I installed windows 7 in boot camp, and the drivers that were necessary for my wireless mighty mouse to work. But i have noticed that after not using the mouse for about 5 seconds, it sort of falls asleep. I have to click the mouse and wait a second for it to be active again. I have looked in settings and not found a solution.
I just installed the RC of Windows 7 on my iMac using Boot Camp. The OS installed fine and all seems fine (WiFi, sound etc.), except for some reason I can't seem to be able to use my (bluetooth) Apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse. I am currently being forced to use my old keyboard/mouse that I had on my old PC.
My wirless kb and mighty mouse is not working in W 7x64. I have 27" i5. I remember seeing the soultion somewhere in the Macrumors forum but could not find them now.
I went through the install process of Windows 7 on my late 2007 MacBook with my Wireless Mighty Mouse and it worked fine. When it was all completely installed, I could use the mighty mouse like perfect (even the right click would work!) until I installed the drivers on the Windows Install Disk. The minute the install of the new drivers finished, my mighty mouse didn't work. I couldn't add it in the bluetooth devices either. I have no idea whats going on.
I'm completely new to forums, but I've been googling for hours and have restarted several times already... My wireless Mighty Mouse has stopped working (only on my Windows XP partition). It has worked fine for the last year or so, and today, it wasn't connecting. Not a big deal at first, sometimes I have to turn it off and back on... but then it continued not connecting.
I checked the bluetooth preferences and unpaired and re-paired my mouse several times. It was detecting it from my computer AND pairing, but the mouse is still not working. I've tried updating drivers, reinstalling drivers (which is what took me a LONG time to get the "apple bluetooth radio" back. I didn't realize that that could only be installed by reinstalling the chipset).Ok I just keep going and going. I'm just a *little* frustrated with this whole mess.
I have the beta installed on my aluminum MacBook and most things are working okay. I can't get the eject button to work for some reason and I can't get my bluetooth apple keyboard or mighty mouse to connect. Is anyone else having bluetooth issues?
I've tried to run the wizard and it's not working for me. Either it fails right from the start or it says it connected but neither work. Anyone who has done it successfully please help. I'm using a new unibody MacBook.
This is an issue most of you are probably familiar with. The 360 scroll ball on my mighty mouse has become so lodged with dirt (I'm assuming) making it impossible to scroll down. Scrolling left, right, and up works okay at best. When I scroll in the working directions, it makes a smooth tracking sound (tick-tick-tick-tick), when I scroll down, this sound is absent and is replaced by a "shhh" sound, which is the beginning of the word I'm thinking of when I hear it. I've tried the "dry cloth" (when has that ever 100% worked) with no avail, then I resorted to using a sewing needle to get around the ball (which caught a very small amount of dirt). The down-scroll still doesn't work (I mean, it doesn't work AT ALL, it's not functional) and I don't know what to do. I'm sure the mouse can handle more than just regular-consumer workload.
I managed to successfully install windows 7 32 bit on the imac with all drivers. I thought I should post this as I couldn't find any information on how to install the audio drivers, and how to get the magic mouse scrolling functions to work.
Here is how I got everything installed.
For all files you use before installing them you must right click on them then properties then compatibility,
check the run this program in compatibility mode for windows vista service pack 2
For video nvidia install bootcamp/drivers/nvidia/nvidiagraphicsmobilevista32/setup.exe
For audio install bootcamp/drivers/cirrus/cirrusaudiovista32.exe
For chipset drivers install bootcamp/drivers/nvidia/nvidiachipsetvista32/setup.exe
Install all the software/drivers that is in bootcamp/drivers/apple BUT if you are using windows 7 NOT THE FOLLOWING BOOTCAMP.msi because your oamputer will freeze
For the bluetooth download and install the drivers from [URL]
I know that the general consensus here is that the Mighty Mouse is a piece of shit. That notwithstanding, I'd appreciate posters refraining from engaging in further elaborations on that concept when replying to this topic (i.e., no comments like "Buy a new mouse," please).
At any rate, I purchased a wireless Mighty Mouse about a month ago and was very happy with it until the batteries apparently died. One day the pointer simply stopped responding and the green light on the bottom of the mouse was flashing. I replaced the batteries and the mouse resumed normal operation. Then, a few days later it happened again. I have yet to re-replace the batteries and have reverted to using my now eight-year-old Logitech dual-optical mouse (possibly the finest peripheral I have ever owned). Has anyone else encountered this issue?
Is this mouse having internal hardware or software issues or is it normal for it to devour batteries at this rate? System Preferences says that Bluetooth is maintaining the connection properly, so I am ruling that out as an issue. I would just say to hell with it, and use my Logitech mouse full-time, but my wife hates it and I payed seventy goddamn dollars for the Apple product.
One of my absolute biggest pet peeves with the Mighty Mouse (aside from the input lag), was that you had to LIFT your middle finger off the right side of the mouse for the left click to register. You simply cannot rest your right-clicking finger on the mouse and left click with your pointer finger.
Ok, I bought 2 ACD's and now when I use the mouse I always have to lift it up to cover the whole screens. how can I fix this, would I need a bigger mouse pad or what.
I know mighty mouse might be the perfect mouse for iMac. But is it too big for MacBook pro 13" and downgrade portablity? Should I buy bluetooth mighty Mouse for my new MacBook pro 13" or go for those smaller, lighter and cheaper bluetooth mouse from logitech/Microsoft? Besides, does bluetooth mouse work while using iPhone tethering over bluetooth?
My new Magic Mouse appears as a wireless Mighty Mouse on my iMac 10.6.2. When I open the mouse Preferences Panel, I get the options for the Mighty Mouse, not the Magic Mouse. It worked fine on my hackintosh with 10.5.8 but not with 10.6.2, so it seems the culprit might be in 10.6.2? It seems that USB Overdrive is the culprit for some, but I don't have it.
Looking for an alternate wired mouse to the Mighty Mouse thats works flawlessly on a Mac Pro under Snow Leopard.Also an answer from somebody on this who does not get any kernel panics would be good. I ask this because I haveread of somebody who was using a MS mouse which should have worked on a Mac Pro but turned out that the softwareprovided with said MS mouse was calling bad Kernel Extensions and was therefore causing Panics.
I'll try to keep my post short somewhat: I've acquired what appeared to be my most useless piece of equipment: the bluetooth mighty mouse. I am not against wireless stuff per se, I love the keyboard. But the mouse has these annoying problems:
1. Batteries wear out way too fast. 2. Trackball clogs way too easily.
Now I can do without scrolling down, and might clean the thing one day from the insides, but what annoys me is the battery life. And having to buy batteries every other week. A simple workaround would be to buy a cheap wired mouse. But for the sake of thinking about a project, has anyone with some background in electronics tried, or tried to think of the possibility, of modding a mighty mouse and enable it to get some juice through USB?.......................
I know this is going to sound strange, but my Mighty Mouse has been acting up recently. Put new batteries in it the other day, and now it won't scroll down a page. It will however, scroll up.
Something tells me it's a simple solution, but all i know is, suddenly i cannot scroll =down= with the Apple Mighty mouse, only =up=. I restarted the system, but the issue remains.
Having issues with Mighty mouse to the point that i will soon smash it into a wall.I enabled the right click option in the menu since i use it to play Worlf of Warcraft sometimes.I just noticed the the right clicking works on and off and it's really annoying.I will left click a few times then right click will not work untill i press it like 2 or 3 times.Is it just me or this mouse is really that terrible?I was getting so frustrated in wow cause i had to like click several time to let the right click button work.Sometimes it will work every time i click it and then boom for few clicks it acts like the left buttong.No wonder that right click is disabled by default.
I was playing wow for like 5 hours straight without a itch , smooth, lag free and no crushes. How is it possible that a company that makes such a good computers is incapable of making a decent mouse?Found this article on seems I'm not the only oen. I guess it's time for a new mouse?
I also had another problem and i disabled bluetooth options on the mac pro. Few times when i powered up the pc it will stop at the desktop and a dialogue box will appear saying that it's looking for bluetooth devices? And my mouse and keyboard will not work there was no red light under the mouse.Happened twice and had to hard reboot.Somethign interfeering with the bluetooth ? Only done twice so far but now with bluetooth disabel will not do it anymore.
I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added. Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games. I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.
Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.
So i am trying to change my apple boot camp drivers to nvidia's, but i think i must have downloaded the wrong ones, or done something wrong. I tried to install Geforce/Ion driver release 192.62, (from nvidia's site, i selected gefore 8 series) and when i ran the setup it said: 'nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your hardware' . My questions are:
� Which drivers should i download? a link would be great. � Are there any pre-requisites i must do, such as install version 170 first?
I am using an iMac 24" with 4gb ram, 500gb 5400 rpm HDD, and 8800 GS 512mb.
The reason I am trying this, is because when i play some online games, i often get bad lag spikes, but that chat is still running. Someone recommended me to 'update my drivers'.
I have a Macbook plastic, 2.4 GHz intel core 2 Duo with 2 GB of ram.My Mac is currently running on OS X, i used to have a 40 gig partition Windows XP, a couple of friends of mine where talking about how much they liked Windows 7 and finally i had had enough blue screens to say, sure ill switch, why not?... assuming it would not take longer then lets say a day at most, i set off on my quest.
FWI, im running an older model Macbook that was bought refurbished (not sure if that has anything to do with my problem). anyway i removed my previous partition, then using Boot Camp Assistant i repartitioned a 40 gig section for Windows 7. Then ran the installer. I have a copy of Windows 7 ultimate 86x. The Windows boot screen turned up, i had to reformat the partition so that i could install, no problems there. after all said and done the installation worked perfectly, up to a point... First problem that appeared was the lack of sound. i fixed that by downloading Realtek's High Def sound drivers.
Then it was the rest of the drivers for the macbook. heres where i run into my problem, i have the Mac OSX install discs 1 and 2. inserting the first disc the option of the auto run of the setup popped up i clicked run. and instead of the same old install drivers option all i have is the option to install the software that lets macbook airs share cd/dvd drives... needless to say i got frustrated and to put it lightly pissed off...
unsure of wtf was going on i looked it up online and really couldnt find anyone with the same problem, i found a web page saying that i should have the windows auto update itself and that should fix the problem. it did not. i dont know what the hell is going on. and im about this close to reinstalling windows xp and telling windows 7 to go **** itself...
Sometimes my Mighty Mouse allows me to scroll up or down, and at other times it only allows me to scroll up. This seems to be a hit and miss situation, and I have not been able to identify any activity that causes it to malfunction. Perhaps some others out there know what's going on, and how to set it straight.
I have an iMac 24" that I have had for about 18 months now, after switching from a PC. I absolutely, positively love my iMac and OSX, and will never go back to Windows. I love absolutely everything about how my iMac looks and behaves, with one big exception. The "Mighty" Mouse. Simply put, it sucks. It isn't so mighty. Not the design or the looks, on the contrary, it fits the hand, and has all the buttons in the right place. But just one 'tiny' thing really kills me - the tracking. I have tried both the corded and the bluetooth versions, and they both suck. Neither one will track fast enough to go across my 24" of sapace without lifting the mouse up to return it to the position I started from. And yes, I know all about Steermouse, and have it loaded even with my current Logitech laser mouse. Problem is, it (the Logitech mouse) looks terrible sitting next to my classy iMac. Has anyone out there found a way to make the Mighty Mouse (either version) track better? Is the problem in the hardware, or software? Just my 2 cents I guess.