Hardware :: Stop Users To Connect Multiple Monitors To The System
Oct 10, 2008If I were Apple, I too would want to stop users connecting multiple monitors to Mac Minis, to help them justify the $2000 tradeup to the Pro.
View 2 RepliesIf I were Apple, I too would want to stop users connecting multiple monitors to Mac Minis, to help them justify the $2000 tradeup to the Pro.
View 2 RepliesI have a new mac mini I bought last week. I've got a mini DVI to DVI connected to a DVI to VGA adapter. I've tried to use 3 CRT VGA monitors but to no avail.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was looking at getting the 24" Imac, however when I was at best buy this morning, I noticed there were no monitor connections to the iMac. I currently have a pc with 2 monitors. Is there any way I could connect the 2 monitors through USB connections to the imac? Does iMac even support extra monitors?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIt's a Dell 29" monitor (I don't have the product name). I connected the two monitors using a mini-displayport-to-DVI connector. I would have chosen for HDMI, but the Dell monitor lacked that unfortunately. I've installed Windows 7 on a BootCamp partition, and I happened to be in Windows when I did this. When I turned it on, it was a duplicate display of my iMac screen. Same resolution. I went to control panel and screen resolution, and chose for 'extend these displays', but suddenly the resolution on the Dell went from 2560 x 1440 (like the iMac) to a max of 1280 x 800
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to find the easiest solution to our family music situation. 4 users, 4 devices (ipods, ipad, imac, pc laptops), and 4 different musical song interests. I'm sure there are millions of households that have the same exact situation. I want to be able to pull up only my musical library, not my kid's music, and then easily synch it to my ipod. Everyone in the family wants to do this same thing. I have spent alot of time trying to search the forums/internet and there does not seem to be one "most popular" solution. I did setup iCloud for each family member using a different Apple ID than my main Apple ID, and I'm happy that ALL the music shows up on my ipad. But between iCloud, MobileMe, Home Sharing it all gets very confusing. Some say to setup multiple computer login accounts, and others say to setup 1 playlist for each family member and synch from that playlist.
I would think 1 itunes account allows you to easily share a purchased song with 4 users, instead of buying songs twice.
So here are a few of my questions-
1-Is it best to have only 1 itunes account and then synch all devices off of 1 main computer?
2-Or since we each have iCloud accounts, will they be able to synch their ipods from their own pc laptop?
3-And when they synch, what is the easiest way to exclude other users music in itunes? (other than unchecking hundreds of artists)
4-Or setup 4 separate computer login accounts on the imac and then keep 1 itunes account? If so, how does this work when they open itunes?
Imac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I have a Mac that my wife and I share. We own and iShuffle, iPod, iTouch and two iPhones. My wife's iPhone is her own and my iPhone is through work. We only have one Apple ID and we share our iTunes. What do I need to do to make all devices work together on iTunes with relative ease? Do I need to create multiple Apple IDs? Can we link them together so we don't have to log in and out of iTunes, yet keep it so that what she does with apps / music on her phone doesn't effect what apps / music I move on my phone?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to use multiple monitors
imac 21.5, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I know how to switch which of my monitors gets the menu bar... but is there any way to have them BOTH have the menu bar?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm working with my church to set up a audio/visual presentation system and need some help. Here's what we hope to be able to do: Hook up 1 to 2 monitors to a Macbook or Mac Mini (definitely 2 if it is a Mac Mini) and 1 to 2 projectors. What will we need to make this possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you have multiple users on mac
If yes explain :ap ple:
I just set an extra monitor in my workspace for my macbook pro. I was wondering if there was any way that I could specify certain programs to always open up in my second display.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to run multiple external monitors on my white macbook, late 2008 model. Is this possible to do through some sort of splitter? Is there such a thing?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for a solution to have more than just the one Dock: I'd like to have one on each monitor with different applications contained in each. I've discovered Dock Spaces which allows you to have upto 10 different Docks. More importantly, it integrates with Spaces to allow you to have a different Dock in each Space. This is the first time I've had a Mac with two monitors connected, and I've never used Spaces before so please bear with me. Would I be able to have Space 1 displayed on the first monitor and Space 2 on the second monitor? If that's possible, I could then use Dock Spaces to have a Dock on each monitor, yes?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe current setup already uses about 395W and this will increase with more monitors and video cards. Is there a way to turn off all but one (or two) ACD monitors (and the unused video cards) when not required? The latest Display page in OS-X 10.5.7 System Preferences has removed the option to turn off a monitor (and not the Mac Pro itself) via the side button. Tried turning off the power supply, but this is bad for the monitors, is impractical No rear-monitor USB2 or Firewire400 ports are used (for now).
View 11 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a mac mini. It came with a displayport to DVI adapter. I am wondering; how does one go ahead and hook up 2 monitors to the mini?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am running Win7 using 3 monitors, with Ultramon to manage the monitors. I want to switch to a Mac but am worried about the lack of a menubar on each monitor. On my Win7 PC, each monitor has it's own app running, maximized to the size of the monitor. So I'll have 3 instances of Firefox running, 1 on each monitor, or 2 Firefox and 1 Word, or Firefox, iTunes and Ableton Live each on it's own monitor. I want to do the same on the Mac and have the menubar for each program on each monitor. This question has been asked in the past, but all the discussions are older. Just wondering if there have been any recent developments or if anyone thinks this will be addressed in the near future. There's a program called Secondbar, but that only works on 2 monitors--it adds a second menubar. [URL]..........
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to buy one of the mid-2012 MacBook Airs but I'm wondering if I can daisychain monitors with the new Ivy Bridge boards with Thunderbolt. I realize the 2011 ones couldn't, but can the new ones do it?
MacBook Air
What is the best way to connect two Dell DVI monitors I already have with my new 15" MBP (non-retina)?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Alright so this is what I want to do and I need to know if its possible before I waste some money. I have the 2.8 Octo with 2 24" monitors and 16 gb ram and an 8800gt. Me and my future wife both like to play WoW. I know you can open multiple instances of WoW with separate accounts, but what I need to know is can I set up my dual monitor setup to act as if it is two separate computers with 2 keyboards and 2 mice so we can play together without having to purchase a whole second computer? I'm willing to buy another GFX card if I have to along with the second mouse and keyboard since that would still be cheaper then buying another computer.
View 5 Replies View Related are Mac and third party apps in general (if its possible to generalise?)
The reason I ask is that on Win XP (my iMac is "in the post" :-) its hit and miss what happens when you install an app. Sometimes they ask if this install is for multiple users, other times they don't (iTunes being one of the worst offenders) and then the first time another user logs on or uses the app they get a very confusing (to them) license acceptance screen.
how do we set up multiple users?
View 1 Replies View Relatedif there is a way to use multiple external monitors on my MacBook Pro using the single DVI-output provided. From reading previous posts, I heard you can be able to use Matrox's DualHead2Go for splitting the DVI-output. Is this device capable with MacBook Pro even though Matrox device requires an Analog output?
View 24 Replies View RelatedForgive me if this has been discussed before, but a search didn't reveal the exact answer I was looking for. Lots of discussion of multiple monitors on MBP's though. I am considering purchasing a MacPro and want 3 monitors (probably 3 24" or possibly 27" if they are out by the time I purchase the computer). One window I wanted devoted to Windows under VMWare Fusion, another window for my dictation window (I am a physician that does dictations at home), and the third for viewing lab/radiology results when dictating. What will i need to set up 3 monitors? Do I need 3 separate video cards, or is one video card enough to drive 3 27" monitors? Is there a way to disable the iSight cameras on the two side monitors and only have the middle monitor's iSight functional?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI am setting up a MIDI Lab with five computers, to be used by many students with a unique user name. My IT dept has given me administrative privilege since they no nothing about Macs and basically just told me "you set everything up. We're not touching them."
I spent hours installing software, including Finale 2010, getting the MIDI set up just right, which can be a tedious process. The problem is, when a student signs on to any of the computers, finale doesn't show up in the dock, and the MIDI settings need to be setup. Once the studnet sets themselves up correctly on one computer, the settings only apply there. Should they end up on a different computer the next day, they need to do it all over again!
Is there some administrative trick to making sure the settings I change, apply to all users?
They are iMacs running Leopard.
I have multiple users on my home network. This network is also hooked into my media server and home entertainment system using MediaLink. I'd like to set the user accounts to log out after 'X' time of inactivity. However, I would also like to ensure the Admin account (which manages the media server) never logs out and runs in the background. If I go to: System Preferences>Security>General>Logout after _ mins of inactivity It creates a global setting for all accounts. I've tried under individual accounts and the Administrator account and the setting creates a Logout command for all accounts. Is there a way to have just certain accounts log out after _ mins of inactivity?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy wife and i share a computer, but use seperate accounts for seperate mail accounts, etc. here is a problem that bothers me from time to time: when one of us creates a new file/folder, by default it is read-only to the other user. we are both administrators on the machine, but still we run into permissions issues. for myself, i can override the settings for a particular file/folder by changing the permissions, but my wife is not so technical. we trust eachother and prefer to have complete access to eachother's files, since we share many.
is there a way to set default permissions for new files/folders to be more open, easier to share with multiple users? also a related question i've had is, is it possible to share a common iphoto/itunes library between two different user accounts? for example, when one person uploads a new itunes album or new photos, for the other person's library to be automatically updated as well?
I enabled the Mac equivalent to fast user switching (allows more than 1 profile to be logged in); when I want to shut down the system I get box that says other people are signed on, if you want to shut down, enter user name and password.
The problem is that no matter which user id/password combo I put in, it is not recognized; not even either of the admin users.
I have one iMac with two user accounts and want to share my iCal between users. It doesn't matter which account is master (if a master is necessary).
How do I set this up?
I'd like to migrate from iMac #1, which has only 1 user, to iMac #2, which has 3 users.
Ideally, the user from iMac #1 would replace one of the users on iMac #2, or, it could be a new user on iMac #2.
iMac, 24"
When switvhing from mobileme to icloud with two users on one account, do they both need to switvh at once or can they be done independently?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)