Hardware :: Can AirPort Extreme Work Via Cat5 Ethernet Port Within Network?
Dec 11, 2009
Can my AirPort Extreme work via a Cat5 ethernet port within my network? I ask because we've had no luck doing this where as our older Airport Express works just fine this way. Thoughts? We upgraded to the Extreme to extend the signal (and have 2 antennas) and trying to avoid hooking it up to the cable modem box which is even further away than where the Airport Express was located.
I finally convinced a friend to get a Mac and bragged about how easy everything works. He got a new iMac (loves it!) and signed up for Comcast High Speed Internet. Now there is a new MacBook in the house so I explained that all he would need is the AirPort Express in order to share the internet wirelessly for both Mac's. I went to set it up and I screwed everything up, after hours of work I not only couldn't get the Express working, I had to leave him without even ethernet internet. That's really all the info about his setup I have at the moment. So I came home to examine my own setup which is very similar: we both have the same Comcast modem (Arris TM502G) except I have an AEBS and he has a Express.
So I came home to examine my setup, it has been a while since I set mine up but its been flawless wirelessly (I never used the ethernet before). So, I plugged a ethernet cable in to the AEBS and connected my MBP. Works great. So I want to try to cut out the AEBS and just connect via ethernet from my MBP to the cable modem, that's where I start getting IP address problems. When an ethernet cable is connected to the AEBS my IP address is and works fine. When I cut out the AEBS and try to run ethernet directly from my modem to my computer my IP Address changes to and I get an error message saying that "Ethernet has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect" and sure enough, I can't. Network Diagnostics tells me to configure via DHCP and restart the modem, still no luck. As I was searching tonight I came upon some discussion about Comcast limiting MAC addresses or something?
I just bought some new CAT5E cables and when its connected to the macpro 1.1 computer running the latest OS, it keeps disconnecting from the internent. I swtiched out to another CAT5 E cable to see if this one was bad, and I had the same problem.When i put back the CAT 5 cable, it works fine, but this cable is too short. Is there something I have to do to get the cat5e cable to work, or do the older mac pro 1.1 needs just a Cat5 cable?
I want to set up my dual gigabit ethernet as a network team; one for incoming traffic and one for outgoing traffic. (My machine acts as a server, with 2 internal raid striped 1 TB hard drives, and 2 external raid striped 1 TB hard drives (time machine for the computer); and 2 10,000 RPM raptor drives striped as my boot drive. Anyways, enough about that.) How do I do this? I currently have both ports connected to my Airport extreme wireless N with Gigabit, is there a way to do what I want to do with these products, or is there something else that I need to get as well?
the wireless printing to my laser printing is amazing with the MBP but the MP is hooked up to the base station via ethernet. How do I get the MP to see the exact same printer that is hooked up via USB.
Upon getting my iPad and being unable to stream much without huge wait times, I've decided to take the plunge and get an Airport Extreme. Well, it arrived today, but alas it seems that I need a modem and Ethernet cord! Now, in my defense, I've been using a router that is both a modem and a router for years -- and it connected straight to the cable jack, so I didn't know that most routers needed a separate modem unit and Ethernet cord! Any way, it's too late to head out now so I'm going to have to wait till tomorrow to stream my precious netflix -- but I want to get it right this time; so...
I need an ethernet cord to connect the router and modem, right? The Modem/Router I've been using is called the SBG900 Wireless Surfboard Gateway. In my experience, the speeds have been dismal, but I should be able to use this as my modem -- right? Will it be slower than if I bought a separate modem? Does the modem even effect the speed of your internet or is that just the router?
I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.
Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.
My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.
For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.
The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.
Internet Cable Modem ----->Router------->Computers
I want to hook up a Airport extreme up to my other router but can I use the WAN port to do that if I turn DHCP hosting off? Example Below... or do I have to use the one of the Ethernet ports?
Bt homehub shoots the internet wirelessly to my next room, to the Airport extreme. This airport extreme sits next to a ps3 and an external network Hard drive (see model below). Basically, I want to be able to dump files from my imac into the other room on this Hardrive, whilst my Ps3 being able to access the Hardrive as usual. Unfrotunately, I can only get the ps3 or the airport extreme to connect to my hardrive through the USB slot. As the HD only has one USB slot, this means I can only use one at a time! Neither of the devices will see the Harddrive when it is plugged in by ethernet alone.. How can i make it so i can use the harddrive with my airport extreme AND my ps3 at the same time?
Hard drive model: Freecom 30725 1TB NAS Drive Hi-Speed USB/Ethernet 10/100 brand new Imac with latest airport extreme
I had modem/router, which I got from the phone company here. It wasn't working that great, so I decided to order a Netgear modem and an Apple Airport Extreme. I got the Netgear modem to get me on the web, and the ethernet connection light stayed on, but when I connect it to my AE, that ethernet light goes off and the AE is constantly blinking. I reset the modem, and still nothing. I then reset the AE, and still the same thing. And when I try to connect my MB and iMac wirelessly to the AE, it tells me there are no apple devices present, and to retry.
Just got a new MacBook Pro, and I want to back it up wirelessly using Time Machine over my Airport Extreme Network. I've been doing this, in the past, with a smaller hard drive connected to the USB port on the AEBS, but need to upgrade to a bigger hard drive. Is there any speed benefit from getting a hard drive with ethernet capability, and attaching it right into the ethernet port on the AEBS, and if so can I back up with Time Machine wirelessly using this configuration? My AEBS is the first gen of the 'n' version that came out, but is gigabit ethernet, if that matters.
I have fibernet (fiber optic internet) I connect directly into the wall, no router. I have my airport extreme hooked up to the internet for wireless connections and my desktop connected into the back of the (router) airport extreme.I need to open ports
im planning on getting an airport extreme + hard drive for time machine backups & file storage. would it be best to just get a usb hard drive [URL] or a hard drive w/ an ethernet port [URL]?
Can anyone provide clear instructions on connecting a 2Tb Lacie hard drive to the Airport Extreme via one of the ethernet ports? The HD does not support a USB connection and I already have another HD connected to the Airport Extreme via the USB port. I am also working off of a PC laptop.
Internet, file sharing and screen sharing all work on Ethernet Port 1. None of these work on Ethernet Port 2. Would anyone happen to know how to fix this problem?
I recently got the new airport extreme base station and am having some trouble with port forwarding for uTorrent. I am using a MBP. So far I have done the following:1) Assigned a static IP of for my machine2) Within uTorrent | Preferences | Network, I assigned a port of 52003 for the "Incoming TCP Port" Sectio
Having issues with portforwarding on my new macbook aluminium using the airport extreme as my wireless router. Using the airport utility i scroll over to the port forwarding tab in my airport extreme. I dont know how im doing this wrong..i allow the ports that amule uses (port 4662 (TCP) and a few others for the kad network). Is it as simple as typing in 4662 in the public TCP and private TCP? I still obtain a low id and the online test provided by amule for the port 4662 doesnt succeed. Any help would be great.
Here is my situation. I am a network newbie. I bought a Airport Extreme (2008 model without dual band & guest networking) and have it setup with my ADSL broadband modem. I bought it so I could use the high speed N to connect to my Apple TV. It replaced a Linksys WRT54G.
My concern is this. We have another laptop in the house which only has Wireless G. It is connected most of the time to our network, so I presume that it will be slowing the speed of my Extreme to G levels.
Can I connect my old Linksys G router somehow to my network to create a seperate Wireless G network to access the internet. The older laptop can be at G speeds and my Extreme network remaining at N speeds ?
Maybe an easier option is to buy a N USB adaptor for my laptop but I don't want to buy something if I can use my current equipment.
Network system prefs recognizes that the Ethernet cable is plugged in but flips between unknown state an cable unplugged. Never gets a DHCP address. When the cable is unplugged, it stays on the unplugged status.
As a note, I am having trouble getting Parallels to recognize any network connection at all, butmy immediate concern is the ethernet port.
I need up figure out how to set up forwarding for a few programs I use, however, the Mac I'm using at the moment will be replaced soon with a new one. So I'd like to know if port forwarding settings are saved on the Airport Extreme or the Mac connected to it. If it's saved on the Mac, then I would just wait till I get my replacement to set up port forwarding.
i connected it to my Airport Extreme and not the USB because i want to use the scanning and faxing features. so how can i configure it? when i connected it via USB it recognized it but when i connected it to ethernet it didn't...
The latest upgrade of AIrport Utility doesn't support my Airport extreme, but the old version 5.6.1 says it doesn't work in Lion. How was I managing my Airport before th 6 update? What do I do now? Will I have to get a new Airport?
I have DSL service. I have an iPod Touch and an iPad 1 that I'm trying to connect. I just upgraded both iDevices to iOS5. I've been having trouble keeping an internet connection live for them, but now I can't even get the wi-fi to connect.
Been troubleshooting this one awhile...I even did an Archive and Reinstall....my Ethernet port on my 2.16Ghz MBP won't connect to anything. I get an IPv6 address when plugging into a router, but DHCP never works and a manually assigned IP doesn't work either. Reboot into Windows and it works fine...I've tried removing the Ethernet port, and have futzed with all the settings trying to reset it, but no dice. Problem started somewhere around 10.4.9, I think...I'm on 10.4.11...I reinstalled to .8 and worked my way back up...never works.
When i try to extend my network with my Airport Express it creates another wireless network, wich is not what i want.
I have a Leve1 router as my main, connected to my modem.
My airport express is connected to the network with a CAT5 ethernet cable.
I use the setup in Aiport Utility and choose: I Want Airport Express to join my current network -> I want to connect AirPort Express to my network using Ethernet to extend my current netork or create a second network -> I choose my network on the list and click continue -> I want to connect AirPort Express to my network using Ethernet to extend my existing wireless network ->
And then it doenst join my network, but creates a new called Apple Network 00a133..
I have a Airport Extreme and I would like to extend my network with an airport express but not sure if the airport express is only extending the network if it needs to be plugged into a ethernet if it is only bouncing the network on. Or does it have to have a fixed ethernet wire in it.
I have a Canon printer connected to my G5. My G5 connected to my WiFi router. My MacBook has Airport. I have set the G5 to share the printer but it is not recognized by the MacBook. What am I doing wrong?