My apple ID thinks that I'm in America (it keeps asking for zip codes etc) - I'm actually in the UK with a UK address and card. I've tried changing the country of primary address to UK within the 'update your address' section and it is still thinks I'm in America (when I try and enter billing details it's still bringing up zip codes and a dropdown for US states rather than UK counties). How do I change it?
I have a MacBook Pro which I bought in Switzerland.I now moved to Singapore and I am not allowed to change "my country" in the Apple ID... and somehow my Apple ID is only valid for purchases in the Swiss iTunes Store.
I've given my daughter my old itouch and have created an apple id for her with funds so she can download and update her own apps. In the settings, her apple id is correct, but when she tries to update/ download apps, the prompt is my apple id (i guess because it used to be mine) and we cannot find out how to stop it automatically prompting for my id and replace it with a prompt for her id. We sync all our music up to the same mac.
This issue has probably when addressed in the past but I am having a problem with it now and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Currently, whenever I try to access Apple Mail (OS X 10.6.4), I get the spinning ball and I find that mail is not responding. Does anyone have any idea of what is going on or how I can reinstall mail?
I manage a small deployment of different macintosh products and I currently have to run 5 different images so that the background images look right on all the various resolutions. I have been working on a piece of applescript to prompt the user on first startup to select their hardware type to apply the proper background image but I am running into a few issues. Firstly the method I am using limits me to three options and I cant seem to find any documentation on how the list function works..Second, I keep getting errors saying the files can't be found. [code]
I am running OS X Yosemite 10.10 and only now am I having issues with updating iPhoto and iMovie. A family member set up my computer years ago but I prefer to update with my own ID incase there are ever costs involved, so it goes to my account.
Is there a way I can update with my own account or do I need to re-download the app? But then would I lose my photos? I can't open iPhoto at all and it's getting frustrating as I need to access them NOW!
I have made about 10 sig files in apple mail. I'm running 10.5.8. How do I change the default sig file so that particular one is used till I want to change it?
How can I update apps after changing my Apple ID password? I was just required to change my Apple ID password and now I am not able to download updates to apps I already have installed.
I am trying to change back to the Apple 3.5 from Microsoft Entourage and I can't seem to achieve this. I am afraid my Entourage will crash soon because my Database is currently 10.2 GB large. I had to switch 2 years ago from Mail to Entourage, after I lost all my mails because the was corrupted. I have had a change of computer although I did migrate my data and was hoping that the was working better but it is doing strange things like importing folders with no content - although it marks them with the amount of mails located within. It also refuses to import (admittedly) large amounts of mails from Entourage, it doesn't matter if it is just a single folder or several folders. It hoards some old mails in its INBOX which remain there even after I have erased them numerous times. They just keep coming back.
When I use the import option of the it will not take over all my mails but will save parts of the database or crash when I try to feed it mBox files. I realise my databases are very large but there must be some way to import data from one programme to another. I think somehow my is broken or it can't handle the huge Entourage database, is there some way I can discover whether this might be the case? I am starting to think I should stick to Entourage because it has been performing faithfully for the past years and I like the appearance more, but because I had database issues under Entourage 2004, I'm afraid my huge database will someday become irreparable. I have a 2.4 Ghz Macbook Pro, 2GB Dram, System 10.5.6, Entourage 2008 and of course the which I've had to reinstall (with Pacifist) and fix with the new Apple Mail Update that was issued on DEC 23, 2008 (which is supposed to solve stability issues).
I recently changed my apple ID password and now I can't log in to the icloud system preferences on my iMac or the App Store on my iMac. Everything else is fine with the new password;, itunes, ipad, iphone, MacBook Air. Have tried creating a new user account but get the same messages which vary from "unrecognized user or password" to "problem communicating with icloud, try again later."
I resent that Appple forces us to pay for and download Lion in order to switch to iCloud, a system that has many users furious. After downloading Lion, my personal cd archives from iTunes vanished, and several of my friends, on switching to iCloud, lost their mail contacts. YES - they followed the complicated instructions from Apple as to how to save everything, but so much fell apart. I had a chat with an Apple person and even she was mystified. I was going to buy an iPad but now I won't as just having an iMac is enough with so much difficult stuff going on.
I have purchased a Bose Wave SoundTouch music system and am having major problems connecting to my Apple Time Machine WiFi facility. This WIFi works with various other domestic items. The problem appears to be associated with the Apple WiFi password. I have been using this password for several years before buying my Apple iMac without any problem. procedure for changing the WiFi password.
I want to use my gift card, but when I try to purchase the external harddrive I want, it says I'm in United States which is utter BS. I am in Australia, and my account is even set to Australia. I am so confused and frustrated, because I really want to buy a harddrive as soon as possible.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Has anyone changed countries with iTunes / App store. I have lost all the apps I just purchase. I have been living in a country for a while but I am heading home soon and switched back to my original country and my new apps are gone.
I live in the US but im in vacation in Mexico and I want to buy music and i've seen Mexican iTunes cards at gas stations could I use those? if yes then how? or can I have a friend send me and iTunes code from America and redeem it and use it here?
I want to purchase a soundtrack but it is only available in the UK itunes store and not in the Canada iTunes store. Is there anyway to purchase these tracks or any other distributors selling songs online?
I am based in the UK but missed Australian TV. Not that Aussie tv is anything great.
I am tried [URL] but is not seemed to have any Australian's servers. UK, US and Canada servers but not Aus.
Can anyone recommend any other services provider? I have try [URL] but couldn't it work out. I am not the most technical of people but I know people who are.
I have just bought a mac mini server and am trying to get through the setup assistant.I select English as the main language and then get taken to the choose your country or region screen.I can scroll, select a country using the mouse or keyboard but when I push enter or double click I just get an error tone and nothing happens.Can not go forward can not go back.
Info: Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2 x 2.93 6 Core Intel Xeon 32GB 13
I wanna change my payment but I can't ! because My payment befor from Jordan I use master card after I use the apple gift card I wanna change Jordan again but I can becase say you have balance my balance in apple gift card just 00.07 $ how I can change payment country and use my master card again
well my question speaks for me, im buying the product from colombia with a credit card and i want to know if im going to get charged/need to pay for any kind of tax since im buying it from other country and is not going to be used on USA.
I wonder if someone come along some software for Mac which change IP country address. Similar to [URL]. I searched through Firefox add-on's but nothing there. Also I am fed up to manually search and change proxy. There are some paid services but that is limited by download cap etc.