Hardware :: G4 - Stopped Staying Asleep

Jul 1, 2009

A few days ago my iBook G4 stopped staying asleep, but not in every situation. Here are the various scenarios....Close lid, computer plugged in, cd drive sounds like it spins and the computer wakes back up; Close lid, computer not plugged in, computer stays asleep; Choose "Sleep" from menu, computer plugged in, cd drive sounds like it spins and the computer wakes back up; and Choose "Sleep" from menu, computer not plugged in, cd drive sounds like it spins and the computer wakes back up.

I should note that there is nothing in the CD drive; it's empty. I tried such things as resetting the nvram, pram and pmu, all to no avail. Last night I reformatted and reinstalled the original system software using the original installation disks, which put me back to OS 10.3.xx. STILL DOESN'T WORK!

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OS X :: MBP Not Staying Asleep After Upgrading To SL

Sep 19, 2009

Ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, My MBP refuses to stay asleep. I usually put it to sleep and then close the laptop. After 30 min to a few hours of remaining in sleep mode, it will wake up on its own. Since it is in clamshell mode, it goes back into sleep mode and then immediately wakes up again and remains in this endless cycle. Annoying when I am trying to sleep. Below is what appears in the logs each time it wakes up:
I did an upgrade from 10.5.8. The only USB device installed is a mouse. I did some research and did not find much. I deleted the files in LibraryPreferencesSystemConfiguration and rebooted. I also removed the Airport service and readded it. I thought the cause was Airport but now I am not so sure. Any ideas? I am not having any other issues.

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OS X :: Apps Not Staying In Their Spaces In SL.?

Sep 21, 2009

I've got my spaces set up in a very straightforward and intuitive way (for me at least). I've got Internet in one, word processing in one, media in one, and Mail/Address Book/iCal in one.

Lately, though, it seems like none of the apps will stay in their assigned spaces. iTunes will end up in another space; Mail will end up in the wrong place; and clicking on Mail will bring up iCal in the wrong space.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Staying At 100%

Jun 11, 2012

My macbook pro is the 13 inch model from summer 2009. 

Has ran great for 4 years, but for the past few days it has been stuck at 100%. I know that it is not 100% battery because i drained the battery on purpose to see if it would reset.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Staying At 100%?

Jun 17, 2012

My macbook pro is the 13 inch model from summer 2009. Has ran great for 4 years, but for the past few days it has been stuck at 100%. I know that it is not 100% battery because i drained the battery on purpose to see if it would reset.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: How To Prevent ITunes From Staying On Top

Jun 19, 2009

make it go behind another window on which I click. It won't go back. Stays on top.

Windowshade lets me reduce it to just the title bar, but I'd like the window still open — and not minimized to the dock.

In the prefs I do find a box to check (or uncheck) for the miniplayer and videos, but nothing for the main window (unless I'm just duh, overlooking something—not unusual.)

Any pointers? I'm OK with Terminal, if anyone has the magic words there.

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Applications :: ICal Not Staying In Dock

Mar 13, 2009

Why isn't iCal staying in my Dock? I selected the "Keep in Dock" option but it's just not staying! Why is that?

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OS X :: Staying Signed On With IChat Even After Disconnect?

Aug 29, 2009

After reading about the Wake-on-Demand feature of Snow Leopard, it got me thinking about why I never put my iMac to sleep.

The reason is because if i put it to sleep, I lose my network connection.

In other words, the only reason I keep my iMac awake: to stay signed on with iChat.

(There's other stuff too, like downloading something or seeding a torrent, but they are very rare occasions, and I wouldn't mind turning sleep off for those, then turn it back on once done).

I think AIM or Apple should introduce a feature where you can stay signed on even after you disconnect, like how it works with the iPhone. That way your computer can go to sleep, and you will still receive your messages. You will receive them as soon as you wake up your Mac and re-connect to the internet.

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Software :: Backing Up My Ibook Staying Away?

Jul 19, 2004

Im about to embark on a semester of exchage in Canada, which needless to say is a long way from where I live (Sydney).

I have an iBook with a combo drive running 10.3.4 and access to a new powerbook with a superdrive. I would like to make a complete back up of my computer onto DVD so I restore should I have any problems while I am away.

How would I do this so I can restore off the DVD's? If I can do this I dont need to carry all my other software CD's etc and I can save some space.

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Light Staying On After Its Unplugged

Jul 11, 2009

My Magsafe charger started acting really odd today. It started with the light not working when I was charging the computer. Even tough the light didn't come on the computer still said it was charging. I unplugged it for a bit & plunged it back in. This time the light came on & it was green even though it wasn't fully charged. But now when i unplug it, the light stays on as long as its plugged into the wall. The only thing I've changed lately is I replaced the hard drive, but its been about a week and this just started happening tonight.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: All Mail Accounts Keep Going And Staying Offline?

Apr 14, 2012

all mail accounts keep going and staying offline?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7), drops out internet connection intac

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Not Staying Default Browser?

Apr 21, 2012

No matter how many times I reset my default browser back to Safari, it always changes back to Firefox. This happens if Firefox is opened, or if I restart my computer. Either way, it's very annoying and highly inconvinent.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 13-inch 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

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MacBook Pro :: Staying Awake When Lid Closed - Unable To Resume When Opened

Sep 1, 2010

When my screen is closed the computer continues to run, and does not respond when the monitor is reawakened. Furthermore, upon shutdown, I have to remove the battery and reset power management in order to get the computer to turn on. If I just shut it down, the computer refuses to come on, hearing the hard drive make its sound before just going out to lunch.

Disk Utility says the hard drive is okay because it would not get past the black screen.

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MacBook Air :: Fallen On Carpet - It Turned On But Screen Staying Dark

Jun 13, 2012

My computer fell off my bed onto the carpet and now the screen stays dark but the computer still comes on. Is there anyway to fix the screen? I know the computer is on because I pressed the caps lock key and I can hear it when I turn it on or off.

MacBook Air

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OS X :: Mac Keeps Falling Asleep

Sep 6, 2010

I came into work today to find our server asleep. Our server is on an old G4 tower. We usually keep this running 24/7 to allow for remote access, but for the last 2 weeks we have set up a scheduled shutdown over the weekend to try to keep the server fresh and clean - bad idea!

Every 18 seconds or so, the machine goes to sleep. The monitor goes black (with a green flashing light on) and the tower goes dead silent and displays a glowing power button. Moving the mouse or pressing a key restores everything where we left off, but 18 seconds later, puff, its gone again.

We managed to get in and turn of the scheduled shutdown but this hasn't resolved the issue.

Whenever the screen is on we can access the server (not email) but as soon as it goes to sleep, we get kicked off the server.

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OS X :: Displays Won't Stay Asleep.

Mar 18, 2008

If i set my displays to sleep in 1 minute (say, if I leave it on overnight, and want it to sleep pretty quickly), they both come back to life after a few minutes. Since they're bright, they absolutely illuminate the room and the S/O isn't too happy with me.

I have an Alu iMac 24", Dell 24", bluetooth mouse, external USB drive, USB keyboard. I tried switching off the bluetooth mouse, and it was no better.

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OS X :: Unable To Stay Asleep

Mar 17, 2010

I put my iMac to sleep before I go to bed and it usually stays in that state until I get up. Lately something is waking it routinely during the night. I have attempted to fix this by following the suggestions in Mac Help but I still can't get to the bottom of it.

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OS X :: System Will Not Stay Asleep -

Aug 2, 2010

With OSX 10.6.4 my 2.66 GHz iMac will not stay asleep. It will wake up even though the Wake for Network Access box is NOT checked in System Preferences. Why is this? This happens every night. It is becoming very frustrating.

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Software :: Mac Won't Stay Asleep?

Jul 18, 2008

For some reason (which I hope someone knows why) my computer started to not stay sleeping. I would go to the apple menu, select sleep, the screen goes dark but then a few seconds later the screen comes back on. I haven't changed any preferences so not sure why it's doing this.

When using screen saver it stays.

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OS X V10.7 :: Mac Pro Won't Stay Asleep With Lion

May 5, 2012

Lion makes the sleep process take a while. But after a short time my Mac Pro wakes from sleep and even though I have it set up to go back to sleep after five minutes of inactivity it never goes back to sleep. This wasn't a problem with the first version of Lion.

Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), DP 2.7GHz Early 2009

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Safari :: "Top Sites" Website Thumbnails Not Populating Or Staying Stationary?

May 11, 2012

I am running Safari 5.1.7 on a PC running Windows 7 and I am wondering if Safari "Top Sites" will keep those thumb nail pages stationary and obey the order I am trying to keep them.  Also, having issue with the Website thumbnails are not populating.

Windows 7

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OS X :: Safe To Move Laptop While Asleep?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a 15" pre-unibody Macbook Pro and a 12" Powerbook G4. When the computer is asleep, is it safe to move around with it, or could that damage the hard drive? It would be moved on its side in a laptop bag - both walking and biking. I'm so tired of turning it on and off any time I move.

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OS X :: MacBook Refuse To Start Up Once Asleep

Jan 18, 2009

Once asleep and enters hibernation, the laptop will not start up. Even after I hit the space bar. The "sleeping light" stops going on and off and just sticks on and the screen stays un-lit. I am then forced to shut it off, so I will hold the power button down until I hear the hard drive shut down and then start it back up.

Then one of two things happen; either it starts up nicely or it starts up and remains with no display and I am forced to hard restart again. I have found that if my external HD is plugged into the USB port upon start up it will get stuck in start up; it will keep starting up the main hard-drive and nothing happens so I have to hard shut off and unplug the external and then start again. I have been trying to keep music going on my machine to avoid hibernation, but night times kinda suck.

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OS X :: Is There A Way To Have Leopard Ignore The Mouse When Its Asleep

Feb 4, 2009

Just bought a Logitech VX revolution for my iBook G4 running leopard. If my ibook is asleep, and I move the mouse out of the way, the computer wakes up. Is there a way to have leopard ignore the mouse when its asleep?

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OS X :: Display Wont Stay Asleep?

Nov 17, 2009

So I am one of those guys that keep my desk in the same room I sleep, but can�t stand light of any kind while I am sleeping ( I know this will eventually be a hardship for me sometime, somewhere) .

Sure I know I could just move my desk out of the room and avoid this issue but I would like your input.

I like to leave my Mac book on and open with an external display always plugged in. I do not want to shut down or put it to sleep as I want it to be available 24/7 for some type of remote access. I currently have my display set to sleep after one minute with a hot corner to activate (running on 10.6.2) however at random the displays will wake and thus cause this light eyed sleeper to also wake. I can defeat this partially by killing power to one monitor every night but there is nothing I can do about the internal display short of turning down the backlight. I have wake for Ethernet disabled. Can anyone tell me, how can I do what I need to do? What type of background events cause the display to wake and why? And how if at all, can I stop them from doing this? I just want to only be able to wake the display from suspend or power save when I press a key on an attached keyboard.

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OS X :: Mac Internet (disconnecting From WiFi When Asleep)

Jan 31, 2010

i have an imac 2009 edition, and every time that my computer falls asleep, it gets disconnected from wifi. When it gets disconnected then all my downloads get interrupted, and thats really annoying!

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OS X :: Network Connection Falls Asleep

Feb 5, 2010

Have a Macbook connected to an Airport extreme. If I let the Macbook sit for 15 minutes the connection seems to go to sleep. I have the energy settings and sleep and screensavers set to 45 minutes. Any idea why there is a lag in connection time?

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Software :: Won't Wake Up - Being Asleep For More Than Hour

Jan 17, 2009

I recently upgraded my PowerMac G4 Dual 1.0GHz to leopard and am having major sleep issues. computer will not wake most of the time after being asleep for more then an hour or so. This was not an issue under tiger, reinstalled leopard on a freshly formatted hard drive and the problem still exists. I am also experiencing the problem on my intel imac, not to the same degree however?

Power Mac G4 Dual 1.0Ghz, 1.5GB Ram, ATI Radeon 9000 Pro
iMac 1.83GHz CoreDuo, 2.0Ghz Ram, ATI X160

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Is Lost While Asleep

Apr 6, 2012

I have 2 iMacs, both running Lion. Both are on my home wifi network and both have folders that are shared between both systems. When one iMac goes to sleep, I eventually lose it on the network. I have to go wake it up before it is again visible on the network so I can access the files on it.Is there some setting I can set that will allow the iMac to go to sleep and yet still be visible on the network. There is a setting that allows network activity to wake up the iMac but it does not seem to work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: How Much Power Does It Use When Working And Asleep

May 4, 2012

As usual, whilst claiming green credentials, the information Apple gives regarding power use is minimal and vague to the point of being meaningless .The only figures they quote are:- Maximum continuous use 205w  (21.5")  and  310w  (27") What exactly does maximum continuous use mean ? 

a. When the machine is switched on but not doing anything 

b. Working at general office tasks 

c. Working flat out transcoding video etc. 

Which of these is it?  Or is it all 3? Does it use more power when performing harder tasks? If so, what power is used under scenarios a and b?  Finally, how much power is used in sleep mode?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.

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