Desktops :: IMac Slow / PS CS2 Breaking Up Images
Apr 3, 2009
I have an Imac at work, and it is agonizingly slow. Plus Photoshop CS2 is breaking up images so they are unworkable and is corrupting them. The hard drive says there is 202 GB available so -- is this a scratch disk problem and if so, why isn't 200 G enough? Does anyone have any help as to what I can do to speed this up? I have ordered (or are ordering at some point) another stick of RAM - but I am quite sure the problem is not going to be completely solved with that.
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Nov 18, 2009
I own an iMac G5 with Mac OS 10.5.8 I need to find a way for my VST floppy drive to work for me to be able to access some images I have on floppy disks.
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Jun 14, 2009
got an Emac G4 bubble slow to load and sometimes you just get a blank screen and nothing happens ?
Then you turn of the power and mostly it loads with the apple chime.
Sometimes you got to do it three times .
Other times you notice in the little box as it loads a "?" .
What can i do to get it to load properly ?
When it wont load you get a beep instead of the chime.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a late 2008 MacBook, which is the white one with the old design. It has a 2.4ghz Core 2 Duo cpu, an intel graphics chip and 2gb. of ram. It's more than sufficient on an everyday basis, however; when viewing and editing RAW images from my camera it is extremely laggy. Is there anything I could do to speed this up?
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Aug 20, 2014
I have an infuriating problem with extremely slow loading of extracts on the British Newspaper Archive site and something must have happened to cause it. I have a Macbook Air, was on Snow Leopard, the site always worked fine. When I came back to the site after a few months, the pages took 2 minutes or more to load. However on the similar Australian site, Trove, there is no problem. BNA say no one else has the problem. It happens on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera. I have even had an upgrade to Mountain Lion - the problem continued. I copied everything to a Passport and had the laptop cleared out and upgraded to 10.9.1. The site then worked, but as soon as I migrated my stuff back from Passport, the problem returned. I’ve tried disabling Sophos, had removed Ghostery.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Now 10.9.1
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Mar 5, 2010
Want to transfer data from iMac G5 to new iMac Intel 10.6. I have ethernet connection. Not sure the next step.
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Feb 4, 2010
I want to install tiger on my imac using boot camp. I want to split the drive so I can use "Snow Leopard" or "Tiger" on one mac.
When I get to the step that says "Start Installation" the screen goes black and says "No Bootable Device"
I have the Tiger disk in but nothing works.
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Mar 2, 2010
Receiving new battery tomorrow.
Any good links or tips on how to best break this new battery in properly upon installing? Will be replacing the original battery that came with, which has about 65% health @ 389 cycles. Lasts about 35 minutes before completely shutting off.
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Sep 6, 2010
I understand these machines burn images into screens sometimes, but they fade back to normal after a while. My issue is that its taking less and less time to burn images into my screen. It's so bad, I avoid using the left side of the screen because simply leaving anything there for a full minute burns the crap out of it. Oddly, this only effects the left third of the screen.
I remember taking it up to an apple store (not fun, considering none are near me. The address their tech support gave me actually went to a pawn shop.) but they simply told me to leave the itunes visualizer running every now and then.
Back then it was just mildly irritating. Now I cant do anything with that side of the screen! Would replacing the LCD resolve this issue?
Below is a picture taken from my motorola razr. I know it's bad, but that's all I have.
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Mar 22, 2010
I have some images I want to burn to dual layer DVD's on my i7 iMac.
Which type do I user, DVD+R or DVD-R.
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Jan 20, 2010
I'm new here, but not new to the Mac world. I own an intel iMac and while I was attempting to restart it on Sunday night it went into a gray screen with the box asking me to shut and restart in several languages. I did and still get stuck on that page. I did a PRAM reset and that didn't work. So I used my start up disk to get to the disk utility and my HD is fine so I used an external drive to install the OS on it and reboot from and reinstalled from TimeMachine (only problem is the last time I backed up was 5 months ago)Again I checked my internal drive and everything seems okay, but I cannot reboot from it. BTW, I've OS 10.6.2,
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Apr 16, 2010
Got a new HD with operating system pre-installed on it but it wont start-up? starts to do the chime but stops and no action? what am i doing wrong?
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Nov 15, 2010
I'm trying to troubleshoot my Mac G5. When I start up the computer the monitor is breaking up with patterns of dots, colour problems, and broken images/text so the screen is unreadable. Frequently, the computer crashes or freezes. After I restart it about 4 times the monitor works fine. I've now had it on for a couple of days and it's been fine. Would this indicate a video card problem or some other issue and is there any tests that would help me determine the problem.
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Jun 13, 2012
MBP Mid 2009
8GB Ram
The problem started with my MBP freezing about once per day (sometimes spinning wheel, sometimes complete unresponsiveness). After doing a hard reset, I would usually be given the grey screen with stop sign, and the machine wouldn't boot. Resetting the PRAM would fix this, and it would boot OK. This was going on for a few weeks (I did disk checks which came back fine).
Then a couple of days ago the machine froze (unresponsive), I did a hard reset but just got the chime and grey screen - no Apple logo, no spinning wheel, no stop sign. Nothing. I did PRAM and SMC resets, but still nothing. I tried booting safe, safe verbose, hardware test, single user - nothing would work; just chime and blank grey screen. So I thought my OS installation had died.But when I tried to boot to the Lion DVD, still nothing - grey screen, the DVD would spin up, then spin down to a stop. I thought it might me faulty RAM, but not having any others to try I just swapped the two pieces over. Nothing.
Then I plugged my external 500GB HDD in to the USB (which was the machine's original internal HDD) and suddenly the Lion DVD would boot. So, the internal 1TB was dead. I put the 500GB back inside, booted Lion DVD successfully, formatted the HDD and started the Lion install. This failed with an error message 'the support files can't be copied - restart to try again'. So I restarted and in disk utility it said the HDD S.M.A.R.T was failing and it had a serious fault which could not be fixed and needs to be replaced. The 500GB disk was working fine and had had very little use since being replaced by the 1TB in January this year (the 1TB was brand new in January). So it seems odd that the both decided to fail one day after each other.
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Dec 3, 2014
Since I have switched to Yosemite all my videos, youtube, any sound output is digitally breaking up. What can I do to fix this?
MacBook Air
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Jul 21, 2009
What are the advantages and disadvantages to each setup?
Why would someone go with a Mac Pro? What are you experiences with each system?
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Aug 9, 2009
Hello a friend gave me an eMac 1Ghz, 128 Mb ram. And it won't allow me to install any Mac os 9 or X...
I have a G4 Silverstreak 800 MHz Power Pc, 1 GB SDRAM. I've attempted linking both computers via ethernet and firewire without any luck.Is there anyone here who might be able to assist me in resolving this dilemma?
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Sep 5, 2009
When I start my iMAC (OS X) there is a good chance that it WILL NOT pair with my Logitech M555b (Bluetooth) mouse. It IS set to be "discoverable." The Apple mouse's trackball was a constant problem; it had to be cleaned often. Changed to the M555b and now I'm being punished by the MAC gods for my infidelity.
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Sep 9, 2009
I'm looking for a good quality Audio Interface for my iMac, i work with MIDI only so i won't be needing tons of ins & outs for vocals, mics, live instruments etc, the only thing I'll be needing to connect is a Digital Piano (MIDI ports) and a pair of Monitor Speakers. what are the best AI brands out there for a iMac ?
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Oct 24, 2009
I'm thinking of acquiring a new iMac (the model offered this week). I would like to retain my USB PC mouse and keyboard.
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Apr 19, 2010
Have a 17" G5 iMac iSight (OS 10.5.8) that works normally for several hours and then the CPU temperature suddenly spikes and the computer shuts itself down. When I check the Temperature Monitor (application) history graph, it shows normal temperatures and then a spike. There are 3 fans and I don't know which is failing or whether there's something in the temperature sensing that's gone haywire. My only solution is to do a forced restart. By this time, things have cooled and it will work for several hours.
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Apr 20, 2010
Recently, my iMac (Intel Core) started to slow down the longer I use it. Applications take ages to launch. Sometimes even opening a folder takes a long time. I have to force quit more and more times. I also have to literally pull out the plug when it just hangs. this is especially bad when it wakes up after I put it to sleep mode.
Is this a RAM issue? I'm running on 4GB RAM.
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Sep 3, 2010
my iMac ejects blank discs when I try to burn music in Tunes or when I insert a music CD to play it.The disc spins around for about 15 seconds, then it gets ejected. I made sure the surface of the discs were clean and that I was burning from a "playlist," all to no avail. I was successful at playing a movie in iDVD, though, so I'm baffled.
Mac OS 10.5.8 / 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo / 1 GB 800 MHz SSR2 SDRAM
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Oct 7, 2010
My mother-in-law has an old Blueberry iMac which works ok except it won't connect to the internet/LAN. It is the computer, because the cable that used to connect the iMac to the internet is currently connected to a different computer and it works perfectly. The iMac runs Mac OSX 10.3.9. Has something died inside the iMac?
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Dec 3, 2010
The displays on my flat panel iMac G4 (2003) suddenly have gone 'red': sometimes it will return to 'blue' and be ok. Is this a dying flat panel or can I fixit?
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Dec 6, 2010
Where to get power supply for - imac os x /model # M6498 EMC NO 1991 100-240V
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Apr 20, 2009
A friend of mine did a publication using pages in which the final result was a pdf document which had 2 different page layouts. The first page was w26cm by h29.7cm and the rest of the pages were w52cm by h29.7cm.
I'm unable to contact him but he told me that he did this in pages. Im trying to do the same page format and cannot get 2 different sizes.
Is there a way in pages that you can do this and export it as a pdf? What I currently have is 2 documents with different size pages, so is there another way, such as another program that merges the two documents together?
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Sep 7, 2008
just lately when i open a photo in iphoto it breaks up into pieces on the screen in iphoto so i click outside the photo again to restore to thumbnail size and click again to reopen and it's fine for editing etc. parts of the pic are there and parts are black the first attempt at opening. can't quite figure it out. have trashed iphoto prefs. used disk warrior etc. anyone have this occur to them and how they fixed it?
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Mar 3, 2009
I am tech support for an Elementary-Middle school with an all Mac curriculum. We have been this way for just about 4 years now and our first model iMac 17 inches are no longer under warranty.
We have three iMac 17"s that don't work properly, here's the rundown:
- The First works properly fine but has a bad DVI port (we run SMARTBoards and require them for most of our classroom computers)
- The Second has a bad logic board, we don't have any other information about it
- The Third has a broken display, we're pretty sure everything else works on it.
We don't have applecare support on these three and are interested in turning them in to two (hopefully) or one working model for a teacher.
Any ideas/suggestions/resources?
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Aug 24, 2009
I have a late 06 early 07 intel imac. My problem is I recently purchased a 1 tb Seagate external hd and the imac recognizes some folders and their contents, like pictures and a couple others but will not recognize the contents of my movies or music folders. Now I copied all of my files from a wd elements 500gig and that worked perfectly with my imac. just can't get to my music or movies. Now, I can plug the seagate back into a windows pc and it works perfectly, so i know my files are there, but love to use my mac exclusively. Also running 10.4.11
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