Mac Pro :: Installed Drive And RAM Before First Boot Up?
Mar 6, 2008
Just trying to figure out how long I should let this pinwheel go for. It's been about 10 minutes or so. Before booting up for the 1st time I installed both my terabyte drives and 2x2 gigs of ram. Wondering if maybe those are conflicting with the initial set up sequence.
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Apr 25, 2012
I just installed a new optical drive in my MacBook pro (2007 model, I think), I followed step-by-step instructions, and it all seemed to go fine.
However, now my mac won't boot at all!Â
I switch it on, hear the optical drive make a noise, then it just stops and doesnt boot. The white led is slightly lit, but very, very dimly. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Feb 16, 2010
I have no id� whats wrong, I want to install Snow Leopard(from the external) on my Core2duo Macbook pro, which is running Leopard at the moment.
I have a Snow Leopard image, and I have used Disc utility to partition the external hard drive (GUID), and I assume the partition and install went well on the external, because in Disc start the external appears as OSX 10.6.
Then the problem: The macbook wont boot from the newly made external it just gives me this sign (of course without the colours).
I have tried to start the macbook normal, and with the option key held down were the external pops up.
I have also tried to chose the external in disc start and reboot with no luck.
I have tried to start the Snow Leopard install(external) within Leopard where the install start fine, but when it reboots and wants to continue the install, the sign appears.
The external harddrive is a 5400rpm 40gb 2,5" which is only powered by the usb port maybe thats the problem?
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Feb 24, 2010
After many unsuccessful rounds of burning to DL DVDs and flash drives, I settled on making my iPod bootable and running it from there.So I'm excited and running my startup disk on my MBP as the iPod and I've connected my MBP to my iMac G5 PowerPC through firewire and enabled target mode. After booting into the iPod, it gave me the option to install to the new hard drive from the iMac G5 (which is currently connected to my MBP). I installed it through my MBP, and assumed it had installed to my G5.
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May 11, 2012
I installed a new hard drive. Now won't boot up I get a blinking world?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 14, 2010
Running a 2010 MBP Core i5 2.4GHz. I had Windows 7 originally installed. Gave me wireless problems and I gave up. Erased the partition. Installed Windows XP and everything was fine.
I got a new copy of W7 Professional x64. I installed it "over" the existing XP, though it erased the partition anyways (I don't care about that).The new 7 install has been giving me the same wireless problems. I downloaded and installed the Broadcom driver. Gave me a BSOD and restarted the computer. Now I have a BSOD on start up, too. On the OSX side of things, it no longer shows any Boot Camp hard drive. It doesn't recognize it at all. Though when I hold the option key on boot, it still shows the Windows install.
1. How do I fix the BSOD problem? (All caused by installing the driver)
2. Where the heck is the Boot Camp hard drive/partition?
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Dec 5, 2010
Installed a new 750GB drive into my MacBookPro 5.1 Couldn't get Winclone to make image so I was forced to start from scratch with a new XP installation.
My MBP is partitioned 25%Mac & 75%XP with bootcamp and I have the old drive in a enclosure connected with a firewire. So all of old files are on the external drive now.
After installing XP I have no internet connection, drivers etc... However if I boot up on the mac side everything works fine. (I cloned the mac os already with Carbon copy).
So can I just copy all my old drivers over to the new drive? If yes how and if no how do I get them installed on the new harddrive. The MBP came with everything preinstalled.
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May 30, 2008
I've been hearing good things about the Spinpoint Drives and the 750GB ones are coming down in price.Here is my current setup1 - 500MB Drive - Leopard2 - 320MB Drive - Vista 643 - 500MB Drive - FAT32 (Shared, Irrelevant)I plan on replacing drives 1 and 2 with 750GB Spinpoint drives.My question is, can I boot off of the Leopard dvd and put in Drive 1 and NewDrive1 and just clone it, and do the same for Drive2 and NewDrive2 and clone it? And then go into Leopard and resize the HFS partition, and go into Vista and resize the NTFS partition?
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Nov 10, 2007
I installed a new hard drive on my G5. Trying to boot up from my leopard install CD. I get a blue screen with two arrows and the install cd icon. Plus the "clock" going around. It's been doing that for 30 min. What is that? Just when I was starting to feel confident in my HD installing capabilities.
Power Mac G5 1.6 ghz
Mac OS X (10.3.x)
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Apr 16, 2009
I want to know if you can boot from usb as i installed windows on a extral HDD and i want to know if you can boot from it?
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Apr 11, 2012
Macbook will not boot with the battery installed, even when plugged in?
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008)
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Sep 2, 2014
I have Windows 8.1 installed on my 500GB LaCie external HDD and I am trying to boot my mac from it. I haven't had any success. Thus far, I am able to get to the Startup Menu from holding the option key and Windows does show up. However, when I try to boot it, it says "No Bootable Device Found." Â
the hard drive has Windows 8.1 installed on it. It is not a drive to install Windows through Boot Camp.Â
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Dec 8, 2014
Ordered new RAM for my Mid-2007 iMac 24" 2.8 from Newegg.Crucial (2x2GB Crucial 200 Pin SODIMM 256MX64 DDR2PC2- 5300 Dual DIE CT2KIT 25664A C667)Â
I installed them both in their own slots, made sure that they clicked in.when I connect all the cables in and turn it on I get no boot sound.I decided to take one of the new ram out and installed an old one it boots up. It reads that it has 3gbs of ram.
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Aug 5, 2010
So the other day I came home to find my powermac g5 frozen with the fans going crazy. After a hard reset the machine would no longer boot any further than the grey apple (kernel) stage. After pulling the video card the machine would boot up and I could log in using remote desktop from my laptop.
The machine ran that way for a couple of days until I got a new video card. When I put the new video card in the machine would not boot again.(The new card is exactly the same one as the old one)(ATI Radeon X800 XT mac edition).
After pulling the card the machine still wouldn't boot (exact same behavior as with the card) until I let it sit unplugged for 20 minutes or so. Also when it's not booting I can see that a little red light comes on on the logic board behind the cpu's.
Anyways I'm thinking it may be a power supply issue but if any experts wanna help me out with some advice I'd be very grateful.....
Well Today I tried using a pci video card from a g5 xserve and it exhibited the same behavior so now I know it's not the agp slot.
When it has the cards in it won't do anything except make the bong and the fans come on and then after a minute or so a red light comes on behind the processor and the fans start revving up super loud.
At first it would display up till the grey apple stage of the boot sequence and then hang.Now the display does not come on at all. When it is doing this the machine will not respond to any keystrokes etc.
When I pull the cards out all is normal and I can boot into target disk ,safe boot,whatever except I need to connect to it via remote desktop to see anything. Like this the machine is stable and will run normally. I also tried disconnecting the optical drive and hard drives and swapping the ram to see if that helped but it didn't. Of course I have reset Pram and the pmu also. Is the logic board toast? I can't run any hardware test or asd's with no video to see if there are any errors...
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Oct 27, 2009
I'm about to install Windows 7 into Boot Camp on my Intel X25-M G2 160GB SSD, so I have about 30GB for Windows 7.
Is it possible Windows 7 can erase data on my partition with OSX on it, say for example if Windows 7 supports TRIM and OSX doesn't could that cause a problem?
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Mar 14, 2012
I've got an iMac Intel Core 2 Duo running Tiger 10.4.11.I've successfully installed Snow Leopard 10.6.3 onto an external drive (or so the screen said).My mac recognizes the external drive as a start-up disk and allows me to select it as such. But upon restart, machine comes up in Tiger.My external drive is brand new, OWC Mercury Elite AL Pro using a fire-wire connection. After installation but two failed attempts at start-up, I ran first aid on the external and no repairs were necessary. Using System Prefs I selected the external as my start-up disk, hit Re-start, but machine still restarts from Tiger
The only other piece of information that may be vital, that I can think of, is that I misunderstood the "Mac readiness" of the drive when I took it out of the box. I first erased it (unnecessarily). Then I discovered this mistake, and made a point to re-format it using the GUID partition setting. Computer claimed that installation was successful upon installing Snow Leopard.But now, machine will not start up in Snow Leopard.
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.4.11), 20-inch, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
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Apr 1, 2012
Today i formatted my entire disk, but made it Journaled, Encrypted. It installed (actually "downloaded aditional files"), and then booted with a cross/do not proceed sign. I booted from the install disk again, got an error telling me to reinstall OS X. I was never asked for my password, and when i started disk utility, the disk was locked.
Info:MacBook Air Mid 2009, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Oct 31, 2010
I presently have a 13" MacBook Pro (First-Gen Unibody from Late 2008) running Windows XP in Boot Camp and Snow Leopard. I'm about to buy a new 13" MacBook Air to replace my MBP and will need to install Windows in Boot Camp (for work and for gaming).Which version(s) of Windows can I install in Boot Camp on a new MBA? I heard that only Windows 7 can be installed but would like to verify if this is correct.
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May 10, 2008
I have just finished installing Vista Ultimate (64 bit) on my new Mac Pro, and the screen is really dark, and I can't seem to get it any brighter.
My graphics card is the Nvidia 8800gt, I am using an old 23" ACD through the ADC/DVI adaptor.
The screen was nice and bright all throughout the installation, but after I installed the boot camp drivers from the Apple install disc, the screen became really dim. If I open the Nvidia control panel and try and change the brightness from there, the screen stays dim, but just gets really washed out.
The weird thing is, it translates back onto the OS X side. When I restart after being in Vista, the display is still very dim - I have to go in the Displays system preferences and manually change the brightness back up from minimum. Conversely, when I boot into Vista having been in OS X, the screen is initially bright through all the login screens, but then switches back to being dark as soon as I have logged in.
There is probably a really simple solution to this, but as I am completely unfamiliar with Vista, I'm stuffed if I can work it out. Any advice is gratefully received.
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Aug 12, 2009
Ok here's the situation. I'm trying to fix my brothers laptop at the moment and reinstall Leopard. He installed ubuntu and it seems to have deleted the Master Boot record. I've managed to get Leopard to install but the mouse clicker doesn't work. I've managed to narrow down the problem to the MBR, the master boot record.
In terminal I've typed in sudo fdisk -u /dev/rdisk0 This has come up with the error "master boot record not found". I'm now trying to find a way to put the Master boot record back.
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May 25, 2012
Mac won't boot up after an update from apple
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 21, 2010
I installed Windows 7 to my macbook pro simply using the boot camp assistant, then again simply I deleted the windows partition. I cannot access to windows but every time I open my mac, it tries to open windows and a black screen comes, saying that I need to insert a disc or something like that.
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Jul 4, 2010
3yr old black MacBook has bad memory slot. Will not boot with chip installed. Tried swapping chips and slot 1 or 2 and its the slot. So at least computer works. What are the odds 2nd slot will fail? Is that rare? Is it just a bad solder connection on main board for memory terminal? Or some tiny hidden board trace or other hard to find component?
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Sep 30, 2007
I have an iBook G3 Clamshell 466MHz with 192mb RAM and 10GB HD. I recently updated the OS from 9.2.2 to Panther on a single partition. The upgrade went flawlessly.Then I purchased a 512mb RAM module from a 3rd Party Vendor and after fitting it discovered the iBook no longer boots past the flashing folder/?.
I removed the new ram and replaced the 128mb module but haven't been able to boot past this flashing folder/? icon. I've zapped the PRAM, reset Open Firmware, disconnected the Keyboard then booted, reset the PMU (need to do this each boot or I see black screen only) and tried to boot from the Panther Disc #1 holding the 'C' key. I also tried TDM with my Intel Mac Core 2 Duo but couldn't boot past the flashing folder/? icon.
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Apr 12, 2009
A while back there was a thread on Archive and install " Cant find it on a search " but anyways. I'd like to do a clean install of the OS and bring over the applications needed, WHY? to me the system seems to be getting bogged down , mite be me also. Question is, is that I have dual boot installed to windows for gaming. Is the new install going to hose that? and would I have to reinstall bootcamp and the whole windows thing again? I was also thinking maybe some program that would go through and clean out old unnecessary files, but that's the old windows in me coming out from years past.
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Sep 2, 2009
Have my iMac since March and absolutely no problem. Installed Snow Leopard this weekend and worked just perfect UNTIL I turned the machine off. The next day restarted my computer and now takes about 2 minutes to boot up/then when screen comes up it is frozen for about another 2-3 minutes before can start using it. So basically, takes about 5 minutes from start up to being able to use my iMac. Spent an hour on phone with Apple on Monday night--they really tried--but couldn't fix it and now want me to bring to local Apple authorize dealer to work on it. Called them and they think it is the hard drive going out. But just doesn't make sense---worked just fine until I loaded 10.6 and then turned off machine. Before I bring it in and have them open it up and fool with the internal hard drive---DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA'S WHAT IS HOLDING UP THE STARTUP.
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Sep 5, 2009
I installed Vista Home Premium 32 bit on my brand new Macbook Pro 17 inch, except I am unable to connect to the internet. I just recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and was curious if all the drivers would have been installed correctly with Boot Camp. How do I get the internet to work on Vista?
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Jun 4, 2009
Being a history enthusiast of that era, I've been waiting for Empire: Total War to come out for quite a while. I'm also a bit of an enthusiast as well and would really like to get a new iMac. I'm just wondering if anyone out there is playing E:TW on an iMac with Boot Camp and how well it's been working. Any particular video card recommended over the others?
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Feb 1, 2012
If I have iTunes on an SSD drive (the boot drive in my Mac Mini), can it read the music library on a second rotational hard drive? I'd like not to have the large music library on a 120GB SSD drive.
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Dec 20, 2007
This is bad and old, and full of lessons about backing up. Anyway, internal boot drive crashed a week ago, and internal optical drive is busted. New external LaCie dvd burner works fine, but all attempts to start up from Tiger, Leopard and Diskwarrior installation disks just end up back in OS10.3 on my external LaCie FW drive. I've tried many things: unplugged everything; switched external LaCie to USB (wouldn't boot), unplugged power from internal optical drive so Mac wouldn't look there first (somebody suggested that). Attempts to start up installers from mounted DVDs result in installer screen with restart button, which, when clicked on, results in... you guessed it... boot back to dreaded 10.3 system. Night owls and westcoasters, I am up for hours yet, pulling hair.
G5 Dual 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.3)
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