Hardware :: Best Way Of Connecting To Internet
Aug 17, 2009
I have had non stop trouble with my internet connection. I use Tiscali in the UK via a Netgear router and an Airport Extreme (the UFO shaped one). I now cannot access the web again and have been told by Tiscali that they do not provide technical help for either Apple or Netgear. A couple of questions. What is the benefit of using a router and airport extreme? Who is the best broadband provider for mac in the UK?
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Jun 4, 2012
I am currently trying to connect my eMac - to the internet via a stick/dongle and cannot find the appropriate vodafone software to make it work.Software version 10.5 on the mac and have two internet sticks one - a Huawei K3770 and a K3571 both with VodafoneAny idea, please, on where I can download this software and anything else I can do to to make a connection to the internet?The Vodafone software runs yet does not see either device. The connection through ethernet is great.
eMac Ser:VM50102CQJ8, Mac OS X (10.4), G4 Processor, 1Gig Memory, EMC 2006
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Aug 8, 2009
I'm an iBook G4 user. I've had my computer for about 4 years and never had any problems, but in the past two weeks, I've been experiencing a lot of difficulty with my internet.
The problem's got to be with airport, because I'm connected right now with an ethernet cable and am having no issues.
Using my airport, I can still usually connect to the internet-- in fact, when I first connect to a wireless network, I have strong signal strength-- but I lose my internet connection after just a few minutes.
When I click on "Open internet connect," I can often reconnect to the network, but then I get the error message "out of range of network" and am booted off again.
This has happened to me on two separate internet networks-- both in my home and at the library-- so I think the problem is with my computer, not the signal.
There's not any physical object blocking the signal as far as I can see, and I've been able to use this wireless network in the past without any problems. (It's my partner's network and is and password protected, so it's not like I'm stealing it from someone next door or something.)
I'm running Mac OS X.
I've looked at getting airport express, but I don't want to pay money for something that may or may not fix the problem.
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Sep 3, 2009
I currently have my mac connecting to a wireless network and have since plugged in a ethernet cable to use because I can get a better connection, but even with it plugged in I still seem to be connected to the wireless network How can I make it so its only using the ethernet connection?
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Sep 9, 2009
I have G5 that I am running leopard on. I have an airpot extreme network setup in the house. The G5 shows its connected to the network but will not open internet pages. It was working fine a few days ago. I also have a Macbook that works great on the network and can connect to the internet. All the network settings seem to be the same for the G5 and the Macbook. Literally one day it worked and the next it did not. Is there a setting I am missing somewhere that would cause it not to be able to open internet pages?
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Nov 11, 2009
I have an external monitor that I am trying to hook up to via the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. When it's not hooked up, the internet works, but as soon as I plug in the monitor, the internet stops working.
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Jan 12, 2010
I was able to get this machine to connect to my wireless home network, yet I still get the "Server cannot be found" error. Have tried with the old IE program, then I downloaded an older version of Safari on my iMac and transferred it via disk to the PMG4. The safari loaded fine, a window opens, yet it will still not connect. There must be a setting I'm missing - can anybody tell me what it is?
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May 2, 2010
i have a Macbook (2009), Snow Leopard, 60GB of HD free.My widgets, including BOM (Bureau of Meteorology), Adam Internet and Fetch do neither flip nor refresh. even when clicking on the 'i' button, or the refresh icon they neither flip nor refresh.presing Apple + R, having clicked on the icons did not work either.Does anyone have an idea how to fix this problem?
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Aug 16, 2010
I recently picked up an iMac G3 running on panther. It is my first Mac and I know nothing at all about them. I was wondering if anybody could tell me how to set up the internet in computer. I have connected the IMac to the router via Ethernet cable.
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Feb 28, 2012
Safari can connect to the server.Suddenly I have this problem. It will connect to some sites, but for the most part and searches in google etc ar nil. Just a gray screen in browser window. Chrome and FF work fine. Just Sarafi that is corrupt.What can be done beside hacking the system via Terminal?
Running 10.6.8
Safari 5.1.2
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Jun 9, 2012
Have just inherited a lovely old Imac G3 and am having problems connecting it to the internet. My ISP tells me IÂ need to be running 0SX10 and not 0S 8.5.
iMac, Mac OS 9.2.x
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Aug 28, 2014
My Macbook Pro running on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63) says i have full connection to my wifi but anytime I try to open a web page it says I am not connected to the internet. I connect to my router wirelessly. I have tried running test and the MacBook says I should have full connection to the network and internet. I have a iPhone and a HP laptop working fine with the same router but my wifi doesn't seem to work at all on my MacBook,
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Nov 28, 2010
recently my mbp has not been connecting with my network to the internet. everything else connects just fine. my mbp connects just fine to other networks. but when I try to connect it to my network it fails. it says something about having a self assigned ip address. any remedies on how to fix this?
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Jan 6, 2007
I was recently given an old iBook (the one with the Clamshell design) from a friend and was wondering how would I go about hooking it up to my Television, and to the Internet? What do I need to do this?
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Aug 26, 2008
i know g3 ibooks are old but its all i want to spend. can the internet run smoothly- youtube, ads, etc,,,, on an ibook g3 slower than than 800MHz?
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Feb 22, 2009
I'm trying to watch movie trailers using FrontRow, but the program states "not connected to the internet, check network settings" although I am connected to the net.
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Apr 4, 2009
I bought a cheap wireless adapter on eBay (dumb idea, I know, but I've done it before for my PC and it worked) And I'm having a little trouble connecting.Basically, the program it runs through asks me to input my IP address.Well, I looked it up on my iBook, but when I put that address in, it says something to the tune of "This IP address is already in use."So...am I doing something wrong? Or is this thing just crap like I expected?
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May 7, 2009
Is there a way to prevent a single application from ever connecting to the internet? I have a program that always tries to update itself on startup, but the update breaks it. The preference to never check for updates isn't saved between each quit, and if it detects an update it will start downloading automatically, without my consent.
I've tried using the Security section in SysPrefs to block incoming connections, but that just leaves it stuck at 0% downloaded, instead of stopping the entire process. I'm stuck with disabling Airport, starting the application and getting past the main menu and then re-enabling Airport, which is starting to become a pain. I'll use Little Snitch if necessary, but I only need to block the one application. If there's some kind of Terminal command or .plist file I could edit instead of spending $30 on Little Snitch, I'd like to take that route.
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Aug 20, 2009
I am a first time MacBook Pro user. I bought this laptop for my business and, when on travel, will need to connect my laptop to the Internet wirelessly. Can I connect my MacBook to the Internet through my I-Phone? Will I need to add software to one or both systems (I-Phone and MacBook) to do this?
As a backup, are there any pay-as-you-go aircards that actually work on a Mac system? I have heard/read negative things about the Virgin Mobile Aircard. Bottom line is that I need reliable connectivity on occasion, thus I do not need a 1 or 2 year contract.
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Sep 29, 2009
I just recently bought this MacBook. It apparently works everywhere else except on my home connection. I have a good feeling it probably has to do with my router. I have also tried to restart my macbook/router.
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Dec 1, 2009
My MBP is connecting to what ever internet source I need (i.e. wireless or wired) and is getting assigned a IP address. But when I open up firefox/safari every web site says "unable to connect" and then when I go into my wireless utility I can ping say google in 40 ms with 0% packet loss... I don't get this. I have tried resetting my p ram, I have tried deleting all the internet connections and starting fresh... hard wiring to my internet source.
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Feb 10, 2010
I've had my Mac for 3 years and never had a problem with Airport Express. If I did, I would usually turn it off and then on again and it solved the problem. The last two weeks I've been using a wi-fi hotspot near my home until I get a proper internet connection at home. Suddenly, my internet stopped working. The airport recognzies the link and still connects but the internet page says i'm not connected to the internet. I've tried using diagnostics and it says it can't fix my problem. In diagnostics, the first 3-4 lights turn on, but the last two are either yellow or red. I've changed the time to make sure it was correct, I've re-started the computer several times and it still doesn't work. I don't know what it is that is not working. The airport recognizes the signal, yet I get no internet connection. And I haven't downloaded anything recently.
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Mar 20, 2010
I bought a 27" iMac about two months ago, and recently it's been having trouble connecting to the internet via airport. Sometimes it has no trouble, other times, no matter how many times I put in my WEP password and hit connect, it just gives me the 'connection timeout error'. Basically, our whole household was having internet troubles about a month ago, but they mysteriously stopped for everyone else except me after a week or two. My housemates all have PC's, and are able to connect fine now. I also have a MacBook as well, which also has no trouble picking up the wireless. One of the weird quirks about this problem is that if my MacBook is connected and moved to sit right next to my iMac, I can often get the iMac to connect. And if it drops the connection, I can refresh a page on the MacBook and suddenly the internet works again on my iMac.
And I also discovered that if I move my iMac to the right about 30cms, it sometimes connects. This suggests that maybe I'm out of range for my wireless, but how am I able to connect at other times when the iMac in it's normal place? Anyway, I've ruled out a fault with the wireless itself, because, as I mentioned, every other computer can connect fine. I've also tried going into the system prefs and renewing the DHCP lease, which *sometimes* works, but usually doesn't. It has been connecting fine for about 2 days, but tonight it started acting up again. It's connected now, but it's pretty sporadic and keeps dropping the connection. In case you need to know, it's one of the new 27" iMacs, the usual duo core not the quad core. 4gb memory, etc.
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Jul 24, 2010
This is my first ever mac that I've owned given to my by a friend, so excuse my simplicity. It's a G4 and I have a wireless internet access at home through Time Warner Cable. It doesn't seem to have an airport card. What is the easiest way to connect to wireless? What additional cards would I need to buy?
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Mar 7, 2012
I installed SMC Firmware Update 1.5, EFI Firmware Update 2.7 and Airport Utility 6.0. After installing these updates my internet connection got delayed. Wi-Fi connection seem to be fine, but it takes about half minute before my browsers get through to the net. I have tried several browsers and different networks (at home and at work) and same issue every time a new connection is made or old one is re-estabilished. Â
Have you any idea how to fix the problem, or should I uninstall the updates. And if so, how is it done?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 13, 2012
My computer used to connect to the internet straight away as it was turned on (wireless), but after a problem with downloading rental films with Itunes store, it has stopped connecting automatically. The fix for the film rentals was to delete a file called SC i think. I have had a dig around in all the network tabs
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 17, 2012
When I wake my two-week-old MacBook Pro up, my Airport Base Station's wireless network shows connection, but I do not have internet for a much, much longer period of time than normal. This only started a few days ago. Prior to that, it was working just fine.
I've tried closing my browser (Chrome), starting another browser (Safari), and restarting. All of these attempts have met with success and failure. Sometimes, doing nothing and waiting for ~2 minutes does the trick.I'd simply like my MBP to connect to the internet ASAP upon waking up. I did no software upgrades recently
Info:MacBook 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.3), 120 GB hard drive, 2.5 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
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Mar 28, 2012
My mac mini has problems connecting to the internet it keeps disconnecting from the preferred network. When trying to reconnect, it says there's an error trying to join the network. When it can connect, it's only for a brief period. I bought it a while back and had this problem back then. I stored it away, and only recently dug it out again still having the same problem.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 25, 2012
I use an AirPort base station. My ISP requires a "compatible DOCSIS device" (cable modem). Which broadband internet cable modem is recommended for use with AirPort? (A list of the DOCSIS devices is here).
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1.8 GHz Intel i7, 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
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Nov 30, 2014
I am trying to use mac apps and most of them won't connect to the internet even though there is full bars on internet. For example trying to register the program "paralells" just gives me the message Your mac is not connected to the internet or so on. The same thing is happening with downloading more loops and sounds on garage band.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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