Mac Pro :: Blocking Page From Appearing On Screen Automatically?

Mar 25, 2012

How to block a page (from a business job searching website) from appearing on my screen without me searching for it?

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OS X Mavericks :: Unable To Remove (EFI Available) Blocking Part Of Screen

Sep 5, 2014

I have recently migrated to an SSD as the system drive. 

I am now finding the an "EFI available" and "Google Earth Available" notifications are blocking upper right corner of my

screen. I cant close them or remove them.

MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Mac Starts Up And Blue Screen Appearing?

Dec 6, 2009

Mac starts up and then a blue screen appears and nothing else happens. After waiting 10 minutes the safeboot login comes up I put in my correct password but then it takes me back to the login again.

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IMac :: G5 Half Screen Appearing Gray

May 23, 2010

I have a G5 that developed a fault where half the screen is grey . It does this on starting up and stays this way. My eyes feel like there bleeding from hours of starring at screen and reading text to no avail. I am of limited funds so a send away for repairs is probably going to be beyond my means.

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Intel Mac :: Contact Not Appearing On Computer Screen?

May 10, 2012

When I click on the contacts app on the desktop no address book appears. It was working fine till yesterday.I right clicked and Quit by mistake. Contcts app disappeard, went to launch pad and retrieved app. The problems started from here. How can I fix this?

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Power Mac G5 :: Pink Vertical Lines Appearing On Screen

Dec 31, 2007

I have a G5 about 2 years old. Recently a pale pink vertical line appeared down the screen, another about 2 weeks later and today a third line appeared. They do not affect the screen's visibility, but I wander if anyone else has found a resolution to this minor problem (without having to go out and purchase a replacement.

Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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IMac :: Grey Screen Of Death Appearing Occasionally?

Jan 8, 2010

This has been going on for a while. It happened first a month or so ago.

I turn on my 2008 iMac 24". The screen turns white like always, but no Apple icon appears. It starts to make a loud nice again and again. Bip, Bip. Pause. Bip, Bip, Pause. Bip, Bip. Pause.

I turn it off. Turn it on again. Same thing happens. Repeat.

I take out the cable powering the computer and go to school. I put it back in when i returned and turned the computer on. It worked fine.

Nothing happened again until a week after. I was sitting working on the computer, when it out of nowhere shows the "grey screen of death". I turn off the computer, take out the cable, leave it out for half and hour or so, then turn the computer on. It works fine. Works for a week. Same thing happens again.

Now it starting to appear more often tht though, and I'm afraid to turn it on until i get an external HD so i can Time Machine, in case it will appear more often for every time i turn it on.

The guarantee is not valid anymore (never purchased AppleCare) and i can't bring it to a store and show them what it does, because it doesn't always happen.

I read that it might a kernel panic somethingsomething, and that i need to wipe the HD. Though that was when the computer had the grey screen all the time. Not just occasionally like on mine.

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OS X :: Apple Logo Not Appearing At Grey Boot Screen?

Jan 25, 2010

Sometimes, when I turn on my iMac (10.6.2), the system will not load, you can see the grey screen but empty, no apple logo there. I have to force a shutdown pressing the power button and when I turn it on for the second time it will work properly.

It only happens once in a while but I cannot understand why, since nothing changes.

PS.- I have verified my disk with the disk utility and everything seems fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Lines Appearing On Screen (Watching Video)

May 23, 2010

I have an older MacBook Pro (1,1 first gen, Intel Core Duo, 2006). It's slowly dying, I think. What I'm wondering about are these lines that are appearing/disappearing on the screen. I think it may be a sign that the video card is going out. The lines are horizontal bands that appear often when I'm watching video. Occasionally they'll appear while scrolling or loading a webpage. They're usually quite thin, although it does appear to be getting worse. Does anyone know what this would be? Is it safe to assume a dead logic board is in my future? I videotaped it occurring here, in case you're interested (17 sec).

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MacBook Pro :: Marks Appearing On Screen From Keyboard Edges

May 26, 2010

I'm new to MBP 13'' (2010), just 3 weeks now, and it's my first laptop, so I don't know if this is just normal or not. I have noticed there are several marks on screen appears to be from keyboard edges, say where the "E" key supposed to meet the screen. Looks like small spot scratches, but fortunately they came off when I clean them with damped cloth. It came back after I use and close/open the lid, same spots I think. New MBP design looks like the keys should not touch the screen, but it appears to be keep touching while lid is closed? What about yours, can you see marks when the screen is turned off? Or I may need to worry about screen protection? (if I do cleaning often the same spots I guess it may scratch eventually?)

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MacBook :: Runs Really Slow And Sometimes Red Lines Appearing On Screen

Mar 26, 2012

I just got a 07 macbook white and it has red lines on the screen sometimes and it runs really slow when it does so i think its the ram or vram?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4gb ram

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MacBook Pro :: Not Booting Up - Blue Then Black Screen Appearing

Jun 19, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz/250GB HDD/2GB RAM that won't turn on, unless I leave the power button pressed, in which case, as you all know, the computer turns off again. It started about 3 days ago. Set the computer to sleep, shut it closed, took it to another room and opened it. The MBP gave me the blue screen, then black and then... nothing. At first I thought it was the HDD, but now I'm having second thoughts. I now think it's the cpu fan.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware :: Green And Purple Blotches Appearing On Screen ... Macbook Pro

May 5, 2008

I have a first generation macbook pro, recently i have been getting neon green and purple blotches appearing on my screen. I was also having a hard drive problem so i swapped that out and installed a fresh copy of OSX 10.4 on there and was still having the green and purple show up so I know that it is hardware related. I also have hooked up an external monitor and they show up on that monitor too so I konw the problem is not related to my monitor.. I downloaded fan control and have found that if I keep my macbook under 53 degrees C then They wont show up nearly as often but they still do. The only problem with this is that to keep it under 53 degrees C then I need to have the fans running extremely fast the entire time which is not really solving the problem...any suggestions?

It kinda looks to me like I need to get the logic board replaced, what does that entail.. can I do it myself? im pretty good with computers and electronics. I don't have apple care and the warrenty has definelty been voided or is expired..what kind of $$ am I looking at?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Share Screen Button Not Appearing When Remote From Office

Jun 1, 2012

When I am in the office connected via the local LAN the share screen button in Finder is displayed. When I am at home anc connected via broadband I can still see the server and shares but I have no share screen button. Is there a preference that needs to be set somewhere to enable the remote share screen or is it more likely to be a firewall issue with a blocked port?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Black Lines With White Text Appearing On Screen?

Jun 17, 2014

I recently got my laptop back after the logic board was replaced and now black lines with white text keep appearing on the screen. When this happens I cannot do anything except hold the power button in to reset.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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OS X :: Screen Changes Brightness Level Automatically / Flickering On Screen

Jun 1, 2008

So I have noticed a few times already, that the screen on my white macbook flickers to change the brightness level. It can do this while the computer is plugged in and charging, or if it's off the charger. It is definitely noticeable as it causes me to just watch what the screen is doing.

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen And File Icon With Question Mark Appearing At Startup On Old Model?

Jun 4, 2014

We own  a very old model macbook and the startup screen appears as grey and an icon appears in the shape of a file with a question mark in the middle and the startup does not proceed from there.


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Intel Mac :: Page Does Not Fit Screen

Jun 27, 2012

I use a track pad for a moiuse and have trouble with the page size jumping. I think this is due to it sensing the hanging finger. Once this happens I have trouble with getting it back to the screen fitting the page. The page is too large and using two fingers to srink it will not do it.

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OS X :: Make Internet Page Fill Whole Screen?

Aug 8, 2010

how do you make an internet page fill the whole screen on an imac?

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Safari :: Going Back A Page And Its Just A White Screen?

May 10, 2012

Half of the time when I go back a page in safari it shows that page I was at. Then, it goes to a white screen and I have to refresh the page do do or see anything.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Keeps Dimming Automatically?

May 28, 2012

My brand new Macbook Pro's screen keeps dimming the screen all the time regardless of which setting is it on. Its the first time it does that today and it's so annoying!I have the following options: Put the hard disks to sleep when possible, slightly dim the display when using this power source, automatically reduce brightness before display goes to sleep and restart automatically if the computer freezes. The only thing that is check marked is Put the hard disks to sleep when possible and automatically reduce brightness before display goes to sleep...

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixels On My Dark Screen Or Page

Jul 17, 2009

i am working on my website, and notice a few "stars" on the screen. I thought maybe it was my desktop image, as it is the standard leopard galaxy deal. I verified it was my screen. Will Apple even do anything about this, or will they say it is just cosmetic? I took in my MBP (i bought it 10/08, it is the version before the UMBP) to the genius before because the screen has some lines in it, but they said it caused by the keyboard hitting the screen and they wont fix it because it is cosmetic. I think they should fix it, but at this point, it isn't the biggest deal, but now that i spotted it, i can see it everytime i am on a dark screen/page

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Software :: Mac OS X Load Screen Appears But No Login Page?

Aug 13, 2010

I run windows 7 and MacOSx on my Macbook pro. I use bootcamp to switch to Mac OSx. I never had prooblems over the last 12 months in switching between the two but recently when I try to boot OSx, the apple screen comes and stays there forever without going to the login screen. I have been having some problems with Windows lately as well with auto restarts.

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Safari :: No More Downloading - Page Go To Black Screen Or Just Stalls

Feb 3, 2012

I have a love/hate relationship with Safari right now. I love the actual browser, I hate the fact it won't allow me to download a thing. I'm not talking about downloading from illegal sites or going through any page redirects, I cannot download a thing at all. My page goes to a blackish screen and stops or it just stalls, flashes once and nothing happens.

Here's what I've checked for:

1). No, I don't have Speed Download installed or a plug-in/filter for it.
2). I don't have a file or even a safari folder in Application Support.
3). I'm running Lion 10.7.3 and Safari 5.1 currently.

I've even uninstalled/reinstalled Safari with no luck. What the heck is going on with Safari???

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.06 MHz, 24", 4GB RAM

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Power Mac G5 :: Shut Down Automatically On Blue Screen

Dec 21, 2007

My G5 has developed a problem with restarting. Basically if I restart it gets to the grey screen with the apple logo and the spinning thing but shuts down as soon as it gets to the blue screen. This will happen for as many times as I care to restart it. The only solution I have come across is to take out the SDRAM modules and swap them round (any combination will do as long as they are swapped) and bingo, it starts again as if nothing was wrong.

Initially I had four 512k modules from Crucial and recently replaced them with two 1024 modules from another manufacturer to see if that would solve it but it didn't. Zapping the PRAM also didn't work. I should say also that around the same time it developed a habit of shutting down mid-use, but this was solved by switching the processor usage from high to automatic.

G5 2ghz dual
Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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OS X :: Shortcut For Automatically Resizing Windows To Fit Screen?

Dec 3, 2009

Is there a shortcut in Mac OS X that resizes two or more open windows automatically so that each window is shown on the screen simultaneously? For example, I want to have a safari window open and a word document open so that one half of the screen is showing safari and the other half is word. I know I can resize them manually but I was wondering if there is a shortcut or a third party utility that resizes any open windows to fit the entire screen? This would be useful, for example, with the new 27 inch iMacs where the wide screen can easily display three (or more) windows side by side utilizing the entire screen area; having them resized automatically would be more productive than having to resize them manually.

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MacBook Pro :: Move The Menu-bar To Other Screen Automatically?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm pretty new to OS X, having just got my MBP 15" 2010 model.

I use my laptop with a external monitor for music production, and when I use a particular piece of software, I like to have it on my (bigger) external display. I'm wondering if there's any way (using Automator possibly?) to set the menu bar to switch screens automatically when I open this program?

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Intel Mac :: Screen Automatically Zoom In On Login

Apr 17, 2012

How can I unzoom a screen that automatically zooms in when I login?

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MacBook Air :: Get To Login Page Then Blank Screen After Password Entered

Apr 30, 2012

When I try to start my Macbook Air I get the login page but after I key in my password I get a blank screen.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X :: Desktop Wallpaper Resizes Automatically / Screen Goes Blue After Sometime

Sep 13, 2009

For two weeks my screen will go blue and then any data on the screen will come back, either to normal or expanded in scale. In the desktop preferences it will offer desktop and VGA options. Over the last two days it will resize smaller with black edges and display the last wallpaper I used not the current one. Any help in correcting this would be great it's an iMac and runs Mac OSX Version 10.4.11

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