Intel Mac :: Hide The Tool Bar When Watching Videos?
Jul 6, 2012
when expanding a video to full screen, the tool bar does not "hide" and infact, blocks the progression of the video. in order to fast forward, i have to minimize the video to do so.
I am trying to watch videos on youtube with safari. When I play a video, it seems to lock everything up until the video is fully loaded. My internet speed on any other website watching any other videos is perfectly fine. Anyone have any ideas as to why Youtube videos are freezing and not functioning right when everything else is?
I have just bit the bullet and migrated from my slow and clunky PC to a beautiful iMac
But I do have one question that is probably very simple. Previously with Windows I was able to play a series of TV shows in a row continously by selecting the files from the hard drive and selecting play in windows player - this way I could watch from my bed without having to get up at the end of every show to select the next
With Mac is there a way I can do this? As I have tried initially but it just opens all the files in different windows, rather than playing them in the order.
I cant hear the audio when I am trying to playback a video on photo-booth, or trying to watch video's. But I can hear the audio on everywebsite I go to?
So I have several concert videos that Ive downloaded. The files are labeled like this:
vts_01_01.vob , vts_01_02.vob, etc
On a windows machine these open up automatically, and some have menus that are functional, and all files play one after another.
On my mac, I had to download an app called VLC to play these files, but the thing is, once one file is done I have to manually open the next, and any menus that are present are non functional.
How can I get these videos to work on a mac the same way the do on a pc?
i tried clicking every single button inside the youtube video like the pause, full and annoations, then i took my mouse out and i tried to right click the settings, after opening it, the settings box was INSIDE the video, and i cant click it, sooo, is it my mac or is it youtube problems, since its in beta mode, coz, if its my mac ima go to the technitions
Maybe I'm just crazy, but I was curious if the cursor icon when a link is being hovered over has changed in Safari 5.1.3 from what it used to be. The "hand" now seems to be tilted a bit and the pointer finger at an angle.
My i5 MBA seems to only get hot if I have a video up and playing. If I pause the video or switch to a new screen (while the video is still playing) it will cool down. The problem doesn't seem to be with "playing" the video but more with the visual display and ideas? This is a new MBA I bought 3 months ago it has 1.7 GHz i5 with 4GB. Oh and what I mean by hot is 90-95C.
I have a MacPro 2008 2.8 and am having weird noises from the Ram. I have 2x1GB on the top A riser and 2x4GB on the Bottom riser (not apple). Whilst watching youtube or any sort of streaming video the ram makes noises similar to a cricket. I first thought it was the hard drive seeking but I took that out (1TB WD Caviar Black) and the sound was still there. I then thought it was the GPU. Then I took out my aftermarket RAM and bingo, sound was gone. So does you RAM or RAM in general make any sort of noises?
Ever since switching to 10.6, I'm getting a ton of lag watching videos with vlc. I am not running other programs at the same time, and the activity monitor shows plenty of ram free. How to resolve this?
I've had my MacBook Pro since 2010 and it's been pretty solid for me ever since. About a month and a half ago, however, I was watching a TV show online on my computer when the video suddenly started lagging and freezing. This had never happened to me before, and now my computer just can't run a video without lagging. Before I first discovered this problem, I was watching a lot of episodes of TV shows, so I was thinking maybe that had something to do with the problem. Is there anything I can do?
It seems that music videos and tv episodes on YouTube have a high view content and I was wondering if watching these videos on your HDTV via a Mac Mini is a pretty good substitute for purchasing a physical DVD of these videos? I have a new Mac Mini with a built-in HDMI port and a video card that supports HDTV resolutions. Should I hold off buying music video DVDs and tv box sets and instead start to purchase them off iTunes or watch them on YouTube?
I don't currently own an HDTV but will eventually purchase one. If I want to start doing what I've described above, will I need to purchase a device (like a splitter) from my cable modem company, which is the same as my cable tv company, to connect the incoming cable lines to both the back of the tv and the computer in the family room? I currently only have one physical cable modem connection for the computer in the bedroom. I've never used a wireless connection and am not sure how they operate but I'm concerned about security issues with it regarding people driving by and people able to snoop in. I'm sorry if this is a basic question but I am still "old school" when it comes to technology.
i've noticed for a while now that everytime i watch videos on my macbook pro, using vlc player, sometimes the video picture would stop, and or stutter, if it would stop, the audio would go on, but the video remains stop, after a few seconds, before the video would resume, the video would be distort or scrambled for a few seconds before it would come back to normal, it had been happening for some time now, i thought it was just the software, so i tried another player, the mplayer for mac, and it still would stop at random times. but last night, after stuttering for every 10 minutes while watching the video, the screen on my macbook pro freezed. i cannot do anything, but my mouse is movable, and the caps lock on the keyboard still lights, but i cannot do anything but to do a hard reset, it is the first time that has happened to me, the screen freezing, and i don't know if it has anything to do with the stuttering of the video.
I have an older imac - 2Ghz PowerPC G5 that constantly sounds like the hard drive or some kind of drive is revving up and down. This especially happens when attempting to watch video or bring anything up with lots of graphics on the page.
So what exactly affects fanspeeds? Heat, yes, but should my MBP (early 08) be heating up so much from watching Youtube videos, maybe it's just the widescreen ones? I do have other apps running though.
I was just watching LOST on hulu 5 min ago. Now, I can't hear any audio on video files whether they be hulu, youtube, aol, etc. Audio does work on iTunes music still and when I hear the blips when i turn my macbook volume up and down.
I've just recently bought the 27 " LED ACD, and it's totally beautiful. However, it seems that when watching videos/movies, the display would go to sleep, whereas compared to my MBP, as long as video is playing, the display would still be showing. How can I set the ACD to act the same way?
I purchased a refurbished, original MBA 1.8 GHz and it is great.The only issue is that when I watch videos on hulu, youtube, etc, the computer struggles and gets choppy. This happens most but not all of the time. I think this also occurs more often when I have my external monitor hooked up as well.
I want to make sure that there isn't something wrong with the machine. It was purchased as a secondary computer and understand that it is not supposed to be a workhorse - but I would still like to watch videos uninterrupted.
I'm planning to buy a macbook and and one of those awesome Apple LED Cinema Displays (24� flat panel)... Many people say the Macbook air isn't built to be a laptop AND the main computer, BUT I'll have an external hd anyway, I don't need more power than needed for playing full HD and I haven't used a real dvd/cd in months...
I know this is a pretty elementary question, but this is my first time using a dual monitor setup. What I would like to do is be able to browse on one monitor while watching video files full screen on another monitor. Is this possible? If so what do I need to do to make it so the smaller monitor doesn't go black once I enter full screen on the larger monitor?
I have an old macbook and it has ha no problems up until now. I just hooked it up to an HDTV through its mini-DVI port to hdmi. Now I have random reboots in the middle of watching videos. Is this common? Is there any way to fix it?
Speakers pop/click and then audio goes in and out while watching videos. This has happened on and off for a few years, and seems to be pretty random. I'll be watching a video on youtube and this popping sound will happen sporadically, and audio will mute, come back, switch from headphones to built in speakers, back and forth, maybe even staying muted for a few mins. I have a 15" MacBook Pro circa 2010.
Ive been experiencing multiple shut downs, particularly while streaming video from the internet. I think it may be overheating..anyone else have this problem? Running a MBP 2.16CD with snow leopard Also, I'd like to add I just experienced something weird. It was a shutdown, but it was like a shadow melting over the screen, then it said you must restart the computer in a few different languages. What's that about?