Hardware :: Magic Mouse Not Allowing Me To Hold And Drag Windows/items?
Jul 7, 2010
Ok so just recently ive been having this weird problem with my magic mouse.
Everytime i hold down the left side of the mouse to drag a window or a file for example, it doesnt seem to actually 'hold on', and instead the cursor just carries on moving around as normal. Occasionally it will 'hold on' for a split second or two, but then lets go and drops the window/file etc i am trying to move, even while i still have the left side of the mouse pressed down.
Anybody have any ideas what this could be?
The mouse is only a few weeks old and ive checked for dirt on the sensor, but it all appears to be clean
buying one of these to replace my mouse.There's no store where i live so i can't go into the store and try both I'v never tried the apple trackpad on their laptops either.I used a lot of windows laptops before and what i can say.They were so bad that i always had a little mouse in my back I rly don't know what to expect for the apple track pad.Can it replace completely the mouse and is it comfortable to work with ? Or should i go with the mouse ?
I am trying to get Windows 7 Ultimate to fully connect to my Magic Mouse.
Here is what is going on.
Download Boot Camp 3.2 and installed it. Computer is still reporting I have Boot Camp 3.1 but I did not have any errors during installation and rebooted fine.
Reinstalled Boot Camp 3.2, and it completes very fast, reboots, but still says I have 3.1
Apple Software update says I am up-to-date...
All of this is to get 7 to connect to my Magic Mouse, which 7 see's but can not connect to.
I can't get it to connect, windows finds it but it just says connecting to device. I'm really annoyed with this thing, I know the multi touch stuff wont work but if it doesnt connect to windows as a basic mouse im returning it.
I'm thinking of getting the magic mouse now that drivers have come out for windows. I no the 2 finger swip doesn't work but I want to know if the scrolling is the same as it would be on a mac with the momentum scrolling. If anybody as tested this on bootcamp or straight PC
I'm about to jump on the magic mouse bandwagon but I'm afraid it won't perform great in AutoCad. Does better touch tool work in windows to allow a middle click to pan in Cad? I know the Magic Mouse will be a great Mac mouse, but I want to assure it also performs well with Cad in Windows
I have a Magic Mouse, which worked perfectly on Snow Leopard and Vista Ultimate. Then, I updated to Windows 7 Ultimate and it appears that the system keeps trying to connect to the Magic Mouse. By the way, it still works on Snow Leopard, so the problem is isolated to Windows 7.
ANyone got the new magic mouse working with windows? My old mighty mouse has hit the bin but only now have I realised, on an accidental boot into Windows 7, that I don't have an update to use the new mouse with Windows. Is there one available and how can I install it in the absence of a pointer?
I was wondering if it would be possible to run the Magic Mouse on windows. i have vista ultimate... i know the drivers were available for bootcamp and i downloaded them...i just am hesitant to go out and spend 70 dollars if it doesnt work properly. so if anyone has done it how does it function?
Also, if anyone has a magic mouse for their Mac and own a PC as well,
I have just recently purchased a new 27" iMac i7 and everything so far seems to run as planned. I have successfully partitioned the OS Boot drive via Boot Camp to enable me to use Windows & Mac OS natively, however, in Windows XP I cannot seem to add the Magic Mouse device via bluetooth.
I have read numerous articles/threads/tutorials but still can't get to the bottom of the issue. I've followed the steps where you input the passcode (0000) or no passcode but there is no communication. Also when I right click on the mouse (device has been found), properties, I tick the box "keyboard, mouse and misc functions (HID)" it states "access denied"??
I then close the Bluetooth Device setup, start it back up to see if it has connected but unfortunately the mouse has disappeared again? Any ideas?
(Note: I am running Bootcamp v3.1 and my wired keyboard is fine.)
I just got a Magic Mouse. It works perfectly in OS X, but when I boot into Windows XP, it doesn't work at all. I read that the Bluetooth Update 1.0 is for the new iMacs only. But I read that others got the mouse working, just without the scrolling.
does Magic Mouse work with Windows 7 but not via boot camp, via normal PC, that has only Windows 7? I'm asking becouse if it works I can get it 20$ cheaper .
I was wanting to use my Magic Mouse at work on my PC that runs Windows 7 not bootcamp, but on a dell. I have it paring, and scrolling and everything works fine. The only thing is randomly every couple minutes it will freeze. My wired mouse will still move the courser but the Magic mouse doesn't After 5-20 seconds it will unfreeze and quickly preform all the movement that was done with it wile frozen. Anyone know of a fix?
I have windows 7 installed on bootcamp on my 2010 imac. Bootcamp drivers installed. The magic mouse right click is not working properly in windows, but it works perfectly in osx. I usually need to right click twice, sometimes more to get it to right click.
I have installed Far Cry on bootcamp (Windows 7), I run Far Cry, it works perfectly except the mouse doesn't work in game, only works when your on the menu.. Keyboard works fine though
I play a game called Minecraft on the Windows Side of my iMac. I know your going to say, "Why don't you just play on the Mac side?" Well my answer is I livestream using a broadcasting software which is called xSplit, which is Windows only Anyways, the problem is that when I play minecraft with my magic mouse, the slightest movement switches weapons/tools and this is really annoying. How do I disable scrolling on the Windows 7 side of my iMac?
I've been trying to get Windows 7 (under Boot Camp) to recognize my Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Mouse, and for some reason it's not working. I first tried it with the drivers that come on the disc, and those didn't work (found the mouse/keyboard but wouldn't work), then I tried the Bluetooth update that Apple released, and that didn't work either. The mouse and keyboard show up in the Bluetooth devices as 'Connected', but neither work.
When I restart the computer the mouse/keyboard work at the login screen, but once I login they stop working. If I boot into Mac OS, and then boot back into Windows, they work fully, but after about 5 minutes they stop working. Why is this happening? Did anyone else have this problem?
I recently purcahsed an Apple Magic Mouse to use with my MacBook Pro. I was able successfully pair and configure the Magic Mouse on the Mac OS X side, as well as use it on the Windows 7 partition through Parallels. However, when I try to use the Magic Mouse on the Windows side through Boot Camp, it doesn't work. When I select the option to add a new Bluetooth device in Windows, the Magic Mouse is not found, therefore, cannot be set up. I believe I have the most recent version of Boot Camp (3.1). The Windows OS has been completely updated as well.
Has anyone run into this problem? If so, is there a solution for it?
I got Mac Mini and i installed Windows 7 on it with Boot Camp, After i installed drivers and everything. Everything worked includes the Magic Mouse. After i did a restart my Magic Mouse didn't work anymore. I tried turning the Mouse off and on and it still doesn't work.
I managed to successfully install windows 7 32 bit on the imac with all drivers. I thought I should post this as I couldn't find any information on how to install the audio drivers, and how to get the magic mouse scrolling functions to work.
Here is how I got everything installed.
For all files you use before installing them you must right click on them then properties then compatibility,
check the run this program in compatibility mode for windows vista service pack 2
For video nvidia install bootcamp/drivers/nvidia/nvidiagraphicsmobilevista32/setup.exe
For audio install bootcamp/drivers/cirrus/cirrusaudiovista32.exe
For chipset drivers install bootcamp/drivers/nvidia/nvidiachipsetvista32/setup.exe
Install all the software/drivers that is in bootcamp/drivers/apple BUT if you are using windows 7 NOT THE FOLLOWING BOOTCAMP.msi because your oamputer will freeze
For the bluetooth download and install the drivers from [URL]
Does anyone know of a tray that holds the Wireless Keyboard and Magic Trackpad together? I've got a Mac Mini in the living room (Plex setup), and controlling everything from the couch is messy and inconvenient having the trackpad detached from the keyboard.
My new MBP won't let me select multiples items when I click the first icon, hold shift, and click the first one. I'm burning photos on dvds so not being able to do this is EXTREMELY frustrating.
I'm having a strange problem with my dock and dashboard, whenever I add Items to either they quickly vanish, not allowing me to change them. With the dock, I can't add Flash CS4 to the dock, it will just appear, then disappear. With the dashboard, I can't add any widgets I've downloaded without the dashboard closing to desktop. I've tried reinstalling the widgets, no luck. Has anyone had this problem before, or know how to fix it?