Intel Mac :: Exclamation Mark / No Wi-fi
May 14, 2012
Our computer shows an exlamation mark and can't conect to wi-fi. It has always been in this location (two years), we haven't added any other wireless devicess to our home. It can see our network with all four bars as a strong sygnal but doesn't want to conect. When I move my iMac to the kitchen it conects right away. I don't need a computer in the kitchen. Apple support wasn't very helpful. We upgraded our internet, bought a new router, extended the network with Airport Extreme, re-installed the system (10.7.4) replaced airport card in our mac. The same problem - exclamation mark, no wi-fi.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 11, 2014
WiFi exclamation mark had suddenly appeared on my imac. IÂ have rebooted imac and router
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Feb 6, 2009
I finally went out and bought iLife '09. So far it was great, I love iMovie, but I opened iPhoto because I needed to grab a couple pictures for an iDVD menu. I clicked on an event, and I saw all the photos in that event. All good. But when I go to click on a photo, it gives me a big blurry exclamation mark I looked into it further, and it seems like all of my events from 2007, and only 2007, are corrupted like this. What happened? Can I recover the photos?
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Sep 8, 2014
I just recently got my disk drive repaired at apple which meant my Macbook Pro needed wiped. When I got home and connected up to my wifi I noticed the wifi symbol to be greyed out with an exclamation mark in front of it. However, I can still use my internet but it gives me an alert that I'm not connected. This has been like this for a month and it hasn't gone and I've tried un plugging the wifi modem, forgetting the network and rejoining etc and yet its still like this. i wouldn't have a problem with this its just I can't re install my Word, PowerPoint and Excel as it says I have a problem with my internet and just times out when i try to reinstall it.Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jan 5, 2010
i cant seem to find the culprit. When i open a album and click a picture to enlarge it, instead of it enlarging a big black exclamation point comes up with a grey circle around it? Is there a confliction with the location of the file or something? Has this happen with anyone else? If so please share your experience.
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Feb 2, 2012
What are the stop sign icons with the !. Is this a hacker warning?
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Dec 7, 2014
Some of my music isn't playing on my MacAir. At the beginning of half of my songs there is an exclamation mark. How can I remove to allow my songs to play?
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Sep 3, 2014
I have a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark on my event. I was working on it and noticed it when I restarted FCP X. Could be that FCP X was crashing while copying or something. But now I don't get it away. But I looked into it.Â
The 4 photo's and 1 piece of music were quickly found in the menu left of the timeline. But there are two strange stings going on:Â
1. Scrubbing through the timeline, at certain points the Beach-ball begins to spin and won't stop. I waited 30 minutes (nothing), restart FCP X (nothing), rebooted (nothing), cleaned with Onyx (nothing): I had to force quit FCP X. I cannot see where it goes wrong, but it's at multiple points.Â
2. While using "relink files" all went wrong. It found photo's with te same name (but in fact other pictures). I deleted those. I went in the library (within Finder) to the Original Files folder, replaced the aliasses of the files pointing to a _Trash folder within the library. I thought the right pictures were back: no. I've dragged those back from iPhoto into the event, with the music also (from iTunes). There double now, but everything is good... except for the exclamation-mark!
Then I made a new library, dragged the project to the new library: copy used clips except the two options given (proxy en render files?). The new event also got a exclamation mark. I played the whole thing: no crashes, no beach-balls, no red missing clips signs, no yellow exclamation-mark in the Timeline Index.
In the original project I can now scrub little pieces (without spinning beach-balls) and I see the pictures on the timeline (in the preview) but with a yellow exclamation-mark in the index...? It cannot be found in the eventbrowser... how strange is that?Â
Since the update to Final Cut Pro X 10.1.3 I cannot go back to a previous library. What do I do. I'm afraid if I continue to edit things will go south later on.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Sep 13, 2009
Earlier today I copied my iPhoto library file and the iPhoto prefs file to from my Mac Pro to my MacBook (using Chronosync's "mirror" option), for a week away from home.
I've now come to using iPhoto on my MacBook, and noticed that the thumbnails for my modified pictures had reverted to thumbnails of the originals. Clicking on any of these modified images just brings up a large exclamation mark on a grey circle background.
I know that this normally means that iPhoto cannot find the relevant file in the library (usually because someone's been messing around in the library - which I haven't; I took a mirror image), but the odd thing is if I click on "Edit", the image I'm then presented with is the modified image, so it's still there and iPhoto damn well knows it.
I've tried opening iPhoto with alt-opt to get it to rebuild everything, but it hasn't made any difference.
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Oct 1, 2008
My computer had barely any space on it, so I was deleting as many things as possible. By accident, I deleted my ITunes library (1898 songs)I didn't delete it from ITunes. I deleted it from applications, then ITunes drop down menu, then all these artists. After that, I emptied my trash. So I have nothing. Now I only have one song on my ITunes, which is the one I was listening to when my songs got deleted. But now, when I go on ITunes, it looks like I have all my songs, except there are small little exclamation points next to each song. When I click a song to play, the song cant be found.
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Sep 5, 2014
My mbp retina is having wifi issues. It says there is no ip address and has an exclamation mark over the wifi signal symbol. I know it is not my router because everything else is working fine. I have tried adding a new location, clearing out system config, restarting the SMC and many other things. I cannot connect to the wifi but sometimes I will be able to randomly connect. If I were to sleep or restart the laptop, the wifi will not connect and its back to square one.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 20, 2014
have been trying to print panoramas some are ok but some have exclamation mark in the upper right hand corner this is on the aperture print page have created a custom page size 297 x 900 no border also some have a border...
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Jun 4, 2009
I browsed the threads on this and many sites before I thought I'd report back on my day with iPhoto - just so that those of you out there can benefit.Basically, and for those noobs that don't know the gen, iPhoto and iTunes both have an interface that work on showing you what you have by way of thumbnail or album sleeve image - then, upon selecting, linking your requirement to see or listen to the actual file itself buried somewhere else.This is a great system for a number of great reasons - that is until your links break. You see a thumbnail of a picture of uncle Bob you want to see so you double click it. You are rewarded not with a high rez image of Bob but instead a rather unimaginative and rude exclamation mark (exclamation point for you Americans). The link is broken - you have an orphaned file. It might not be lost or deleted - in fact it is probably still somewhere on your machine or external drives etc.
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Jun 3, 2012
For several weeks I've lost internet connection on my iMac every day or so; the wifi icon changes to show a ! and is otherwise greyed out. My internet connection is via a relatively new Time Capsule (2011) which has an ethernet cable connecting it to my Sky broadband router. I moved to this new Sky broadband router in early Jan 2012 (changing to Sky as a Broadband provider) and it works nicely as a router. My iPhone, iPad, AppleTV and a range of other devices (including an Apple Airport Express connected to a Sky TV HD box to enable it to download movies) have continued to work on the internet without problems.
The IP address of the iMac (27 inch quad core i7, 8 GB RAM, fully up to date on Lion) disappears from the Network settings when the problem arises but the connection of the iMac to the wifi (and backing up to the Time Capsule) still works. I can even use a VNC app on the iPad to connect to the iMac on the same wifi LAN when the IP address has gone and the ! is showing in the wifi icon on the menu bar. To get reconnected to the internet, I just restarted the iMac and it was then back accessing the web nicely. Eventually the iMac would not connect to the internet at all. It would momentarily get an IP address from the router and then lose it again. I then tried taking the iMac to the Apple Store.
Various diagnostics run in store at Genius Bar and during the week and the problem (using the same account) was not replicated. On its return home, it was still not working on the internet. I then tried booting into 'safe mode'. This enabled a stable and reliable connection to the internet! After several days in this mode, I re-installed Lion and booted into normal mode again. The problem returned and has been with the iMac since. However, at least a restart of the iMac gets it straight back on to the internet again. I suspect some sort of corrupted network preference file or the like. But where? The disconnection from the internet can happen any time of day; for example it happened while typing this message but more often than not it happens when the computer is unattended.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Mar 2, 2012
iMac will not boot from internal hard drive or install DVD. It runs for a bit then displays a grey screen with file folder and a question mark. It will boot happily from a USB connected hard drive.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Mar 28, 2012
When I turn my iMac on a box with a question mark pops up.
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Apr 30, 2012
have a folder with a question mark on startup? What do I do?
iMac, Mac OSX (10.2.x) , Folder with question mark at start
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Jul 6, 2012
I bouth upgrade to the CS5 and got CS6 but it looks taht my iMac 10.5.8 cannot install Ps Cs6 since its software is too old ( 10.5.8). Do I need new computer to do so cause I cannot find upgrade to my computer which is not that old ( I bouth it in Jan 2009). What can I do.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Aug 11, 2010
I have an account in that won't let me do anything to the e-mails coming into it. I can't delete e-mails, I can't mark them as read, and if I try to move an e-mail to another mailbox, it's copied, not moved.I've tried repairing disk permissions, and I've tried to remove the account and then adding it again ? but the problem persists. "Rebuild" in the Mailbox menu is inactive when this mailbox is selected, but works on my other accounts.The same account works fine on my iPhone; mails are getting marked as read and I can delete and move e-mails around. Same thing with webmail
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Apr 15, 2012
Getting the Flashing Question Mark Folder on start-up. What to do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 17, 2012
I installed Lion on my Intel iMac (about 3 years old) several months ago and it was working fine. Then yesterday it stopped booting up. It loads a grey screen and then just shows an icon of a folder with a question mark in it. I tried the following:Holding Shift to start safe mode - no response, loaded question mark screenHolding Command Option P R - no response, loaded question mark screenRepair Disk from Disk Utility - says "the volume Bernard 1 appears to be OK"Verify Disk from Disk Utility - no response, loaded question mark screen I created a Lion recovery disk on a USB drive
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2012
My iMac at start up has a blinking folder with a question mark on it. Iv done the option, command, p,r 2xs but it doesn't fix it.  Also I lost the loud up disc to reset the computer altogether.
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Sep 3, 2014
I have an aluminium cased iMac (2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) running OS 10.6.8.Â
Recently I have found that sometimes the machine will not boot - I get the normal chime, grey screen and then the flashing question mark icon. I first noticed the problem a few months ago when restarting after a power outage had occured whilst I was using the Mac. After a couple of tries the machine booted and so I thought little more about it because in usual circumstances when the machine was shut down correctly it started as normal and behaved perfectly. However, after another power outage over the weekend the problem has become much worse.Â
I have tried all the usual things like trying to boot up in safe mode and recovery mode but with no success. The only way I can get the Mac to boot at all is to simply keep powering down and powering up again and hoping that it will spring into life. Once it does boot the Mac behaves perfectly.Â
I have an 10.6.8 universal system disk and I got the machine to boot from this disk. I then tried to perform some diagnostics on the hard drive (320Gb) but when I got to the pane that shows the available drivesthere was no drive to be seen.Â
After a lot of tries I have got it to boot off the hard drive since so, I have been able to back up files that weren't archived to an external drive.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 23, 2012
I sometimes receive a flashing folder with a question mark when I reboot. If I wait a little while and reboot again, my IMac will reboot successfully. My instincts tell me that my hard drive may be failing.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 26, 2012
My Friend gave me his Old IMac G5 and when I boot it a question mark and the finder folder blinks. My friend says to install OS X because its running on nothing and I have been trying to install. OS X 10.6 but it wont respond to the Disk it just keeps blinking after a while it starts making this. Loud noise as if its running something, the furthest I've got it to a blue screen with a replay icon button. Towards the left and an arrow button pointing right but cant do anything after that, I don't know what to do. My other problem is the I have the latest wireless keyboard and wireless magic mouse so I cant connect them thru wifi until I have my imac running so im using a normal Dell Keyboard....
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Apr 12, 2012
A few day ago I startup up my iMac and only a folder with a question mark was shown in the screen.Â
I boot from the Lion DVD, run disk utility but the only drive I get was the DVD and disk1/Mac OS X Base System.Â
I turned off the computer and next morning I turned on agian and this time with no problems, I use it for a few days with no problems but yesterday it happens again...Â
I do run disk utility again onlu turn it off, and this morning I tried to turn it on again, but the same foder appears...I run disk utility (get the DVD and disk1) and turn it off for a few hours.Â
What I should do ? Is there any 3rd party tools that I can try do use to solve this issue ? Â
PS: when the iMac started up with no problems I run disk utility and made a repair disk to the mac HD...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 15, 2012
When my wife starts her iMac the screen stays gray and in the center of the screen is a folder with a question mark. I am not sure how to get it running.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 12, 2012
What is the problem if you have a white screen with question mark in folder icon??
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 21, 2014
I get is white screen with flashing question mark. I've inserted OS disc but it won't run.Â
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Mar 8, 2012
My IMac has a white screen with a file folder and a question mark. It is also making strange noises. What is the error?
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