possible to connect it, but I am not certain if this information is correct. He asked me to help advise him on this, but unfortunately I don't know enough about Apple hardware to give him the information he is looking for. I am wondering if anyone happens to know the answer on this.
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Dec 14, 2009
I'm deciding to buy myself a new mac pro coming around Jan-Feb and since mac pro's cost sooo much I'm cutting money on every corner; from buying only on amazon to using magazine coupons. The biggest money waster in my opinion is the 22' Led Cinema display apple sells. It costs around 900$ to buy an apple display which hasn't been updated for 3+ years when new Dell monitors of the same size (with camera installed and quality optional speakers) cost roughly about 400 max? I know apple displays are premium but extra 500 bucks is ridiculous.
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Apr 29, 2012
I have a MacBookPro, model: A 1278 (Mid-2010 13"). Is its mini-display port capable of delivering both video and audio output to a HDMI adapter? or just video output only?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Model No: A1278 (Mid-2010 13")
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Mar 9, 2010
1) Are there any plans from Apple to produce a WIRELESS keyboard WITH keypad? To be specific: a new keyboard with the exact same interface/layout of the regular keyboard with numeric keypad, only WIRELESS.2) Is the Wireless Apple Mouse (AKA Wireless Mighty Mouse) now officially discontinued?3) I was told here that the discontinued Apple Cinema Display HD 23" monitor had an update in fall 2006. The update was technical-internal (not external or cosmetic in any way, right?). I would really appreciate any information regarding that update.
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Sep 18, 2009
For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.
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Aug 12, 2010
I have the 2009 Mac Mini and was wondering if the mini display port has audio output. Does anyone know? I just want to minimize the amount of cables going to my tv.
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May 2, 2009
I have Mac Pro with Digidesign/ProTools interface connected. I sometimes switch sound output from MP to run through the digidesign hardware. I'm getting message right now saying "selected device has no output controls", not allowing me to switch. I rebooted with the interface already turned on. I've run into theis before- can't figure out what causes this to happen. Sometimes it's OK. ?
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Sep 24, 2009
I have a white Macbook, Intel Core Duo 2, 2 Gb Ram. (October 2008) Under Leopard, my volume (audio output is a shame); under bootcamp with Windows XP on the hard drive, volume is almost double: is there any work around on this?
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm looking to use the speakers (Logitech X-540) with my laptop with 5.1... but this is an analog system (has green/black/orange inputs), and Macbook Pros only output with optical through mini-TOSLink. What's the best (read cheapest) device for decoding the optical output to analog?
If this won't work, I'm probably willing to shell out a bit more cash (Z-5500 perhaps). If you have a digital 5.1 system recommendation ($350 or less), let me know.
Manual for X-540 speakers: [URL]
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