Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.2 Splash Screen - Dead Stop
Jun 29, 2014
Updated to 10.1.2 via App Store- launches, gets to splash screen, sits there forever. Not frozen (can quit FCPX, for example), but it never goes further.
Tried deleting preferences - same thing.
Uninstalled app as per Apple Support Document, then reinstalled from App Store - same thing.
Tried launching by double-clicking on a library from a previous version - eventually got to a screen asking me to select a library; when I did, app Crashed.
Tried restoring 10.1.1 from Time Machine backup -> this worked, and the 10.1.1 ran fine.
Then updated from App Store - back to splash screen dead stop problem.
Repaired permissions, verified disc, booted up in recovery mode and tended to disc - no change in behavior.
Using Macbook Air, get low battery warning. Finish what I'm doing, close screen at 0:00 remaining time. Apparently it didn't sleep in time before battery drained completely, since when opening after plugging a minute or two thereafter it went into cold restart. (Btw, I've had the machine just shut down instead of going into deep sleep on low battery a few times before, would like to fix this too...)
All my programs reopened, except Mail loaded the "Welcome to Mail" splash screen, with my name and one of my email addresses autofilled, but none of my regular accounts. I canceled and it closed. Repaired permissions, verified disk, no problems. After searching the forums, turned invisible files on, fired up my Time Machine backup, and restored a recent pre-crash version of Mail preferences plist in user/Library/Preferences. Start up Mail again: same "Welcome to Mail" splash screen.
Called Apple Care, they wanted me to do a full restore from Time Machine backup. But my backup is a week old and I will lose data not covered in the meantime--I still want to find a way to get Mail back working without doing this. The only other suggestion was clear caches, restart, try again. I fired up Onyx, executed maintenance scripts, rebuilt Mail's envelope index, cleared system and user caches, and still no dice.
how to get Mail to recognize my old preferences plist instead of heading straight to the splash screen? To restore to all my email again without a full restore from week old back up?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13" 2.13 C2D 4GB ram
I'm wondering how uniform the backlighting is on everyone's mid-2010 MBPs. The screen on mine is sort of a gradient, with the screen becoming progressively brighter towards the left side. There are also what appear to be columns where the screen is slightly darker than the surrounding area. This makes it annoying to read in low-light conditions because the left side of the screen will be at a comfortable level when the right side is slightly too dim, or the other extreme. I absolutely cannot stand dead/hot pixels though which makes me hesitant to have the screen replaced. I just bought the notebook a week ago but I don't want it replaced, as I installed a Moshi PalmGuard before I noticed the screen issues. I also installed an InvisibleShield but I can have that replaced at no cost.
Final cut express is stopping exporting at 100% and hanging there for an indefinite amount of time. What is going on? I am using simple Quicktime Exporting options.
I bought a new printer and I'd like to remove the "Brother Control Center" splash logo that pops up when I boot up my computer. I'd like to remove everything about Brother from my computer as well.
Have some problems to buy/ download Splashtop Remote Desktop form the App Store.I receive a message saying something like "Product distributor file could not be found or is corrupt" (translated from german to english).
I have owned my new MBP for less than 3 months and I have already spotted a dead pixel. It is about 2.5" about the dead center of the monitor. Whenever I have a browser or any other light background up I see it stick out like a sore thumb. I did a search on the forums and saw that Apple has a "policy" regarding these things before they will replace it. The nearest Apple store is 3 hours away and they want me to bring it in. Obviously I don;t want to drive all the way there for them to turn me away. What do you guys think....too OCD? The short amount of time I have owned it though makes me want it fixed...and I can't NOT see it now that I know it's there (yes it's a double negative).
I received my new 27" i7 1TB HD on Friday. I was amazed at how fast the shipping was. I'm in the UK and I was told it would be shipped from China and arrive in a week and a half, but instead it turned up from Ireland the very next day! After unboxing it I ran all the tests.. yes, call me a sceptic and tell me I'm looking for trouble! No yellow screen, no grey shadow, no scratches on cds, no dead pixels on photo booth. So far so good. I could swear my Superdrive is making an odd off-key noise when accepting discs, but second opinions tell me it's normal. The Seagate drive can make 'processing' noises every now and then but it doesn't bother me too much. I think in Europe we're stuck with Seagate for 1TB from what I've read here
I have an old 2007 Macbook Pro that the video card died in. I ordered my new laptop and want to transfer the information from the old one to the new one. The migration assistant wants me to run the migration assistant on the old computer, but I can access it because the screen is dead. Hooking it to a monitor wont work is the best way to get my data onto my new MacBook? I have a firewire to quickly transfer the data, just not sure how to get to it.
I just got this iBook 12" in the mail been to a mac shop before I bought it where the owner was told the screen had died. Motherboard was said to be Ok by the repairer. I replaced the screen with a know working one and the screen was dead. Then after the fiddle of pulling it apart again wondered if I could use the hard drive on another ibook. The hard drive I put in another iBook which loaded up fine with display. Later I tried again but it was a dead screen? Is it that both ibooks have faulty motherboards? Motherboard determines a display? Or could it be the display module? What else could cause dead screen? Cables good.
I have an eyelash-sized dark streak on the center, bottom (dock area) of my Powerbook G4 15". At first, I thought it was dirt, or another external blemish, but if I move the cursor over it, it obstructs the view of the blemish (instead of appearing beneath it.) Also, I have a small, almost white, faded dot which appears to grow and expand larger if the Powerbook is running for longer than 4-6 hours.What is frustrating is that neither show up under screen captures. Is my monitor full of external stains and blemishes which I cannot remove, or is there something actually wrong with my display?
I signed up here to ask a life or death question for my iBook G3 While transferring through an airport last week on one of those moveable walkways, I got clipped off by another passenger who was running through the terminal to catch his flight. Unfortunately, he somehow managed to send my briefcase- with the iBook- sailing ten feet accross the terminal, landing onto the floor with a sickening thud. Although the iBook was fortunately in a protective notebook cover, and there were no cracks to be seen when I retreived it, my attempts to fire up the iBook have failed. That is, when turning the machine on, everything seems to lead me on that its going to run normally- the OS9 to OS10.3 transfer clicks in, I get the grey apple symbol on the grey background with the running circle below- and then nothing. The grey screen goes on, and on, and on. I tried it again this morning and it stayed like this for an hour. Worse, I cannot simply turn the machine off without hitting the reset button, and all attempts to reinstall the programs or do a hardware test lead to nothing. If I had more time, I'd probably search high and low through the forums to see if there was anything I could do to bring the iBook back to life. Unfortunately, I have to leave in two days again, and wanted to bring the laptop with me. is there some way that I can get this dear old beast running again, or is it curtains for my beloved iBook?
It seems one of the defect possibilities of the new manufacturing process is that the new Macbooks or Macbook Pros can get dust trapped behind the glass screen. At least, that's what happened to my Macbook. So they let me return it, and I got a Macbook Pro, and now the new Macbook Pro, though a thing of beauty, has a bright dead pixel in the top middle screen, as well as a dimmer dead pixel 2 inches to the left of that one. I heard that Apple's dead pixel policy was three dead pixels or no deal on an exchange, but I just bought the computer a few hours ago. Do you think I have a shot at them replacing it? I hate to think of staring at this, (bright) dead pixel for three years, (not to mention the other dimmer dead pixel).
I recently found in a dumpster a 17' inch iMac G4 (1Ghz, 80 HD, superdriver, 512MB). All components seem to be ok. When I power up the PC, you can hear the chime, but no image comes up. You can see there is backlight but the screen is as dark as night. I really do not care about the lamp case. I was hoping to move all the components to a spare PC case that I have in my basement. Can I use a regular ATX power supply? If I can use a regular PC case with a external LCD monitor (attach to the MB's external LCD port), that would be awesome.
I use an Intel white iMac 2.0gHz as my primary computer. So far, it has given me no trouble. However, lately I woke the computer to discover a yellow line of dead pixels all the way to the right of the screen. It was discouraging but since the line was out of the way, it wasn't a great deal. However again, later today, I woke the display to find another line running down the middle of the computer. Oh gosh! Anyone know what is going on? Is it the display or the graphics card?
I just bought my white MacBook and its a great computer except for the 2 dead pixels that i found. On the left side there are 2-3 dead pixels about 1 inch from the bottom of the screen and 1 inch from the top.
I bought it from BestBuy this Sunday and only discovered the problem today. So my question is can they tell me that it is OK for an LCD to have 2-3 dead pixels and refuse to do anything with it? It is unacceptable in my opinion, as the LCD technologies have been out for a while, as well as Apple's products are usually of very high quality.
I noticed shortly after I bought my Mac last week that I had a stuck pixel. I don't know if it was there when I first turned it on or not, but I have been trying to ignore it, and really the reason is that if people see it, they will think what I have is defective, when it is really only one pixel that I can probably work back awake. I know I have OCD-tendencies, so I was wondering if there are people out there that have a stuck/dead pixel that they are okay with having on the screen! Sorry for the weird post, but I was hoping to find some posters who have gotten over the fact that a pixel of theirs is dead/stuck.
My friend has a 1st gen Macbook Pro (the model just before the unibody) which I offered to upgrade the hard drive in after he was complaining he didn't have enough space. I successfully did this to mine last year so I didn't think I would have any issues doing it again.
It was all fine until I put it all back together again and fired it up, and now the screen remains blank. I can hear the hard drive whirring away and the CD drive spinning when I put the installation disk in (which now I can't get out) but nothing seems to be working. I thought it might have something to do with the new hard drive I tried to install so I swapped it back out for the old one and I still have the same problem.
I was very careful dismantling it (and have done it many times before) and I can't see anything obvious internally that would be causing this problem. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this? It's bad enough this is happening but it's even worse that it isn't my computer that it's happening to.
I have only had my Macbook for about a week now and I noticed that when my screen is black I can clearly see a TON of little specks all over the screen.I found out that these are most likely dead pixels or dust under the glass.
1. Is it normal for my screen to have this many dead pixels after only a week of having it? (I bought it brand new from the store.)
Is there any easy way to tell whether I have a dead pixel or something under my screen? I have a small dot that shows up no matter what color I test the screen with (but is obviously harder to see with darker colors).
I have received my maxed out MacBook Air last week and did not even think about checking for dead or stuck pixels (not like my led TV which I had to return several times) until this article about Apple's policy was posted on Mac Rumors. That made me curious and I began starting to look for anomalies which resulted in finding 1 dead pixel on the lower left part of my screen. Of course now it is bugging me and I am really thinking about returning it because of the money I have spent on it. Should I call the Apple Care first or go straight to the store? Would they even consider replacing the unit granting they have one in stock?
If DVI out to external monitor works, does this mean that the GPU works? When I run the hardware test I get a Video RAM error, 2DIS/16/2, googling that is inconclusive. The LCD panel is new and verified to be functional, so that's not the problem. Could a faulty video cable or something else that is cheap to replace cause a Video RAM error? Or is it in need of a new logic board?
My new 24" 2.93 1tb iMac arrived today after ordering it March 3rd. Everything is great about it except for a cluster (like 8-10) of dead pixels in the upper right of the screen. This bugs me, so I want to the it replaced. My question is how does Apple go about replacing computers? Do I get a new one first then send back the old, so I am not with out a computer for a week?Also do I send everything back with all the accessories or just the physical computer?
i am working on my website, and notice a few "stars" on the screen. I thought maybe it was my desktop image, as it is the standard leopard galaxy deal. I verified it was my screen. Will Apple even do anything about this, or will they say it is just cosmetic? I took in my MBP (i bought it 10/08, it is the version before the UMBP) to the genius before because the screen has some lines in it, but they said it caused by the keyboard hitting the screen and they wont fix it because it is cosmetic. I think they should fix it, but at this point, it isn't the biggest deal, but now that i spotted it, i can see it everytime i am on a dark screen/page
My faithful and trusted Intel Mac mini 1.83 C2D that I bought new in December 2007 suddenly died during a major 10.6.3 update install. It almost completed the update and the screen went black and the light went off instantly. The power button doesn't respond at all. I had major work projects going on Sunday night when I took a break, quit all applications and did the software update and it died. I took it to the Apple Store Monday morning thinking it was the power supply. I was informed that the logic board is dead and my HD has to be wiped and OS X reinstalled. The repair would cost well over $300 and have a 90 day warranty with the same logic board installed that could fail again. Ironically enough, I had been thinking about buying another new Mac mini and a new Mac mini Server for work. That's not going to happen now. I left the Apple store with my new $600 paper weight for my desk. What would you do? This was a sad day in my faith in Apple products. Apple Mac mini lemon? While my 500Mhz Cube serves me very well day to day at work, I do need my 10.6 Mac mini to run iMovie '09 to put together my videos for [URL]