Intel Mac :: How To Reinstall IMovie From ILife 11 In Lion
Feb 2, 2012iMovie has started not responding and I have to force quit. How do I re-install iMovie 11 in a Lion environment?
iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
iMovie has started not responding and I have to force quit. How do I re-install iMovie 11 in a Lion environment?
iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Completed a clean install of Lion on 2009 IMac and thanks to some help from the Community was able to reinstall Aperture, Logic Express and Final Cut Express, which were supplied on DVD with the original purchase of the IMac (the computer came with these softwares pre-installed). But what do I do about iPhoto, GarageBand and iMovie? Oddly, Lion doesn't include these, even though they were included with the initial computer purchase. The App Store wants to charge me for these, and my only option so far is to drag a copy (in this case GarageBand) from my backup drive, which generated a "Instrument Library in invalid!" error.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5
I have just bought my mac pro, and i don not find the ilife. How should I instal it? in the box it is written that it comes with the computer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI once had iLife on my macbook, however when I updated to OS X Lion, I couldn't find it anymore. I am currently running version 10.7.3. Â I need to reinstall iLife without using the CD and without going to the Apple store as I am no where near one. Â P.S: When I search for iLife in the App Store it says I have to pay. Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Had to wipe the Disk on new 21/5" due to a migration that bought problems from a G5 iMac.Â
Wiped the Drive and reinstalled from an OS X 10.7.3 from an Installer I had DL from the Mac App Store. Opened the Mac App Store and had to buy iPhoto, the only App the customer uses from the iLife Suite.Â
A few days ago I got my macbook pro (late 2011). I delivered it to the service and when i got it back I cant find imovie, iphoto, garage band that I had before i delivered it to the service. What has happend and how do I get these programs back?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just bought my new imac 27" i5, but no restore disk included, How to restore iMac 27" i5 to factory settings with iLife Includes iPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I'm about to reinstall iLife from the .dmg on the system disks. Does anyone know if this will delete my current photos and music etc?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought my macbook pro 13 inch last year and I can't find ilife dvd.I am trying to buy SSD and reinstall osx. Is there any way to get ilife again?Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I had to reinstall everything on my computer lately and now ilife is not there. How do I get it back? I desperately need iphoto, which is part of ilife.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
So I went to go and find iMovie, and I cannot find it. Everything else is there, Can I reinstall it without reinstalling the entire works (i.e losing everything)?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe USB "Software Reinstall Drive" that came with my MacBook Air, has iLife on it. The "Software Reinstall Drive" is recognised by my iMac and I can open it. However, when I try to run the iLife installer it says that it cannot install on this computer. Does anyone have any ideas or do you think that it is irrevocably fixed to the MacBook Air?
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow can i reinstall iPhoto and iMovie on my macbook air (if they are not shown on the purchases collumn in the app store)
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I bring up iMovie in the app store It says "accept" on the icon that usually says "buy" or "install". When I click "accept" it says it has already been accepted and is available for download under purchases. When I go to purchases iMovie is not listed and I can't figure out any other way to download iMovie.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have this iMac, and now I mostly use my macbook pro. So what I want to do to this one is delete everything (of course I will back up what I need) and then reinstall Lion, so first it can be faster. And second imac run bootcamp on it so I can play some PC Games.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought my Mid-2011 iMac a few weeks before Lion came I was eligible for a free upgrade. Now, unfortunately, I am having problems with my iMac so I want to reinstall the OS. However, I only have the Snow Leopard disc to reinstall. Can I still upgrade to Lion for free? Would it be in my App Store as I already upgraded so I can just re-upgrade?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Bought a used 2011 iMac. Wanted to wipe everything clean from previous user and install lion. After installing lion I went into the recovery mode by pressing apple r, then wiped the harddrive clean, and now am trying to reinstall lion over the internet. At first it was working fine, eta was 90 mins. When it got down to 4 mins it suddenly went back up to 90 mins and has been stuck there for 5 hours. The computer is not frozen since I can move the mouse and everything.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So I already placed my order for my new iMAC. I have a MacBook (2006) with iLife 08.
My question is: When I get to transfer my MacBook info into my new iMAC, will i encounter any problems with my iLife files being that I have iLife 08, and the new iMac's come with iLife 09? The Time Machine transfer won't bring the new iMac software back to 08 will it?
Just want to be sure before I set this up.
I am considering purhcasing iLife 09 to upgrade from iLife 08 that came pre-installed on my early-2008 MacBook Pro, as I like the new iPhoto features, (the iLife app I use most frequently out of the entire bundle), but I was wondering if by doing so there is a chance I may lose any files.
For those that did the same 08 to 09 upgrade, did you lose an individual photos from your library, albums altogether, events, slideshows, etc.?
For those that didn't lose them directly in iLife/iPhoto, what about on the HDD itself, and vice versa?
long time reader, first time poster. I know this topic has been beaten to death - but I've read all the post and have not found an answer for my question.
If you have iLife 08 installed and just installed a new copy of iLife 09 - does the following happen?
1. iLife 08 gets removed.
2. All Data from iPhoto 08, iMovie 08, iDVD etc, gets transferred to the new application.
3. No Importing is required to move any of the data over the new version of the software. It just works as if you didn't even have iLife 08 in the first place.
So i have iLife '08 installed and i'm about to install iLife '09. Do i need to uninstall iLife '08 first to install iLife '09?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am thinking about upgrading to iLife 09. If I buy the discs and install, do they overwrite iLife 08 or will I then be able to choose between the two groups of applications?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a 2010 imac with ilife 09 and a early 2011 MBP with ilife 11, how can i upgrade the imac using the mbp instead of having to buy ilife 11 from the app store for the imac, I did recieve discs with my MBP so I know i cant just go to the app store and redownload like you can with new MBP's.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
mid 2010 iMac.hardware crashed, iLife didnt come back with computer =( i depend on that i found the file on my computer but how can i recover it?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Bought New 2/28/11
I just purchased an open box macbook air from Best Buy Saturday. It does not have Ilife installed. I'm registered the product on line and it's not showing up under my purchased in the app store.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Does ilife 08 work with OSX 10.7.4?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I rewrote lion onto my computer that was shipped with snow leopard. I now do not have iLife on my computer how do I get it back? I never received a disk they were part of snow leopard with a free upgrade to iLife 11 when I bought them with my 27" iMac mid 2011 shipped with snow Leopard but had a free upgrade to Lion.
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
To anyone who has bought iLife 11, how did you upgrade from 09? I cannot seem to find any documentation regarding this procedure on Apple's support site.
Do you first have to uninstall 09 and then install 11 or can you do an in place upgrade? By this I mean, can you simply install iLife 11 over top of iLife 09?
I did a spotlight launch of imovie and i clicked on it, and imovie 08 is still in my system. Would it be safe to delete the imovie 08/ idvd 08/garage band 08 so it does not interfer with 09. I just dont wanna loose any of my info, i just dont want both on the system, getting confused with them opening up.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen the recent ilife 09 (8.0.1) update appears in Software Update people of both ilife 09 and ilife 08 reported that it appeared for them. My question is, is it safe to apply this update for those who are on ilife 08?
I've just checked my Software Update and found the ilife 09 update, and I don't have ilife 09, I only have ilife 08.