Mac :: Macbook Air Running Hotter And Battery Life Lower After Latest Software Update?

Aug 4, 2008

Just did the latest Mac software update a few days ago and noticed that my MBA runs hotter (fans are constantly screaming) and the battery life now is about 1:15 hours on a full charge versus 3:30 hours before. Anyone else experiencing the same issue?

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MacBook Pro :: 13 MBP New Update Making MBP Running Hotter?

Nov 13, 2010

every since the new OS update to 10.6.5 or whatever, my macbook has been running a lot hotter then usual, is anyone else experiencing this? The laptop is new, bought it back in september, I dont remember it getting this hot before the update.

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MacBook Pro :: Cpu Runs Hotter After EFI Update / Fan Running Mostly At Around 2800RPM

Aug 27, 2010

Anyone else notice that their CPU temperature rose a bit after the EFI update? I had no freezes whatsoever and it ran pretty cool throughout my usage pattern.

Now after the EFI update my CPU temperature is a bit higher at around 70C-77C with the fan staying mostly at around 2800RPM as to the 2200RPM before the EFI update.My CPU temperatures were at around 66C-70C before the EFI update.

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MacBook Pro :: Running Windows - Battery Life?

Oct 27, 2009

if I'm going to be running windows 7 through bootcamp almost full time.. would it better to get the 15" with 9400m only since the other models I've heard default to 9600 under windows. I don't play games and want to have good battery life while using windows.. so does the 15" w/ 9400m only seem like the better option for this?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Life Comparison - Running Win7 Vs OS X

Oct 29, 2010

What is the battery life like running on windows 7? I'm going to primarily use the an air under windows but will it really lower the battery life? Can't seem to find this info in any of the reviews so far.

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OS X :: Latest Java Update - Chat Rooms Not Running

Oct 27, 2010

I ran an update today for Java and I'm now having trouble getting chat rooms to run. I run three or four chat rooms at a time and now I can only get one to run. When I log out I have to quit Safari and then log back in to the chat room. I've never had a problem like this before so I have no idea where to start. Although I did reinstall the latest update with no success and also repaired permissions.

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Mac :: Downloaded The Latest Update To Parallels - Shut Down Parallels Before Running Update?

Jan 20, 2009

I just downloaded the latest update to Parallels. I shut down Parallels before running the update, and I even did a reboot of the computer.And yet every time I run the update program it keeps telling me to "shut down these running and suspended virtual machines" and refers to "My Boot Camp"Like I said, I rebooted the computer first. There are no virtual machines running. Zero, zilch, nada. So why in the ******* is Parallels telling me that there is? "My Boot Camp" isn't even a VM that I use

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MacBook Pro :: Its Running Hotter When Driving A Cinema Display

May 7, 2012

Running a 23" Cinema Display from my Macbook Pro (Lion 10.7.3)I'm noticing that the laptop is running a fair bit hotter than before, with fans kicking in from time to time when I'm pushing Logic to the limits.

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MacBook Pro :: Running Particularly Hotter Than Normal - Freezes Itself - Force Quitting Photobooth In The Process

Jan 13, 2010

The problems:
Yesterday and the day before were particularly warm. I didn't really notice until yesterday that my computer was running particularly hotter than normal, even while sitting on my desk for long periods of time. Later in the day yesterday, it was pretty warm and my MBP was running hotter than normal for just sitting on my desk. Noticeably hotter too. At the time, I was running quite a few programs: Safari, Firefox, Msn, Text Edit, and possibly Photoshop as well.

All of a sudden, when I try to open Photobooth, the computer freezes itself for the first time since I can remember... it takes nearly 5 minutes to unfreeze itself, force quitting Photobooth in the process. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I tried opening Photobooth again after everything was back to normal. Same thing, but this time it was taking even longer to try to unfreeze itself. I got kind of impatient and pissed, so I closed a bunch of programs. Tried to log into msn to tell my friends why I left randomly... and yeah, the computer freezes up again. I tried to click into the Finder to force quit the program, but the Finder freezes up and won't even open the "force quit" panel. At that point, I waited a few minutes and then forced a shut down via holding the power button.

I waited a few minutes again, and tried to turn on my MBP. I log into my account like normal... my desktop image comes up, but it just sat there. No files, no HD, not even the Finder toolbar at the top showed. I let it sit like that for about 15 minutes. Nothing. Fed up, I forced a shut down again. Closed the lid, and went to sleep. The next morning, it was cooled down considerably, so I started up the computer again. Same deal, except after about 15-20 minutes the HD image loads. And then a minute or so later, my files load, along with the Finder toolbar at the top. Hooray! ...not really.

I open up Safari. Things seem alright. I get to my email, then try to open Firefox. Firefox immediately gives me the "Well, this is embarrassing..." message upon loading the window, and about 20 seconds later quits itself without warning. I tried opening it a couple of times, nada. Same thing happens over and over. Same with Photoshop. I haven't really tried any other programs... because eventually my problems got worse.

I went through the day taking notes for my classes on Text Edit, because apparently Text Edit and Safari are okay with my computer at the moment (using this right now, actually). When I get back, I try to restart my computer to hopefully give it a chance to shut off and start up again to fix the application force-quitting problem. Worse. It goes to restart, and then gets itself stuck on the load image of the purple aurora/galaxy default desktop background. Considering the issue that I had that morning, I let it sit for a considerable time. Nothing happened. So I had to force a shut down again. The ONLY way it seems to be able to start up is to force the shut down and then start it up again. The desktop takes several minutes, if not 5 or more, to load my desktop files. If I try to do anything upon it immediately loading my files, icons, etc., it will freeze up for several minutes trying to execute the command. Ex: clicking on my HD to get to the Disk Utilities application. Eventually, I got the Disk Utilities to open and run a disk repair. The repair was quick and suggested only a few issues with things like Quicktime.

^ it was a bit too late at this point to call a mac place about my issue, so I called my parents. I tried to print something out for my mom via Text Edit and the computer froze up again. Couldn't even get the Finder to unfreeze itself. Forced a shut down, and now I'm here. Safari's up. Just about the only thing that is actually still working. And so is the Disk Utility.

I'm unsure of what to do next... I have two external HD's. One is brand new, nothing on it. I'd love to attempt backing up all of my files before taking my computer in to get it checked out. Not really 100% sure how I might attempt that, considering the way my computer has been handling doing much of anything at all lately. Any advice on what to do next before I take this sucker into a mac shop would be really great.

~Admittedly, I don't treat my computer the best that I could... once I left it on my bed for a while and it had to shut itself off because it overheated. It was fine afterward, but a few times I've fallen asleep after leaving my computer on my bed. When I would wake up, I would immediately check it. Sometimes it would wake up from being asleep (checked the temperature; usually not that warm thankfully), other times it seemed to have turned itself off. I attributed this to the battery running low... but I'm actually not sure. Maybe I let it overheat itself again? I'm not entirely sure, sadly. This is my first laptop though, so I'm kind of slowly learning the "no-no's" of how to treat my computer. Thankfully, I read enough around here to invest in the extended warranty.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Running Hotter After Crash - Screen Sharing Feature Of Skype

Aug 7, 2010

This is my first post and I hope you guys can help me. I know what I'm about to ask has been asked numerouse times, but I still can't find an answer that satisfies me. So, I was using the screen-sharing feature of Skype and my girlfriend wanted me to show her The Sims 3 game. I was running Safari, MSN Messenger, Skype and a full screen instance of The Sims 3. My Macbook Pro crashed in the loading screen of the game and the fans turned on at full screen.Since that happened, I'm hearing the fans more constantly.

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Mac :: Mac Pro Running Hotter With 10.6?

Sep 1, 2009

Is anyone else experiencing an increase in operating temperature with 10.6?? (See my signature for system specs)My computer used to run in the 26-30 Celsius (80-86 Fahrenheit) range, and now it is running constantly in the 31-35 Celsius (88-95 Fahrenheit) range.Anyone else experiencing an increase in temp after 10.6 install??
Do you think when I upgrade to an ATI 4870 it will change anything??

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PowerPC :: G4 MDD Running Hotter Than Usual?

May 26, 2009

Have a G4 MDD and it has started to run hotter than usual. Its actually starting to seriously affect the temp in the room. Are there any fixes for this or is it just how it goes? I tried vacuuming it out and cleaning some of the dust out to help the airflow a little but some places are a little hard to access without tearing it apart.

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MacBook Pro :: Late 2008 15 Battery Life - Watching Movie From Hard Disk Use Less Battery Than DVD?

Nov 11, 2009

i just ordered a late 2008 macbook pro 15 with the dual GPUs (9400m and 9600m GT) and I'm a little worried about the battery life.

-What can I expect if just doing normal every day stuff (web surfing mostly?)

-does watching a movie off of the hard disk use less battery than watching it off a DVD? Is there a big difference?

I'm not a big gamer but would like to have the horsepower to play a game should one come out that I want. I'm also not a big traveler so battery times are only of average importance.

Basically, I'm asking if I made a good purchase considering I have only average concerns for both battery and game performance. They had the new 7 hour battery 15" macbook pro for the same price but it doesn't have the dual GPUs.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Life Slightly Shorter After Calibrating Battery

May 4, 2012

I calibrated my MacBook Pro battery and then noticed that the battery life seemed slightly shorter after that. I calibrated it according to this: [URL]

Just wondering if I have done anything wrong...  

One more question... What do they mean by "At this point, save your work. Continue to use your computer; when the battery gets very low, the computer will automatically go to sleep." Does it mean that I have to use the computer until it just shuts down or should I shut it down once the "Low Battery" warning pops up?

Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac :: 2.8 X 8 MacPro Running Hotter Since Memory Upgrade?

Mar 16, 2009

I just took advantage of the cheaper Trans'intal Memory available online and upgraded from 8GB to 12GB.Subjectively the machine now sounds noiser, but Hardware Monitor shows there is no increase in the fan speeds, ie same as prior to upgrade. However Hardware monitor definitely shows an increase in temperature in the Memory banks, has anyone else had this experience?

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MacBook :: Good Battery & Terrible Battery Life?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a 13" 2.4 GHZ white macbook that I bought in march of 2008. About 4 months ago I all of the sudden started having problems with battery life. It was very abrupt. I used to be able to take my macbook and sit through 3 classes or more with no trouble in regards to batter life. Then suddenly the battery would drain within a few hours. It has remained that way since.

I've spent the last month or so looking around forums and other places to try and find someone with a similar problem and possible solutions. As a result I've discovered that my situation seams to be somewhat unique.

Using cocoanut battery I tested my battery's capacity and it remains at a solid 98%. How can my battery still be at 98% capacity and have such a short battery life? I also seam to be losing charge while my macbook is closed. How and why does that happen? If I leave my macbook closed for a day or two it can lose up to 25% charge just sitting there!

I've tried loads of things including turning off unnecessary things such as sharing and bluetooth and calibrating my battery, all with no avail.

What is going on?? My battery is too old to be eligable for a recal and I'm not paying $30 just to have a phone conversation with a "Genius". If anyone has any idea what's going on and any possible advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

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MacBook Pro :: Short Battery Life For Unibody Battery'

Apr 17, 2012

I am getting a very short battery life out of my "New" A1261 battery -  we're talking 2.5 hours tops.  I've recycled it a few times, but this is no where near the "7" hours that is quoted.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Original Battery Capacity Lower Than Now - According To Coconut

May 30, 2009

I have just downloaded coconut battery and its says that my original battery capacity was 4100 mAh. it says that the current capacity is 4410 mAh. I don't understand this, how can it be? Also it says my mac is 8 weeks old so this must be the creation date as I brought this mac this week.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Getting Hot / Battery Life Reducing

Aug 10, 2009

I've had this MBP for just over 8 months now, I'd intially purchased one in november, but the audio out used to give a crackle sound so they replaced the laptop. Moving on to the point - in the last week or so, I've noticed the MBP suddenly seems to get very hot and the fans turn on and thus suddenly becomes very noisy. I was using it on the bed so could appreciate that I may have been blocking the vents, but I've had it on a stand the past couple of days and it still seems to do it for no particular reason. The charger usually always gets ridiculously hot, but the MBP used to stay relatively cool, now the MBP gets hot independently of whether its being charged or not. Moreover, my battery life has gone from what used to last 4 hours, to around 2.25.

Cocunut battery gave the following stats:
Current Battery capacity: 4483mAh
Load Cycles: 222
Age: 8 months

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Mac :: OS X 10.5.8 Running Hotter - External Device Hard Disk & Optical Drive

Aug 7, 2009

On my Rev. C. Before I installed it, my fan kicked in only when I had a external device attached, hard disk drive, optical drive, etc. Now it runs more often. Not a big deal, but thought worth mentioning.

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MacBook :: Downloaded The Battery Health Monitor - Macbook Battery Life ?

Dec 29, 2010

I have just bought a MacBook. I have downloaded the Battery Health Monitor and it says obviously that my current capacity is at 100%, with 5,791 mAh. I would like to know how many hours does this value correspond to, because it has certainly not been the highly announced 10 hours battery life

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OS X :: Battery Life Is Getting Shorter After Recharging / Replace The Battery?

Jul 11, 2009

My two year old macbook pro battery life is getting shorter after recharging. I only get about 40 minutes on a full charge when it used to be 3 hrs. Is it time to replace the battery?

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Windows On Mac :: How Is Xp Battery Life Compared To Windows 7 Battery Life

Jul 20, 2010

how is windows xp battery life compared to windows 7 battery life on mac using bootcamp?

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MacBook Air :: Rev B Vs Rev C Battery Life

Sep 5, 2010

I am interested in getting a refurbished Macbook Air. I was looking at the following two models:

Macbook Air Rev B., 1.86 GHz, 2GB RAM, 128 GB SSD for $1349 OR
Macbook Air Rev C., 2.13 GHz, 2GB RAM, 128 GB SSD for $1549

Other than the processor difference of 0.27 GHz, and based on reading the technical specs of each system, I don't see any difference between the two machines. The one piece of information that I couldn't find was the advertised battery life for the Rev. B unit. The Rev. C unit is supposedly rated for 5 hours of wireless productivity. Is the same battery used in the Rev B also or is the battery of lower WHr?

My needs are pretty simple - I would like to get the Air as a small and portable, easy to carry machine for rounds and writing up patient notes, consult notes, etc. It will not be my primary machine, but hopefully a worthy road-warrior. I will be using Windows for the clinical electronic medical record application, but other than that, all other use will be on Mac OS X. Based on this, would you recommend going with the Rev B or Rev C. Money is tight, and this will be a gift from one of my mentors, but I do want to get the biggest bang for the buck. If the only difference between the two machines is processor speed, I can't justify spending 200$ extra just for a 0.27 GHz gain.

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MacBook :: Battery Life ?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a 2007 White Macbook 2.4 Intel Core 2 Duo Laptop. I purchased it in June 2007 and this is my current battery health. Check the picture below, It's pretty amazing and I don't know how I did it. I'm on my computer almost everyday. Any idead on what I did to get such great battery life after three years? I know people with newer MacBook Pros that have terrible battery life after a year and a half.

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MacBook Air :: 1st Gen Air's Battery Life ?

Dec 6, 2008

I bought a 1st Gen Macbook Air in March of this year and I recently have noticed that my battery is not lasting as long as it should, so I checked iStat and it said that my battery life is at 86%. I also have a 12 inch powerbook G4 that still has the same battery it came with and the battery life is also 86% and it is more than five years old. Is this normal for the Macbook Air or should I take it into Apple?

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MacBook Pro :: Wants To Know About Battery Life

Jul 18, 2009

I have a quick question about the battery in early 2008 MBP. The laptop is 13 months old, with 273 load cycles, and it is already down to 72% of original capacity. I've read that it should still have 80% at 300 cycles. Is this normal, or is the battery dying faster than it should? I don't suppose there's anything I can do short of buying a new battery right??

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Life - Keeps Changing A Lot

Sep 9, 2010

I got my MacBook Pro on the 1st of September and I'm a bit worried about the battery life. At the moment the screen brightness is one bar and bluetooth is off, which is how I normally have it and the battery life time estimate keeps changing quite a lot. 5 minutes ago it said 5:11 left, and since then it's changed to 7:30, 7:58 and now it's saying 6:50 and is now on 95% and 8:03. I'm not doing anything differently and I don't know why it's doing this.

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MacBook Air :: Battery Life For The System - 13.3 Or 11.6 ?

Oct 20, 2010

Would be extremely interested in hearing about the battery life of the MacBook Air either the 13.3" or 11.6" from someone using it firsthand.

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MacBook Air :: Air's Battery Life Is Good?

Oct 21, 2010

Im a little confused, is the Air Battery life that good? I've taken the following claims from the Apple website. MacBook Air - Get up to 5 hours of battery life on a single charge on the 11-inch model and up to 7 hours on the 13-inch model. 13" MacBook Pro - The new energy-efficient architecture in the 13-inch MacBook Pro gives you up to 10 hours of battery life on a single charge. I understand that Steve Jobs advised that they were using a better way to measure battery life for the Air that reflect real world usage better (WiFi Browsing I think?) so how does this compare to the MBP range? I guess the MBP battery claims were made using another older method, so any thoughts on how the Air's battery life compares to other PC's and Mac's?

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