Applications :: Importing .mov Files With Wrong Date To Imovie?
Jan 21, 2010
I wonder if someone could help me out on this. I've imported a lot of DV footage from my DV recorder to imovie and it has generally worked pretty well. Some of it came up with wrong dates, and I was able to follow instructions to get it to the right date.I recently purchased a Contour HD 1080P full on helmet camera for skiing/downhill biking. I got it just before my first ski trip and just took it out and recorded. It doesn't have many controls, and I didn't think that the date might not be set, and it wasn't, needs to be set by connecting it to the computer and setting it. So, it records 1080P in quicktime .mov files.. well .mov files anyway. When I import them to imovie, keeping full resolution, it takes ages. And the result is a directory full of .mov files again.
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Oct 16, 2009
When I import photos from my camera into iPhoto, their date/time (when they were actually taken) is shown with you Get Info in iPhoto, but when I copy the images or view the actual files, the Date Modified is when they were imported, not taken. How can I copy the images with the date/time they were actually taken?
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a very old purple iMac, circa 2000, with an old version of iMovie. I copied the files onto a USB and tried to open/import them onto my new Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz iMac. However my new iMac with iMovie '09 won't recognise the files when I try to import them. They stay greyed, not allowing me to import them.
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Aug 15, 2010
Basically I am a singer songwriter and have recently starting recording myself singing and using iMovie to record and Garageband to record me singing and putting the backing track in. I have no problem importing the Garageband file into iMovie, however I cant find how to make them go in sync - for example when I start singing in the GarageBand file isn't when I start singing in the iMovie video.
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Dec 26, 2009
I have 2 Ibooks: one has OSX and the other is on the highest version of the old OS9. Something odd happened the other day with a new USB flash drive I started using. I was transfering files (word docs) onto a flash drive. When I inserted the flash drive in the old iBook, each file (and document) showed the date Dec 9, even though the docs were from Dec. 16. When I inserted the flash drive in the newer iBook, it showed the correct dates for each doc. I tried this back and forth, and found the same thing. Yet, all the dates are correct on everything on my hard drive on the old iBook. It only is a problem with this new flash drive I'm using. It never happened before.
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May 18, 2010
I have just got my first mac and I am really enjoying it so far. I am trying to import video files from the hard drive in to iMovie, the video clips were captured using a Panasonic lumix tz7. I think the format is AVCHD or m2ts? , and my Mac is a macbook pro 17inch i5. Is there something I could be doing wrong or some software that I needed when I purchased my computer (when I purchased it from the apple store the genius's said that format was compatible).
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Jul 15, 2009
I'm using a rather old version of iMovie (iMovie 3, actually) and this old dinosaur is having trouble uploading some clips I took of my screen using the trial version of Screen Record 2. I used it once before (Same program, same file format and everything!) and it worked fine, but now all of the sudden it won't accept the files.
An error Message pops up after spending however long it took to upload the file
Error During Import
The file could not be imported: (-47)
The movie also works fine in Quicktime player.
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Feb 7, 2007
I've noticed recently that when in Finder, all folders/files have a Modified Date of somewhere in January 2009 or January 2008, regardless of when it was actually modified/created. My clock at the top left-hand corner says Oct 20 though. Any thoughts?
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Feb 4, 2009
I am new to imovie and i would like to stabilize some videos i captured with my digital camera. They are in .mpg form and it does not import.
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Feb 21, 2009
Is it possible to import .dv footage to an external hdd?
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Apr 11, 2009
What is the best way, using a DV camera. Should I be changing some settings. It looks like it degrades the quality a bit. Ive heard that iMovie 06 is the best (but no longer available for free)
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Dec 20, 2010
Is there a way I can crop my movies before importing it into iMovie. I have a long video on my recorder and I only need like 30 seconds of it, I don't want to have to import the whole movie (it's HD, so it'll take a while). Is there a quicker way to do this? If iMovie can't, just out of curiosity, can more advanced programs like Premiere Pro or FCE/FCP do this?
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May 12, 2009
I have a new panasonic HD camera that records full HD (HDC-TM200-K). What format do you recommend I import movies into iMovie? Full or the large options.
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Nov 29, 2009
what format I can input my videos into iMovie so that the video and audio can be separated? Or is this not possible in iMovie? Also what formats can I use to import into iMovie, I have only been successful with MPEG-4, .avi or MPEG-2 does not work.
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Mar 7, 2009
I have a video that I am trying to import into iMovie '09. Its it a .MOV file. The file shows up in iPhoto, but when I go to iPhoto movies in iMovie, the file does not show up. What type of formats does iMovie let you import? Perhaps I can't import because its the wrong type of file? If so, is there a (free) way to convert the .MOV file into a file that can be imported into iMovie?
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Jun 10, 2009
I have got a .mov file (1GB) that looks fabulous when I watch it in the Quicktime player. But when I drag it into iMovie, the quality is terrible.
At first I figured this was just because iMovie displays lower quality for editing and that the original quality would be preserved when I bring it back into Quicktime. But the quality is just as bad after compression.
No matter what I do, the final Quicktime video is atrocious. When I compress it from iMovie, I�m choosing the highest quality setting to bring it into .dv format. In .dv format, the file is still very heavy, but it looks terrible. If iMovie preserved the quality (whether we see it or not), shouldn�t it be visible in .dv?
I also tried exporting the .dv into mpg-4 and plenty other formats (thinking .dv may still be �hiding� the true quality) but that doesn�t work either. Im still on an iBook G4 (PowerPC) running Mac OS X v10.4.11 and QuickTime Pro v7.4.5.
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May 8, 2009
So, I have all of my imovie projects backed up on my external harddrive, as well as the imovie program. I accidentally deleted all of the imovie projects and events from the imovie application on my laptop. When I try to re-import the imovie files into imovie, it doesn't recognize the files. I have tried to convert them with iSkySoft Video Converter. That converter program does not recognize the files either. I also tried burning the files onto a disc and then pulling them off the disc with the Handbrake program. This doesn't work either. I also tried importing the files into iMovie HD, which I have on my desktop, but to no avail. Are these files alll useless now? I'm at my wits end because I have spent literally months compiling footage for a documentary.
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Nov 6, 2009
You see, while working in iMovie I accidentally exported a movie when I wasn't finished with it, and I wasn't able to cancel the action. And now, since I'm not done with the project yet, I was wondering - can I, and if so, how, can I import it back into iMovie? I am operating in iMovie '09 I am not new to Macs - just the '09 applications.
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May 23, 2009
I'm importing 720p HD video from my new digicam, a Panasonic DMC-ZS3. After importing the video into iMovie, the speed of replay is way too fast (2-3x normal speed). I think it may have something to do with the fact that I'm downloading 720p and somehow the progressive scan is confusing iMovie: [URL]
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Sep 30, 2008
So I shut down my computer earlier today for the first time in weeks. I restarted it and then left for a few hours for dinner.
I come home and I look at the last time MobileMe Sync and Time Machine did their things. They say they did them at 7:45. I look at the clock on my cable box and on my iPhone, both say 6:45.
Weird that the MacBook's time is wrong. I go into Time Date settings. I see that when the MacBook does the "Auto locate where you are so that we can set the appropriate time zone, etc. the MacBook things I'm in Rexford, Idaho.
I haven't been to Idaho in about 25 years, and my MacBook has been sitting in Southern Kalifornia for the last one year since I bought it.I've tried to have the MacBook auto-locate again, and it keeps finding me us in Rexford, idaho.
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Feb 27, 2012
While importing a Classical Music CD I was given two choices to pick fromfor the name and playlist. I chose one and it was wrong. I did not import it but rather ejected it and them remounted it to choose the right name and playlist however it no longer gives me a choice, it goes right to the previously chosem incorrect name and list.
I tried ejecting, quiting iTunes, restarting iTunes and reinserting but it still goes right to the previously chosen incorrect name and list. How do I rectify this? there must be some info to delete on my HD so it will give me the choice again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iTunes 10
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Oct 30, 2009
Over the past 3-4 days I have been experiencing a few problems with my MacBook Pro. I purchased it back in May so I haven't had it too long and I have not started to have these problems until recently. Sometimes when I turn on my MacBook the date and time will be wrong. It will be set to Dec. 31 2000 and the time will be out of whack. Also, when I try to use my wireless router to connect to the internet it will give me this odd page and it will say my connection is unsecure and then it will have a big button that I can click that says get me out of here.
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Sep 12, 2014
Several files in my hard drive displayed dates from 1984.
Whenever I tried to open it, it says "Item <> is being used by OSX and cannot be opend."
It worked fine if I dragged it to the dock icon and open it.
I think it is due to I did not safely remove my hard drive once.
The 'date modified' info was fine when I tried it on window 7 though.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 19, 2009
Today is the 19th and my ical dock icon is displaying the 18th. My dates and times are correct in my preferences and display properly every where else. When I launch ical it is also on the proper date and the dock icon will display the proper date as long as ical is open. When I close ical the dock icon displays the wrong date again.
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Mar 22, 2010
I am fairly new to the world of mac's and I'm having a problems with my photo's. On my old windows PC I have 1000's of photo's. When I right click on a photo in windows and go to 'details' it will tell me the exact date and time when it was taken. So if I then import them into some library software such as picasa, it sorts it them all out by this date. However, I've now copied all my photo's to my new imac and the 'date taken' field doesn't seem to be there. When I import them into iphoto or picasa etc, they are totally messed up and all over the place.
Why did OSX loose that data? I will try to explain a little better using screenshots. This screenshot is from windows: [URL]. At the top is says 'date taken' and any windows photo library software will sort it by this date. Below are the properties of the same file after it's copied to osx: [URL]. It contains lots of information about the picture but not when it was taken. So software such as iphoto or picasa sorts it by it's created date (which you can see at the top is Monday 12th January). Why isn't OSX carrying over the exif data on when the photo was taken?
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May 19, 2012
I have an odd Mail problem which I can't seem to solve. Yesterday I unchecked my "automatically set date and time" box in order to set the date back to May 7th for a particular printing task I needed to accomplish. I printed the pages but forgot to re-check this box so my system date was wrong for all of yesterday. I was hunting for a sent message later in the day when I realized what I had done.
I was going to report that my sent folder had stopped working, but, naturally, the messages were neatly filed exactly where they were supposed to be, sorted to May 7th, and not May 18th. Luckily I did not send a lot of messages yesterday! My question: Is there a way to manually change the date of a sent message? Is there a way to edit the header of a sent message? (Note to self: If you change the system date change it back)
MB Pro 8,2 (2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 18, 2010
I have tried to find a topic about my problem but can only find one about maybe needing MPEG Streamclip which I have downloaded. The problem I have is state below: The file could not be imported: The file Macintosh HD/Users/lynneroberston/Movies/mum's movie camera/M2U00023.MPG cant be imported; QuickTime couldnt parse it: -2048 Could someone let me know what I may need to do, do I need to convert the file?
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Apr 25, 2009
I have imported my DVD collection into my hard drive so I can have the entire TV series on my Mac without swapping DVDs all the time (I want to access them via Front Row). Currently the format is AVI and cannot be imported into iTunes. I can however open the movie in quicktime, save as a reference file, then import into iTunes. However, this would take me hours and hours with my video library. If I convert them to *.mov format, it would also take hours and hours. I know there's a program called videodrive that will import them all, but I'd like to buy it only as a last resort. Surely there must be a way to do it via Automator or something?
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Oct 26, 2007
A client sent me a jpeg to put in an iMovie. I dragged it in, but it doesn't fit. Some of the lettering is cut off on the left side of the frame. I've tried several ways to resize it, but none have been successful.
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Feb 2, 2009
I have imovie 08 on my laptop. I am a teacher and the kids did a project on their computers. I downloaded them to my portable external drive and now want to burn them. I am having a difficult time importing them into imovie.
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