I have a mac book pro system 10.5.8 I life 09 I noticed your post and thought you might know what to do?
I created another iPhoto library on my external hard drive. With photos from 2007-2008 Deleted them from the main iPhoto. Then in 2008 I carbon copied my computer to the external hard drive. I ended up with 3 iPhoto libraries. I wanted to only have one on the external hard drive and today after not enough research I drug the iphoto icon on top of the one in the user folder on to the iphoto icon. The photos are not showing up in my iphoto library when I open the iphoto on the external HD. I do a rt click and open the iphoto package and the photos are all there with all information How do I get them to show up when I open the external hard drive or am I fried?
MacBook Pro - I scanned in photos and they entered into the computer in tif file. I tried several different ways to convert them to jpg. I finally read that if I transferred them into iPhoto they would automatically go into jpg form. I went to use them for the website I am making and they still can't be transferred so I am assuming that they are still in tif format.
I have an extensive photo collection, around 50k images, mostly 3-5MB JPGs and around 1k 10MB+ RAWs. I have once tried to start managing them in iPhoto and attempted to import it on an old MacBook Pro with 2GB RAM. It was about 2 yrs ago on an old version of iLife. The performance was very bad - everything was extremely slow and I abandoned an idea at that time. Now I have MacPro with fast HDD and 10GB RAM and was wondering if I should try this again using iPhoto 09? Doe anyone manage that many images using iPhoto here? How is the experience?
For some reason, when I upload pictures onto my Mac from my camera, it makes duplicates of the photo, sometimes even 2 duplicates. This is very annoying as I have to go through my library deleting the duplicates. Is this a known problem?
I just upgraded to iPhoto 8 and noticed the contents of the library where not stored in the 'pictures' folder on the 'home' folder as it was on previous versions. However the iPhoto file (in the 'pictures' folder that is) increases in size when photos are added.
Are all your photos embedded in that file?
If not how do you back up your iPhoto library? AND how do you access photos individually outside of the iPhoto app?
I didn't find the folder hierarchy very intuitive in previous versions but at least it was all there in folders in the primary 'pictures' folder.
I need to invert (mirror) a bunch of scanned photos. I can easily do this using Preview but when I drag the edited photo back into iPhoto it changes back to the original photo. How can I keep the edited pic from changing back.
I've upgraded to iLife 09 and ran into a problem with some jpg pictures that all came from the same source.
When I double-click on certain photos (all landscape view) to enlarge them, they expand out, and then go black. If I click on the "Name" button it recognizes faces behind the black but I can't see anything.
I've rebuilt the library and repaired permissions. It doesn't help to reimport the pictures or to rotate them around.
I recently changed my hard drive in my macbook, I managed to download my photos on to the macbook but they don't show up in iphoto
I can see them if I go to pictures > iphoto library > originals, but not if I just open up iphoto
I have tried File > import to library, but all I get is a message saying "the following file cannot be imported.(The file is in the iphoto library folder)"
I take lots of pictures of mountains and often from more than one directions. I'm good at recognizing peaks, but it has become to large to remember them all. Do you guys know of a way to display a simple caption for each picture so that I know what I'm looking at? I thought this was a simple feature that ought to be include in the first version of iPhoto, but obviously I am wrong. Anyhow, i'm using version 6.0.6 on OSX 10.4 i.e. Tiger.
Is there a simple way for me to copy my photos in my Iphoto so that I can put them on my wife's macbook? I want to keep them on mine also but she is wanting them too. I could just download to her computer from the camera they were taken on but they would not be edited and I want her to have the edited version.
It's remarkably annoying...if I want to upload photos onto my flickr account, I have to move all my iPhoto pics into a picture folder first, and then upload it from there.
Is there any way I can just click upload and browse through and choose my photos straight from iPhoto?
I'm new on these forums so I don't really know how to navigate my way around. This is my first mac ever (macbook pro 13) and I've had it for several months.
In iPhoto 06, in the finder, if you went to the iphoto library folder, you could select the photos in the original or modified folders. I'm using iPhoto 08 on my iMac and I can't do that anymore. For example, when I'm in Photoshop/trying to upload a photo to a webpage and I want to open a photo thats in the iPhoto Libraries Original folder, it won't go any farther than the iPhoto Library, there's no arrow so I can't get to the different folders in the Library. When I click on show file in iPhoto, it will show this location, but other than that I can't get at it. I'm running the latest version, just checked to see if there were any updates and there wasn't. I've taken screen shots to try and explain. the second one is when I try to get at it through the finder and the first one is when I click on "Show File" on a photo in iPhoto.
Does anyone know if iPhoto can automatically create groups when, oh, say 13,000 photos have just been imported? I didn't use iPhoto 08. But I have 13000 photos, and I just imported them into iPhoto 09. Does anyone know if there's a way to batch split the photos into events based on the date taken?
then i thinked of a noob way to do it: in iphoto window, could I just drag all the events' photos i wanna keep to separate temp folders. then delete the iphoto library file alltogether, and then reimport all the backuped pictures again, will that work?
I recently discovered Bridge. Always had it, but never used it. I very much like that you can see all the information of a selected photo, and that you can sort photos on for example dimensions. It works faster than iPhoto too. The best thing though, is that you can make your own folder-structures.
That's the biggest disadvantage of iPhoto I think. Now I have hundreds (as a matter of speaking) events, which could be grouped to a a few dozens. For example: "Music" > "Concerts" > "Deep Purple" > "California Jam '74"
I know I can create (Smart) albums in iPhoto, but that merges everything into one. If I use my example again, if I would create an album "Music", there would be "California Jam '74" in it, but also an other concert from Deep Purple. And concerts of other bands. And other things related to music. And all of that merged into one huge 'event'.
Am I right or am I missing something?
But, iPhoto looks fantastic, the slideshows are superior, and those new Places and Faces are awesome. But that absence of a folder structure is killing me. If the events were just folder thumbnails...
I'm thinking, what if I do "don't import photos to iPhoto library", and make my own folder structures? That way I can use Bridge as it supposed to be, and if I want to show (off with) my photos I'll go to iPhoto and spend a minute finding the right event.
So I finally upgraded from iPhoto to Aperture and have imported all my photos to the Aperture library. My question is how do i delete my iPhoto library only? I have about 7 gigs worth of pictures that now take up 14 gigs on my hard drive because they are in both my iPhoto and Aperture libraries.
I just noticed this new the other day when I import pictures from my canon a650 camera iphoto opens up as usual opens the pictures on the camera but all the pictures are fuzzy, like the are slightly pixelated. Once downloaded they look fine. I have checked every preference setting I could and cant figure it out? I am using Iphoto 08 7.1.5
I'm trying to find my original photos that I think are stored somewhere in Iphoto. Whenever I go to my user in finder, then to pictures, I see the photo library option, but when I hope it, it takes me to the IPhoto application, and I still can't find my unmodified originals.
Just imported a few images, and I don't know where they are located on the computer. I would like to know where they are so I can drag them into my photo folder.
Also, my phone camera supports geo-tagging. I have a bunch of pictures I took with geotagging on, and it works fine on the phone. On iPhotos though, only a very little portion of these pictures appear in the "Places" section. If I find a picture in iPhoto and hit the info button and hit location, it doesn't show up on the map, even though it works just fine on my phone (C905). Why doesn't it work properly?
I am in need of a software that can resize my pictures, and do very light editing. Maybe adjusting contrast or color. Can I do this in iPhoto? I'm really trying to avoid paying 200 bucks for PhotoShop. If not in iPhoto, is there another program that comes with my mac, that I can use?
As far as i can make out, all the photos I see in iPhoto are copies of the original. But where are the original ones, then?
I usually connect my camera to the mac and the photos get copied form there, I know this much.
When I use Finder to try to locate a photo, it is iPhoto that opens it - I don't seem to have a choice. I might want to open the original photo in another program, for example.
I have iPhoto '08 or '09. On my PC I had Elements and using that I could print 4 pictures on one 8 1/2 X 11 sheet. I would start by choosing the pixs, editing them and sizing them to fit 1/4 of the sheet. Then I would create a blank white sheet, drag the 4 pixs over and position them on the blank sheet. I would then print that sheet. Can I do that using iPhoto?
I cannot select more than one photo because only one (very large) photo appears in the window where I normally select them. The slide bar (bottom right) is not the problem as it is set on the smallest photo size setting.
I can't import my photos from my iPhone using iPhoto. I used to plug in my iPhone and iPhoto would open up automatically and ask me if I wanted to import my photos, but now it won't do that anymore. So, I open it manually and sometimes my iPhone shows up in the program, but now it doesn't even show up anymore. It showed up yesterday but it said I had no photos on my iPhone, (which is wrong being I have over 300 ready to import).
I tried updating iPhoto but the only update is for iLife 09 and I don't have the money for it, (nor the want). I also looked in iPhoto's preferences and there wasn't anything relating to importing from devices.
My iPhone is recognized by iTunes, and I am able to Sync it, but iPhoto won't even acknowledge it currently.
Right now, I'm going to update my iPhone 3G to the current update and see if that helps iPhoto recognize it.