Intel Mac :: Opening Files Migrated From A Pc?
Jun 18, 2012I tried to migrate my files from the pc to the mac. However, I cannot open the user profile. It does not recognize the password.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I tried to migrate my files from the pc to the mac. However, I cannot open the user profile. It does not recognize the password.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I migrated files rom my PC. Where did they go.
I migrated my files from windows 7 laptop and now can't find them?
We've migrated files from our old Dell PC to our new iMac. How/where do I find them on the iMac?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
I just used the migration assistant to transfer my old pc files to my new macPro. The pop-up said the file transfer was successful. However, I cannot find the files on my MacPro. Where are they located? Where can I look?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe date in the menu bar is correct but Incorrect date Shown on Migrated Files. I bought an iMac running Leopard last 22 November and migrated all my files from my old eMac. Subsequently all my email messages have been dated 22 November 2008. Other timed events have the same date. And now that I've bought a MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard and migrated files from the iMac, the same thing has happened. So, operating Time Machine for the very first time yesterday on the iMac, it displays the backup date as 22 November 2008.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIts the same account as was on my PC, and I remember the password for the account. But I have entered that and still cannot log in. This is a brand new computer.
MacBook Pro
I'm new to mac. Used migration assistant to transfer my data files and folders from windows 7 system. The files are there as I can search for a specific file and find it but I don't see any of the folders or files in finder. I have reviewed other forum entries asking questions like this and answers seem to direct folks to another user account but I don't have another user account on this system after migrating.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust spent several hours transferring my files using Migration Assistant from an older MacBook Pro (running 10.6.8) to a new one running Lion and find that all of my Microsoft Office files were converted to read-only. Also, get the following message when I edit and try to save PDF files: You don’t own the file 'xxxxx.pdf' and don’t have permission to write to it. A pain in the neck, but fixable. Three questions: What did I do wrong? Is there anyway to do a mass conversion from read-only to read/write?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have just purchased a new Macbook Pro (latest model) and have used the Migration program to transfer all of my files from my old PC onto my new Mac but we are unable to locate or open any of the files. We have installed Microsoft office for Mac but we cannot find any of the word/excel files, any photos or emails. How do i locate these files and open them?
MacBook Pro
How can I get my "Favorites" from my PC onto my iMac. Have, migrated them successfully but cannot get at them so as to put them in my iMac "Bookmarks". I have migrated all my software and this is showing on my iMac. But I cannot get my Favorites or also all my emails and their folders to work on the iMac. Have been using Yahoo mail on the PC.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
How do I disable the Preview Application from opening eps files by default?
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What do I do with it once I've expanded it?
I've been looking around online for the past hour for a solid way to open a .mht file on a mac, and I can't find anything. I need to open these files for University homework. Has anybody figured out a way to do it?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a program to open these .CBR files (comic book rar) for OSX? I found a site to purchase and download a lot of my old favorite comics but I wanted to make sure I can view them on my Mac first.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried flip4 mac and stix, but still not able to open music videos that I had downloaded on my old windows pc. I have tried to open these files on my iMac with no success. The files are all WMV video files.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a MacbookPro. I was a PC user until now. I'm in the process of transferring all my files into my Mac. I'm trying to copy my archived chats from Yahoo messenger onto the Mac and then open them but have been unable to do so.
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Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How can I view .flv video files? Quicktime does not open them nor will any other video application I have on my Mac.
Obviously, this solution is not for OSX [URL]
have downloaded soundfiles ending in flac.fla have tried opening with Toast but get a window saying the file could not be added because it is in n unsupported format.
Have also downloaded files ending in .fla which plays through VLC but again cannot open in iTunes or Toast.
Recently the preview program has stopped working. I cannot open PDF files or image files, i.e. jpeg. The only thing I can think of that I've done recently is installing a program called "MailRaider." I just uninstalled it using a program called "Appdelete."
I tried this suggestion from the apple discussion forum that did not work:
Go to the finder, find one of the PDFs you can not open. then click on that PDF one time. go to the file menu, chose get info from the file menu. the inspector window that pops up will include a section on open with. expand that section and click on the open with menu and chose preview. then click the "Change All.." button.
all PDF should now open with preview. you can repeat this process with jpegs, gifs, tifs, pngs, extra as needed.
What else can I try? Do I need to reinstall the preview application? If so, how do I do that?
You'd think this was all pretty basic. It probably is.
I'm trying to open/edit '/usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini' with TextWrangler through Terminal. The TextWrangler part isn't an absolute requirement. The directory exists and I'm assuming the file does as well. (No 404-esq errors during my fumblings and it was a standard installation of PHP5)
Also, is there any way to browse through the above directory using the Finder's GUI? That would be nice.
I just downloaded a .mpg video file and when I tried to open it in QT it said that the file could not be opened. Any way around this like a plugin or something?
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