Intel Mac :: No Sound And Speaker Symbol Disappear If Left Idle
Apr 18, 2012
My iMac, which was new Christmas 2011, has developed a strange fault. If the computer is left idle for any length of time, I then find that there is no sound and the speaker symbol at the top of the screen has disappeared. Sound is only regained by rebooting.
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Apr 21, 2012
My iMac, which was new Christmas 2011, has developed a strange fault. If the computer is left idle for any length of time, I then find that there is no sound and the speaker symbol at the top of the screen has disappeared. Sound is only regained by rebooting.
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Dec 12, 2009
Since updating the Windows 7 drivers with the Snow Leopard BootCamp version 3 I've noticed strange sound distortions coming from the left speaker of my iMac. This seems to be a driver issue because both under OSX as well with older drivers which came with Windows 7 RC1 the left speaker functions properly.
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Apr 6, 2010
Over the past few months or so, I've been noticing a sound, much like a buzzing, coming from the left speaker area of my computer. It seems to be near the area where I plug in the charger. The sound is not terribly loud, but when it's quiet in my surroundings, it becomes quite evident. I'm not talking about an audio-related issue, but I am just unsure as to what may be causing the sounds and whether or not I should be worried.
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May 28, 2010
i feel like i hear more from the left side of my mbp then the right. either that or my right ear is clogged with tons of nasty stuff......ive picked my ear (sorry for TMI) but its not working, so im pretty sure i hear more out of the left speaker. is this normal? i read something before saying theirs a "left speaker biased" or w/e
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Jun 30, 2009
How many new macbook pro owners are hearing the macbook pro whine sound coming from the left near the speaker? is this normal? its getting very annoying. it stops for a min when i open an app or click or scroll.
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Apr 14, 2012
I bought Brand New Macbook pro 15" Late 2011 Ci7, this is incredible machine. But a month past and i started to notice a very strange behavior:Â When i using mac for resource "Eating" application or processes my computer starts to Heat-this is normal.
When i close all the apps here starts interesting) I have Istat installed, so i can see what temps are in my system. Computer is cooling, and when cpu reaches 50-55 degrees (Celsium, from 80 degrees, because of heavy load) ,my left speaker produces a single loud pop sound. (like something turning of may be)
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 27, 2012
Since the recent software update (early Feb I believe) my Mac has begun to freeze, first finder, then safari/chrome, followed by all other applications.Â
I have set up Activity Monitor to track what is causing the issue, however when the computer freezes I cannot open Activity Monitor (obviously).Â
I have contacted Apple Care with the hope that they could provide some assistance, we deleted all startup files (and the other startup related files in library), ran disk utility and repaired permissions.Â
We noticed that spotlight was using a lot of the CPU, and I removed my external time machine harddrive (as it appeared that it was damaged).Â
The freezing still occured, so I reinstalled Lion. The computer appeared to be working again... until it began to freeze again.Â
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 16g ram, 2tb harddrive.
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Nov 13, 2008
Mine sounds muffled on the left when compared to the right speaker.
Its very noticeable when you play around in your balance settings (max left or max right) that the volumes are different.
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Dec 21, 2009
I have a 2.1 Logitech Z4 setup, and the sound is only coming out of the left speaker. I have checked the wires, they are fine, and both speakers do work - but it could be the socket that's the problem. It's plugged into the line-in socket, I have put the output in System Preferences to Headphones, and everything is inserted correctly.
What do I do?
EDIT: My sound system is plugged into the headphones jack. I have tried putting headphones into the headphone jack and the sound also only comes out of the left earbud.
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Jun 10, 2012
How do you get sound output from BOTH a USB speaker and the headphone jack at the same time? I am trying to drive a headphone speaker driven wireless speaker on my deck while still have audio on my imac.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 22, 2012
So I bought some BOSE Companion 20 speakers and when plugged in to my iMac I get great sound on the intsruments but little or no vocals. When plugged into the iPhone with the same EQ settings I get absolutely no issues and it's a perfect sound all around.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 27, 2009
I have this macbook that at the beginning was working great, but now, since a couple o week doesn't sleep anymore when left idle. I have tried quitting tons of deamons, programs turning off sharing and so on. Nothing. I set the sleep timer at 1 minute to check it. Nothing. It won't sleep. The curios thing is that unlike other user with the same problem who sleeps the computer manually and they find it on some minutes later, my macbook can sleep for days if manually put in sleep (Lid or Sleep from the menu). No automatic waiking, it just can't sleep when left idle. This is not the first time it happens. Some month ago the only solution was reformatting the drive and reloading Leopard. Right now i don't want to this again as i just loaded Snow Leopard since day 1.
So, summing up here's my situation:
the macbook can sleep manually (lid or menu). the macbook stay in sleep without waking up (just wake with normal wake). the macbook doesn't go to sleep if left idle for the time set in system pref (but it shut down. the monitor according to prefs). the macbook runs 10.6.1 with a new system, without loading anything, the computer can sleep if left idle. i can't tell if i have installed something that have screw up things. Just normal apps...
i can provide you as many logs as you want, just tell me which you need.
Here is a list of my processes running now, (sleep not working)
123 Activity Monitorjetmcquack1,5225,0 MBIntel (64 bit)
131 activitymonitordroot0,511,2 MBIntel (64 bit)
291 AirPort Base Station Agentjetmcquack0,041,6 MBIntel (64 bit)
304 airportdroot0,021,4 MBIntel (64 bit)
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Jun 23, 2014
I bought a brand new Dell U2713H monitor (resolution is 2560px wide) so I had to get a dual link adaptor. I plug it into my Macbook pro 17-inch, Late 2011 and it works beautifully for about 10 minutes and suddenly the screen turns to static and i get a dvi symbol on top left. i then turn off and on the monitor and i get another 10 minutes. I was sure it was a faulty dual link cable - but i am trying the monitor on a macbook air and it is working perfectly.
perhaps the AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB card is not good enough? but i was told by apple support before i bought the monitor it is fine as long as i use the dual link cable.
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May 30, 2010
My new MBP 15 has a buzzing left speaker at certain frequencies.
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Jun 22, 2010
I noticed my Macbook White (late 2009 model) right speaker is slightly louder than the left one. I have checked the sound balance on my sound setting and its set to balance. Some things I have noticed when playing with the settings. When i shift the balance to the left, there's sound on the right when it's not supposed to. Then when I shift to the right, the left speaker is quiet. This problem seems to happened on older Macbooks - [URL].
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Sep 23, 2010
Ok so my iMac g3 has a left speaker that doesn't work. The right one works fine and when I turn the volume up the left speaker kind of buzzes. Is it even worth replacing the internal speaker? (IIRC it looks pretty difficult)
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Apr 26, 2009
I woke up this morning and tried to watch a linked video on a webpage. I saw the video, but there was no sound (this had not been a problem the evening before). I am using USB soundsticks, so I checked to make sure that they were plugged in, and they were. I opened iTunes and sound came through the Soundsticks; I switched to the internal speaker and it worked there as well. When I tried the same with another embedded video, however, I only got sound from the internal speaker.
Has anyone had a similar problem or does anyone know how to fix this?
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Feb 1, 2009
I have had my new pro since christmas, and it has been incredible. however i noticed from day one that periodically i get this buzzing noise coming from the left speaker - closest to the screen. is it the hard drive? what is it... and is it normal? sometimes if i tap the speaker area (next to the magsafe) it goes away.. and other times its pretty loud. i do NOT have applecare. should I purchase that as well.
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Sep 9, 2009
is it okay to turn the monitors on/off via the switch on the back of the left speaker each time im not using them or should i leave them on 24/7
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Apr 18, 2010
Occasionally I will turn on my IMac and I wont have any sound. When I try to turn up or down the sound, there is a restriction symbol in the sound box that pops up and nothing will happen. The old restart usually works. However, when I try to plug in headphones or an external audio cable, nothing changes. I still get sound out of the computer, and it works like there is nothing in the jack. All software is up to date, I reset PRAM and did the "unplug everything" drill. Still no change. When I did the unplug everything, its almost notorious for having the first problem of "no sound".
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Mar 10, 2012
My macbook is dysfunctional; it has no sound unless I'm listening on earphones or a speaker.
Info:macbook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 18, 2012
I was wondering if there was any way to troubleshoot the sound error from my home or will it need to be taken in for service? Is it the same price at Best Buy as it is the Apple Store?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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May 20, 2008
I am heading a strange sound from my speaker, sounds like an application is causing it. I check the logs and I dont see any errors. a good method of tracking down the error? Is there a log file for system sounds or do I have to kill each application one by one and wait 2-3 mins between application kills to see if the sound comes back.
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Jul 16, 2008
Is there a way to have the sound output from both the built-in speaker as well as my line out speakers at the simultaneously on the Mac Pro? So far I've only been able to choose one or the other.
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Jun 14, 2009
today I noticed that my speakers have a buzz/hum sound coming from them. The speakers I have are the Logitech X-240 with a subwoofer. The speakers are hooked up to the subwoofer, which is hooked up to a sound base that is connected to my MacBook.
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Mar 24, 2012
how to record my speaker sound in osx. Is it possible? Ive tried several things but it does not work..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 16, 2012
My sound works fine at first, then I plug in my headphones and sound still works but when I pull out my headphones I lose sound in headphones and speakers on my 13" MacBook Pro. Only a reboot (as far as I know) fixes it.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 11, 2010
I have a creative 5.1 speaker setup and just recently found my old sound blaster external card from my PC from years ago. I went on the creative website to try and download drivers for it and their weren't any (surprise, surprise). So I've been trying to figure out how to use my speaker setup so I can watch movies from iTunes in 5.1 surround sound. When I plug in the card through USB the sound tab in the system preferences reads it as the SB Live! card (which it is).
Then when I go to the Audio MIDI Setup, it also reads the card and the speakers I have connected to it. When I go the configure speakers tab, it shows them and all when I click on them to test them, it shoots out noise through each speaker. But when I go back to iTunes and enable surround sound in a movie, nothing happens. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there any software I can download so I can use my speakers?
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Jan 5, 2011
For the last two weeks I have been using my new macbook pro. I'm a bit concerned about the sound quality that i get from the speakers. According to specs it has a subwoofer (I know you can't expect much from a tiny laptop) but I still can't really hear any base/low frequencies and it sounds like a tiny cheap transistor radio . The volume is pretty high, I can listen to youtube etc, but its really almost only trebble. I expected a bit more. Is it normal for those macs or is it just mine?
I had Sony Vaio before and then Dell XPS 1530. Sony had way better speakers and even Dell seems to sound a bit less can-like/tiny...
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