Mac Pro :: How To Get Audio Line-Out To Work

Nov 6, 2009

I plugged in my speakers I used to have plugged in to my Mini Mac to the audio line out on the back of my new Mac Pro, and it doesn't produce any sound out the speakers. Yes, I know how to toggle preferences for audio line-out. Makes no difference. When I select "line-out" in preferences, my speakers will play through the front headphone jack, but not the audio line-out on the back of the machine. Why does audio line-out not work like it did on my Mini Mac?

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Mac Pro :: Route The Line-in Audio To Line-out On 10.6.8?

Feb 29, 2012

Seems like it should be a straight forward deal, but it's not obvious how to make this happen.  I can tell the audio is coming in, as the input levels are reflected under System Pref's.  But I can't hear the audio on the line-out speakers and there doesn't seem to be an option to explicitly route the audio. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: How To Listen To Audio Input To My MBP Through Audio In Line?

Jul 27, 2007

I have audio that is being sent to my MBP through an audio in line that I would like to monitor for audio quality. The only way I know how to listen in real time to the audio is by way of Audio Recorder, but it seems a little unnecessary to have a recording application open simply to listen to my media that is being sent in. Is there a feature already part of OS X that allows me to turn this on? I looked in system prefs, but couldn't find anything to enable this. I will resort to audio recorder if I have to, but would be very happy if this was already a feature.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Line In/out Audio Port Vs Dedicated Audio Ports On 15"?

Apr 18, 2010

when you're recording, will the sound quality of the dual function line in audio port on the 13" be as good as the dedicated one on the 15"?

edit: the reason I'm wondering is because I want to convert old collections of vinyl records into digital copies at the highest quality possible and need to know if the 'line in' on the 13" will work good for that.

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OS X :: Using Audio Line In/Line Out?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a 2nd monitor and hooked up my xbox 360 to it. I have it connected through HDMI and then have a regular audio jack going from the monitor to my Mac Pro. When I open up my sound preferences and select: Line In - Audio Line In the "Input Level" bar goes up and down meaning it is registering or hears the sound coming from my xbox.

For some reason though, the sound will not output from my Mac Pro. My speakers which are connected to Line Out: Built In Line Output still outputs sound coming from my mac pro but it won't output the sound from my 360. Is there a remedy for this?

So quickly again.

Line In - Audio Line In is "hearing" the sound from my xbox 360 as the "Input Level" bar goes up and down.

Line Out - Built In Line Output still outputs sound from my Mac Pro but not the 360.

Is there a way to fix this?

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PowerPC :: Noise In G5 Audio Line Out

Jul 29, 2008

I have a G5 twin processor which I bought just before the Intel chip model. It has all sorts of hum and noise in the audio line out when connected to my larger home music system. I have Applecare and the Apple Store tells me that they need to replace the motherboard. I'm awaiting that part to come in now. However, it sounds to me more like old fashioned transformer hum and I'm wondering if anyone else has had this vexing problem -- and if so, how it was finally resolved? I'm too old to keep hauling the heavy unit around much more.

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Software :: Audio Line In Not Working?

Jul 9, 2008

I got a new MacBook a few weeks ago, and quickly found the internal microphone to be lackluster for my musical needs (I often record myself singing, as part of my voice training). So I got out my microphone that I routinely used on my PC, plugged it into the line in port, changed the appropriate settings, and it was good. After I was finished, I switched the default back to the internal mic. However, since that first time, the audio line in port has not worked correctly.

If I go to the Sound preferences section, and select "Line In", it shows no input on the meter there, no matter how much sound I'm making with the microphone. The meter works just fine showing sound being made into the built in mic when that's selected, but not for the line in option. Not surprisingly, neither GarageBand or Audacity is receiving any input (and the appropriate options are selected in the programs to draw from the line in port). Is there some option I'm overlooking within the Mac, or is my line in port faulty?

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Mac Mini :: Audio Output Setup Will Do Line Out?

Sep 8, 2008

I've got a Mac Mini at home, but I'm at work now and just have a quick question. I've noticed on the Apple marketing blurb that the Mini audio output will do Line Out as well as headphones. Do you have to switch the output over in Audio/MIDI setup or something?

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MacBook :: Audio Line In Port Not Working At All

Jun 17, 2009

My 2.4 Aluminum MacBook has a very serious problem, but only with the line-in port. The headphones work fine through the line out. When I plug the microphone, the built-in mic still works,]. I tried everything, it just doesn't work at all, i plugged in the microphone and changed the system preferences manually and did everything with all the applications, but still, nothing is working. I have had this MacBook for 2 weeks now. I wish I waited couple of days for the pro.

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MacBook :: Getting No Response From Audio Line In Port

Dec 6, 2009

I very confused about my line in port. I'm trying to hook my macbook up to my 4 channel PA using a 1/8" input jack, I am using garageband, but I get no response. the driver is switched to built in line in port but still nothing. I find that when I unplug it a little bit, the computer picks up the sound but there is a strange fuzz sound that accompanies it. So basically, the input does not work when I plug it in all the way. I know it worked before, perhaps I blew the input?

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OS X :: Input Cable For Audio Line In Port

Dec 27, 2009

Would a standard 3.5mm audio input cable work? Would it fit in the port on my MacBook Pro? These are the cables I am looking at: [URL]. Port Image. I am looking at recording music from my Record Player to my computer with this Tutorial: [URL].

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MacBook Air :: Setup To Accept Audio Line In?

Aug 8, 2010

Is there any way to setup the macbook air so that it can accept audio in? I want to play sound from a game console on the air's speakers using an audio cable.

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Power Mac G5 :: Digital Audio In To Line Out Speakers All Noise?

Nov 5, 2007

I am trying to hook up the digital audio output on my cable box to the digital in on my dual 2.0 G5 running 10.4.9, 1 gig RAM. I have HDMI and component video out to monitor, but I use JBL creature speakers and sub for audio.

I have the propper cables and routing, sounds prefs set to digital in, and line out, to go to JBL creatures and first I get no sound at all. If I start AudioHijack and use same input and output settings all I can get is a hissing/clicking sort of sound. Same with using Soundsource and LineIn.

Audio MIDI Setup only shows or giveds me Built-in Audio for selections under system settings and properties for. Ausio Input and output show Master stream grayed out and I selected digital in and Line out for my sources and no change. Both ar set to 441000.0 Hz 2ch-24bit as well.

Dual 2.0 G5

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Applications :: Setting Up IMac To Receive Audio Via Line In

May 31, 2009

I want to send a signal from my guitar processor to my iMac for recording in applications such as Garageband. Using the digital line-out from the processor I tried to connect to iMac using a 3.5mm stereo cable. However, when trying to set up a track in Garageband I could not get an input signal. In the MIDI/Audio app I have set input and output devices to built-in devices, and in sound preferences I have set the track to receive from the line-in jack. I messed around in Garageband with all the input options for the audio track but I still couldn't register a signal, yet my processor LED meter shows it's outputting fine. Do I need a special cable or something? I can't understand why this topic isn't fully addressed in the supporting literature for Garageband or Logic or in the iMac OM.

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Hardware :: Audio Line Out Port On Back Not Working

Dec 13, 2008

I've read all the manuals, and the only thing that I can muster is that the audio line out port on the back of my Mac Pro "can be connected to powered speakers". So I connect it to powered speakers, and nothing happens. Is there some setting somewhere that I am missing?

I've connected it to the front headphone jack and got sound from the speakers. But I'd prefer to keep the cables at the back out of sight, hence wanting to use the line out port. The same speakers work fine with line level inputs from a Minidisc player, so I'm just wondering if the sound card has a dead port on the back.

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Mac Pro :: Audio Line-in Port Stopped Working Properly

Feb 22, 2012

I started to have a perplexing problem that I narrowed down to the audio in-put port on my Mac Pro (MacPro3 ,1). It was working fine then the sound level increased and the quality became distorted (like a "fuzz base" but affecting all sounds)I was in the process of digitizing records, and believed the record played broke. So I got a new record player (audio-technica AT-LP120-USB). The same thing occurred with the audio in-put port, so I switched to the USB port and the audio was fine. I also checked with music already on my HD and it played fine. Consequently it has to be the in-put line port and/or a software issue.

Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Command Line Tool To Record Audio?

Mar 20, 2012

Is there a command line tool I can use to record audio on my intel imac? In Linux, I use the arecord tool and was wondering if there is something similar for the Mac. I do not want to use a GUI tool like Audio Hijack Pro because I already have and use that app. I now prefer to use a command line tool instead.

Intel iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.7), 2 GB RAM

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MacBook Pro :: No Sound Input From Audio Line-in Port (mic)?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm trying to plug in and use an external microphone to record a screen capture. Sound gets through the headphones great but, looking at Input Sound in the Sys Pref, the Line In device does not pick up any sound when I speak into the mic. If I switch it back to the Built-In Internal Microphone device it picks up my voice fine. In the Audio MIDI Setup, the Built-in Input device is selected as the device to be used for sound input.There is a switch on my headset to mute or unmute the mic and I've tried it in both positions. There is a volume dial on my headset (presumably for the headphones) and I've fiddled with that too. I've moved the Input volume for the Line In Audio Line-in port device all the way up and still it hasn't picked up a thing. I have a Mac os x Lion on a Macbook Pro and using a 3.5 mm mini-jack headset with two cables, one for the headphones and one for the microphone.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: Cannot Get From An XBOX Through Optical Audio Input To Play Through Line Out Port

Dec 2, 2009

getting my audio from an XBOX through the Optical Audio Input to play through to the Line Out port.The Input tab of the Sound Preference is set to Digital Audio in and is receiving a signal on the meter but no audio plays through to the speakers plugged into the line out port.

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Applications :: Won't Work With Audio / Audio Skimming In IMovie 09

Apr 1, 2009

I'm using iMovie 09 with the very latest updates applied and I am having trouble with audio skimming in just one of my projects. The project is only 8 minutes long and is just a collage of pictures to music.
The audio skimming button is toggled to on but no green bars show in the equalizer when I skim over the video. The audio works fine when playing the project and in other windows around the project such as the event viewer. I have plenty of free hard drive space and the thumbnails slider is set to '5s'. ALL of my other projects skim no problem.

Now this is the strange part. If I click to enter the precision editor on any part of the video and then click done (even without altering anything) the skimming comes back. It thus disappears if place a new item in the timeline until I go back into the precision editor where it re enables itself.

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Power Mac :: Why Can't Hear Music Keyboard When It Is Connected Through The Analog Audio Line-in Port

May 9, 2012

Why can't I hear my music keyboard when it is connected thru the Analog Audio line-in port? Looking at the System Pref. - Sound menu - in-put - Line in Built-in Audio, I can see activity on the input levels when I press the Kawai piano keyboard but no sound is heard. All other sound systems- I-tunes etc are operating properly.

power mac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Primary Story Line Clip / When Synchronizing Multiple Audio To One Video

Jun 3, 2014

When I sync one audio file with one video file the video file is always placed in the primary storyline and the audio file is always placed under it. And the new syncronised clip is named afte the video file. 

when I sync multiple audio files to one video file. It seems to be random what file endsup in the primary storyline of the new compound clip, most of the time is seems to be one of the audio files. This is troublesom as the syncing acuracy is then limited to the frame as the smallest incrament of adgustment. Also, it menas I have to manualy change the names of my now syncronised clips as the names are not consistant making sorting dificult. (This all results in a lot of time spent fixing this behavoir and realy dampens the advantages of the sync feature.) 

the video should not be the primary track in a new syncrosnised compound clip and I can't find any link between my behavoir and the resulting choise of which tile is the primary sortyline track.

Final Cut Pro X

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MacBook Pro :: My Keyboard Lights Don't Work - Comes Up With A Circle With A Line Through?

Apr 22, 2012

I got my laptop around a month ago and the lights were fine and i turned them off to save battery. Recently, i tried to turn them back on and it just comes up with a circle with a line through it meaning i can't do it. How can i make it work??

Mac Pro, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: Microphone Will Not Work When Plugged Directly Into Line-in Jack

Jan 31, 2012

I am trying to get a Sony ECM-DS70P Condenser Stereo Microphone with a 3.5mm stereo male plug to work on my MacBook Pro with a Behringer UCA222 USB Audio Interface and I am having no joy at all.The Microphone will not work when plugged directly into the Line-in jack on the MacBook Pro because the Audio Line-In input on the MacBook is line level -10dB to+4dB and microphones are generally around -40dB. So, I need either a line level preamp or a usb audio interface.I decided on a USB Audio Interface (Behringer UCA222).The Microphone is plugged into a 3.5mm stereo to RCA L & R cable which is plugged into the L/R RCA inputs on the Behringer UCA222. The Behringer UCA222's USB Cable is plugged into a USB port on the MacBook Pro. 

On the Macbook Pro in System Preferences > Sound > the output is set to Internal Speakers and the input is set to the USB Codec (Which showed up when the Behringer UCA222 was plugged in). [code]

MacBook Pro early 2008

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Mac Pro :: How Much DATA Do You Have On-line And How Full Is Your Total On-line Storage

Sep 6, 2009

Double poll here. There are two questions:
How much DATA do you have Oo-line?

This is data and not total capacity. This includes all your on-line data: music, images, video, the OS, all of it. It doesn't include back-up data even if it's on-line like Time Machine tho. Just active data.

And of the on-line storage devices used for that DATA totally, what % are they filled to?

For example if you had two 500 GB drives and about 400 GB of data you would answer:
"I have < 500 GB of DATA on-line." and,"My on-line storage is between 25% and 50% full.".

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Mac Pro :: Problems Recording In Garage Band (line In, Line Out )

Jan 7, 2010

i'm having some issues recording in garage band which should hopefully be easy to clear up. i record an instrumental track into garage band through the line-in jack in the back. the track shows up in garage band just fine and plays, but i'm running into trouble recording while that track is playing. i plug my headphones in so i can try to hear the track while i am recording vocals, but i am unable to hear the track. i checked the inputs/outputs in system preferences and output is set to headphones, microphone is set to line in. so i'm not too sure what it could be.

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Mac Pro :: Cannot Get Optical Audio To Work!

Mar 31, 2009

I just bought (as in 2 weeks ago) the new Mac Pro. I have a logitech 5.1 surround system with digital audio input. But it won't receive, or my mac is not sending, a digital audio signal. I think I've got everything set correctly in system preferences.

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OS X :: Audio Key Doesn't Work On MacBook?

Feb 22, 2009

My MacBook audio key was working fine, until today.

I tried changing the volume via keyboard, but the volume stays the same. Even the mute, it still dosent work.

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ITunes :: Audio Airplay Does Not Work

May 8, 2012

It cant connect to ATV in this case, it ends with "connecting to ATV" which always fails. No problem with using iOS to Airplay music to ATV.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Audio Inputs Not Available Or Do Not Work

May 24, 2012

I have a mini mac, I cannot get the built in audio mic or line in mic to work.  Sys preference only shows line in... Audio line-in port

but the applications only show the built-in input is available but that does not work either..

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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