Intel Mac :: There Is No Mail On Outlook
Apr 10, 2012For 4 days there is no mail on my Outlook or my apple mail . call my server they say is Apple. If is Apple is the first time it ever happen.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
For 4 days there is no mail on my Outlook or my apple mail . call my server they say is Apple. If is Apple is the first time it ever happen.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
I would like to move from using outlook on my mac and start using mac mail, as i found it works best with my iphone.but i can seem to find out how to move all my folders over that are saved on my hard drive.Â
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am not able to send mail thru outlook for mac, have tried ports 25, 587, 485 with verizon acct username and password authentication .generally does not work, although a few emails went with port 25, which i thought was supposed to be email is an msn incoming mail works fine.
Time Capsule 802.11n (3rd Gen), Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac intel
how do i need to proceed to change mail to outlook
I have installed Office 2011 incl. Outlook on my iMac.
But when I try to send a Mail from some App's, Mac-OS is always starting the Apple-Mail. How can a change this?
I also running Paralles with a W7-Virtuell Partition and the same rusults. I do not want to install another Office-Package under W7.
When I want to write a Mail from Inside Paralles, I also want it to use Outlook under Mac-OS
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I've got a work emailadress active on Apple Mail on my computer at work and I got the same account active on Outlook on my home computer. The thing is however that I'm receiving emails on Apple Mail that I'm not receiving in Outlook and vica versa.Does anyone have any experience with that? I couldn't find any similar problems on the internet.
How do I move all contacts from the current MS Outlook (MacVersion) to Apple Mail sot hat I can sync IPad, IPhone with IMac?
iOS 5.1
Is there away to import mail account settings from Thunderbird and/or Outlook Express into Mail? [that is, to help any one searching later on as Mail is too common a word to search for]. I've imported all my messages correctly but don't know how or if it's possible to import my account settings. Also: I'm in the process of migrating all my e-mails / mail accounts / settings and mail rules from Outlook Express to Mail []. I have successfully got all my e-mails across. I have also managed to convert all the e-mail addresses in the 50+ mail rules, as stored in the Windows registry, from hex into text.
Some of my rules have tens of e-mail addresses which if I had to add in each address separately would be a nightmare. Is there away of block adding in e-mail addresses to Mail? Also is it possible to manually edit the mail rules preference file(s) and insert the e-mail addresses into that? I'm aware I have to manually recreate the rules themselves but that's not so difficult. It's the adding back in of all the e-mail addresses that might be, given the large number that exist.
If I send a msg from Apple Mail to i.e. Outlook Express. The same msg shows up with "clean" text formating. That will say, no formatting at all. See this screen: [URL:...] I have just gotten back to the Mac now from 10-11 months in hell with Windows-stuf, so I am really eager to get this fixed. In Apple Mail the same message looks this: [URL:...] I dont want to change to Entourage, so excellent if you can help me out with this.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI need move all my emails from MAC MAIL to outlook windows .
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Would like to know how to transfer mail from apple mail to outlook.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Is it possible to use both AND and OR rules with Mail's [] mail rules? For example in Outlook Express I have a rule which says should: the message body contain ANY of the following words:
AND the account is <insert account name here>
THEN move to <insert folder name here>
However on Mail there seems to only be the option for ANY or ALL and if I apply ANY then it will also move all mail from any account which has the words one, two, three or four, not just from the account I supplied. In additional all other e-mails from the account supplied will be moved as well, even if they don't contain those words.
I just bought a Mac and need to export my OE mail to Mac mail. The Apple store would not help me with this because they said it could not be done perfectly, therefore, they do not offer this service.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to ue the Mail program on OS X, but it won't import from Outlook Express in Classic Mode. What happens is that OE opens up, but none of my accounts are there (it's blank). My user folders are all
in place. I looked around the web and tried Mail Imports Scripts, which worked for only my Saved Mail Folder. it didn't import any of my other folders. I can't seem to import my Address Book either because of the
first problem with OE. Is there another user folder for OE in OS X that I'm not finding? Personally, I'd rather use OE in Classic Mode if I could. I don't like the layout of Apple's Mail.
how to setup yahoo and outlook mails on mac mail?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
I'm moving over to a iMac from PC in the next week or so (well will be putting in the order then) and already have decided that I need Office for Mac for Word and Excel (I use my home computer to do some work stuff on it - i find it easier than using the work laptop).
Anyway, I'm wondering if if i should get "professional" version of Office which also includes Outlook or if I should stick with Mail and therefore only get the "home / student" version of Office.
I've read on these forums that there are issues with Outlook syncing, but for what I have read this is via iTunes. So is there still the same problems if syncing via mobile me? Being able to sync using Mobile me is a big thing as I share calendars with my partner.
For what I have read, Mail is just emails and there are other apps for contacts and Calendars - do the three interact seamlessly and sync using mobile me.
I also understand that to get my old Outlook emails onto my new iMac and readable with Mail I will have to use a app to convert them - which seems to be no biggie according to those who have written about it.
So, my main concerns / questions are:-
-For those of you who have converted from Outlook to Mail - was it worth it, or would you have preferred to still be using Outlook;
- If I were to stick with Outlook, does it sync using mobile me;
- Does having 3 separate apps (Mail / Contacts / Calendars) work, or is having all 3 in one better.
This is very likey a simple fix, so I appreciate your help in advance and your bearing with me. On my iMac (10.5.8) I use to read my gmail account. On my Dell netbook (Windows 7) I use Outlook. Pretty standard stuff. But when one app downloads the message from the server, the other app doesn't. This is a major problem because I need to consolidate my emails all the time. Outlook has "Leave a copy on the server" checked and has "Delete from server" unchecked. Other than this, the gmail account functions perfectly in both apps.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to set my mac mail on the dock to use outlook. Is there a way to have it setup on a mac?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to get my iCloud mail account to sync with my Outlook for Mac. It used to be on there but kept giving me error messages saying it couldn't pick up my mail because it couldn't find the server. I took it off now I can't get it back on.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
just wondering if you are going to use outlook when it comes with office 11 or you will stick with apple's Mail? Personally, I would use mail.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using Outlook 2011 and decided to change its dock icon. Everything works great, but each time when I receive an e-mail and thus the dock email notification appears, the icon will switch back to the original Outlook icon. Only after I've checked my e-mail will the icon switch back to my custom icon again.
Is there a way to retain my custom icon even upon receiving the e-mail notification on the dock icon?
I have MSOutlook 2000 (not Express) and want to export my address book into Mac Mail. Outlook will export into a .pst file. Is this something Mac Mail will import? It will also export into "Comma separated values" if that helps.
View 17 Replies View Relatedwell I'm about to start using either Mail or Entourage for my yahoo and Gmail accounts. I know that for Yahoo you need to pay $19.99/year or so to get it work on Mail/Entourage so I guess I got no choice but to do so. This will be my first time ever using a mail app because for years I've used the website-based e-mail only, so I'm still not so familiar with these apps. I've tried both Mail and Entourage and so far I like Entourage better. It just looks neater and seems to have more options than Mail (I might be wrong). Are there any downsides of Entourage I should be aware of? Is it possible to import all the birthday etc. alerts that I have on Yahoo mail calendar to Entourage calendar? Also, is it possible for Entourage to notify you when you receive an e-mail the way Mail does? Another thing: I heard that next year Outlook for Mac will be available with the release of Office 2010. Anybody know when MS plans to release it? Should I wait till then and just get Outlook instead or is the release date still quite remote?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHas anyone tried this? What are your results typically?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSadly need to give up my MBP for a sony laptop (windows at work) and am having issues finding a simple way to move my emails to Outlook 2007. Would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI updated to Lion, but now my mail looks like outlook I want it to look like it did before I updated with the list of messages above which can be sorted easily by date/subject/sender etc.....simply by clicking on header above. Now my messages are on the left and it looks just like the outlook mail account I hate at work? how to make it look like it did before I updated?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), iOS 5.0.1
I am operating on my MacBook with Leopard and I want to set up all my email accounts in Mail, including my university email that is set up in Microsoft Outlook Web Access. Is there any way for me to set up the Web Access to be forwarded to my Mail account?
Info:Mail, iOS 5
I have Microsoft for MAC 2011 on with Lion and it seems that every since apple moved to iCloud I can no longer sync my apple mail to my outlook mail, it will not even sync on my Windows phone keeps asking for a pop
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have never used Outlook before and I was just wondering if it is worth switching my mail info over to Outlook instead of using Apple Mail. I have my gmail account working just fine with Apple Mail along with my Android phone.
View 21 Replies View RelatedThe last step in migrating over to fully using my iMac is my email. It's on Outlook 2007, and I want to make use of Mail on Mac OS. I've searched google, and found an Application called Outlook2Mac. Are there any other free alternatives out there? I don't see why I have to pay for something I'd use only once.
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