i have a 2007 15" mbp that woke me up this morning trying to boot up. here's the story: last night after watching a couple comedy channel shows, i shutdown my machine and left it plugged in the wall to recharge. it sat atop my dresser, with the lid closed. i awoke to the boot-up chime and a bright light spilling out of the 2 mm screen/body crack. the machine then rapidly shutoff and repeated this two or three more times more without me intervening --it's possessed!! after a couple hours of investigating the problem, i'm now completely lost on what to do. i've read all the apple support pages, and tried all their suggestions including reformatting PRAM and SMC. however, nothing worked.
here are the facts: - when i press the power button without the power cord attached--i.e. using just the battery--the chime sounds, hard disk (i think) makes its typical sound, the screen turns grayish-white....but....then, i hear a zzzzpp sound from the top left of the body (under the left speaker) and the boot up immediately fails.
- here's the kicker--when i press the power button with the power cord attached, and with or without the battery inserted = nothing happens; however, if i detach, then reattach the power cord, my mbp automatically boots as described above without me touching the power button.
- my battery is fully charged
- i've tried another power cord and battery...same pattern as above
I have one of the first generation Intel Xeon Mac Pros (quad core, 2,66 Ghz I think). and in the last two days, I've been having some problems on startup...the power comes on, but the system never starts. If I turn the power on and off a few times, I can eventually get it to work.
Is this something easily repairable? My Apple Care ran out and I didnt renew it. If this is a costly fix, is it possible to buy a *new* bare bones Mac Pro and just swap the hard drives from my first one?
I looked on other threads with similar issues, but they all seem related to the NVidia 8800 crd, but I have an ATI X1900 installed by Apple.
I was listening to iTunes and browsing the web on safari in OSX10.6.1 and each program became unresponsive and the beach ball popped up. I then held in the power button to turn off my mac and I pressed it a second time to turn it back on. After waiting about 15 seconds on the gray screen a file folder with a question mark came up. I set up a genius bar appointment for Saturday (store has been closed for remodeling and opens back up then) but I would like some knowledge as to what is going on before going into the Apple Store.
I have had my Macbook for a month and a half and so far I love it, except one minor issue. My AirPort card is off when initially boot into OS X. I don't have a problem turning it on I just need to input my WEP key every time. This is a little frustrating, especially when the folks at Apple are clueless. I have all my software updated to 105.7.
I know that using the DVI to VGA device, one can get their mac picture to show up on TV, but is there any way to also hook sound up from mac into TVs?
I have some TV shows I've bought on iTunes that aren't on DVD and I'd like to watch them on my TV. Is there an all-in-one picture AND sound method to get my mac to play video on my TV?
i have just started my phd and am looking for a portable laptop. my requirements are pretty basic - lots of word processing, music, movies, and of course internet. maybe some photo editing. now first, i am a little mixed up if i should go for the macbook pro (basic 13 inch) or the newly launched macbook air (13 inch basic). pro is more powerful and cheaper than air. but then air is lighter and also has the faster flash memory! on the other hand, i am tempted to go for an SSD option with the pro. the price goes up of course by 315 $ or so. but in a way then the system could last me for a very long time given that the new polymer batteries last 3 times than normal ones. and its really the batteries/HDD that get worn out first.
on the other hand i am a little wary of SSD technology. it seems that the old HDD's are not that bad, and have some advantages over the SSD's. an internet search reveals that the 1st generation SSD's had a lot of problems. so does apple now use 1st generation ones or newer ones? moreover, is the SSD option more reliable or the flash drive one (with air)? basically am ready to invest a big amount provided i am assured that the system will last me for a long time to come.
I use a macbook for many years now, and I wanted to re-install my OS, so I plus my macbook and my pc with firewire and use the mode target. Already do it and work fine but this time the only drive I see it's the dvd player of my mac... Someone have a idea?
I have 2 laptops that i can use for running hackintosh. One is a Asus Eee PC 1000HD 10'. The other is a Hp Pavillion dv9700. Is it even possible to run hackintosh on these systems? I tried once and messed my boot data and had to restore.
I have a problem with my Powerbook g3, the display seems to be crapped out and not functioning. I tried hooking up an extrenal monitor. DVI - VGA.
The monitor received no signal. The only other option is s-video, but i'm afraid that the video port is just shot, hence the no signal from the monitor.
I have a program that only runs on that computer.
Is there anyway to link up a macbook pro to the powerbook, and use the macbook pro monitor for the use of the powerbook, so I can run the program.
Whenever I start/restart my MP, I am unable to interact with the unit for 2-3 minutes. The mouse pointer will move, but I cannot click on items, nor will the dock icons magnify until 2-3 minutes after. I have done a clean install now and have taken out the 4890. Everything is back to stock but it continues to occur.
I recently got a G4 450 AGP. My intension was to take the hard drive out of my B&W G3 which at the time it was installed with 10.3x (all latest updates) Took out the hard drive and put it in the G4. Started up the computer and was a little slow starting up but it did. I got a dvd ram drive some time ago and put it in and went to update to 10.4.6 with a retail disk. Went and did the update install and when it went to start up in hung up on the gray apple screen with the gray spinning beach ball of death. Thinking that something went wrong I went thru and did it again. Same out come. Un hooked the dvd drive and the zipdrive. No difference. Switched around the ram chips - used some didn't use others-back and forth. No difference.
Put in the install dvd and ran apple repair-nothing wrong. Ran repair permissions and there were things wrong- don't recall what but everything was fixed. Ran repair permissions again and was clean. Tried restart same thing........................
I am receiving the "You need to restart your computer" message on my PowerBook G4. I receive no resolution when I attempt to restart and/or reset PRM. I then attempted to start the computer with the "Software Install and Restore 2 of 2" disk, to no avail - I still just get the grey screen. Do I need to use the Restore disk to re-install the OS? If so, how do I get the disk to start without having access to finder or menu items? If not, what path do I need to take to resolve this very annoying problem?
I've had Last fm for a while, and whenever I plug in my iPhone or iPad, it will randomly start on its own, even after I force quit the app, it keeps doing it, and it drives me insane, it'll start up in the most inconvenient times, and I have to quit it at least three times before it finally stops starting itself. Is there a way to fix this, or do I just need to uninstall it and be done with last fm ?
I have a Powerbook G4 that I bought used a year ago. It has worked perfectly with no problems at all. Yesterday it started going to sleep randomly during use. It would wake up when the space bar is pressed and be fine for a while. This was happening every 10 - 15 minutes. Since yesterday it has gotten worse and worse, happening more and more often, and now it won't even stay awake long enough to click on something. Any ideas of what could be wrong??? I'm sorry I don't know what operating system or anything, I'm not all that Mac savvy.
for all running out of space,I have replaced the Harddrive on my macbook air Prozessortyp:Intel Core 2 Du Prozessorgeschwindigkeit:1.8 GH Anzahl der Prozessoren:1Gesamtzahl der Kerne:2L2-Cache:4 MBSpeicher:2 GBBusgeschwindigkeit:800 MHzthe sparepart Hard Drive i used
I have a MacBook Pro that is approximately 2 years old. It has always worked fine without any issues at all. Tonight I was installing some scanner software for a Fujitsu S300M scanner. After installing the software it asked me to reboot so I had reboot. At that time I came back a minute later to see just a black screen. I then after a couple more minutes decided to hold down the power button and turn off the power since nothing was happening.
I then pressed the button again and I saw the light turn on on the button that opens the screen but that is all. There was no startup chime, nothing. All I could hear is at the same time the light came on the optical drive makes it's noise that it makes at bootup. I have tried repeatly to start the computer. I have pulled both the AC Power and Battery for several minutes with still no luck. As I said just the light comes on and the optical drive makes noise and that's it, no startup chime, nothing. I don't think this should be related to scanner software and I'm assuming it was a coincidence that it happened then but any idea what could be causing this and can I fix it without a trip to the genius bar?
Last night my mac pro was freezed when I was using some softwares and I powered off the pc by holding down the power button.(force quit didn't work) after then my mac became super slow whatever during starting up and opening applications. I wanted to use the hardware detection by holding down the "D" key during start up but it does't work as well.
Actually what is going on on my mac, is it the hard drive problem?
I have a macbook pro 17" 2.4GHz (non unibody). I accidentally applied 220 VAC to DC adaptor terminals and burned the logic board (and also the fuse on the left I/O board).
There were no visible damage on the logic board so I assumed only power input stages could have burned and started to investigate. I removed the battery charger IC, some burned mosfets; and I connected the adaptor plus input to the output of the battery charger block. So the DC/DC converters are now powered from the adapter, as in normal operation. Only difference is that there is no battery or charger stuff.
Now, when I press the power button nothing happens. If I connect the adaptor while pressing the power button, hold it for a while, release it, and press it again, it powers up. (Is this MCEverything from hdd to dvd to fans powers up but not the LCD. Fans start and remain running at full speed. Harddisk powers up but there are no noticable reads. That is, no os boot attempted. The mbp draws around 1.5 A to 1.75 A at 18.5 VDC(not sure if it indicates anything).
I'll do whatever I can to fix my board. I have MSc in electronics, skilled technician friends, and access to lots of tools, parts, and measurement devices.
I have an aging mac. (macbook pro 15.4" core duo (2006)) I would like ot breath life into the machine by upgrading the ram. I am thinking of upgrading to 2 gigs from 1. What kind of a performance upgrade am I going to see?
I'm tired of PCs -- the sluggish out-of-the-box performance that grows worse by the day, the instability, the inability of the system to handle simple programs without freezing; in short, the whole Microsoft dog-and-pony-show fiasco. However, fed up as I am, PCs are my comfort zone. I've resisted looking at Macs because of cost, the potential learning curve associated with a whole new system, and the uncertainty that Mac is really any better. I've used PCs for 10 years. I do not have any interest in how or why computers work -- I just want them to work with minimal effort, just like a car: turn the ignition key, shift into drive, step on the gas, go, step on the brake, stop, do basic maintenance, etc. Should I change and why or why not? What do I need to know when looking for a Mac? Will my current programs, video files, photos, MP3s, documents, etc run on a Mac, or is it a total ground-up change?
I have installed 512 mb ram in my white 12" ibook G3 128 mb 900 mhz. I had a really difficulty time installing it. I can't tell if it is installed in the slot totally. I read instructions from "ifixit" to install memory. Instructions said to pull clips back and slide memory into slot. I slid memory in as far as I could, and then pushed the chip down. Some of the gold teeth are still showing, and the chip isn't in straight>
If it is installed correctly, will it show up in the up in the profile, Is there anything else I need to do.
My PB will no longer boot up. Get past the spinning wheel to the blue screen, then OS X progress bar that never loads. Ran Tech Tool Pro and OS 10.4 disk utility. Repaired permissions, no disk errors. Tried an install but only 1.9 GB of space left on 27GB HD. Installer crashes even with "Upgrade" Install (needs 72MB of space) as Language Install is finishing up. Reset P Ram. I can not "Unmount HD in order to strip disk. How do I show the HD in the Finder (Desktop) when booted off Install Disk? The HD mounts but I can not access it as I did with OS 6,7,8,9.... I can see my Sys, Aps & folders when I select "Create a disk image". Is the HD DOA? Running 10.4.11.
I want to buy the MacBook Pro but the thing holding me back is having to give up my WordPerfect. I don't like Word, and I have downloaded OpenOffice on my PC to practice. But I am having trouble duplicating the Merge feature I use on WP. I was hoping to convert my WP letter form file and my data file (with names, addresses, and other data) into OpenOffice to find out if I can do the same merges with that program.
I have a MacBook intel 2.1GHz with 1Gb RAM running 10.6.4 Everything is working fine except that the DVD player quite frequently makes a sound as if it is trying to load a disc, this happens every few hours and when there is no disc anywhere near to it. I have run the usual checks of permissions and an HD check with no reported errors.
I have so far had a few instances of this phenomenon w/ my 15 mo. old Mac. First, when charging my Mac at night in off-mode, it will occasionally turn itself on at some point evidenced by the power-on when it's opened. Then,I have had one instance of a shut-down by itself during use. It restarted w/ no problem. Next, the computer turned itself on with the cover closed and the computer had been off all night. I heard it start up, so I am sure. I do have AppleCare if I need to take it in.