Hardware :: Time Capsule Or AEBS External HD?
Mar 25, 2009
integrating an external HD with a wireless router. The new TC caught my eye (1TB model), but so did the price... After reading a few threads, it seems many people are creating their own makeshift TC. That is, buying the AEBS and manually connecting an external HD via USB. While I think that's a great idea, I'm a little worried about how everything would work/look. For instance, what kind of enclosure would be best for this setup? Does the external HD require it's own power source? Is there any loss of functionality with this setup as opposed to the TC?
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Mar 1, 2009
I'm wondering if there's any disadvantage to buying an AEBS and a USB hard drive vs. buying a Time Capsule. I want to use it primarily for Time Machine, and I like the idea of expandability when the backup drive is full
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Jul 13, 2009
I have a Mac Book Pro. Due to the total amount of files and data, I keep my media files on an external drive connected via USB to my Airport AEBS. Of course, I connect wirelessly to the AEBS.I use Time Machine to back up my computer onto an second external drive also connected to my AEBS in the same fashion.However, TM does not allow me to choose the files or folders from the external AEBS drive containing all of my media files to also incrementally back them up using Time Machine. It should. I wish it would. Why won't it? Can I make it work that way? If so, how? TM is the best incremental backup program I've seen. I really want to back up my media that way. But I don't want to tether my laptop by connecting an external drive directly to it, and I don't have the space to store my media files directly on my laptop.
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Mar 11, 2009
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
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Jan 11, 2010
As my 160N series Linksys router neither has gigabit ports, usb connector or dual band networking, I am looking for a replacement.
When it comes to Apple routers I am looking at 2 options - either the base station with an external USB drive or get a 1TB capsule with the buildt in drive and worries regarding reliability.
What I like about the Time Capsule is that it is neat to have all in one, takes up less space and only has 1 plug to attach, while Iike the idea that I can just connect a bigger drive later on the base station solution.
1. Will the connected USB drive function just like the internal drive in the Time Capsule for Time Machine use?
2. Will everything be transparent to Snow Leopard?
3. In case of both units with an attached USB drive - can I control who actually can see the drive and access it?
4. Do they support this DNLA thing so that e.g . PS3 can access an attached drive??
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Feb 6, 2009
set it up successfully. I can log on the internet and use it as a storage device. However, when I connect the external 250gb HD I have to it, it doesn't recognize the drive. Airport express says there is something wrong with the drive. But, if I connect it directly to my Macbook Pro, I see it just fine. I'm transferring all my music to the Time Capsule. I was just hoping to use it as more storage.Is there something else I should be doing? The external HD is a Seagate Free Agent Desktop 250gb drive. It was used with a PC and has many PC files on it. Should I have formatted the drive for a Mac?
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Mar 12, 2009
I do like the concept of wireless routing/networking capabilities and integrated design of using Time Capsule w my new iMac 1tb HD (STILL not here yet), but am wondering if my 240gb WD HD is sufficient backup storage for the time being.
Maybe I can just spend the $300 for 500GB Time Capsule later on? Or should I just spend the $$$ and stop my sniveling? Once my iMac is delivered, should I take it to the Apple store and have them set it up, or is the setup easy enough for a Windows refugee to handle?
Please give me your feedback regarding this matter. Understand that I really have no wireless networking experience. Anyone whose read my previous threads will further understand that I'm currently a Mac Noob (virgin), and any elementary additional help is greatly appreciated.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a MacBookPro and a 1TB external that contains my iTunes library. The drive is not always attached as the MBP is used by all the family and moves around the house. I have a Time Capsule that I would like to use to back up the iTunes library on the external. How messy is it going to be setting up Time Machine to back up the external to the TC? Will the external not being connected when it tries to back up cause problems or will it just not back up at that time?
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Jan 31, 2009
I've been offered a new 500GB Time Capsule for �110 - quite a bit cheaper than Apple.
I have a 250GB HDD inside my unibody MBP.
I'm thinking of getting the TC to store all my iTunes movie/TV Show purchases - over 100GB due to them being in HD.
If I get the TC, will it perform well as a wireless hard drive, no back up, just to 'stream' the files back to my MBP
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Jul 9, 2009
external HD for me to use Time Machine.I've been traveling alot lately, so I was thinking of getting something similar to the Time Capsule where I could get wireless (distant) connectivity. I would like to leave the HD home while traveling, since I already trashed 2 HD by dropping them.
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Oct 20, 2009
With the new update of the time capsule I'm thinking of buying one but I've got a question that as now still hasn't been answered. I'm currently using a 500 GB external drive for my backups and use a 1 TB for data storage, now the 1 TB is almost full and I could use the HD in the time capsule. My problem now is that the 1 TB or 2 TB in the time capsule is pure waste for backup only as I am the only mac user here and the 500 GB drive isn't even halfway full at the moment.
My question now is, is it possible to plug the 500 GB and 1 TB drive in the time capsule (with powered usb hub) and use the 500 GB disk as a automatically backup and use the 1 TB and the time capsule for data storage? With automatically I mean as the time capsule that it backups as soon as I'm in the network. I've been trying to contact the technical support line of my local apple-store but keep getting answering machine.
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Mar 20, 2009
Hope this thread will benefit those who are considering to buy Time Capsule or already a have one.
I'm considering to get Time Capsule for my home network which consist of:
- One MBP (15" Unibody)
- Two Windows XP desptops (connected via Ethernet cable)
- One Windows Vista laptop
Could any Mac users help answer my queries below:
1) Since I'm going to use Time Capsule as backup storage for Time Machine. Can I still manually copy files into its HDD and share those files with other network users?
2) Can all Windows PCs use Time Capsule as a external storage for storing and sharing files even after Time Machine has "marked" it as a backup storage for my MBP?
3) I presume the HDD in Time Capsule is formatted using HFS+. In this situation, do Windows users need to install special software to access the HDD in Time Capsule?
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Apr 25, 2009
i have all my music on a external drive, and i want to copy it to my time capsule as a backup. but since my music is over 300gb. it will take a long time to copy, is it ok to leave the drive on overnight and let it copy all the music to the time capule?
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May 10, 2009
I was wondering whether it's straightforward to use Time Capsule to backup another external drive connected to my imac/the TC?
The idea would be to use the external to archive sensitive documents etc and keep these off the imac's internal drive altogether.
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Oct 24, 2009
I'd like to split my TC into a backup drive and an external hard drive. Apple support tells me they don't support this function, but it's possible. Anyone have any experience doing this?
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Dec 9, 2009
I bought a 1TB Time Capsule and setting up the wireless network was easy. I also added the printer and that works too. However, I am having problems sharing my External Seagate 500GB USB Hard drive. I have a USB hub and I connected it, and when I'm in Airport Utility, I click on Disks, it shows the 500GB Seagate!
However when I'm in Finder, I can't see the 500GB Seagate drive. And I launch Disk Utility, it doesn't show the drive.
How can I access the External USB Drive first of all? And enable it, for sharing via my Time Capsule's wireless network?
The thing is, Time Capsule detects my additional hard drive, but I believe it's not configured to enable using it.
Oh and yes, I checked the Enable File Sharing checkbox & secured it with a password. Airport Disk Guests Access is set to not allowed though. Should I change that? Share Disks over WAN is also unchecked.
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May 26, 2010
I picked up my first Mac about a 2 weeks ago and over this past weekend I picked up a new Time Capsule. Originally I bought the Time Capsule to wirelessly bridge to my Linksys router running DD-WRT (mega) but apparently the ethernet ports won't work on the Time Capsule or the Airport Extreme when connecting them to another party wireless router. So i have taken out my Linksys and am now only using the Time Capsule. The reason for the Time Capsule is to have backups on it and that for some reason I do have wireless issues with my Linksys that I am not having with the Time Capsule. Such as when I had a iPhone I would lose my wireless signle a lot and have to reboot, same with my iPad and sometimes with my Nexus One. So far none of those issues with the Time Capsule. I'm not missing much from my Linksys but one of the things I miss is being able to open up a browser from any network connection and being able to connect into my router. Is there a way with the Time Capsule / Airport Extreme to be able to access the configuration settings when not on the local network? Such a when I am at work I want to be able to access the configurations page.
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Sep 9, 2014
I have an iTunes library of approx. 60GB that is currently stored on an external hd connected via USB to a mac mini. I access this music library via other devices such as ipad, iphone bose soundtouch. Currently the iTunes library is only accessible from the other devices if the mac mini is awake and functioning.
I am therefore considering moving the external hd USB connection from the mac mini to my time capsule which provides the network in my home. I assume that this will provide me with an always on music library rather than one which is dependent on the mac mini. Firstly is this assumption correct or will I still need to have the mac mini awake and iTunes open on it in order to access the iTunes library from an iphone for example?
If my assumption is correct, what steps do I need to go through to relocate the hd from the mac mini to the time capsule and still be able to play music?
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
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Feb 3, 2009
Just got the time capsule, going to use it for wireless time machine back ups of my laptop. I would also like to connect an external drive to the time capsule for movies and audio files that are too big for my laptop.
I notice if I connect my owc 7200 rpm external drive via the USB port to the time capsule, things are a bit sluggish when I access movie/audio files over the wireless...What if I purchased an external drive with an ethernet port? would it work if I plugged it into the time capsule? and if so would there be a speed increase?
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Apr 14, 2009
can plug an external hard drive into Time Capsule and access them both using Time Capsule's remote access feature (Back to my mac)?
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Jun 21, 2009
I know I can add an external 1 GB drive to my time capsule, and have time machine do backups on that specific drive. If I do so, can I still use the internal 500 GB drive of my time capsule for network uses? or Time Capsule is restricted in a way that it can either use the internal harddrive, or an external USB one, but not both at the same time (one for backups only, the other for a network storage drive).
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Nov 24, 2009
I currently have a 2007 24" iMac with a 500Gb HDD. With my addiction to downloading HD content filling up my hard drive iv'e decided its time to get an external hard drive. I'm gonna be using to back up key data (pictures and documents) and storing the majority of my video media. The reason for the thread is for two questions:1. Do i get a time capsule? Despite the cost i really want one, they look cool and im looking for 1TB of space. Ive read the reviews on the apple store website and there littered with stories of failure after 18 months, if this is the case im not spending ?230 for this to happen.
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May 5, 2010
Looking to get a wireless external, is Time Capsule the only one that will work with a MBP? I would like my external to back up whatever I do on my computer whenever I am within range. I've read a lot of fail regarding Time Capsules
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Feb 21, 2012
I have an external drive I have used with time machine. I now have purchased a time capsule. Can I move the backups from the external drive to the new time capsule?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 4, 2010
I've just bought an airport express so I can play music from my mbp wirelessly on my speakers and just realised that I have an old usb external hard drive that I never use so was just wondering if I could plug the hard drive into the airport express so I can use time machine wirelessly and make what is effectively a time capsule?
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Mar 27, 2009
I have a new mac mini and a vista pc on the same network. I want to have my pictures, videos and itunes library on a time capsule so I can access them with my mac and pc. I will not be using time capsule as a backup drive. What I want to know is if I can use an external HD to backup my time capsule content. Would it be better to plug the drive to the capsule with usb or to the mac with fw800? The reason I want a time capsule and not a nas is because time capsule is a router at the same time, which means I save space on my desk and dont have to mess around with different components for my network to work fast.
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Apr 16, 2009
I have plugged in an external hard drive into my time capsule via the usb input. I have a main router for my network and internet and time capsule is connected to this wirelessly. The external drive doesn't show up as being attached to the time capsule and hence I cannot access any files. What do I need to do to be able to access it?
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Mar 11, 2009
Does anybody know of a company who makes external hard drive enclosure in the same design as a Apple Time Capsule.I have seen some for the mac mini but not been able to find any looking like a Time Capsule.
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Jun 1, 2014
I store all of my photographs on an external hard drive which I backup with my Time Capsule. My external HD crashed and I need to restore the new external hard drive with the files from the Time Capsule. When I open Time Machine I get an error message saying to connect to a current Time Machine backup disk.
MacBook & iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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