Hardware :: Will AirPort Extreme Connect With Few Hard Drives?
May 20, 2010
I am looking to get an Airport Extreme to connect a few hard drives to but I want to make sure that it will do exactly what I want. Here is what I need:
-Have multiple users connect to a drive at one time
-Share a Printer
-Use as a Time Machine back up disk
-Work with Windows
-Ability to set up port forwarding for games
-Have the drives accessible remotely
I know it already does some of these things for sure, but how well does it do them. And what are the realistic wireless speeds for the USB data?
I have two external hard drives connected to my airport extreme. The hard drives don't act like they would if they were connected directly to my macbook, though.
For instance, I'm trying to use Carbon Copy Cloner to sync the two hard drives and they won't show up in the program. They also don't mount as they normally would and they don't show up in disk utility.
I'm using version 7.5.2... I think that is the latest version - I recently upgraded and I'm not sure if thats why I can't do the aforementioned things.
I can't figure out how to use an older version though (reinstalled the software that came with the airport extreme but that didn't work).
I am looking to purchase one of these external drives to use as a NAS with my Airport Extreme Base Station. I've read that these drives put themselves to sleep after 15 minutes of activity. Will this be a problem if they are connected to the APX via USB?
Does anyone have any experience with using this drive across a network?
Just how do I connect a G4 to an Airport Extreme Base station via LAN cable, and then get it to connect to an existing wireless network (that's using a non Mac router). It's just that the existing airport card is painfully slow with a NAS and as I had the AE kicking about I thought I'd use that rather than buying a new PCI AE card.
my pc laptop died, my linksey's router died. Since I was also in the market for a mac book pro later on, i thought that instead of getting another linksey's to get a airport extreme instead. could I connect the airport extreme directly to this computer.
My powerBook has no problem connecting, but the Airport Admin utility for Windows XP can't "see" the base station.
Clicking "Start" then "connect to" and then "show all connections" and then the name for my Airport network, a "choose a wireless network" screen comes up, a strength meter (all bars on) displays, and a reminder that a network key is required. Clicking "connect" on this screen shows a "wireless network connection" thingy -- but it never actually connects.
Have a Belkin Wireless G Notebook Network Card in a Toshiba 2430:(URL)
I bought a MacPro two weeks ago and have just taken delivery of the bluetooth module and Airport Extreme card design specifically for the Mac Pro. I've put the bluetooth card in and connected up the cable that has "BT" label on it. I thought it would be same for Airport Card but there's 3 cables to choose from labelled intuitively "1" "2" and "3". All with the same connectors on the end and all taped up together. The Airport Extreme card requires 2xcables to be connected. Anybody out there have a MacPro with Airport pre-installed and can take the side off and have a look at their config for me please? They are supposed to be a service center install hence don't come with a manual, they refer you to the AppleCare Service Source Website.
It's a two year old 802.11a/b/g Airport Extreme Base Station.
I've tried connection via wireless and ethernet from two different Macs (one with an 802.11a/b/g Airport Extreme card and one with an 802.11a/b/g/n AE card.) I can ping the base station successfully, but I can't connect to it with Airport Utility.
I've had this simultaneous dual band APX for a while now and have just been overlooking this problem, but now I really just want to resolve it. Basically it will not connect to the internet when plugged directly into our cable modem. In order for it to work, I have to leave our old Belkin wireless router plugged in between the APX and cable modem.
I cannot connect to Internet via my MBP (late 2013) through my Airport Extreme. It will connect to the AE fine, but the Airport Utility will show that the AE is not connected to the internet. Which is a lie, because other devices (iOS, Windows) will connect to internet through the same AE. working on the MBP under Bootcamp. So we can also rule out hardware issues with the WiFi chipset. This must be a MacOS (Mavericks) related issue.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
It could be a firewall setting. It could be a software update. Whatever it is, I cannot connect to the internet using Extreme (it does connect to the internet using just plain old wifi). This is a sudden problem--it worked fine last week.
I currently use a Powerbook, and I access the internet though our AirPort Extreme router. Recently, for some reason, although I am on the right network, and signal strength is full - I am unable to connect to the internet! I've called my provider, and everything is fine on their end according to their systems. I've tried power cycling, and checking my settings, and everything SEEMS to be ok.
does anyone here connect their xbox 360 to their airport extreme base station via wifi. I have read ways to do this, by turning the 'N' mode off etc. But i just want to find out more before i take the plunge into buying a xbox 360 and if you can do this with out changing from N mode. i have one of the latest 802.11n apple base station.
I have an older MacPro 2006 model. I need a WiFi card for it. I want to know which one to get. Says a 802.11g AirPort Extreme will work. But is that only for Airport routers or can I use it with my Netgear router? Does it matter?
I bought my MacBook Pro and a brand new Airport Extreme to go with it about 4 months ago. I have the MacBook and my wife's iMac hooked up wirelessly to the Airport Extreme with no problems. My son't Wii also hooks up with no problems wirelessly. My Xbox 360 hooks up sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't. It's not wireless, it's hooked directly to the Airport Extreme via Ethernet cable. When I first got the Airport Extreme, the Xbox had no problem hooking up to it and the internet. But lately it sometimes hooks up, and sometimes it doesn't...with no explanation as to why other than maybe the position of the planets or something. Restarting the Airport Extreme helps sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. I'll just leave it be for a few days...change nothing...and then try the Xbox again and automagically it seems to work...for a few days. Then for no reason will just stop again. It can't connect through anything then, not even hook up to one of the Mac's using Connect360. It's as if the 360 is not even hooked to any network then. Also, the Xbox 360 had zero network problems when I was using a DLink router, which was the set-up to hook to the internet and the hub of the home network for the past year. The 360 could hook to the Macs and access the Internet. But the Dlink wasn't wireless, which is why I went with the Airport Extreme when I got my Macbook Pro.
I have an aiport extreme card in my emac. It was installed around a year and a half ago and has workd fine until yesterday. it suddenly says that it is not configured. It also says the antenna cable is unplugged and that it is turned off. I tried to trouble shoot it with internet connection assistant which says cable is unplugged and aiport is off. I have taken the card out and reinstalled it and reattached the cable mutiple times to no avail. And yes, I know how hard it is to push in.
Info: eMac (ATI Graphics), Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1 GHz powerPC G4
I am unable to add aan HP Laserjet 1212nf printer connected to an Airport Base station. When I click add it takes me directly to the I.P. window. My MacBook pro running 10.6 does not see the printer, Bonjour does not search for it.
I have two old hard drives from windows xp machines (one laptop, one desktop). the desktop is so slow it is unusable and the laptop is dead (wont turn on). I want to move data from both drives to my new macbook. Is there any way to do this. I've heard of, and may not understand, how to slave a hard drive, but I have not learned if this is possible between different operating systems.
In compensation for the misinformation at the point of sale about my linksys router, enough fighting with Apple scored me a free Airport Extreme Wireless router, overnight delivered. First, let me say, this router is AWESOME. Ok, so the setting up is a bit untraditional, requiring a computer application, as opposed to browser setup navigation, but whatever. This is FAST (wireless n, previous was only g), great for my wired devices, well secured, and overall just great.
So here's my question. I bought a Seagate FreeAgent Go PC edition (and formatted it from NTFS to HFS+ to save money). I have my backup on here (even though my router is right next to my iMac). So I plugged it into the router, and it detected in in the AirPort Utility, but I can't find the "Airport Disk Utility", and it's not on the disc that came with the router. How to I get it so I can mount this volume on either my wired iMac, or my wireless MacBook Pro?
I am trying to set up Time Machine to work with two Macs, using a USB drive connected to the Airport Extreme Base Station. I am using an IOMEGA 298.1 GB ST332082 0A drive, which now works fine when directly connected to my PowerMac G5. The drive shows up on the Airport Utility Disks menu, but not on the desktops of the G5 and the Intel MacBook (connected via wireless). From what I can find out, Airport Extreme requires a HD using 512 byte block size, and I am wondering if that could be the problem. Trouble is I don't know the block size of the Iomega HD and haven't been able to find out what it is.
I have an external hard drive hooked up to my airport extreme. I have approximately 5-6 Gbs on it and it is for shared office files. I would like to be able to automatically back this data up off site. I can't seem to be able to do it with mobile me, and I don't want to have to unplugged it and take it off site to back up. Mobile me would have been great.
Im super stumped on this one. I had been using my AE with a USB Hub and HD (for TM) for several weeks. My modem went bad- 2 days later it was replaced. Now, its like the USB port on the AE is dead. I determined that the hub was bad and got a new one. Plugging the USB hard drive straight into the USB port worked for a few minutes. Plugging the printer straight into the USB port allowed me to print 1 page and then it disappeared. I need to get everything working through the hub (brand new, confirmed working). Currently, nothing shows up in Airport Utility under Disks or Printers. Ive reset the airport and disabled / re-enabled file sharing.
I bought a new HDD (1 TB seagate) because I want to hook it up to my airport so that I can start a movies collection. I want to be able to access it from my macbook pro ( via wireless) and from my windows desktop (via wired). But I have a lot of movies in 720p and its larger than 4gb. I understand that the airport can only recognize FAT32 drives but FAT32 cant have files larger than 4gb. Is there a format for my 1tb seagate that I can use that can be read by my airport so that it can store files larger than 4gb and I can access it through my desktop PC and macbook pro.
I've been having this problem for awhile- maybe some of your intelligent people can help me.
I have an airport extreme and two 1TB hard drives connect to it through a USB hub.
Every night, I have a program that copies one of the hard drives on to the other. This has worked for the first year that I had the setup.
Recently, when copying, the mounted hard drives will disconnect and I will loose my internet connection. When this happens, the green light on my airport extreme turns to yellow and starts flashing- is it is restarting.
This also occurs if I manually try to copy a large batch of files.
I'm usually decent at debugging computer issues, but this one has me stumped.
I have an airport extreme that is currently connected to a printer so that we can print. I want to add a hard drive to back up all the computers with time machine. They are all apple computers running leopard. I was considering buying the time capsule, but was wondering if I used a usb hub and an external drive, would this work as well also. Not trying to run any programs on the hard drive. Just want a back up in case something dies. I guess my question is should I buy a time capsule or will the external HD, usb hub route work as well.
My Airport Extreme network is working fine. The problem is that I'm sharing a hard drive which works fine with the Macs but my obligatory Windows XP computer won't see the hard drive. I have it connected to the network wirelessly and it shows as connected in XP Network places but how do I get it to see the hard drive which I have connected directly to the Airport Extreme Base Station?
Just bought an airport express to replace my old 802g router. So far I love it. Hooked up a usb hub and now am sharing an external hard drive and 2 printers throughout my house (1 mac, 2 pc) Here is my question, when I am away from home, lets say at work or in a hotel, etc How can I access my external hard drive that is on my airport extreme? Most likely I will want to be accessing it from a PC. Thanks, and I did search but didnt find an answer
Just set up a new airport extreme but having problems with the share disk feature.
I have connected a hard disk to the usb slot on the Airport extreme that shows up in the airport utility but can't seem to find access the drive anywhere on my macbook.