Hardware :: Airport Express - How To Reset To Factory Settings
Jul 24, 2009
I recently moved to a new place. At my old apartment I had my express plugged in, never constantly unplugged it or anything and it worked fine.
I move into my new place and now my express wont work. I did a factory reset, holding the reset while plugging it in, reconfigured it to extend my network as I use it to connect to xbox live.
Everything will work for about 2-3 minutes and have internet until the light goes solid yellow. It wont show up in the airport utility or anything. I look at it and it is shutoff while plugged in. No blinking light, no solid light just nothing.
I cant find any information on any other resets and I assumed factory was way to go after it wasnt working the first time.
I have NO idea what to do now. I assume its dead completely unless there is something im doing wrong.
I have had it for a little over a year. Not exactly sure when i bought it. I think I am within a month of the warranty expiring. This sucks. I dont have my proof of purchase or anything. But I am positive I bought it around this time.t does the normal start-up by blinking green then solid yellow while starting then it resets, "starts up" one more time then shuts off completely.
I have the latest imac and I was wondering how to reset to factory settings, was it suppose to come with a DVD? If I need the DVD where would I go to get one ? The closest apple store is over three hours away.
How to reset my macbook pro 2011. I don't have a disk or anything like that. My computer will not go back the start screen with the apple and just shows it loading.
Im setting out to my hometown for 5 days and all of my stuff are on my iMac. I dont know, how to copy all settings ,etc from iMac straight to the Macbook Pro. As far as I think, the only way is first to reset the Macbook Pro. Take a Time Machine backup from the iMac. And then restore the copy to the Macbook Pro. Is that the only way left for me? And how do we factory reset the macbook pro, so everything gets deleted and becomes new and ready for a new Tim Machine restore.
I have a 27"imac which is 3 months old, purchased new from an Apple store. I have purchased a 15" macbook pro as well. The imac is not being used so I want to reset it back to factory settings wipe all personal and keychain data so I can sell it.
I have to reset my imac G5 that runs OS 10.6.8 to factory settings. I am not selling it but I do want to wipe everything off the hard drive and start over.... fresh.
Is there any way you can reset your MacBook Air to the original settings you first recieved it in? I've noticed I have way to much junk to go through and try to delete it all and when I try to delete something it does the poof thing it's supposed to, but later I notice it has not been deleted. I've tried restarting my computer, and completely turning it off for 24 hours then seeing it its gone, but it never deletes.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2), i only have one computer account
I would like to wipe my MacBook Core 2 Duo, currently running 10.5.8 I just recieved the Snow Leopard 10.6 disk, before I upgrade, I want to wipe this laptop completely as if it were new. Will this be an option during the install of 10.6 or do I have to go about it another way? Here is the catch, I recently moved, and misplaced the CD's the MacBook originally came with. So all I have is the computer and the Snow Leopard 10.6 cd.Â
I am giving my old macbook to a friend's son and want to restore to factory settings. I don't have the discs and there is no Apple Store where I live.
i have tried everything, erasin, restoring, everything.. and i dont understand that much about computers too..so how do i reset everything to its factory settings by using the safe mode terminal? please can someone show me the step by step. in need of help really..
American living in germany here. I am using a PowerBook G4 running OS 10.4.11 I am using an Airport Extreme Station with a Siemens Router. I couldn't get my iphone to work wirelessly via Airport, so I decided to do a factory reset. Now after having done that, my Airport Setup Assistant recognizes my Airport but after clicking continue to proceed, I always get the message that it is unable to find the base station. I should add that my internet stopped working about two weeks ago. I thought it might be my system software so I reinstalled that on my Mac. Turns out it was my ADSL box so my phone company sent me a new one. I did get my Airport to work with my old settings and the new box but after this factory reset, my computer can't communicate with it.
I have an airport express to pump music to my speakers, but use an airport extreme as my primary network - I had a problem with the extreme and had to reset it to factory settings - when it came back online I gave it a new name etc. and set it up - internet works great, but the airport express is now offline...I've tried resetting it by holding down the reset button for 10 seconds and also holding down the reset button as I plug it in...neither does anything and I cannot get the airport express software to recognize it...it only lists my airport extreme.
I want to use AirPort Express to send iTunes to my stereo. I get my internet connection from a wireless modem (Telus is my ISP). I can establish a new network between my MacBook and my AirPort Express which will work (iTunes comes out of my stereo), but then I cannot access my wireless network and get the internet (my Mac will only allow one network connection at a time); and I can connect an ethernet cable from my the WAN port on my wireless modem to my AirPort Express, which will also work. But I cannot get my AirPort Express to join my existing wireless network. Telus tells me this won't work because they won't allow another network to join their network. I'm guessing this would be a Telus Firewall issue, but when I look at the Firewall settings Telus provides,
i recently bought an Airport Express, and i finally took it out of its box after i purchased my new stereo. I connected the audio cable to the stereo and the airport unit and plugged it into an outlet. I opened up airport utility on my mac, AX appeared and i configured it to "join a wireless network". After completing the remaining steps, i updated it.. and waited for it to restart. Now here's my problem. It comes up with an error telling me it couldn't find the device after restarting. I have Verizon FiOS as my provider.. and I know that airport express has a history of trouble with the Actiontec router. Is there anything i can do with my current equipment to get this thing to work? I do not need to extend the network.. only join to use airtunes and print wirelessly... Also, my Actiontec router and FiOS connection are through my crappy dell pc downstairs, while i am using my 24" iMac upstairs in my bedroom trying to connect this. Should i change my router's settings?
I've purchased my Mac book from a friend. It still has his name and password on which he cannot remember. Am i correct in assuming that if I restore it to the origianl factory settings then it will erase his settings. Also will i need anything erlse with the start up like serial numbers, auth codes etc?