Hardware :: Buying Enclosure - Adding Software To Create Raid 5 Storage Solution
Dec 12, 2008
I'm trying to build a raid 5 USB storage system to connect to an AirPort Extreme router. I am currently looking into buying the following enclosure and adding software to create a raid 5 storage solution which I can connect to the AE for both backup and media storage. Can someone help me find good software to create this raid 5 setup? 4-bay JBOD Enclosure [URL:...]
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Oct 24, 2009
So my Mac Pro RAID enclosure project is almost complete, just working through the last few steps. Specifically, I need a solution for mounting the 2x 5 Bay backplanes to the bottom of the "shelve" where the Optical Drive(s) and PSU is typically mounted. I have 2 of these: [URL]. Sitting freely on the floor of my Mac Pro case and I want to mount them to the underside of the shelve that generally houses the optical drives and PSU in a MP. Ideally, I will find something that can swivel so I can turn the backplanes 360 degrees when the side door of the case is removed.
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May 29, 2010
Basically I need a large storage option that is set up to be resistant to loss for my high def video and images. My 500 GB iMac is full to the brim but I don't want to spend 5-800 dollars to back everything up.
I have a 500 GB time machine that is also full so I assume it's just erasing old records with new as we go along now.
I want to purchase 4-5 of the lacie 1TB drives and set up a RAID array external to the iMac. Can I do this? Is it a process a computer novice can do?
If I got 5x1TB drives and did RAID 1 or something I would have 4TB of storage and one drive could die and still maintain all my data? Is there a better RAID version like RAID 6,10 etc...?
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May 16, 2007
I have a PowerMac G5 and need to purchase an internal RAID card to create a RAID 1 mirror of the system drive... one that will allow me create a Hardware RAID 1 mirror, not software RAID through OS X.
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May 20, 2009
I have a new Mac Pro Quad 2.93 with the Mac RAID card installed with four 1TB drives setup in a RAID 5 array. When creating the volumes in the RAID utility, you can not edit them, resize, etc. If one large volume is created in the RAID utility, you can then partition that one volume using the Apple Disk Utility, which then allows you to resize if needed.
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Dec 27, 2008
I have a 1TB x 2 setup in a Guardian Maximus enclosure, which i like, but it is noisy. Per OWC support, the noise levels i have are pretty normal.
The noise is not server room noisy, I will admit that
However, this setup is connected to my Mac Mini, always on and serving up my iTunes content to 2 apple TVs. Previously, I had been using 500gb and 750gb external drives, no RAID. Both previous drives (Seagate free agents) ran perfectly quiet enough.
The big thing is, in my apartment the setup is on my TV center, and that is close to our bed. the Seagate drives were inaudible, the only thing noticed was the orange light if i didnt shut the light off in the config. But you couldn't hear the drive noise otherwise.Not so with the Maximus. Its a constant hum, and the wife has now commented about it. Which means i need to either
a-quiet the maximus
b-replace it with something quieter.
so I wanted to see if anyone had experience with the maximus, alongside something like the WD Mirrored options, the Lacie RAID1 options or anything else. $250 is about my budget for this.but now i am wondering if i shouldn't just get a 1tb solo drive, use that for the main iTunes drive and then fire up the RAID1 enclosure once a week and back up the media (my main reason for the RAID was getting concerned about losing all my ripped content).
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May 14, 2009
I am looking to build my own external RAID setup and have it function as another set of internal ones. Is it possible to buy a computer case and put in a raid card and a power source and just run SATA cables to my mac pro?
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Oct 28, 2010
way to store 10 to 20 TBs of data. It needs to be readily accessible, but it doesn't need to be extremely fast. A normal usb 2 connection is fine, as well as firewire or esata or ethernet. I do transfer large files, but there is no urgent need for them to be lightening quick.As it stands now, I have several external drives just hooked up to my computer. I'd like to avoid continuing that method. I want only one volume to show up on my mac. It doesn't have to be through raid striping, though I don't really know of another way; maybe just a container volume that has all the drives in it?
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Aug 2, 2009
I've decided to buy a Mac Mini to use as a work machine and then depending on it's performance, I will either replace it with an iMac and my girlfriend will use the Mac Mini as her work machine or just buy another Mac Mini for her. However, at the moment, in addition to me using the Mac Mini, I am currently using a Windows machine and my girlfriends work machne is a Windows machine. Is there a storage solution that could serve both Windows and OSX through the network? How about some kind of file server like Linux or Windows? What would you recommend?
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Feb 19, 2010
As a side note, our three computers (Mac Pros) we use to access this info are spread about the same room. We also have our laptops and some older macs, so it would be nice to be able to occasionally access finished projects from these secondary computers.
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Nov 2, 2010
storage on their 2010 MBA yet. There seemed to be lots of you doing it to the old one, but since they took the flash storage out of the enclosure
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Apr 19, 2009
Can anyone recommend a external box that can take 4-6 hard drives and do a Raid5 style setup? Preferably connected by firewire or esata to a Macpro.
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Oct 29, 2009
I'm looking to set up a 4+ drive external eSATA raid system (likely raid5). My biggest need is quiet. I've tried 2 boxes thus far including the 4big quadra that was supposed to be engineered for noise, but it had an annoying fan speed fluctuation and was actually much louder than my mac pro. I have a drobo and that is also too noisy. I'm wondering of anyone knows of a box or other option that is either fanless (ideally) or has one large super quiet fan.
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Aug 15, 2010
I just bought a MBP 2010 with the i7, and I'm trying to figure out what to do for external storage and backup since this is my first Mac ever. I have an Icy Dock with a 1TB harddrive in it, but it only has eSATA and USB ports. USB would not be preferable for trying to back up stuff. I was reading these forums about eSATA ExpressCards, but they seem really suspect (kernel panics sound terrifying) and a lot of work to get going. I was thinking about just getting another enclosure with FireWire 800, but can't seem to find any advice on good ones. I was wondering if I should just get a new external harddrive. I would like to get out of this without having to buy too much new stuff. Can somebody give a recommendation regarding whether I should get an expresscard, new enclosure, or new external?
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Jun 12, 2009
I was looking at this HD: [URL]. Could someone please summarize for me what is a "Dual-drive Storage System with RAID?" I have some ideas of what it is... it involves mirroring, and holding two copies of data to make sure one doesn't lose data, correct? This is a 4 TB drive... what if I want 4 TBs worth of storage and not two copies of 2 TBs worth of storage? Am I allowed to turn mirroring off and get a straightforward 4 TBs worth of storage? Please feel free to throw in any quick facts about RAID you may want to.
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May 5, 2010
Just looking for some realistic input on adding to/changing my current storage setup as I'm running out of space!
Current setup: Early 08' Mac Pro
160gb FW drive for iTunes Music
-150gb Raptor --> Boot drive/Apps
-750gb currently used for all other media
-320gb for windows
-1 tb for backing up the boot, media, itunes drives via time machine.
Now I'm pretty happy with the overall performance of the current configuration and my instinct is to keep the current internal setup but consolidate dvd/bluray rips from the media drive and music from the iTunes drive onto a set of larger external drives. Photos and other working media that need the speed of the internal would stay on the 750gb drive. Basically, I'm wondering whether that is the best/most cost efficient route and if it is, how would you set up the external(s). Single enclosure with RAID1, 2 separate externals (one backing the other up using something like superduper), firewire, eSATA, etc.? Granted my music and movies aren't the most critical files in the world but I'd like to make sure they are backed up. I'd say the most bandwidth intensive use I'd have for the externals would be streaming HD movies from the drive to my PS3 over a local network.
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Sep 10, 2014
I was shocked to see that my hard drive was close to full last night when I checked on its capacity. Mainly because I just wiped clean a month ago and reinstalled with the current version of Mavericks. It would appear that my problem lies within a massive amount of storage used classified as "other". My HD holds 320 GB and of that, "other" is taking up 161 GB along with my Audio, Movies, Photos and Apps taking up a combined 120 GB. This leaves me with about 40 GB left of free space.
I am unable to pinpoint the location of these "other" files. Totaling up the four subfolders in my HD (System, Library, Users and Applications) only amounts to 120 GB which can be traced back to my Audio, Movies, Photos and Apps. This leaves 161 GB floating around used somewhere that I haven't the slightest clue of where it is. I have used Grand Perspective and a disk space analyzer from the app store and they both only recognize 120 GB being used by the hard drive.
To make things a little more interesting, when I first noticed this "other" issue, it was taking up 145 GB and over the course of an hour or so after multiple restarts it has worked its way up to the 161 GB it is at now. Is there some type of glitch here?
I have tried restarting in Safe Mode to reset any stuck processes, but that didn't work either. I have searched similar problems but most people have found massive log files which they were able to pinpoint using a disk analyzer.
With a clean wipe and reset only a month ago, how can the "other" be this big already?
I have a 2007 iMac which ran great with snow leopard...I currently have the latest version of Mavericks 10.9.4
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2007 iMac
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Nov 23, 2007
Is it possible to add a new 1TB drive to an existing concatenated raid(1TB+1TB)? and is there raid capacity limit, or it's unlimited?
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Dual 2.5 GHz PPC
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Dec 9, 2009
I just got a 2nd caviar black 1tb and I'm goin to be setting up raid with another drive.. I have data on my current 1tb which is backed up with time machine. what do I have to do to get the drives workin in raid? I'm lookin to have a faster write speed since I need the raid setup. Since I will be using the 2 drives for my data and a photoshop scratch disk, should I create a partition for the scratch disk? I've seen some say yes.. Some that said no but without reason.What r the pros/cons to partitionin the drive?
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a Mac Mini that I plan to use as a simple file server with a 2TB external disk. I would like to be able to add future external disks to grow the original 2TB volume I create to 4TB, 6TB, etc. using RAID.
I know it is possible to add disks to a concatenated RAID set without destroying the data on the disks already in the set, but I cannot get Disk Utility to let me create a single-disk concatenated RAID set.
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May 15, 2012
I need more storage and need it to be quick and redundant
I'm concidering 2 of either the WD thunderbolt duo 6TB or the LaCie 2Big Thunderbolt 6TB. I want to set each 2disk unit to RAID 1 and then srtipe them as RAID0 accross thunderbolt to hopefully result in one striped and mirrored 6TB RAID volume
I'm hoping yes because i've seen 4 of the WB unit daisychained as one huge RAID0 but I'd like the redundancy. also i want the resultant volume in exFAT as I am constantly jumping between OSX and Win 7
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 23, 2012
how can i re-create a hidden lion partition after creating a RAID 1 array for Lion Server 10.7.3 My new mac-mini did not come in the array i'd expect it to come with being a server?
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Oct 4, 2006
I have a PowerMac G3 running OS X Server 10.4.7. There is an 80GB ATA boot hard drive and a SATA card and two 250GB SATA drives. One SATA drive is existing and has data on it; I just installed the second one because I want to mirror the 1st drive onto the 2nd one.My questions are: how do I do it? When I try to create a RAID set in the Disk Utility GUI, it says all data will be destroyed. I cancelled that.So I tried diskutil enableRAID mirror disk1, which told me I could only mirror volumes.The volume name is RAID, so I tried diskutil enableRAID mirror /Volumes/RAID which gave me an error "Error enabling disk to RAID Could not unmount disk (-10000)"
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Dec 2, 2009
I just bought a Guardian Maximus RAID1 kit and I have two 1TB drives in it. I'm using it over Airport Extreme as an airdisk (mac osx 10.6.2)
My question is simply: am I running a risk by partitioning it into two partitions? Should I ever have to rebuild the failed disk (which I understand is really simple with the Guardian Maximus) - will it have trouble doing two partitions? I'm using one 500gb partition for time machine and one 500gb partition as redundant itunes/media.
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Jan 28, 2009
I have a Lacie ext hard drive with 2 x 250gb HD that were one RAIDed into a single 500gb HD. I ran this update Lacie firmware update: http://www.lacie.com/support/drivers...r.htm?id=10053 And now my HD will only show up as two separate HDs of 250gb instead of a single RAID HD of 500gb.
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May 1, 2008
I have a macpro with 4 x 1tb drives
Is it possible to get a highpoint raid controller and put those 4 drives in a raid 5 array (and then create partitions inside that array) - or do you need to have 1 drive by itself for the operating system, and then create a raid array using the remaining 3 drives?
Lastly, are the highpoint 3500 series a decent card? and fully compatible?
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Sep 13, 2009
I'm using the software RAID right now. Everything is set as RAID 10. I want to move to a RAID card� if I keep it as RAID 10 will I still need to redo everything?
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Jan 10, 2010
I thought I would share a cool realization. I am now eligible for any iPhone upgrades and most likely will be getting the new one coming out this summer - whatever it may be. I realized today that most likely it will have 64GB of storage - the exact same size as my Macbook Air - I think it is so wild my future phone/pocket computer will have the exact same storage capacity as my main laptop. I could potentially mirror everything on my Mac that is on my iPhone in the future.
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Jan 28, 2008
ive put 4 of the hitachi 1tbs in my new mac pro.. and i really want to do Raid on them eventually.. and buy the pricey apple raid card.. i'll do it.. but speed wise:
How fast is a Sata connection straight from HD>Motherboard... ~75mb/s?
Is the Raid 5 config with all those drives much faster... around ~110mb/s?
Do you know if there is anyway to get a 5th drive into the raid 5 array? using the ODD space.. or some externals too... i need as much as space as possible...
And boot camp wont work with raid card anymore? I was thinking to have the startup disc be a raptor to increase speed on the apps, how would it integrate with the raid card, etc
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Nov 16, 2009
I have a RAID 0 set up with two 1.5TB HDs. I am doing some reorganizing and want to take all the data on the RAID 0 and move it to one of the hard drives in the RAID 0 and create to single drives. Is there any way of moving all the data from a RAID 0 onto one of the HDs?
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