Mac Pro :: RAM Making Noises While Watching Videos
Apr 15, 2009
I have a MacPro 2008 2.8 and am having weird noises from the Ram. I have 2x1GB on the top A riser and 2x4GB on the Bottom riser (not apple). Whilst watching youtube or any sort of streaming video the ram makes noises similar to a cricket. I first thought it was the hard drive seeking but I took that out (1TB WD Caviar Black) and the sound was still there. I then thought it was the GPU. Then I took out my aftermarket RAM and bingo, sound was gone. So does you RAM or RAM in general make any sort of noises?
I have a first generation macbook pro and lately the fan has been making some horrible noises. I opened it up and blew some of the dust off. My fans are running at about 3700 rpms and my cpu temp is around 60 C. Is this problem definitely one of the fans? My computer sounds like it wants to explode. I've attached a sound file of it.
I have a PowerMac G4 with mirrored drive doors and just realized that my HDD (I think) is making these wierd scratchy squeaking noises. It might be my fan making them but I am not 100% sure. I am hoping that this doesn't mean the HDD is about to kick the bucket. Should I get a new HDD and ditch the old one? How would I go about swapping hard drives? I know there are issues with getting the new one to boot the comp n such.
I bought a MacBook Pro about 10 days ago and it had several dead pixels. That got swapped out for another one which had bubbles of liquid under the glass. I'm on the third now which has a slightly warped case and is now making this clicking noise (0:15) every minute or so.
I don't know what to do - I feel so awkward going in and asking for another swap. Has anyone else got this noise?
About a week ago after importing a CD into itunes I tried to eject the disc, however after making a variety of noises nothing happens. It then asks me if i would like to import the CD again, meaning there isnt a problem with the drive, just the mechanism. I don't have applcare? How much did it cost to repair? and most importantly, did they have to replace the whole drive?
My friend's Macbook Pro (2006, 1.83ghz, upgraded to 2gb ram) has been making ridiculously loud fan noises. We found it was coming from the right fan, sounds like something is scraping - almost a tractor engine-type sound. I have a newer Macbook Pro and I installed fan control 1.2 on both of our macs to compare. It turns out on hers, the LEFT fan is running at 0rpm and the RIGHT fan (the noisy one) is running at fairly average speeds (compared to mine, which is quiet - between 1500 and 3500rpm). The temperature seems to be on par with mine (about 115-140 degrees F). We did a PMU reset, which didn't change anything. Do I need to replace BOTH fans? I have researched it, and it seems like I could replace them if I had to.
For the 1st time, I hooked up my seagate 7200 1tb external hard drive that I put in my own enclosure to my i7 2010 macbook pro. It is formatted to FAT 32 for maximum cross platform compatibility without the need for software etc. I plugged it in via a usb hub. The hard drive has been plugged into a PC prior to this. It mounted & was recognized right away, I got an offer to use it with time machine, but I did not want to use it for this, this one is for photos etc. I could see all my content fine, I could not quite figure out how to just move a folder of content from my mac's drive to the external hard drive. So did edit copy & edit pastes & this worked.
I noticed that while the external was plugged into the mac, it was making an access noise that it makes when files are being accessed or moved, but it was doing it the whole time it was tuned on & plugged in. When it was plugged into my PC, it only made the access noise when files were moving or being accessed, but not just being turned on or plugged in. When files are being accessed or when something is being done, a red activity light blinks/is on, & it was on the whole time while plugged into the mac. Apart from that, it seemed to be ok, I could read & write files, was just curious as to why the red activity light & noise is going on the whole time it is plugged in.
I have heard this "bleep"ish sound twice now in the last 15 minutes. It sounds like it is not coming from the studio monitors that I am using as speakers. It's rather hot right now...
ive had a look around an only found bits an pieces relating to this but nothing really specific.i have an imac 3.06ghz, 4gb memory. less than a year old its been making some noises recently (like a downloading sound for afew seconds every so often) which happens every 30 seconds or so. this happens even when theres no programs open and im not connected to the internet!!! ive only really noticed it doing this the last month or so to be honest.
the computer has also been re-formated about a month ago as it was passed onto me from a family member, an im wondering if its got anything to do with that?is this a normal thing for macs an maybe i just havent noticed it before, or does it sound like something is wrong??
Today at school i was picking up my computer and i tilted it and it made a weird noise. My friends say it might be the hard drive. should i open the computer myself and check it out? take it in to the apple store?
Also, i accidentally dropped it on the lower right hand corner and it made a small dent on the corner of the screen and the base of the laptop.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
but anytime someone pounds on the table and I have my 12' iBook just chilling on it, it makes a resetting noise, a very mechanical sound that makes it seem like it's resetting itself once. I have no idea why, and I just beg people around me to regulate their anger.
However, even when I am picking up my iBook it'll make the noise.Is this a sign of a deteorating cd-rom drive? Or are most iBooks and Apple laptops like this?
I'm trying to reformat my MBP and I think I'm having a little trouble. This is the first time I've reformatted a mac. I put the OS X disk in, went into disk utility and did the erase. I then restarted, again booting on the disc and I've seen nothing but a white screen for the past 2 1/2 hours. The optical drive is making noises like it is reading, but I'm not sure if it can't read from the disk or it is actually formatting. Any ideas?
I have a June 2010 17" 2.66 i7 UMBP. This is going to sound really silly and I do not really know how to describe it correctly, but it has begun to make lots of strange "Tapping/Clicking" noises. It happens quite regularly when the notebook is stationary but increase whenever the notebook is moved.
I am familiar with the hard drive clicking noise but this is totally different - it kind of sounds like a small metal ball-bearing inside a small, thin glass sphere knocking or clicking against it's side or like tapping a small thin glass object with something like a thin metal rod.
I am sorry for the poor description but that is the best way I can describe it & know I must sound like a complete idiot but I am not very savvy to computer issues but I hope someone can identify what these noises are if if they mean that something bad is going on.
So, recently (as of thursday or so) my PBG4 has been making weird buzzing noises, usually only when it was working hard (or watching things online). Eventually, as it got closer to the weekend, the noise started to get louder whenever it would come on, so I'd just turn off my computer for an hour or so and let it cool. Finally, today, I turn it off again and now whenever I turn it back on, all I get is the gray start up screen, sans spinner. Sometimes I even get a little folder with the mac face on it. What's wrong?
1.33 Ghz) has started acting up, and while I think I know what the problem is, I'd like some confirmation.The symptoms:
After starting the PB up, it runs for about 5 minutes before we get a permanent spinning beach ball. When the beach ball is up, I hear what sounds like (and is coming from) the hard drive. It sounds like it's spinning either way to fast, or as if something is wrong with it. All the open programs freeze, and we do a forced shut down.Also, the first time this happened, we had a song playing in iTunes. The song would play a 2 second clip, then stop, then start, and continue to stutter.
We've tried turning the computer off, unplugging the battery and the power, but it still does this.I think it's a hard drive problem, and that we need a new hard drive. Does this sound correct?
My 100G space came up as full last night so I freed up about 15g. space, but now today I notice it is going way slow, taking forever to open or show data in files - eg if I click on the master application folder - the names of indiv. folders show but file content on right doesn't come up until about 30 secs, and the computer itself is making all sorts of whirring/clicking type sounds which i called "thinking" but it's as if the memory is still full and is operating at half it's speed.
I have a 2.16 GHz intel core duo processor, and memory is 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.
Get info shows: Capacity of 99.69GB, avail is 14.11 GB
Any tips on what has happened since last night to today? I thought it would be running faster and accessing files really easily.
I just got a pop up saying: Your iDisk is unavailable. Make sure you are logged in to your MObile ME acct, then try again to access your iDisk.
COuld this be the problem? I've never seen this before. What is my iDisk, and what does it do?
I have a Rev A 12 inch Powerbook - 867 mHz, 640 RAM, 40 GB hard drive. The machine's always been reliable and has performed great over the years. I bought it the last week of July, 2003.
Yesterday, the Pbook was shut down, and I press the on button so it would boot up. Almost immediately, the hard drive makes a loud, whirring noise. The computer advances to the gray screen with the Apple logo, but it doesn't get past that point and the noise continues, as if it's a car engine that just won't start...
I'm going to take it to my local Apple Store in the morning, and hopefully the data, including my nearly 22 GB of music, can be saved. Any thoughts on how to get my computer working again? By the way, it's the original hard drive installed. Hopefully this is enough info to generate some ideas, I'm stumped.
when I was browsing the BBC website . I happened upon the front page and could hear a crackling sound, eventually after looking round the room for about 5 minutes I realized it was the macbook.
When the news page 'scroller' at the top types its news story out in a tika tape kinda way that is when the crackling noise happens .
does this make sense ? is my macbook faulty ? ..does it take soo much power to perform this function as to make my macbookCPU crackle ?
the noise is coming from approx the center of the notebook and is quiet(ish) but audible enough
anyone have any ideas ?
link to the site is below , you'll see the words scrolling across the screen at the top which then creates a clickable link to a news story : URL
So I have several concert videos that Ive downloaded. The files are labeled like this:
vts_01_01.vob , vts_01_02.vob, etc
On a windows machine these open up automatically, and some have menus that are functional, and all files play one after another.
On my mac, I had to download an app called VLC to play these files, but the thing is, once one file is done I have to manually open the next, and any menus that are present are non functional.
How can I get these videos to work on a mac the same way the do on a pc?
i tried clicking every single button inside the youtube video like the pause, full and annoations, then i took my mouse out and i tried to right click the settings, after opening it, the settings box was INSIDE the video, and i cant click it, sooo, is it my mac or is it youtube problems, since its in beta mode, coz, if its my mac ima go to the technitions
Maybe I'm just crazy, but I was curious if the cursor icon when a link is being hovered over has changed in Safari 5.1.3 from what it used to be. The "hand" now seems to be tilted a bit and the pointer finger at an angle.
My i5 MBA seems to only get hot if I have a video up and playing. If I pause the video or switch to a new screen (while the video is still playing) it will cool down. The problem doesn't seem to be with "playing" the video but more with the visual display and ideas? This is a new MBA I bought 3 months ago it has 1.7 GHz i5 with 4GB. Oh and what I mean by hot is 90-95C.
Ever since switching to 10.6, I'm getting a ton of lag watching videos with vlc. I am not running other programs at the same time, and the activity monitor shows plenty of ram free. How to resolve this?
I've had my MacBook Pro since 2010 and it's been pretty solid for me ever since. About a month and a half ago, however, I was watching a TV show online on my computer when the video suddenly started lagging and freezing. This had never happened to me before, and now my computer just can't run a video without lagging. Before I first discovered this problem, I was watching a lot of episodes of TV shows, so I was thinking maybe that had something to do with the problem. Is there anything I can do?
It seems that music videos and tv episodes on YouTube have a high view content and I was wondering if watching these videos on your HDTV via a Mac Mini is a pretty good substitute for purchasing a physical DVD of these videos? I have a new Mac Mini with a built-in HDMI port and a video card that supports HDTV resolutions. Should I hold off buying music video DVDs and tv box sets and instead start to purchase them off iTunes or watch them on YouTube?
I don't currently own an HDTV but will eventually purchase one. If I want to start doing what I've described above, will I need to purchase a device (like a splitter) from my cable modem company, which is the same as my cable tv company, to connect the incoming cable lines to both the back of the tv and the computer in the family room? I currently only have one physical cable modem connection for the computer in the bedroom. I've never used a wireless connection and am not sure how they operate but I'm concerned about security issues with it regarding people driving by and people able to snoop in. I'm sorry if this is a basic question but I am still "old school" when it comes to technology.
i've noticed for a while now that everytime i watch videos on my macbook pro, using vlc player, sometimes the video picture would stop, and or stutter, if it would stop, the audio would go on, but the video remains stop, after a few seconds, before the video would resume, the video would be distort or scrambled for a few seconds before it would come back to normal, it had been happening for some time now, i thought it was just the software, so i tried another player, the mplayer for mac, and it still would stop at random times. but last night, after stuttering for every 10 minutes while watching the video, the screen on my macbook pro freezed. i cannot do anything, but my mouse is movable, and the caps lock on the keyboard still lights, but i cannot do anything but to do a hard reset, it is the first time that has happened to me, the screen freezing, and i don't know if it has anything to do with the stuttering of the video.