Intel Mac :: Mouse Will Not Double-click Open Anything?
Feb 7, 2012
My mouse cannot left-click on anything. Cannnot open a or close a document by left clicking. It will open or close via pull-down menus and right-clicking. It also cannot select anything or drag anything. I have used several mice, no change. It all works okay when I safe-boot (restart holding down the shift key) but after regular start-up, it doesn't work anymore. Is this a virus?
My imac core i7 arrive (it's great). However, the question I have is that when I double click (left) my my magic mouse (yes I enable the right/left click buttons). So when I double click the mouse on a web browser on the empty space (the space to the right of the red/yellow/green button, nothing happens. I want to send it to the bottom of the dock like in all of my previous mac. The double clicking of the mouse does nothing. Note: please don't confuse my simple question with the System Pref/Doc (minimize windows into application icon) situation. I know how to do that. I just want to minimize the current windows by double left clicking and sending it into the dock? How do I do that?
I have this really annoying issue where my mouse will randomly double click in OS X when i didn't actually double click my mouse. I had this problem before in Leopard (with different mouse) but now it seems the problem has returned with snow leopard. has anyone else had this problem? I checked the mouse properties and there's nothing strange there. I also don't have custom drivers installed. Just default snow leopard drivers.
So I got the much hyped Magic Mouse. I get it set up then I go over to itunes and click a sound and normally I would then follow with a double click to get Itunes to play that song and now I do it and it does nothing. Same with Adium and any files I try to open but on firefox it works perfectly fine. I went over the settings 10 times and still can't figure it out.
I've discovered this weird thing and wonder if it's just my system. If I set the double click speed to its maximum value (System Preferences -> Mouse) I can no longer open with double click folders that are on my desktop while it still works from the finder. I got the same thing from the mouse and from the trackpad. I have OS X 10.5.6.
I noticed that this problem started last night. When I open anything in Finder or a folder on the desk top and double click it doesn't open. But on the desktop,if I right click the folder and click open it opens. But in finder it doesn't. I have shut down the computer and waited and re-started but still no help. This also happens when I use pages, and numbers.
It's very annoying that sometimes I click an icon that I didn't intend to open. Is there any way to make the apps in dock open with a double click, instead of a single click?
I have been having problems with my MacBook (Aluminum late 2008, I think, OS 10.5). It runs slowly; files on the desktop and in my "Macintosh HD" often won't open with double-click but have to be opened with File-->Open; there are Word Work Files that won't go away; the trackpad is often stiff and not very responsive; clicking on the mouse is very stiff, despite very easy settings. In short, a lot of things are sluggish. Sometimes, also, I get the spinning beach ball, but not all the time.
I have run disk permissons repair from Disk Utility many times (both from the desktop and from the MacBook install disk); I have replaced the directory with Disk Warrior at least twice; I have verified that the disk is OK; I have zapped the PRAM; and done other things of that kind.
I took the MacBook to an Apple Store yesterday. It had been unplugged and much to my surprise, most everything seemed to be working all right. When I opened it today, however, I found everything as it was before I took it to Apple. Including the Word Work files, which I thought were gone.
If I recall correctly, this started when I was working on a long editing project in Word, but I don't know whether that has anything to do with what has happened. I've done similarly long projects before, and this never happened.
I could try trashing the Word Work files (there seem also to be quite a lot of folders with "recovered" files), but I don't want to do that unless I can be assured that nothing bad will come from doing that.
I know this seems quite comprehensive, and may involve several issues, but I'm really unhappy about this and would love to think there is something more I can do, apart from returning to the Apple Store. Besides everything else, how can I khow that I won't find, again, that the MacBook will work fine there but goes back to its troubled state when I return?
Gosh I hope this makes sense...we just converted to leopard at work, and I am wondering why I cannot get a follder that I double click to open in the same the list view.
How can I configure OS X to not automatically unzip archive files when I double click on them, but instead simply open them in the default archive handler tool?
I know archives can be opened via the context menu, but I would prefer to just double click without causing the archive to unpack.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I tried to open Safari on an iBook with a new hard drive. Wouldn't open it after clicking and clicking and doubleclicking some more on the trackpad. Sometimes this happens on my 12" PB too. It won't open apps normally with the doubleclick on the trackpad
I can't open a personal folder on my desktop without using my keyboard or right clicking then open. Is there a way I can change settings to just double click top open a folder or file?
Installed Snow Leopard and lost the ability to double click to open folders in Finder. I can right click to open folders but prefer to double click. Any ideas ? I can double click in other applications with no problems.
My workflow entails repetitive tasks that would be so much easier if I could set Leopard's (Safari's) default double-click functionality to select ALL text within the Google search box instead of having to use a triple-click. Does anyone know how to make this change to Leopard/Safari?
I have a Imac 27", bought ut two weeks ago. Some days ago the double tap on mouse made the screen to be zoomed in. Now it doesnt work anymore. When i go to settings- mouse , then its saying there that the double tap to zoom its activated- BUT IT DOESNT WORK ANYWAY??
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Why some of my application cannot be open by double clicking the Icon ? and I also tried by right clicking it, the Open it< but still won't work. I tried this with Onyx, photoshop and vuze application.
Almost from the beginning my Magic Mouse periodically got stuck in right click mode. I could usually get it out of it by opening preferences and unchecking the right click mode and then clicking a few times and then choosing it again. BUT in the last week it has happened more and more and the only way I've gotten it out of the mode is to restart. VERY annoying. The computer is just over 3 months old, actually 3 days over the 90 day telephone support period. I called and got the following advice: buy an extended coverage plan or take it to an authorized Apple store to see someone at the Genius Bar. Well, the closest Apple store to me is 120 miles and has no Genius bar and since this is an intermittent problem I don't see how they can do anything. What I am going to do right now is put it away and get out my Logitech wireless and hook it up and forgo the luxury of scrolling with my Magic Mouse..
I cannot figure out how to set up right click on my mouse. I have searched the internet high and low and found exactly how it is supposed to be done in system preferences. When I go to mouse in system preferences, there is no option to set up right click or secondary click. I am on OS X 10.7.2.
Double clicking on both my mouse and track pad has suddenly stopped working properly. It only recognizes the double-click like half the time. Also, when you triple-click, it doesn't select all text within a sentence. Does anyone know what's wrong? I use BetterTouchTool. I tried restarting it - didn't change anything. I turned it off - didn't change anything. So I know that isn't the problem.
I know on my late-08 macbook pro (10.5.6), i can double click on a browser page to minimize. i was pretty sure i could do this on my late 07 macbook, but now following a hard drive replacement and Snow Leopard install, I can't minimize firefox or safari via double clicking on the top of the browser. like i said i was pretty sure i could do this before.. but the macbook pro has been mine for a while, so i don't know 100% if im dreaming that or not. i checked the preferences for both and i didn't see a setting to be either it stopped working with snow leopard, or it never worked on the late-07 models.
I had to dissassemble my wireless Mighty Mouse to clean it properly, as the trackball was unable to scroll up and down. As I had cleaned the trackball, I attached the two internal cables to their respective "slots" again and assembled the mouse.
Now my right button does the same as the left button (right click = left click). I tried dissassembling the mouse again, but I cannot see what I could have done wrong. After all, there are only two cables to attach and de-attach inside it.
I just bought a mighty mouse, happy as I was, plugged it in and started my ibook running OS X 10.3.9.I know the mighty mouse shouldn't have full functionality (as the software delivered with it is >10.4.2).The problem is that the right click doesn't work right. When I try to right click it sometimes takes the right click, sometimes takes it as a left click (which is extremely annoying in firefox or finder).
I have SteerMouse (I'm a windows/linux user too) installed but when I de�nstalled it the problem remained. When I plugged the mighty mouse in my pc (at that time running windows) right click just worked.When using a cheap mouse (from pleomax) the right click on the ibook (with Steermouse installed) works all the time.
I find this al really confusing. Seems like it can't be the hardware because it works on windows, but it can't be the software because another mouse does work.
I noticed that when right clicking at the total right side near the "expose-button" (not a position my fingers lay naturally) right click works all the time. I don't hope this is normal?