Mac Pro :: Way To Have Sound Output From Both Built-in Speaker
Jul 16, 2008
Is there a way to have the sound output from both the built-in speaker as well as my line out speakers at the simultaneously on the Mac Pro? So far I've only been able to choose one or the other.
I woke up this morning and tried to watch a linked video on a webpage. I saw the video, but there was no sound (this had not been a problem the evening before). I am using USB soundsticks, so I checked to make sure that they were plugged in, and they were. I opened iTunes and sound came through the Soundsticks; I switched to the internal speaker and it worked there as well. When I tried the same with another embedded video, however, I only got sound from the internal speaker.
Has anyone had a similar problem or does anyone know how to fix this?
How do you get sound output from BOTH a USB speaker and the headphone jack at the same time? I am trying to drive a headphone speaker driven wireless speaker on my deck while still have audio on my imac.
I have a 2.1 Logitech Z4 setup, and the sound is only coming out of the left speaker. I have checked the wires, they are fine, and both speakers do work - but it could be the socket that's the problem. It's plugged into the line-in socket, I have put the output in System Preferences to Headphones, and everything is inserted correctly.
What do I do?
EDIT: My sound system is plugged into the headphones jack. I have tried putting headphones into the headphone jack and the sound also only comes out of the left earbud.
My sound keeps turning off. When I check the settings, the output device switches randomly between Internal and Digital output. I have no idea where the Digitial Output is coming from and this started about a month again. It switches randomly and then I loose all sound for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens once then stops for a few days, other times it switches back and forth for 5 min. No idea!!!Â
I came across some youtube video with dual-language audio; ie. one language on the left channel and another language on the right channel. The Output page under Sound preference does not have the left/right balance control, probably due to the mono speaker in MBA. If I connect to an external speakers, or headphones, then the balance control re-appears. Is there a way to get around this problem, if I still want to use the build in mono-speaker?
I play movies stored on my iMac through my speaker system and HDTV using a Mini Display to HDMI cable plugged into my reciever. I'm currently piecing together a 5.1 seperates system but currently only have the front left, front right and centre speakers (3.0). I've played around to try and get the iMac to output though all three speakers but the audio only comes through the left and right channels and ignores the centre speaker completely. Even when I set the output in the 'Audio MIDI Setup' to 5.1 it still doesn't recognise a centre channel.Stereo output is fine but it would be nice to get the centre speaker in use rather than just sitting there in silence.
Info: 21.5" iMac 3.6GHz Intel Core i5 (Late 2010), 1TB HD, 8GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 1TB WD MyBook Studio External HD / iPhone 4 16GB / iPod Classic
I am streaming iTunes to another room using an Audioengine AW1 (over usb, not the analog input) and it works fine. Looking at JACK audio, Soundflower or Apple's AudioMIDI utility, I feel I should be able to use one or a combination of these resources to output iTunes to both the AW1 and my desktop's headphone port. Unfortunately, I can't seem to perform both. Well, technically I can in using a "y" audio cable to output from the Mac headphone port to headphones and to the analog-in on the AW1's, but that really doesn't work adequately. The output volumes are considerably lower and tied together. I am looking to figure out how to add a usb audio device as another, and simultaneous output.
The speakers on my Macbook have suddenly stopped working. If you plug headphones in, fine. In the system preferences, 'built in speakers' are no longer an option for audio output. Just 'digital out'. When I try and change the volume of the speakers, the symbol is greyed out, and there's a little "you can't do this" symbol.
I have already tried using Qtips, other end of match sicks, cleaning the headphone jack with alcohol and a little jiggling with the other end of the plastic ballpen still ni audio from the Mac's speaker and the Built in output still active.
I want a icon on my desktop so I can quickly switch between internal sound and usb sound (tv sound).... Can that be done? I'm not good with scripts at all.
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
I was wondering if there was any way to troubleshoot the sound error from my home or will it need to be taken in for service? Is it the same price at Best Buy as it is the Apple Store?
I am heading a strange sound from my speaker, sounds like an application is causing it. I check the logs and I dont see any errors. a good method of tracking down the error? Is there a log file for system sounds or do I have to kill each application one by one and wait 2-3 mins between application kills to see if the sound comes back.
today I noticed that my speakers have a buzz/hum sound coming from them. The speakers I have are the Logitech X-240 with a subwoofer. The speakers are hooked up to the subwoofer, which is hooked up to a sound base that is connected to my MacBook.
My sound works fine at first, then I plug in my headphones and sound still works but when I pull out my headphones I lose sound in headphones and speakers on my 13" MacBook Pro. Only a reboot (as far as I know) fixes it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a creative 5.1 speaker setup and just recently found my old sound blaster external card from my PC from years ago. I went on the creative website to try and download drivers for it and their weren't any (surprise, surprise). So I've been trying to figure out how to use my speaker setup so I can watch movies from iTunes in 5.1 surround sound. When I plug in the card through USB the sound tab in the system preferences reads it as the SB Live! card (which it is).
Then when I go to the Audio MIDI Setup, it also reads the card and the speakers I have connected to it. When I go the configure speakers tab, it shows them and all when I click on them to test them, it shoots out noise through each speaker. But when I go back to iTunes and enable surround sound in a movie, nothing happens. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there any software I can download so I can use my speakers?
For the last two weeks I have been using my new macbook pro. I'm a bit concerned about the sound quality that i get from the speakers. According to specs it has a subwoofer (I know you can't expect much from a tiny laptop) but I still can't really hear any base/low frequencies and it sounds like a tiny cheap transistor radio . The volume is pretty high, I can listen to youtube etc, but its really almost only trebble. I expected a bit more. Is it normal for those macs or is it just mine?
I had Sony Vaio before and then Dell XPS 1530. Sony had way better speakers and even Dell seems to sound a bit less can-like/tiny...
I have a stereo hooked up to my iMac and everything sounds great. What I'm wondering is this. Is there a way to have sound come out of BOTH the internal speakers and the headphone/audio out jack?
Whenever my MacBook's sound is on mute and the computer wants to play a sound, the speaker has this little click noise.
For example, I mute the sound and go to trash a file. It trashes normally, but at the beginning, the speakers click (almost like they want to play that empty trash noise, but cannot because it is mute).
Since updating the Windows 7 drivers with the Snow Leopard BootCamp version 3 I've noticed strange sound distortions coming from the left speaker of my iMac. This seems to be a driver issue because both under OSX as well with older drivers which came with Windows 7 RC1 the left speaker functions properly.