Hardware :: MagSafe Is Fake?

Jul 5, 2009

Alright, my little sister just tripped on my aluminum macbook power cord. Apple advertises that the connector just pops out. Guess what happens. the charger falls out of the socket with its prongs bent. the connector is still in my macbook. now i have a demented charger.

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MacBook Pro :: 85w Magsafe's Plug - Can I Use Any Older Magsafe Adapter On The Machine?

Sep 24, 2010

I've got the new i5 mbp which has the right angle magsafe plug. Can I use any older magsafe adapter on the machine?I need 2 more (one for work and one for home), i'm too lazy to take it out of the bag, or I always forget to put it back when I need it.

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OS X :: Finding Way To Connect Fake Bluetooth As USB?

Feb 25, 2009

What I wanted to know was if there is some kind of way of connecting a phone to a computer via bluetooth, but make the computer think it is connected via USB? Like, if it could have a virtual USB device which comes from the phone via bluetooth. I know it sounds stupid and useless, but my phone's USB connection is broken. I can iSync via Bluetooth but I would like to use software like Salling Media Sync or doubleTwist to transfer and sync music, but neither have a bluetooth option.

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Applications :: Finding Fake Webcam?

Feb 21, 2010

im looking for a program to replace my live feed on my isight as a static image...i found camcamx but its not free and when i broadcast the image it has a lock image on it... its the demo thats why...

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OS X :: How To Fake Ethernet And Use Wifi - OnLive

Jul 4, 2010

Just got accepted into OnLive (video game service) In order to play I can't be on WiFi. Is there any way to trick my MacBook Pro, iMac into thinking it's hardwired in? Something like 3G Unrestrictor for iPhone

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MacBook Pro :: What Is Fake Flash Capable Of?

Apr 19, 2012

I downloaded the new java update last night, and it told me I had fakeflash and it removed it D: I just want to know what it is capable of so I know what to do now.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: Infected With Fake Trojan From Demonoid Torrents?

May 24, 2009

I have DL much stuff from torrents. ALL of my DLs are infected with a trojan purporting to be from Demonoid. Pirate Bay warns about. How do I get rid of this thing? I'm running Norton Internet Security & MacScan on a MacBook 4.1, Intel 2.4 GHz 2 GB RAM, yet it persists.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Malware/hacking Attack - Redirect, Login & Password And Fake Email Setup

Jun 7, 2012

I have a mac mini and macbook pro.   As you will see, the issues are complex.  I spoke to both Apple and my server many times:  all determined to help solve the issue as a technical problem, but rather complacent about the strong possibility of new malware.  Both ended up basically with 'dunno'.    Needless to say, I backup regularly via time machine. These probs represent the downside!   My workplace techs said one was probably flashback (dealt with as per apple advice), the other like dnschanger - but a new and more invidious version. I'm probably giving away too much information, but it's a bit late to worry about that.   

Both did different things AT THE SAME TIME, with the same sites.  Therefore, it was definitely not a server issue.  Both were consistent.I've had odd behaviour:  redirect included bypassing my proxy server and going online despite not putting in login details, and after logging in: in both instances, I was taken to Wikipedia front page.  Also:Many times, lists of links instead of genuine front pages:  Apple and server. Only 'big names' seemed affected.  Other times, it looked ok but when I clicked on links I got nothing. I had problems logging on to App store and broadband provider, as well as software sites (2 x legit big apple-oriented companies).  After the going online and redirect issue above, I decided to create new apple id and o2 email.  I did a secure (as far as it goes) 7-layer wipe  of the macbook, and reinstalled.Within a week, I had odd behaviours again.  Two examples:

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Applications :: Fake Webcam - How To Get Virtual Webcam

Jan 17, 2007

I need to stream a video of my choosing using amsn in OsX. I found an app named macam that is suposed to do just that, among other things. I followed the intructions but I just can't get it to recognize the dummy webcams.

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MacBook :: LED On MagSafe Does Not Come On

Jan 31, 2009

I have had my MacBook (aluminum) for 6 days, and all of a sudden I go to plug it in to charge (10% left) and the led on the magsafe doesn't come on and the computer doesn't recorgnize the charger (even in system profiler). Upon closer inspection I noticed the LED is on on the magsafe, it is just a very faint shade of green. I have tried a charger from a different MacBook but no luck. And I have also tried my charger and a different macbook and it charged it just fine.. so it's probably not my charger. I know I can go get it replaced but I would really like to not have to take a 45 minute drive to the apple store if i can avoid it. Also, if I get a replacement is it possible for them to just swap my HDD with the new one?

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OS X :: Magsafe Light Goes Dim?

Jun 8, 2009

iv see the magsafe light dim green then i bump it an it goes back to bright green?

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MacBook Pro :: To Get A New Magsafe?

Dec 26, 2009

So my replacement magsafe adapter is acting up, it seems these last about six months... My MBP is just fresh out of warranty but I recall reading something about "Even if your notebook is out of warranty" somewhere on the apple site. I can't imagine this is the case, but is it? Can I get a new magsafe?

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OS X :: 60W Magsafe AC Adapters The Same?

Apr 28, 2010

Apple Order No:MB990LL/A
Apple Subfamily:Mid-2009 13"
Apple Model No:A1278

These are the specs of the MacBook Pro that I have. Long story short a dog got near the AC adapter cord and had its fun. I need to purchase a new AC adapter and went to [URL] to look for one. I noticed there are many different 60W adapters listed for specific MacBooks. I was curious if there was a big difference? Right now I've had to use my ac adapter from my early 2006 MacBook and I haven't noticed any problems. My main question is if it would be OK to buy an ac adapter on Amazon such as: this.

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MacBook Air :: What Magsafe Does It Use

Jun 13, 2012

I don't know so what magsafe does the macbook air use? magsafe 2? or the ones on the macbook pro?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: New MagSafe Not So Safe?

Sep 20, 2010

Just upgraded my MBP from one of the first unibodys. The new computer is great, but the power cord? Surely that was one giant leap backwards? Yeah it looks cool, but I have nearly destroyed my new MBP many times - that old panicy, heart in mouth feeling when you trip over the power cord and turn round to see you computer sliding towards the edge of the table is back! With the cord parallel to the body rather than perpendicular it doesn't seem to have the leverage to pop out easy any more. Admittedly I am clumsier than most, but then thats why I loved the old magsafe so much. It makes me wornder, am I just using it wrong or does anybody else wish for simpler times?

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MacBook Pro :: Does Magsafe Charger Very Hot Normally?

Oct 2, 2010

either it's a newbie's tendency to worry but my magsafe charger for my 2010 15inch i5 MBP is getting way too hot for comfort.

nothing has corroded (yet) but the magsafe itself feels extremely hot to touch after 30mins or so of use.

is this normal or is it time i give Apple a call?

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MacBook Pro :: MAGSAFE Started Getting Hot

Jan 16, 2008

Like many of you, my magsafe finally started getting hot enough to make popcorn. Where I would have gone out and bought another, a simple dead short was too easy of a repair.... and I can use that $80 for other Apple goodies. I might as well get something out of my electronics degree. I decided to take pics to share. Since I seem to take pics of things people like these days, I've watermarked them to avoid any *more* theft of images. Apologies in advance for the watermarks. I would have written this as a DIY, but I determined if you couldn't get the jist from the pics, you shouldn't be attempting it. (Self solving problem) Basically what happens is that the outer shielding breaks FIRST from the flexxing of the cable. Once the outer shielding breaks the wire loses all it's structural integrity and it's a very short time before the inner wire starts poking through and creating small dead shorts between the + and - voltage of the two. This is why some days it is blisteringly hot and some days it is not. There are only small strands of the inner wire poking through and each time they make contact they burn off, creating a very hot wire, but one that seems to fix itself or only randomly get hot. If you continue to use the adapter in this situation you WILL end up with a fire that can threaten your book, your home, and your life.

At this point in the life of the wire it is in critical. The inner wire is breaching the jacket and the outer wire has nearly broken in half. The effects are a very poor connection on the negative shielding which creates heat by lack of ability to properly transfer energy. The heat warms up the already damaged inner jacket and the next thing you know.... you are here complaining about your Magsafe almost burning your leg off. With a little skill, you can fix this issue and save $80. The process took me 45 minutes and cost me NOTHING. My adapter is like new and will last me another year before I have to do it again. Inevitably by design, all Magsafe's will fail. I don't know about you, but I have better things to do with my $80, so once a year I don't mind making this repair. If you buy a new Magsafe it WILL fail again. The revision of a SLIGHTLY larger rubber grommet is a horrible fix with minimal results.

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OS X :: 75W Vs 60W Magsafe Power Adapter

Aug 27, 2008

I have both a MacBook (personal) and MacBook Pro (work; provided by NASA). The MacBook has a 60W Magsafe Power Adapter; the MacBook Pro has a 75W power adapter. I am going on international travel for several weeks, do I need to bring both adapters with me? Would there be any problems caused by using a higher-power (75W) power adapter to charge a MacBook or vice versa?

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MacBook Air :: Safe To Use 60w Magsafe?

Sep 6, 2009

I ask because the voltage is higher (16.5v vs 14.5v). I would assume the 60watt would charge faster, but not sure if the voltage increase will do damage.

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MacBook Pro :: Using MagSafe Connector?

Feb 19, 2010

Today I connected my macbook pro to my LED Cinema Display and the MagSafe connector's light was blinking like a hard disk's status light. Is this normal?... it's blinking rapidly like when the light of an external HD is showing the disk is in use. Something like that.

I just checked the battery status in iStats and it's giving me a 91% healthe.. . How could that be if this mac is 6 months old.

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MacBook Pro :: Different Magsafe Charger?

Apr 13, 2010

Can anyone confirm that the chargers are different on the new MBPs? I saw this video on youtube: [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Does Not Light Up Well?

Jun 1, 2012

My 2010 Macbook pro 17 inch does not turn on. the 85W Magsafe power adapter shows a dim light when plugged in. What do I do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Laptops :: Magsafe Adapter Light Off?

Jun 17, 2010

I wonder if somebody has a similar problem. MacBook pro 2008 (15", 2.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM) has the Magsafe adapter light off when fully charged. When disconnected-reconnected, it starts glowing green again.

History: about 6 months ago, the screen wiring and video card were replaced by Apple. The battery was replaced a long time ago. Symptoms after card replacement (not necessarily related to it) included spontaneous wake from sleep when the lid was closed, although the "wake from sleep at Ethernet activity" was disabled. In the Apple store they reset the power management unit and the unwanted wake up stopped. The computer is always plugged into the wall outlet when at home but travels often during the day and is on battery power then.

Two other laptops (2007 and 2009) always have the adapter green light on when the battery is fully charged. The "abnormal" one now has a replacement adapter plugged in and for several days the light was on when charged. Today it turned off again. Apple does not list that option and only vaguely states that when fully charged, the adapter light is green. Anything to do with the power port contacts? If yes, how can one diagnose or repair it? Will Apple hardware test do it? Or is this within normal behavior? Also, I am not sure whether this is serious or not since the battery charges...

I did not find any answers on the web, so I am posting it here.

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Connector Compatibility

Sep 22, 2010

I'm thinking about buying one of the Hypermac External Batteries ([URL]) for traveling and such.

They offer their models with either the old Magsafe connector or the new, silver, tubular connector. I would prefer the tubular connector, but I have the old style MBP (non-unibody).

Is the new style connector compatible with the old style MBP?

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Hardware :: Magsafe Adapter Holder - Name?

Nov 9, 2010

I saw over the last couple days some type of rubber/plastic (maybe even neoprene?) case/holder that you put the MBP magsafe adapter in and then you could wind the cord around it. I think it was orange in color. Does anyone know what this item is called? Added after about 20 minutes of searching the web: [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Melting MagSafe Cable?

Sep 25, 2006

Melting MagSafe Cable? why

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OS X :: 60W MagSafe Power Adapter Over Heating

Mar 9, 2009

ive noticed that everytime i charge my macbook the block that connects to the wall gets very hot is this something common?

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OS X :: Unable To Connect Magsafe Charger?

Apr 28, 2009

My blackbook is about 6 months old now, and I've had occasional problems with the magsafe connector since then.

Basically, it works most of the time, but sometimes when I plug it in, the light doesn't come on and the battery doesn't charge.

I've tried using the connector to power up the computer without the battery, but that doesn't work either. It therefore seems to me like it could be a problem with the adaptor rather than the MB?

As I say, I've had the problem a while now - this has happened on three seperate occasions, though eventually after a lot of taking the adaptor out and plugging it back in again (scientific, I know! ) it inexpicably starts working again!

It can sometimes be days before it works again though. But each time it starts working again I'm so relieved the problem seems to have gone away that I just forget about getting it sorted for the long term.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? Is it definitely an adaptor problem? Should I just give up on the adaptor and go get a genius appointment?

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MacBook :: Finding Magsafe Connector?

May 4, 2009

Does anyone think apple should change all the magsafe connectors to be like the ones on the macbook air? I think those look better than the all white ones that ship with the mb and mbp.

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MacBook :: MagSafe Charger Replacement?

Jun 2, 2009

well my charger recently got hit with the frayed connector problem. I called Apple and they sent me a replacement via overnight shipping (really awesome).

Anyways, both representatives I talked to when they said they would send it said I need to send the old one in the box they sent the new one in and use the shipping label they gave me.

but I peeled back the shipping label, and there's nothing there.

I went to check the repair status, and it says "Complete - no part return needed," but they took my credit card number when I called and told me to do so.

Anyone have any idea about this? Should I worry about returning the defective charger?

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