Each of my MobileMe Gallery albums have been synced to my Mac, I see all of them in my iPhoto v8.1.2 (Snow Leopard). I'm not clear if they will still be on my Mac when MobileMe expires on June 30 so I want to move the albums to Photos in my iPhoto. The instructions I found in Apple's Support area say once photos are downloaded I can drag & drop them to Photos in the left hand column to ensure they are in my main iPhoto library. I can't seem to make that happen. Tried clicking on one album and dragging it to Photos - didn't work. Tried selecting all photos in one album and dragging the group to Photos - didn't work. I'm sure this is basic stuff to most but I am still fairly new to Mac.  will the contacts & calendar in my iPhone & iPad continue to sync using iTunes after MobileMe expires? Presently not going to upgrade to iCloud or Lion.
Will the albums still be available to the groups that I have identified to be uploaded & downloaded via "Web" in I-Photo? Gallery was Mac's answer to Shutterfly & I am confused as to whether this aspect is still available under "Web" in I-Photo.
I've been paying for my Mobile Me account and use My Gallery to store movies for business, but now I need to 'move' everything to my iCloud. I have several Apple devices: my Mac [OS 10.7.4], my iPhone and my iPad. All seem to have iCloud on them, but I can't access my movies in iCloud. However, I can still see them in My Gallery, which I presume will 'go away' soon. So I need a place to put them to be able to link customers to them. It takes forever to put one into my 'dropbox' app. I thought they would automatically transition to iCloud? But they don't seem to be doing that?
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
there is no replacement for MobileMe Gallery, and all of the albums that we have uploaded over the years will just go away. It is even more maddening as we have been paying customers for several years. I know we can redownload the pictures, but what the point? We uploaded the to share with loved ones. Â How can iCloud not have a gallery function? Why is there not a way to migrate photos in MobileMe Gallery to iCloud?
Just wondering if I'm missing the place where iPhoto is actually giving a status of a "pending" item as far as if it's processing it somehow or, uploading it or what...
I've got a few vids that I shot while on my honeymoon in a gallery of pics in iPhoto and they seem to be taking FOREVER to upload to my mobileme galleries.
editing my iWeb page and the "mobileme gallery" widget isn't loading onto the page. It says that I can't display any albums or movies. I've read that it's because either I'm not connected to the internet (not true) or that I don't have any albums published to mobileme. This isn't true because I do have albums that are published. Does anyone have the same problem and know how to get it to work?
I recorded mvi movies using my Canon Powershot camera a few years ago. They seemed to upload fine and show a thumbnail image, but won't play and won't download. With the iCloud switch coming, I'd really like to download the files.
How do I remove iDisk from the sidebar and clear that folder on my mac? If I click on the icon after closing the account. I am asked to log back in to MobilMe. Mobil Me is over. I don't have iDisk anymore, so how do I clear it from my computer?
I´m hesitating moving from mobile me gallery to icloud because I´m afraid of losing my pictures. (I have 30 albums) If mobile me gallery is compressing the pictures? When I tried to download them as zipped files. The picture I opened was only 880 KB. How do I make a backup without reducing the quality of the pictures? Will I find my pictures in icloud if I move to icloud without having backup?
Since 19th May 2012 I have not been able to receive e mails on my mac and can only access mobileme mails by logging onto the internet. I've tried all the obvious things to get it working but to no avail.Funny thing is that I can send e mails no problem from my mac but cannot receive - the only thing that does come thru is Applenews.
I'm currently running iMovie '09 on my Powerbook G4 and everything is running fine except the export to MobileMe gallery. When ever I create a movie and click the publish to MobileMe, it checks with MobileMe for a second then takes me to a sign-in or try free for 60 days even though I am signed-in in system preferences. Even when I logout and log back in the sys. prefs. it still doesn't recognize that I am logged in to MobileMe.
I'm thinking that when It "checks with MobileMe", it detects I am running on the "non supported" G4 processor and won't let me proceed to upload.
A number of times recently when I have opened Mail.app I get a message that says something like identity certificate of smtp.me.com cannot be validated. And I clicked continue anyway.
Anyhow, over the next day since opening it I created about 10 drafts and was working on them, and didn't particularly notice I wasn't receiving mail. I didn't notice anything was wrong until I finished one of the drafts this morning and sent it. It never sent. The window dissapeared but the message didn't appear in drafts or sent. So I took a look at the Activity window and saw about 15 things it was trying to do and not finishing any of them. I went through all my other drafts and tried saving them manually and they wouldn't save. They kept showing the darkened red close button to show thye hadn't been saved.
I went back to Activity and tried hitting the stop sign next to each process, but after doing that I still couldn't save the messages. I guess this was stupid and I wasn't thinking but I thought quitting and reopening might help. So I quit mail and it wouldn't let me quit (quit was grayed out), so I force quit. I reopened mail and that's when I realized something had been wrong since yesterday when I got that security message. I suddenly got 10 e-mails that apparently had been sent to me since yesterday.
I looked in my sent and drafts folders and the message I had sent is nowhere. The messages I had created since the security message yesterday are non-existent. And the messages I had edited since the security message have none of the additions I made to them. I went to mobileme support this morning and I was upset at how clueless the person was. He told me he thought my operating system was corrupted. It was a painful exchange. I called AppleCare and they didn't know what to tell me either and it was awkward. I have my MobileMe setting set to save all my mail on the server but is there a chance it could have saved a localized cached version of these message somewhere? I already looked under Library-->Mail, but it just reflects what's in my inbox.
My MobileMe account says "your mobileme account has been upgraded to icloud." How can I verify that any documents still saved on my iDisk are migrated/will be migrated to iCloud to avoid data loss when MobileMe ends 6/30/12?